Hollywood's Bleeding - Post M...

By Pepepolly

4.3K 281 12

She wakes with an echoed thud coming from downstairs. At first, she feels relief, Jim has come to his senses... More

Shady Deals
New Beginning
New Start
Keep Her Safe
I Want you
Goodbyes Are Hard
Opening Act
Pretty Girls
Glory Hole
Dancing Queen
The Stripper
Who I Am
He Is Amazing
Hand & Knees
Not Real
A Little Bit Of My Heart
A Lesson
Losing You
You Might Think...
Why I Love You
A Pearl
Oh, Hello

My Home

105 8 0
By Pepepolly

It's always hard to say goodbye to her parents but this time feels a little easier, only because Ophelia feels they got so much joy out of their visit and promise to visit now more often with the prospect of their future visits being more welcoming. Her parents are off to meet friends who are waiting to celebrate her father's Bigfoot sighting and so he hugs her with a proud smile. She could not be more thankful to Austin for helping to keep that twinkle in her father's eye alive. She fusses over them while Austin stands back and does not moan at her to hurry up, he waits patiently until she is ready to part with them and then gently leads her away while she sniffles, stopping to buy her a travel mug with Bigfoot on it at a tourist shop in the little town nearby their campsite to soothe her sad little heart, she buys him Bigfoot slippers to soothe his sad little heart at having lost his Sunshine to Moonbeam yet again.

"Right, baby, directions!" he declares as they climb back into the camper. Ophelia looks at him, confused. 

"The spa?"

"Oh? You would really go to a spa with me?"

"I would go anywhere with you."

"Well, I forgot...I just said that because I was on a power tip. There is no spa. I am sorry."

"You let the power get to your head, huh? Where are we anyway?"

"Just outside Utah."

"Well, I know a place...if you are willing to follow me without any questions."

"I'll follow you blindly."

Austin laughs and then checks his phone for a map. "Ok, it's a five-hour trip. Think you can muster up the courage to venture into the unknown with me, baby?" he says starting the camper.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not fucking one!" he laughs and pulls the camper forward, stalling it. "Oops, still trying to master that. Ok, second time - let's go," he laughs and starts the camper again, taking off with a slightly smoother jerk.

An hour into the trip Ophelia gets a message from her lawyer that Jim is raging and is demanding everything but that the prenup her father had helped set up is iron clad and she has the choice of giving him nothing, but Jim is threatening to go to the media with lies about her so the lawyer suggests she give him something but the catch is that he signs an NDA. After Austin swears to kill him in a dark alley he agrees that is probably a good idea. She does too, Jim's lies would be vindictive and nasty. She offers only the things in the drawers but notes she does not have a key and claims to not know what's in there, so she offers him one of her cars, but she gets to pick which one.

"What?! A car? That's bullshit,"  Austin grumbles. Ophelia giggles and shakes her head. "Joe came to me with an old beat-up milk van. I bought him a Farrie a few birthdays ago and because I am sentimental I took over his old milk van. I don't know if it works though," she says. Austin laughs, "you sneaky little minx. I love it! Remind me not to get on the bad side of you, baby," he says. "You couldn't even if you tried," she says leaning over to kiss his cheek. She sits back in her chair and watches the countryside whizz past, she had a busy night last night and is not surprised when she feels her eyes grow heavy and then falls asleep.

"There once was a beautiful movie star that fell asleep on a long-ass road trip and left the worlds sexiest rockstar to entertain himself. He nearly crashed the camper twice, but she slept right through. Her hair is cut in a shaggy brown bob, and her long eyelashes sweep her cheeks and hide her beautiful big brown eyes. Her lips, full and plump look best when wrapped around my cock. Her nipples taste like beer and her heaven, all shaven and...shit, sings to me - sweet songs of secrets and promises."

Ophelia giggles and opens her eyes looking at Austin who is leaning over her. "Poetry is not your forte. Stick to songwriting and making love," she says. "I would have you know that poem was spoken impromptu. Sit up, baby, we are here and you will want to see this drive - it's a beauty," Austin says sitting back. Ophelia sits up and looks around. They're at the bottom of a bushy mountain. The road ahead is narrow with a 'Private Property sign sticking up bright and bold above the bushes. "Where are we?" she asks. "Utah. Just outside Salt Lake City," he says. "Oh, we are far from home," she says. "We are closer than you think," he says then leans over and kisses her, his breath a little shaky. He is nervous. Then he leans back and moves the camper forward. Ophelia watches as they roll into the bush, she looks out over the country as they climb, the lights of Salt Lake City reaching far and wide soon below them in the dim light of the late afternoon. Austin keeps climbing and soon he turns into an even more narrow road, with more bushes and trees that arch and form a canopy over the road. Then a house appears. All the lights are on, yellow, warm, and inviting. it makes the house look inviting and safe. Austin stops near the front door and sighs - he sighs like he is home, like the house brings him peace. Where are they? Austin jumps out then walks around and opens Ophelia's door, takes her hand, and leads her to the front door.

