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Yejun sighed and held her hand close as she laid in her bed. Ryu had passed out and was now in a coma. He hadn't eaten or gotten anywhere since she was brought back here.

His father just watched the two from a far before going up to his son. He placed his hands on the boy's shoulder. 

" I think it's best if you go home now. You shouldn't be here " 

" But father, I- " 

" I get what you want to do, Yejun. But this happened and you are involved. Even if she might wake up, chances are she'll be reminded of the events if she sees you " 

" I...I understand, father " 

" I know you want what's best for her, son but I think she needs more time to take it all in. She might wake up and remember you guys but have a change of heart. Or she might wake up and actually not remember you because of the past " 

His father explained, Yejun just looked at his father's face. Ryu could actually forget us forever? She can't. We all promised to remember each other even if we are separated.

She even waited for us when we studied abroad and left her alone. After all the sacrifices she did for them, they betrayed her in thoughts of protecting her. 

Yejun smiled sadly at his father and left to go home. The man just stood over the girl and bowed. He gave her a soft smiled and apologised. 

" On behalf of my son and the others, I apologise for all the events that happened because of them towards you. My son is a good boy, you know that right. He only did what he thought was right but ended up hurting you. I know if that you were still awake, you would come up to me and ask me not to punish him so I will do as you say but I beg you to wake up so that you can hear their side of the events " 

He bowed again before walking away and left the room. As soon as they left, tears fell out of her eyes as she heard their voices. She wanted to get up and tell them all that she feels inside but her body was frozen. 

Minutes later, Hyewon walked in to check up on her. She stared at the girl's face and noticed her cheeks were stained with tears. She could only give a sad smiled and held the girl's hand. 

" Ryu-ya, I know you can hear me. If you know what you have to do now, please wake up and do it! Your friends are miserable without you " 

She whispered and then left the room. Again, tears fell from her eyes as she fought herself to wake up and live. 

Days passed

Yejun went back to school in his usual self. People knew about it all but they didn't blame them. Some of the students did start to hate them but not everyone. 

Mostly those who hated them were associated with Boeun so most of the school popularity still liked them but kept their stances. 

Yejun walked into the classroom and was greeted by his friends. They heard the news and Mrs. Kwon came clean about the issue. 

They were still forbidden to meet her but Yejun often asked Dr. Kang to read her letters that they sent her. Minhyung sighed and hit the table.

" Why did we agree to do this stupid shit in the first place? " 

" If it weren't for that brat, Ryu wouldn't be like this " 

" Yeah, it's all Boeun's doing " 

Minhyung and Yooin fought over. The other two just stayed quiet, they didn't agree that much. More over, they're the ones to blame too. 

When they were little, they swore to each other that they'd be friends forever. Even after being introduced to Yooin, the 4 were still inseparable. 

The bickering was getting out of hand and Yejun was started to get annoyed.

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