More Than Friends - A Hayes G...

By kikkicat

29.2K 405 37

Sophie has been best friends with Hayes Grier since they were in kindergarten. They know everything about eac... More

Chapter 1 - Missing the boy
Chapter 2 - School's out
Chapter 3 - Surprise
Chapter 4 - First day of summer
Chapter 5 - Boys, boys and more boys
Chapter 6 - Baby sitting and slow dancing
Chapter 7 - Just like old times
Chapter 8 - Different sides
Chapter 9 - The lake party
Chapter 10 - Back to school
Chapter 11 - 2,4,6,8
Chapter 12 - New arrival
Chapter 13 - Over again
Chapter 14 - Fishing
Chapter 15 - Realisation
Chapter 16 - Football Game
Chapter 17 - The date
Chapter 18 - Jealous
Chapter 19 - Am I ready to move on?
Chapter 20 - Boyfriend, girlfriend
Chapter 21 - The day keeps getting better
Chapter 22 - Something fishy
Chapter 23 - Greensboro part 1
Chapter 24 - Greensboro part 2
Chapter 25 - Greensboro part 3
Chapter 26 - Cheer showcase
Chapter 27 - Revealed
Chapter 28 - Revelations
Chapter 30 - Losing everything
Chapter 31 - Moving on
Chapter 32 - Don't talk to me again
Chapter 33 - Old friends
Chapter 34 - Everything is changing
Chapter 35 - Rumour has it
Chapter 36 - Twist in the story
Chapter 37 - Chicken
Chapter 38 - Deja Vu
Chapter 39 - Noah and Kyle
Chapter 40 - Halloween
Chapter 41 - Just how fast the night changes
Chapter 42 - Apologies
Chapter 43 - Competition part 1
Chapter 44 - Competition part 2
Chapter 45 - The honest truth
Chapter 46 - Nash's surprise
Chapter 47 - Missing you more than ever
Chapter 48 - Not exactly waking up in Vegas
Chapter 49 - Almost there
Chapter 50 - Just my luck
Chapter 51 - Boca Raton, Florida
Chapter 52 - So close, yet so far
Chapter 53 - The wait is finally over
Chapter 54 - Happy Ending

Chapter 29 - The break up

456 7 2
By kikkicat

I feel my legs shaking as I walk into school the next day. Kaitlyn and Alyssa are nowhere to be seen so I pace to y locker alone, avoiding meeting eyes with anyone. Hiding behind the door of my red locker, I shove my books in a take out a textbook. I check myself out in the mirror inside and, when I have decided I look okay, I head for my homeroom. When my teacher walks in and the bell has rung I get up and get permission to "go to the bathroom". I leave the room and go on the hunt for Tanner. Strutting down the hallway, I check inside each classroom until I find Tanner's room. I walk in and grab his attention. He grins when he sees me and I ask his homeroom teacher if I can borrow him for a minute.

Outside the classroom I break the news.

"Tanner, I need to tell you some..." Before I can finish he pulls me into him and leans in for a make out session.

"No!" I gasp and push off him.

"Don't be a bitch Sophie." He says and I frown at him. When did he get so... horrible?

"Tanner, look, I don't know how to put this but... I want to break up." I say bluntly.

"What?" He says, his mouth a curl of disgust. "Sophie, you have to be joking. I mean, look at me... at us."

"Tanner, I can't anymore. I don't think I really liked you in the first place to be honest." I start to walk, hoping my point got across but I feel a strong hand gripping my wrist.

"Don't." He says firmly. Suddenly I feel a wash of anxiousness sweep over me. I've never felt this way before. I breath heavier than before and see Tanner' face drop.

"Leave me ALONE!" I raise my voice ad pull away before storming back to my classroom. I slouch in my desk until Kaitlyn asks me what's wrong.

"I broke up with tanner. He didn't get the hint though." I groan. Then I remember what I needed to ask her.

"Kaitlyn, I think..." I breathe and force the words out. "I think Megan and tanner are... cheating on Hayes and I." Thinking she will be accepting I smile but I see her face drop like Tanner's did.

"Sophie, that's a harsh accusation."

"Kaitlyn, I know it's true." But before I can finish she scowls and turns.

"You are meant to be friends. Not accusing her of things that aren't true." I frown and turn back, feeling the tears in my eyes and rest my head in my hands.


When I arrive in the canteen to sit with my friends, everyone is giving me dirty looks. I try to ask a girl in my math class what is wrong but she shrugs me off and mentions something about "spreading rumours". I scowl at her head then continue to my friends. I see my seat is free but as I go over, one of Megan's friends, Christy Morris, quickly perches in the seat and throws me a horrible look.

"Guys where can I sit?" I ask quietly.

"Um there isn't a free seat, Sophie." Noah says awkwardly, like his words are forced. Even Alyssa, sweet, kind Alyssa is avoiding my glances.

When I realise I am not getting a seat I look around for somewhere to sit. I throw a look over my shoulder to make them feel bad then spot Molly with a couple of her friends.

"is this seat free?" I ask shyly.

"Um, yeah little sis. What's up?" Molly says and scooches over. I sit down and tell her everything, my voice cracking. Her friends, though I don't know them, comfort me and I look over at my "friends" to see they are obviously bitching about me. I try to hold my tears but a single one rolls down my cheek. I try to finish my food but can't so I leave the table, thanking Molly and her friends, then head out to the toilets. As I hurry away from the room, I crash into somebody coming from the other direction and stumble.

"Ugh, what the... oh Sophie." I hear a boy's voice and look up to see Nash brushing himself off.

"Sorry Nash..." I try to talk but instead I burst into tears.

"Hey what's up?" he asks worriedly and hugs me. I tell him about the whole Megan, Tanner, me and Hayes situation, alongside my friends, especially Kaitlyn who has spread what I said around the whole grade.

"Oh my god. Is it really true Sophie?" Nash asks and I promise him it is. His blue eyes widen and I look down, letting my tears fall. I have no clue what to do.

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