"This...this is my home."

"You don't live in LA?"

"I have a house there...but this is my home. I hang onto it tightly, it's all me in there, baby,  and I don't like the vulnerability of opening myself up so personally to the world. I share everything, but this little piece of myself I keep just for myself and those I trust and love...this is my home, my real home, me,"

"And you brought me here?"


He unlocks the front door and pushes it open then stands back to let Ophelia walk in. She takes a breath and steps inside. The house is warm and wraps around her making her feel a little giddy. The furniture is big and inviting, warm wood accents make it feel more like a cabin than a huge house. Stacks of music sheets are lying in piles, and guitars and guitar picks litter almost every surface. Half-burnt candles with their wax dripping down suggest long nights of a private moments between Austin and himself. There's a wall of pictures, Austin, and famous people from movie stars to singers to presidents from around the world. Dotted in between are photos of his younger self with Oliver or Rod, there is one of Diamond and another of a beautiful woman with a playful smile. He points to her picture. "That's Rosie...and those," he points to an older, but a lovely-looking couple, "are my parents...and that? That's Red," he says pointing to a strikingly handsome young man. He looks just like Austin, only his eyes are green but his smile is just as warm and inviting. Ophelia turns and looks at Austin who is standing, rubbing the back of his neck with a shy smile on his face. "So this is me...this is my life," he says. "Is that a bear behind you?" Ophelia says pointing to a bear that is standing on his back legs, its head almost touching the ceiling. Austin lets out a little laugh and nods. "that's Emmott, It's stupid, and maybe a little weird, but he is cool - he looks after the place when I am not here," he says. "Your home is lovely, sweetheart.  Thank you for bringing me here...I feel like you have given me something rare and I will cherish it," she says wrapping her arms around his waist and placing her head on his chest. "I feel like I want to stay here forever, like the rest of the world no longer exists," she whispers. "I know the feeling, baby," he says softly and kisses the top of her head.

There is a knock on the door and Austin steps away to open it. Ophelia finds herself feeling a little annoyed that someone infringed on their space, rolling her eyes at herself. When Austin opens the door she sees that it's Leon. Leon holds up a set of keys for Austin's Rolls and gives him an annoyed look. "We could have done this exchange five hours down the road, fucker," he says. Austin laughs and takes the keys throwing his arms around Leon who pushes him off with fake annoyance. "You deserved a little holiday, Lee - always so serious," Austin says. "With the amount of shit you send my way, I have no fucking choice. Hello there Miss Ophelia Monroe, you are always a refreshing sight," he says with a sweet smile. Ophelia giggles and waves a small smile at him. "You have been working out I see...nice muscles," she says sweetly. She only does it to work Austin up - it works. He looks between Leon and Ophelia with a disgusted face. "Enough of that bullshit. Get away from my house before I fire you," Austin says and puts his arm around Ophelia and pulling her closer to his body.

"If only I would be so lucky. Last time I tried to quit to start my own business you tripled my salary and threatened to steal my sister."

"I did steal your sister."

"Nice scar on your cheekbone, you'll have another one if you mention my sister again."

Ophelia needs to ask about that later, right now her focus is on Joe who is walking slowly to the front door with a lazy smile on his lips. "Hello there Miss Monroe," he says. "Hello, Bigfoot," she says with a smile. Joe raises one eyebrow at her. "I am sure I have no idea what you mean," he says, still smiling. Ophelia pulls away from Austin and wraps her arms around Joe, hugging him tightly. He does not hug her back, far too professional for that. "Thank you, Joe, you have made my dad so happy and that makes me so happy," she says softly. "All I want in this world is to see you happy, Miss Monroe," he says just as softly. "Um, baby?" Austin says, also softly, and Ophelia breaks away from Joe and looks over at Austin. Austin and Leon share a side glance, and then Austin puts out his hand for her to take. He draws her to his body and looks at Joe with a slightly sad face. "Go back inside, it's cold out here. I will help the boys unpack the camper before they take it. You can go anywhere you like in the house - nothing is off limits," he says then kisses her forehead. She smiles at them and then says goodbye to Joe and Leon, and then goes inside. She wanders around the house and falls in love with each inviting room - Austin has made his home soft, warm, and comfortable. It's big, but it does not feel like an echoing canyon. He is reflected in every room, it's perfect. When she gets back home she is going to either sell her home or get every room made over to reflect her bedroom.

