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Weeks past

Ryu was discharged from the hospital and was taking therapy lessons to get over trauma and betrayal.

She told the doctor some stuff. She didn't fully trust the therapist because she thought that even if people promise not to tell, they can't help it.

So day by day, she'd tell half a story and half the next day and half on the following days.

Gradually, they were able to diagnose her with anxiety, depression and post trauma like the arcade incident and the pool incident.

Thankfully, the doctors concluded that Ryu will be able to go to these places but it's better if no one mentions the events.

" I think it's best if she still goes to such places to overcome it. Or else it wll be a fear. But don't force her, otherwise, it might worsen her condition. Also best if you never speak of said events to her or let her be reminded of it "

Her parents understood and forbade their children, relatives and all friends to not say a word.

Before they left, the doctor also told them that their daughter has 'Deja Vu' which is where she dreams of something then it happens either the next day or nearby future.

They weren't sure if it was dangerous but they told the parents to take time in helping her get better.

" Yes, doctor. Thank you for the explanation "

" My pleasure "

The doctor turned to Ryu and smiled at the 14 year old.

" Ryu-ah, you may not trust me but I'll help as much as I can. Is that fine? "

The girl nodded and took out her hand to shake the doctor. The doctor chuckled and shook hands.

A month later

Ryu hadn't been in school for months and she really missed Yooin. After the incident, they didn't speak with each other anymore.

She once told her therapist that there might be a chance where she'll be alone because Yooin will betray her too.

The doctor couldn't really say much but reassured her that if she needed anyone to talk to, she was there.

" Guess she might but I'd understand "

The bell rang which meant homeroom. She walked to the teacher's lounge and met with the class teacher.

" Ms. Sakura, I'm here. You wanted to see me? "

The girl looked for the teacher. Ms. Sakura waved from her table. Ryu walked towards the teacher and they left to the classroom.

Upon arrival, Ryu stopped walking and felt scared to enter the class. Ms. Sakura noticed and asked if she wanted to stay at the lounge.

Ryu was quiet but refused and entered the class slowly. She stood beside the teacher.

" Good morning, class "

" Good morning, Ms. Sakura! "

" Is everyone well today? "

" Yes! "

" Good. Oh and before I forget, look who came back! "

The teacher exclaimed and the other students turned to look at Ryu. The girl froze on her spot and couldn't speak.

Ms. Sakura noticed and told her to take her seat. Ryu walked in heavy steps as her classmates watched her.

After getting to her seat, they started roll call. Ryu turned around to find Yooin but couldn't find her anywhere.

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