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Iy_kayeen ą¤¦ą„ą¤µą¤¾ą¤°ą¤¾

57.6K 3.4K 331

"š‘¼š’” š’‚š’ˆš’‚š’Šš’š’•š’” š’•š’‰š’† š’˜š’š’“š’š’…." A tear escaped Jang Hyejin's eyes as she stare at Sang ho, who remai... ą¤…ą¤§ą¤æą¤•

twenty one
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twenty six
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thirty one
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act ii


1K 70 2
Iy_kayeen ą¤¦ą„ą¤µą¤¾ą¤°ą¤¾

JANG HYEJIN TWISTED THE RING ON her finger as she kept her eyes glued on the floor. She can't seem to meet Master Park's gaze as he was eyeing her with a mix of anger, and disbelief. She had been sitting at the same spot for almost half an hour now while listening to his lecture.

The thoughts that kept her up last night was right, Sang Ho did tell him that she sneaked out of the center, but she still can't find herself to be upset at him. "What are you going to do now, Hyejin?" The leader questioned, making her snap her head up toward him. "I told you that you are forbidden to leave the center, and you still did."

Jang Hyejin gulped, "Im sorry, Master Park." She muttered lowly, "It won't happen again."

"It really won't." Master Park stated, "From now on, i forbid you to have any contact from outside. No one is allowed to see, nor talk to you until you finish your training. You will be supervised by Sang Ho 24/7, you are not allowed to be left alone anymore, Jang Hyejin. You already lost that privilege the moment you decided to disobey the rules."

Hyejin sighed before nodding her head as her face held defeat, "I understand, My Lord." She replied, "Thank you for still allowing me to stay."

Park Jin shakes his head, "This will be your first, and last chance, Hyejin. If you do this again, i will make sure that you can never enter Songrim as a mage again." He warned her, "You're dismissed."

Hyejin stood up and bowed her head in respect before walking out of his office. When she stepped out of that room, she was met by Sang Ho who was waiting for her. His face remained blank as he look at her, "Let's go." He muttered and began walking without waiting for her reply.

Hyejin sighed before following him. Her punishment could've gone worse if Sang Ho told Park Jin the whole truth. Apparently, Sang Ho left out the detail where she sneaked out of Songrim to see Uk. He changed that story a little and replaced it with her sneaking out of Songrim to take a walk around the town as she was feeling a bit suffocated in the classroom.

And she still haven't thank him for that. When she heard the sound of someone knocking at her door earlier, she knew that she was either screwed or that was just another servant telling her to wake up. And when she opened the door and saw Sang Ho, she knew that it was the first choice. She was screwed up, imagine how it was nerve racking for her when Sang Ho told her that Park Jin wants to talk to her.

Normally, that kind of thing doesn't scare her. But she knew that she did something bad and the possibility of her being punished was high, and it troubled her. Thankfully, the only punishment she received was bearable. If the situation wasn't this bad, she would be jumping from happiness knowing that she will be stuck in the same room with Sang Ho for a whole day.

Their walk toward the training center was filled with silence, Hyejin knew that he was still mad for what she did yesterday. And she would lie if she said that his words didn't hurt her a bit. It did bother her, it was one of the few reasons that kept her up last night. His words still echoed in her head, and it made her feel guilty. But she won't apologize again. To her, one apology is enough, and if he doesn't accept it, then she will just find a way to make it up to him. She just have no idea how.

The two of them reached the center in no time, they were greeted by a few servants on their way up the stairs and Hyejin managed to spot Hyesun among them. She gave her a small smile as acknowledgement before she continued following Sang Ho upstairs. They turn into a corner where another set of stairs met them. They walked forward and reached the top in no time.

Sang Ho was about to proceed in the hallway when Hyejin broke the silence between them, "Thank you." His brows furrowed though his eyes stayed glued in front, "For what?" He questioned.

"For not telling him the real reason why i sneaked out." Hyejin replied.

He narrowed his eyes at that before taking a quick glance at her, he was confused when he saw the small smile that was curled on her lips. "You're not upset?" He questioned. He expected her to be mad for telling the leader that she sneaked out, though he lied about the real reason why she left, it didn't changed the fact that she was still punished.

"No." She shook her head, "I actually thought that you will tell him the whole story. I was surprised when you changed the reason why i sneaked out, you didn't even mentioned Uk's name. I guess i owe you for that."

"You don't have to owe me." Sang Ho muttered, "I only did what i think was best."

"You think that i still deserve to stay at Songrim even though i broke a few rules?" She asked.

Sang Ho cleared his throat, "I realized that you were right." He muttered, earning a look of confusion from the girl beside him. "There is no such rules that stated a student will be given another book to memorize if they pass the basic education in just a day."