She wanders into Austin's bedroom and then runs a bath in his huge bathtub that looks more like a mini pool than a tub. It takes forever but by the time it is ready, Austin is still not back so she peels off her clothes and climbs into the tub on her own. He will join her when he comes in she is sure. When the bathroom door opens thirty minutes later she sits up and watches as Austin smiles at her and then strips and climbs into the bath, facing her. "I walked your whole house, every room. It's beautiful, I feel like I know you so much more now. I can see why you keep it private," she says. Austin watches her for a beat with a small smile on his lips and then cocks his head. "How long has Joe been in love with you?" He asks. Ophelia's mouth drops open, what an absurd question. "Joe is not in love with me. Besides, he has a girlfriend," she says quickly.

"He does? When was the last time he spoke of her?"

"The day before I met you. He asked if I wanted him to stay in the poolhouse so I would not be alone and that he could bring his girlfriend with him...oh...no, wait, I suggested he bring his girlfriend."

"You ever met his girlfriend?"

"Yes. She is lovely, so kind and sweet, beautiful too."

"When did you meet her?"

"Just after he started working for me. I invited them both for dinner."

"Ever seen her since?"

Ophelia thinks back to her last five years with Joe, but she can't ever recall meeting her again and she had always invited her through Joe to many celebrations - she never came. Ophelia shakes her head, she feels horrible. Has Joe been in love with her this whole time? His hatred for Jim makes a lot more sense.

"He is in love with you."

"What do I do?"

Austin shrugs. "Baby, you are not responsible for anyone else story. Just your own. What do you want to do?" he asks.

"I don't want to hurt him. But...I don't love him...not like that...not like you."

"Baby, with your beauty and with your kind wonderful soul...and fuckable ass. You will have many people falling in love with you. You will have no control over it - you can be a bitch about it and tell them to fuck off or even fuck around with them for your own amusement, or you can be kind and let them down gently. Some will need a conversation and some, like Joe, will find their own way and move on when they are ready. But don't be scared of love...a wise boy once told me that you can't help who you fall in love with, it just happens and you should not be scared of it."

Ophelia moves closer to Austin, a flood of worry rushing over her. What if he thinks she is a bad person? What if he thinks she leads Joe on and is now just playing with him and Austin? She climbs onto his lap and straddles him, relieved when he does not push her off.

"I have never led him on, I promise, Please don't think that."

"I don't think that."

"And I am not playing games with you. We may be in a PR thing - but I would not lie about my feelings."

"I know, baby, I know."

"Oh, I feel just awful. I feel terrible that Joe feels like that, but I can't reciprocate his feelings. I am a bad person."

"You are not a bad person. Fuck, you couldn't be a bad person even if you tried."

"But what do I do? I don't want to hurt him."

"There is nothing to do, baby. Joe has made his decision and you need to respect that. You are not his person...at least not right now, maybe when the time is right your feelings for him will change, if not then his will when the right person comes along."

"Do you think he will be ok?"

Austin lights a cigarette and then nods as he takes a drag. "Yes, I do," he says with smoke tumbling out of his mouth as he talks. "Sometimes I think it is worse to love a person than to hate a person. Like Jim for example. I hate him and it's easy not to see him or even think about him. But when you love a person there's this fear of always losing them...to someone else or to death, or even just to life. You are desperate to hold onto them," Ophelia says watching Austin take another drag.

"Nothing is forever, baby."

"But what if forever is only for right now?"

"Then live in the right now and don't think about the forever."

Ophelia giggles and shakes her head as she smiles down at Austin. "You should write a book about smart things to say to women," she says. Austin laughs and then takes another drag of his smoke. "Red wrote the book, I just recite it," he says. "Don't be mad, but I am going to say something that I think you might not like," she says. Austin gives her a pointed look, but then gives her a sharp nod to proceed. "I don't know anything about Red and so I can't comment on the man he was. But I do know you...and although I know you hold your brother in high regard you are very much your own person. I feel the way I do today because of you and only you. You chose to be kind and tender to me, you really had nothing to gain from it. I gave you an out, I told you that I would still support you in your trial and that you did not have to do anything for me - but you stayed anyway and did more than I asked for. Nobody would have done that. I know you act all big and tough...but I also know your heart will break when you let me go, but you will do it anyway. And that, Austin, is why I love you, that is why everyone around you loves you because you are you and no one else. Red may have given you the pen, but you wrote the book...sweet man."

"Well, fuck me, baby, you really know how to hit a man in his feels. Shit."

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