My future husband, her future...

By peterstark54

10.8K 555 37

Stella a single mother who have just moved to new york. A new mother and a new woman. Starting a new job with... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49

Part 1- introduction

1K 25 3
By peterstark54

Stella Garcia a spanish/welsh new time mum. She has a little three week old baby girl called Elisa. Her mother passed away two years ago and her dad is in the army. She is still really close with her dad marco well mark for short he is originally from spain and thats where him and her mum met as she was on holiday so her dad used to visit her and she used to visit her dad. Stella was born in wales in a small countryside called brecon so she has a very strong welsh accent. After her mother passed away she moved to Spain but back and forth new York. Staying in new york for a while as of the baby. She still has a house in spain as she had a good job out there being a nurse and assistant to a rich man who lives out there antonio. But as she is now staying in new york she is trying to find a new job so she can pay bills and liveShe is 26 years old and her birthday is June the 22nd. She has no siblings and no family except her dad. She does have her dads mum and dad in Spain which she talks to but not often as she used to. ). When she goes to spain she visits them as she is quite close.She is a single mum as her ex boyfriend alex left her when he found out she was pregnant.

Her dad is originally from spain so he is a spanish man but her mother when she was alive met him and she was welsh so they travled back and forth and when stella was younger she done a lot of travelling back and forth too. The reason she lived in spain was that she could have company by her gran and grandad and they were close but as she was back and forth new york they drifted a little. As i said they still talk but not often

She speaks fluent english, fluent Spanish and of course she can speak some welsh. She is very british in the way she talks so when the Americans speak sometimes she will think they are speaking a load of shit but don't take it to heart its for the story :)

Stella garcia
Elisa garcia- three week old daughter
Alex- ex boyfriend
Marco(mark)- dad
Ryan raynolds and Blake- friends that she visits in new york when she comes. Turns into best friends
Avengers- well new friends
Tony stark- love interest/boss
Catilina and donde- married old couple next door neighbours in Spain
Meryl and peirce- gran and grandad
(Her mothers parents she has never got along with)

She is sarcastic, witty and can be loud. If she is quiet she is tired or something on her mind. She likes to work out and eat healthy but at the moment she has a sweet tooth because of her pregnancy before this.

She drives a white audi in new york and a white range rover in spain. She speaks to her father almost everyday and she really does miss him. He does go to visit her but as he is in the army is only for a few days. She is a kids nurse and midwife but because of the pregnancy she had to take time off work. She is hoping to get back into it.

For the time being she was looking for a job so she took on a Nanny job for "may parker" but ended up being for the avengers and also she took on the roll of working for tony stark as he offered her a room in the compound to live in for her and the baby.

She hasn't got powers or anything but she is good at boxing so she will be practicing with some of the avengers.

The baby was born march 3rd and its now its march the 26th around that when this story starts.

Stella has blonde hair with blue eyes. (Can change if you want) average figure but feels very self conscious as of her pregnancy as she has stretch marks. She has a scar on her right cheek from her burning herself a few years ago with a straightener and a scar on her right leg from when she was 5. She fell in the park and cut her leg open.

Apart from that its all gonna be made up as i go along :)

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