He gulped, "But you still have no right to disobey the leader. That on the other hand, was written on the rules and regulations of Jeongjingak." He finished.

His words brought smile to Hyejin's face. She bit her bottom lip as she can't help but feel butterflies on her stomach, "You aren't mad, right?" She said, "I mean.. You were really mad last night."

"Im not mad." Sang Ho replied as he opened the door for her, "What i felt last night was nothing more than disbelief. It's normal especially when students does something that disappoints their master."

"Ouch.." Hyejin mutters under her breath, was that rejection i feel? She frowned as she made her way towards her desk.

Sang Ho sat on the chair that was lined up on the left corner of the room, it was the table that was closest to the window. "You can start now." He stated as he opened the book and began reading the contents written inside of it.

Hyejin pouted as she opened the Words of The Heart as well, a sigh leaving her lips when she was met by a blank page once again. It also didn't help the fact that she feels like she was alone as Sang Ho does a better job in making himself invisible.


Jang Hyejin sighed heavily as she glance at the guard that was stood in front of the door. One and a half hour had passed since Sang Ho left as he was summoned by the leader to do something. Yeon Chul, one of the Songrim's guard was the one who was tasked to replace Sang Ho while he's still away. And just like him, he does a better job in making himself invisible too. The only words he had told her was a greeting, and she was starting to get bored of his presence.

She face palmed before closing the book, how long am i going to stay here with this freaking book? She thought as she rested her head on the back of the chair. A deep sigh came out of her mouth as she tried to think of ways to read the book without focusing on her energy. She was sure that there was another way, she just don't know what it is.

She raised her head up once she heard the door opened, thinking that it was Sang Ho, she sat properly as she waited for him to enter. But when the door opened, it revealed another yet unknown man. Judging by his clothes, he was not a guard of Songrim. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she eyed him from head to toe, who the hell is this man? She wondered.

Yeon Chul bowed his head in respect once he recognized him from yesterday, "Lee Seonsaengnim." He greeted.

The unknown man smiled, "Do you mind leaving us alone for a moment?" He said, and it was clear by his tone that he wasn't giving him a choice.

Yeon Chul gulped, "Oh, i can't.." He replied, "It was the leader's orders that Jang Hyejin shouldn't be left alone in this classroom."

"I'll be staying in the same room as her, she won't be alone." Master Lee told him.

Hesitation can be seen on the guard's face as he glanced at Hyejin and back to Master Lee repeatedly. "You can stay outside of the room." Master Lee told him, "Don't worry, i won't let her escape. She's just a mage who had began her training, did you really expect that she can escape me?"

Yeon Chul looks down, "No, of course not.." He replied, "It's just.."

"If you're worried about what Jin would say, don't." Master Lee said, "I will tell him that i visited the youngest member of the Jang family on my way out."

Yeon Chul was still hesitant to leave, but he knew the status of the man in front of him, which is why even though he was still full of hesitation, he backed down. He bowed his head in respect before walking out of the room. Master Lee had a satisfied smile on his lips before he faced the girl.

That sudden action just added to Hyejin's curiosity. It made her curious about who this man was that he even called the leader by his first name. Though his name sounded familiar to her, she tried to recall where she heard that name before but she just couldn't remember.

"I see you still have no idea who i am." He spoke as he stood next to her, "My name is Lee Cheol, though everyone prefers to call me Master Lee."

Hyejin narrowed her eyes, "This is my first time seeing you, but from what it looks like, you already know who i am." She muttered.

"I have only heard of your name from your brother." Master Lee responded.

Confusion filled her face after hearing those words from him, "You know my brother?" She questioned.

Master Lee chuckled, "I heard of your sudden escape yesterday. Did you perhaps went to Danhyanggok to see him?" He replied.

That seemed to shock her, "How did you.."

"It was just a guess, Jang Hyejin." He told her. His lips curled into a smile once he noticed the panic on her face, "Don't worry, i won't tell Jin about it."

Hyejin's eyes widened once she realized that the man in front of her was the same man that Uk was talking about yesterday. He mentioned that the hut they were staying in belonged to a man named Master Lee. She blinked before looking back at him, "You.. You were the owner of that small hut in Danhyanggok." She stated, and Master Lee nodded his head as a response. "Why are you here? Did Uk sent you?"

"No." He chuckled, "I was here on my own terms, i was actually about to leave, but then i heard that Jang Uk's twin was here and had just started her training. I just wanted to see you for myself before going back to Danhyanggok."

"You came here just to see me?" She questioned, "Why do i feel that there is something more to that?"

Master Lee arched up his brow in amusement as she saw right through him, "I heard how incredible you are, you even managed to finish the basic training in just a span of a day. Though it confused me on the reason why you are still stuck in here."

