Lost And Found

By Gemmagengen

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A young woman lost in L.A. coincidentally ends up in Blake Griffin's home. More

Part 1 (Lost)
Part 2 (Stranger's Home)
Part 3 (Change)
Part 4 (Finding You)
Part 5 (First Date)
Part 6 (Finding out)
Part 7 (Back Home)
Part 8 (Alaska)
Part 9 (Reveal Gender Party)
Part 10 (Talk Dirty)
Part 11 (Secretly Wanting You)
Part 12 (Threats)
Part 13 (Jealousy Strikes)
Part 14 (Telling The Truth)
Part 15 (A Way Out)
Part 16 (Paying The Debt)
Part 17 (It's Gonna Be A Hard Journey) (FULL CHAPTER)
Part 18 (Coming Clean)
Part 19 (Family Only)
Part 21 (Big Scare)
Part 22 (Coming Home)
Part 23 (Check Up)
Part 24 (Spark Ignites)
Part 25 (Just One Photo)
Part 26 (Self-portrait)
Part 27 (9 Months)
Part 28 (18 Hours)

Part 20 (I'm Sorry)

412 37 9
By Gemmagengen

Blake's P.O.V.

"Freya." I call as she walks out. "Freya!" I follow her. "Where are you going?"

"I already told you."

"Don't go, let's talk about this."

"Fine, we can talk. But I'm not staying here with them. I feel unwanted and your brother was kind of rude. We can talk tomorrow."

"All right, call me." She doesn't respond. She just gets in the car with Diana and leaves... I start walking backwards watching her leave and when I turn around to go inside I see my mom at the door.


"What was that? Why did you follow her?"

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure she was okay. She's my friend."

"Friends don't run after other friends asking them to stay and talk about things."

"You heard that?"

"I'm your mom, I hear everything."

"Right." I look down.

"Tell me you didn't fall for this girl." I look up at her but don't respond. She noticed right away. "Oh, Blake Griffin! That woman is married and pregnant!" She scolded.

"I know, mom. But she's getting divorced."

"And what? You plan on marrying her? You plan on raising another man's child?"

"No... I plan on raising my child."


"The baby's mine, mom."

"Oh my, are you sure? She's not tricking you?"

"No... She actually wasn't gonna tell me. I found out cause I found her in a store."

"What is wrong with you?"

"I know, okay? I was stupid for not using protection."

"No! Why the hell didn't you tell us?!"


"Blake Austin Griffin, you bring that girl back here, right now! I need to apologize and scold you in front of her! God! She must have felt horrible!"

"You heard her, she doesn't want to be here."

"Because we treated her like a stranger, when we should've treated her as the mother of your child!"

"What did Taylor say to her?"

"Oh God, he was rude. He asked her if her husband had no problem with her staying at another man's house... Go get her."

"I'll bring her tomorrow. I'm gonna give her time to be pissed at me."

At dinner I come clean to my family and tell them about Freya. Not that she was a secret, cause she really wasn't. I really did forget, with playoffs and Marc all over her, I just forgot.

Next day I go to Diana's Bakery since Freya never called last night.

"She's not here." Diana says as soon as I walk in.

"Yeah, I thought so. I really want to talk to her."

"Look, she's my best friend. She got rid of a prick, but it wasn't to get another one."

"I know, I made a mistake. But should I be punished for it forever?"

"Hell, if you don't tell your parents I'm having your kid, I sure as hell would hold it against you till the day you die."

"Is she as stubborn as you are?"


"Great! I'm never gonna get to see my daughter now."

"Dude, she's hormonal and horny all the time. You won't have a better chance than now... I'll text you my address."

"Yes! Thank you! How do I kiss her ass?"

"Well first you better have a damn good apology and some roses wouldn't hurt."

"Great, thanks." I start walking away.

"Oh and if that doesn't work, she loves painting."

"I'm sorry, she likes paints?"

"Painting... Like in a canvas?" She just gave me an idea.

"Good to know."


Freya's P.O.V.

I was enjoying by myself a bowl of chocolate ice-cream when all of a sudden someone starts knocking on the door.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming!" I open the door.

"Delivery for Diana Dawson."

"Oh, wow. Okay." He walks in and starts placing two bouquets on the kitchen bar. "They're all for her?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Jesus. Okay, just put them on the floor I'll figure something out." He finished up and leaves... "Jesus, Diana. Who'd you get involved with?"

"They're not for Diana." A familiar voice says as I'm about to close the door...

"Blake... You did this?"

"Yeah, can I come in?" I get out of his way an let him in. "Do you like them?"

"Yes, they're beautiful... Thank you."

"There're a hundred in each bouquet."

"There are ten bouquets... You bought a thousand roses?"

"Half of them are because I love you, and the other half to apologize... I am sorry I didn't tell them."

"You only love me half?"

"I love you more than a thousand roses."

"So you think that by buying me a thousand roses I'm going to forgive you? You're way in over your head, pal. How could you not tell your family you're having another baby?!! Does she mean nothing to you?"

"Of course she does! She's my daughter!"

"Doesn't look like it! You're parading around like you only have one child and this one doesn't matter!"

"God! I'm sorry, okay?! I was focusing on getting you and the baby safe!! Forgive me for worrying about you and forgot to tell my parents! And who are you to talk about coming clean?! You weren't even gonna tell me I got you pregnant! I found out what? Two or three months after?! And because I randomly saw you, not because you came to me!!" He lushes his anger at me and I quickly kiss him... "You're so confusing! What was that?"

"You needed that."

"A kiss?"

"No... You never got to express your anger towards me."

"Yes I did. I talked with DJ about it."

"But not me, not who you were really mad at."

"I'm sorry I yelled."

"Don't be. You feel better don't you? Like a relief, saying it to my face?"

"Yeah." He admits... "Wait, so... are you mad or not?"

"About now? No... You have every right to be mad at me. I don't blame you. To be honest, I'm kind of glad you blew up... I am mad about your parents, though. But I understand you were just focused on getting us out of that hell hole. Look, I know you're ashamed of me-"

"Ashamed? Why would the hell would I be ashamed of you?"

"Well for starters I'm still married, and I don't work, so..."

"I don't care about any of that. And neither will they... Come to dinner tonight. Meet my family, I want them to meet our daughter too."

"Can I ask you something first?"


"Did you sleep with your ex last night?"

"What? No, why?"

"She said you always slept with her to get over a loss."

I scoff and shake my head. "Look, I'm sorry she was there. For some reason my mom thinks we're trying to make it work."

"Are you?"

"Of course not, I don't even love her."

"Is she gonna be there tonight?"


"Okay, I'll go."

"Thank you!" He kisses me over and over again. "Okay, I gotta go take care of something but I'll pick you up tonight."

"Okay." He kisses me again as we walk to the door.

"I'll see you tonight."

"Yes." Again a kiss. "Go."

"Alright, just one more kiss." I kiss him and he finally leaves.

I go to the roses and wonder what the hell I'm gonna do with them... But I appreciate them none the less. After a few minutes I hear knocking on the door again. I smile knowing Blake was gonna be on the other side.

"Blake, I said I was going." My smile fades as soon as I open the door and freeze... "Marc..."


So how the hell did Marc get out? Will he try to finish his plan of taking Freya and the baby far away?

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