Betrayal Of Friendship

By 4th1razmn

215 22 0

Kim Ryu, 15 year old student who loves dancing and arts. She is a normal student and likes that she's not tha... More



7 1 0
By 4th1razmn

Days passed since the incident, students talked about for weeks. Some of them were even interviewed. But they never said anything because it was a personal matter. 

Boeun came to school after her suspension but on he first day, Mrs. Kwon expelled her for causing the ruckus. Was she happy? Of course not, she went livid and marched down the halls to find them. 

Thankfully, the guards were there and threw her out the school along with her stuff. Mr. Park came by the next day to sue the school but lawyers and policemen were already waiting for him. That day happened to be his trial day. 

Ryu still spent days in the hospital and they'd often come to visit when it was Junseo's turn to take care. Why only on those days? Well...

Ryo who was away for a long while was pissed at the matter and refused to see any of them until her sister was okay. Mr. and Mrs. Kim would lock the doors on their days so none of them could come in even for a peek. 

Hyunwoo on the other hand, kinda spooked them. He told them if they ever came to visit on his watch, he'd skin them alive then and there. Meanwhile, Junseo wasn't as happy but he decided to let them in because he knew it was what his sister would do. 

Ryu had always been the kind and happy type but she just wouldn't show it after the 'Nora incident'. She felt betrayed and decided to keep that happy, innocent and sweet side to people she could trust. 

Which was hard because she was really friendly and talkative. Years had past and Ryu was still the cold hearted girl she is today but even if someone did her wrong, she'd treat them like friends. 

Ryu was often left out from the other kids because she wasn't the type to gossip that much, she never really cared about looks or attire that shows a person or all the important stuff. She'd often just keep up with the things she liked such as music, dancing etc. 

Since her brother's were idols, that was her dream to be but her parents forbade her. She was still too young for the world and she often gets sick so it'd be risky for her to be an idol. 

Still, her brother's often took her to their practice rooms and introduce the members to her. She became quick friends all because of her bright personality that soon shows once she's comfortable. 

Sometimes, she'd get outta control and just cause chaos while you're asleep. Junseo smiled at every thought of his sister who was laying still on the bed. Tears falling from his eyes. 

" You said you'd stop coming in here but why are you still here, princess? You promised me you'd stay healthy and that we'll meet on stage together " 

He couldn't help himself and cried. The friends watched from the outside, they felt so guilty that they all left even before they could see her. 

They ran out the hospital to the park. Ryu loved the park especially when the sakura's blossomed. They were her fourth favourite flower after black roses. 

Ryu was a very interesting person because she was very diverse in interests. One moment, she would love cooking and learn for hours. 

The next day, she might be into flowers and would study about them for weeks. But her all time favourite was dancing. All because of her cool brother, Junseo who is the dancer of his team, Ryu fell in love with dancing. 

She'd spent every second, learning her brothers choreographies. Sometimes, she'd show them off while she visited the practice room and they'd be surprised. 

' Damn, when did you learn this? '

' While you were away from home. Why? Is it bad? '

' Ani, you seem great enough to come with us ' 

' Really?! '

Junseo ruffled her hair and she smiled. That was her goal to become the greatest dancer in the industry. Ryu's memory was also incredible, she could remember things and events from way back. 

Like her past birthdays, family events, school events and all. Not because they were all that memorable but if she seemed to find that day interesting which was all the time, it'd be glued to her for so long. 

It was sometimes creepy but she learned some lessons from those memories too. Like trust and honesty. Friendship and kindness. All those were learnt after every event she went through which built her into a very mature but also a little playful person. 

To all the people who've known Ryu, she's either the best thing or the worst thing in their lives. Ryu isn't much easy to come close with due to her judging like personality and her harsh and blunt words. 

Ryu was also a little dense. She often spoke without thinking and hurt the other person or say things that she didn't mean unlike what she thought. The family always wondered if she had a problem but they concluded it as her being talkative. 

Ryu didn't mind it though. At least she could tell the truth even if her classmates or others hating her for tattle tailing on them. She didn't mean it but she just couldn't keep something to herself. 

Growing up, Ryu was often mistaken and left behind. That's where her friends come in. They too were surprised and hurt at times by her words and actions but knew she was a kind person whenever she helped someone. 

Ryu loved animals and hated even if her loved ones harmed animals. Like this one time when her parents kicked out the neighbourhood cat that they always fed with water, Ryu didn't talk or wasn't happy with her parents for a while. 

Ryu was also a people pleaser and couldn't really say no to helping people like always. Unless she had other things to do or hated that person, she'd help none the less. 

People loved that about her but she grew out of it and dealt with the damage quite well. Ryu wasn't academically smart but visual and imaginative wise, she was proud of herself. 

She loved reading fairytale books, comics and just reading in general. She also loved writing, creating, designing, drawing etc. She had so many interests in the same fields that in the end, she had a hard time picking what she should take for her future courses in college. 

Smiling at the image of their friend who was barely holding on in their heads, they cried again. It was the hardest times of their school days. They just wished for this all to be a dream. 

Days turned to weeks which gradually added to months, Ryu was still sleeping and the doctors couldn't predict when she'd wake up. 

" We ran all necessary tests and checked up on her properly just like you asked but we still aren't sure why she isn't waking up "

Dr. Kang explained to the family, they were all devastated. The four eavesdropped from the outside, not before they were caught by Mrs. Kwon. 

" What do you think you four are doing? Listening in on a private matter is privacy validation and a crime " 

She surprised them, they turned to her with tears. Eunbi examined her students, they looked all messed up. Not that meant they smelt bad or was weird looking but their old personalities were gone. 

Leeseo went from bright and cheery to gloomy and quiet. Minhyung was often tough and goofy but now he was grumpy and liked to cause trouble. Yooin was quiet and nice but she went livid on the slightest things. Yejun, he just was as messed up as the rest. 

Later the Kim family walked out the room, not that they were surprised to see the four there. All of them looked away but Junseo who gave them a short wave. 

The rest of the family walked off when Junseo walked up to them. He took a good look at each of them and sighed. There was something off about him that day. 

" Mind if I take you out for lunch? Mrs. Kwon, you should come too " 

They were all perplexed but agreed. They went to a nice cafe opposite the hospital. After ordering everything, Junseo broke the news to them. 

" From this day on, I will like to advice you all to stop visiting my sister. After she has gain consciousness, we'll move away and only me and Hyunwoo will live here. That's what my parents have decided " 

Mrs. Kwon completely understood because they already discussed about moving and transfer papers days ago so she took it well. The others, not so much. 

They were quiet and didn't touch their food. They just looked down on the floor before getting up one by one and ran off. Junseo sighed and apologised for what he said to which Mrs. Kwon reply left him confused. 

" I'm sorry about them, I'll take good care of them in Ryu's deed but I do have something to ask if you don't mind " 

" Yes, what is it? " 

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