Hyejin glanced at the book in front of her, Master Lee followed her gaze and smirked once he realized that it was the book that was written by his Master. "The Words of The Heart." He pointed it, "I see, i understand now."

The girl scoffed, "You know about this book?" She asked.

"Yes." He replied, "It was a poem written by the founder of Songrim, Master Seo Gyeong."

"So i've heard." Hyejin muttered, "Master Park gave this to me after i finished the basic education, this book is the main reason why im still stuck in this room. He said that in order to read this book, i have to train my concentration."

Master Lee hummed, "Judging by how i saw you earlier before i entered this room, you have poor concentration." He stated, "That is explainable seeing as you have just started, and perhaps that is the reason why Jin gave you that book."

Hyejin sighed, "I tried to think of ways to read this book without training my concentration or learning to focus on my energy, and i could not think of one. Is that really the only way to read it?"

Master Lee hummed, earning another sigh from the girl. "So if i start training now, how long do you it will take for me to read this book?" She asked.

"A year might be the shortest time." He replied.

"Eh?" Hyejin's eyes widened in shock before shaking her head immediately, "No.. That can't be, i can't stay here for that long."

Master Lee smiled, "There is a way to shorten that time." He said.

Hyejin's face lit up at that, "Really?" She asked, "How? I'll do whatever it is if it means being finally free of this classroom."

The smile on his lips widen, "You can become my pupil and receive my teachings." He stated, "With my guidance, you will be able to read that book in a month, a week even if you're lucky."

Hyejin furrowed her brows, "Be your pupil.." She mutters under her breath.

"If you agree to it, you'll be free of this place. I could tell Jin that you already agreed to be my pupil and im sure that he won't stop you from leaving this place with me." Master Lee told her, "I can help you become a strong mage if you want, i could teach you spells, and anything you need to know about becoming a mage. All you need to do is say yes, and do anything i'd say."

Hyejin thought of it for a moment, she could benefit from this if she agreed to be his pupil. "What if i agree to become your pupil? What do i need to do?" She asked.

Master Lee smiled before turning his gaze toward the window, "You have to become like me." He answered.

"Like you?" She queried.

"In order to become my pupil, you have to cut off your libido, and in order to do that, you will have to drink a tea that allows you to do that." Master Lee explained.

It took a few moments for Hyejin to register his words. But once she did, she immediately shook her head no. "No!" She exclaimed. She winced as she finally recognized him. She had heard of a mage who reached a high level of sorcery by cutting of his libido and mastering spells, that was one of the perks of being sent to countless of places.

She gulped once she noticed the smile on his face, "Thank you for your offer, but i.. I think i'd rather stay here. After all, this place is actually cozy." She added, "Also, i already have a master. I can't abandon him."

Master Lee sighed as the smile in his face disappeared, "I already knew that would be your answer, but i had to try. I guess i hoped that you would have a different answer from your brother." He muttered before glancing at the book, he took it before reading the contents inside. "This book is really complex, but once you read the first word, the rest will come to you easily."

"But the problem is that you can't read it yet." Master Lee added before glancing at her, "Shall i help you, Hyejin?"

Those words brought a smile to the youngest Jang's lips, but when she remembered his offer earlier, her smile was immediately replaced by a frown. "If your help has something in return then i will have to disagree." She muttered, "It might take long, but i know that i can figure it out myself."

Master Lee smiled at that, "Im sure you can." He said, "But im not asking for anything in return. I will tell you a secret about this book that no one knows of. This poem is actually a love letter."

"What?" Hyejin questioned, "That's a love letter?"

"Yes." Master Lee nodded his head, "Countless of mages have read this but no one knows that fact. Master Seo Gyeong wrote this for a lady who could not see so that she could read it with her heart."

He handed the book to her, "You can only read it by training your concentration skills but try to think of another approach since i told you it was a love letter." His lips curled into a knowing smile, "And how does a love letter begin?"

Hyejin narrowed her eyes, a love letter always begin with the recipient's name. Her eyes lit up as the only thing that was left to do was figure out who was the recipient of his love letter, "I already told you the easiest way to read that book, i will leave the rest for you to find out." Master Lee stated before leaving the room.

Hyejin smiled as she flipped the pages of the book, all she needs to do right now is find out who that lady is.


The sun was already starting to set when Sang Ho finished the investigation between the dead humans that was bought by Master Lee earlier. He had already told Lord Park a few of their details but he wanted more, which is why he left Songrim to find more details about them. And after informing the leader about what he found out, he was immediately dismissed and was told to check on Hyejin.

