Web of Lovers

By BeyonderSpiderman

22K 357 28

After a fatal battle with The Green Goblin, Peter Parker's life turns on its head. Harem story, mixed with Am... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

211 4 0
By BeyonderSpiderman

There was only one thing the Star-Spangled Avenger, Captain America, could think as deadly, green energy blasts came hurling at him: thank God for Vibranium. Madame Hydra bombarded the SHIELD agents with dozens of more blasts, pinning them down behind a heap of rubble. The newly "appointed" leader of HYDRA laughed manically, firing bolts of energy into the air. Coulson peered over the rubble at the unstable villainess, "Yep, she's lost it."

"We need to get that crown away from her before she gets any worse," said Captain America. He turned to Yo-Yo, "We'll distract her for as long as we can. Once you see an opening, go for the crown." With that, Captain America leapt over the pile of rubble and charged Madame Hydra. The super soldier dodged and flipped away from the energy attacks fired at him. Bucky, brandishing his energy rifle, followed suit, running around Madame Hydra to find a blind spot. Captain America flung his shield at Madame Hydra, only for her to swat it away. Bucky took his chance and fired a flurry of particle blasts at the distracted Madame Hydra. Each one hit. Each one was shrugged off by the cackling villainess.

"You'll have to do better than that Barnes," Madame Hydra chided, firing a beam of energy at the Winter Soldier. Cap rushed over to Bucky, knocking his friend out of the way of the blast. Maria and Coulson rose from their spots behind the rubble and opened fire on Madame Hydra. They emptied their clips on the crazed head of HYDRA. Each bullet ricocheted off of her skin like they were made of rubber. With a smirk and a flick of her wrist, the guns flew out of their hands. Madame Hydra snapped her fingers, reducing the weapons to dust.

Madame Hydra raised her hands to deliver a devestating energy blast to the defenseless SHIELD agents but her attention was shifted to something much more annoying. Something like a boulder being chucked at her head. Madame Hydra's crazed eyes shot over to Dum Dum Dugan who was preparing to throw another slab of rock at her. She fired blasts at the running LMD as he continued to toss stones at her head. Mocking Bird and Agent 13 took the opportunity to sneak behind the distracted Madame Hydra. Mockingbird gave Agent 13 a nod before charging at their opponent. Mockingbird tossed smoke pellets below Madame Hydra, putting a screen between the two of them. She scooped up Captain Ameica's disgarded shield, using the vibranium weapon to block the incoming energy attacks being hurled at her through the smoke. Madame Hydra blasted the smoke away, getting a clear shot at Mockingbird. Once in position, Mockingbird flung the shield at HYDRA commander. Madame Hydra easily caught it but noticed something wasn't quite right. The weight was off.

She turned the shield over and saw a small device attached to its underside. Immediately, the device exploded in her face, making her drop the shield. Mockingbird caught the falling shield and ran back to cover. Madame Hydra waved away the smoke and saw Agent 13 aiming a grenade launcher directly at her. Rockets blasted out of the barrel directly towards the floating enemy. The rockets went of around Madame Hydra, engulfing her in a ball of fire and shrapnel. Unfortunately, to the horror of the SHIELD operatives, the roaring flames began to implode in to a condensed ball in Madame Hydra's hands. "I believe this belongs to you," Madame Hydra sneered, thrusting her hands forward. The flames shot out at the heroes in a pillar of burning death.

"Now," thought Yo-Yo as she sprang out from her hiding place. Everything around her seemed to slow to a crawl. Yo-Yo ran around Madame Hydra and reached for the Serpent Crown, her prize just fingertips away. Suddenly, Madame Hydra's hand shot up and wrapped around Yo-Yo's throat.

The mad woman cackled at her captured prey, "It was a valiant effort, but that was your last run." Yo-Yo began to struggle against the tightening grip of Madame Hydra, the crushing pressure making it nearly impossible to breathe. Madame Hydra was waiting patiently to hear the beautiful sound of Yo-Yo's neck snapping. Out of nowhere, a burst of energy struck her in the back, forcing her to drop her captive.

Madame Hydra's glare landed on her attack, the Winter Soldier. "What," asked a defiant Bucky as he charged the laser in his cybernetic arm, "You said to do better." Dugan grabbed Yo-Yo's lifeless fom and rushed her over to the rest of the team.

Captain America checked her pulse, letting out a sigh of relief when he found she was still alive. Cap looked up to Dugan, "I need you to execute Plan B."

Dugan gave Cap a sour expression, "It's going to take some time."

Suddenly, the rubble around them began to leviate, leaving them exposed. Madame Hydra floated down to the ground in front of them, the scowl of her face made it clear she was far from amused at their attempts. "This has grown boring, don't you agree Captain," taunted Madame Hydra, "It's clear you can't hurt me. But can you say the same about each other." Captain America grimaced as he felt something probing his mind, the stabbing pain making him fall to his knees. Cap did his best to repel the psychic attack, barely holding on. "Your will is strong Captain," Madame Hydra praised, "Unfortunately for you, your friends are not so lucky." Captain America turned to his team, feeling a sinking dread in his stomach. Bucky, Mockingbird, Coulson, Agent 13 and Maria all had a green light emitting from their eyes, each had their weapons in hand. Bucky aimed his wrist laser at Cap and fired for his friend's head.

Cap lifted his shield and blocked the attack. He looked down at the courtyard hundreds of feet below them. He turned to Dugan, "We need to jump." Dugan nodded and picked up Yo-Yo, leaping off of the tower with Cap. The two SHIELD agents began to plummet towards the ground. Moments before he made contact with the ground, Cap brought his shield between he and the concrete. Landing on the shield, Cap allowed it to absorb the impact of the fall. Dugan landed next to him soon after, cratering the ground beneath him. Captain America looked up to see Madame Hydra and her team of mind-controlled SHIELD agents flying down to the courtyard. "How long until Plan B gets here," asked Cap.

"It's still a few minutes out," answered Dugan.

Cap reached for his ear piece, "Quake, Cat, have you secured Spider-Man? We need back-up."

"We're closing in on Spider-Man's location," Quake responded blasting a group of HYDRA soldiers several feet backwards. She and Felicia had made quick work of the goons that had challeged them on their way to save Spidey, Felicia especially. The cat burgalar threw mercy out the window, maiming any and every poor soul that seperate her from Peter. The duo stopped in front of the room where Diamondback had been in. Without hesitation, Quake blasted the door in, catching the Serpents by surprise.

Felicia immediately saw red. Felicia leapt into the room before any of the Sepent Society could react, pounding away at Coachwhip's face until the silver haired woman lost consciousness. Anaconda rushed to help her comrade but was thrown back by a blast from Quake. The Inhuman agent blasted Anaconda into the wall, knocking the half-nude villianess out. Asp raised her hand to fire a venom blast at Felicia, but was caught off guard when Diamondback grabbed her wrist. Diamondback wrenched Asp's arm around her back and pinned her face first to the wall. "Sorry girls," Diamondback apolgized as she cuffed Asp.

"Rachel, what the hell," cried a pissed Black Mamba. Before she could join the fight, Felicia sprang up and punched her sqaure in the jaw. With Black Mamba stunned, the cloud of Darkforce disappeaed, revealing a nude and exhausted Peter lying prone on a matress.

Felicia rushed over to Peter, lifting his head into her lap, "Spidey! Are you ok? Please don't be dead..."

"Felicia," Peter weakily replied, "Where are we?"

"HYDRA's headquarters," answered Felicia as she helped Peter to his feet, "You were being raped." Immediately reached for his ass, making Felicia giggle, "Not there."

"What the fuck Rach? I thought we were friends," Mamba cursed as Quake put power suppressing cuffs on her.

"I'm sorry," replied Diamondback, "I couldn't let Red Skull get his hands on the Serpent Crown. It's too dangerous."

"Well we have worse problems," Quake interjected, "Viper put on the crown herself and has gone crazy. Cap's in trouble and he needs us to get to the courtyard."

"Alright let's go," said Peter as he struggled to get his costume on.

Felicia put a hand on his chest, making him stop, "You are in no condition to fight. These sluts drained you. If you go out there, you'll get squashed like a..." Felicia pasued as she reflected on the irony of the situation, "You get the idea."

"I can't sit around and do nothing," said Peter as he stumbled to the exit, "The world's in danger and I'm gonna help save it."

Captain America let out a pained groan as Mockingbird kicked him in his stomach. He didn't have much time to recover, however, as Bucky made a deadly jab for Cap's head. Cap quickly blocked the shot with his shield, but this left him open for the shot to the side from Agent 13. Meanwhile, Dugan tried his best to keep Coulson and Maria from tearing the still unconscious Yo-Yo limb from limb. Though the couldn't hurt him as badly, they were doing significant damage to his open areas.

Captain America went to throw his shield at the onlooking Madame Hydra but his arm was being held back by Bucky. The Winter Soldier yanked the shield from Cap's grasp, knocking him in the face with it. Bucky brought the shield over his head to deliver the finishing blow. Suddenly, a webline struck the shield, pulling it out of his hands. Bucky looked up only to get a wad of webbing to the face. "I could've sworn that the Winter Soldier gave up villiany a while ago," quipped Peter as he swung in with Felicia, "I guess old happens die hard."

Peter landed infront of Bucky and kicked him into the two mind-controlled agents fighting alongside him. He quickly trapped the three of them in webbing, pinning them to the ground. "Arrived just in time, huh Cap," asked Peter as he helped the Sentinel of Liberty to his feet.

"Thanks Spider-Man," said Cap as Peter handed him his shield, "Are you up for this? You were kind of... 'violated'."

"Nothing a couple boo-boo kisses and wheatcakes can't make better," replied Peter.

"A little help," cried Dugan as he ran from Coulson and Maria. Peter quickly webbed the mind-controlled agents, leaving them motionless.

Peter and Cap turned to the levitating Madame Hydra whose menacing, green aura was flaring out of control, "So what's the game plan Cap?"

The two began looking around when they heard the sound of a jet engine growing closer. Captain America looked up and smiled when he saw a quinjet flying overhead, "Plan B." The hatch of the quinjet opened, releasing a dozen large freight containers. They came paachuting down, surround the group of people in the courtyard. Captain America looked back at Dugan, "Release them."

Dugan nodded and placed Yo-Yo down. His eyes flashed red and suddenly the container doors flung open. Scores of LMD replicas of Dugan began marching out of the containers and surrounded Madame Hydra. "Go for the crown boys," ordered Dugan. The Dugans immediately rushed Madame Hydra, piling up on the villianess, trying to get the crown. Green energy blasts burst from the mass of LMDs, destroying them instantly. The Dugans were relentless as more charged into the suicide mission. "Cap, she's mowing them down. This isn't going the keep up for long," said Dugan as he controlled his replicas.

"Steve," called Diamondback over the comms, "I have a plan."

"What is it," asked Captain America, desperate for anything.

"I think Asp and Mamba can weaken Viper long enough to get the crown," suggested Diamondback.

"Ah hell no," Felicia growled, "I'm not trusting those tramps."

"We have to try," Peter reasoned, "This may be our last hope."

Captain America pondered for a moment, "Will they do it."

After a short pause, Diamondback came back on, "They said they want a pardon."

Cap gasped as Madame Hydra wasting another horde of LMDs. "Fine," he groaned, seeing no other solutions.

Soon, the quinjet they came in landed in the courtyard. Quake and Diamondback escorted Mamba and Asp to the battlefield. The SHIELD agents took the cuffs off and set the villianesses free. "Whoa," Mamba gasped as she saw Madame Hydra mow down the LMD replicas without breaking a sweat.

"What happened to her," asked Asp.

"She's lost control of the crown and of her powers," answered Captain America, "Conventional weapons don't faze her. But your powers might." Asp and Mamba nodded to each other and rushed to the battle. Peter and the rest of the team ran beside them. "Cover them," instructed Cap, "Once Viper's weak, Spider-Man retrieve the crown."

Madame Hydra wiped out the last of the LMDs, smiling evily at her handywork. Her smile faded when she saw Asp and Black Mamba running alongside SHIELD. "You traitorous whores! How dare you turn on me!?"

"You were always kind of a bitch," replied Black Mamba. Madame Hydra growled and fired an energy blast at her two former subordinates. Captain America leapt in front of the attack, blocking it with his shield. Asp charged up her venom blasts, wanting to pack some extra power for the monstrously powerful Madame Hydra. Peter shot wads of webs at Madame Hydra's eyes, blinding her temporarily. Quake fired sound blasts at the former leader of the Serpent Society, trying to knock her out of the sky. Dakforce seeped out of Mamba, slowly surrounding Madame Hydra.

Asp let out a mighty cry and repeatedly fired venom blasts at her former boss. Madame Hydra cried out in pain as the bolts coursed through her body. Her cried was stiffled as the Darkforce cloud surrounding her began to sufficate her. Frantically struggling against the combined assualt from the team below her, Madame Hydra began firing enegy blasts in all directions.

"Spider-Man, now," yelled Captain America as he hid under his shield. Peter nodded and slingshot himself into the air above Madame Hydra. Narrowly dodging the blasts, Peter swung close enough to get a clear shot at the crown. Peter shot a webline at the crown, yanking the artifact from Madame Hydra's head. The raging, green aura disappeared and the energy beams stopped. Immediately, Madame Hydra began to plummet towards the ground. Peter swiftly swung down and caught Madame Hydra, bring her limp body gently to the ground.

"Welp, I'm glad that's over," sighed Peter as he twirled the Serpent Crown around his finger. Suddenly, Madame Hydra sprung to life, clawing for the crown. Peter held her away from the crown with his other hand, "Felicia." On cue, Felicia delivered a punch square in Madame Hydra's face, knocking the villianess out cold.

"Um, why are we webbed together," Mockingbird called out from her spot in the courtyard as she and the others recovered from their mind control.

Peter quickly retrieve the web dissolving solution from his web shooter and handed it to Cap. "Thanks for your help Spider-Man," said Captain America as he took the crown and solution, "We'll make sure to get you and Black Cat home safely."

Peter yelped at the feeling of someone pinching his butt. He turned to see Black Mamba winking at him, "Give me a call when you're ever in the mood, Spider-Stud."

Felicia stepped between Mamba and Peter, shoving the wall crawler away from the sinsiter serpent, "He has all the woman he needs at home. And you're lucky the feds are here because if you ever touch him again, I will skin you and wear you as snakeskin heels." Mamba backed away from the seething Felicia, allowing the two lovers to board the quinjet. "And as for you," said Felicia as she pulled Peter's ear, "We need to have a little chat about how 'open' you can be in this relationship."

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