He reached the top of the stairs and was about to proceed to the hallway when his eyes caught a familiar hanbok. His brows furrowed in confusion before looking at his right where several bookshelves was placed, confusion filled his face once his eyes landed on Hyejin was leaned on the shelf while reading a book. He was about to approach her when he saw Yeon Chul from the side of his eye walking towards his direction.

Yeon Chul bowed his head in greeting, "She insisted on going here to find a book, it was supposed to be at Jeongjingak but i told her that she wasn't allowed to leave the center until ten." He informed him.

Sang Ho nodded his head, "You may now leave." He stated, Yeon Chul bowed his head once more before walking past him and onto the stairs.

He decided to watch her move for a few minutes before approaching her. The side of his lips twitch in amusement once he noticed how serious she was, her brows were furrowed while reading. He watch how she occasionally clicks her tongue everytime she reads something that annoys her. He just stood there for a few more minutes until he decided to make his move. It just so happen that the moment he stopped in front of her was also the time she turned around.

Hyejin gasped and dropped the book in shock once her eyes landed on Sang Ho, "Shit!" She cursed as she placed a hand on her chest, she winced once she felt how fast her heart was beating.

That seem to brought a smirk on Sang Ho's face, "What are you doing?"

Hyejin gulped as she was still trying to calm her heart, "Reading a book!" She answered, "How long were standing there?"

"Not too long." He answered before glancing at the book she was reading, "You're supposed to be in the classroom, reading the Words of The Heart. Why are you out here?"

"I need to find some information about Master Seo Gyeong." She replied, "But as of now, i have only found three books about him in this shelves. I was about to head to Jeongjingak as the library in that place has a lot of books stored about him, but Yeon Chul won't let me leave."

"Why are you looking for information about Master Seo Gyeong? You should be focusing more in your training." Sang Ho told her.

"I just thought that reading a few things about him might help me understand the reason why he created the poem in the first place." She reasoned.

Sang Ho tilted his head on his side, "What made you think that reading these books will help you read his poem?" He countered as the side of his lips curved into a smirk.

Hyejin sighed, "A girl can hope, Master." She told him before turning her gaze back to the book she was reading.

"You weren't supposed to leave the room, did you forget that?" He said.

Hyejin kept her eyes glued on the book, "The leader said that i wasn't allowed to be left alone, i came here with Yeon Chul." She said before looking up to find him, "Where is he?"

"He already left." Sang Ho stated.

"He did?" She muttered, "I didn't notice that, he was just standing there earlier."

"Maybe you were too focused on what you're reading that you didn't notice that he already left." Sang Ho said.

"Well this is more important than him." Hyejin retorted, she sighed in frustration once she finished the book and she didn't even find the answers to her question. "Damn it, these books are useless." She put the book back into the shelf before facing him, "Seonsaengnim, i really need to go to Jeonjingak, the book that i need isn't here."

Sang Ho chuckled before crossing his arms, "You can go there after you're dismissed." He stated, earning a frown from the girl.

"I can't go back into the classroom until i get my hands on that book." She insisted.

"Too bad, because that is exactly what you're going to do." Sang Ho replied before nodding his head toward the hallway, "You should start walking by now Hyejin, unless you would prefer it if i drag you."

Hyejin scoffed, "You won't do that!" She stated, and the only response she got from him was a smile. She winced before letting out a dramatic gasp, "What kind of Master does that to his student?"

"The kind of Master who wants his student to learn." He replied before nodding his head towards the hallway again.

"But Sang Ho.."

The mage narrowed his eyes at her, his face went back into a stern look as he crossed his arms on his chest. "Is this what i get in return for saving you?" He asked, which made the girl in front of him silent. "You swore to me that you will do anything i say, and you're doing the exact opposite right now."

Hyejin looks down as she hid the frown on her face, "Fine.." She muttered lowly before turning around. "Is he going to use that against me now?" She whispered as she walked in a slow pace.

Sang Ho narrowed his eyes as he heard her, he shook his head in amusement before he walked beside her, "I'll take you to the library tomorrow." He stated as they reached the hallway. His words made Hyejin's face lit up. A smile curled on her lips as she faced him, "Really?" She asked, and he nodded his head in response.

Hyejin turns her gaze back in front as she felt butterflies in her stomach. Sang Ho never failed to make her feel that way, his actions keeps on making her fall deeper to him and he doesn't even have a single clue about it.

Though Hyejin never really plan to tell him, she would rather keep her feelings to herself, as long as she get to be close to him. She doesn't care, even though for him, their relationship only revolves around a Master, and a pupil. Atleast, that's what it looks like for her.

They were about to reach the classroom when the sound of someone arguing stopped them from walking, the two of them shared a confused look. "You heard that?" Hyejin asked, and Sang Ho nodded his head as a response. "Should we check it out?"

The mage didn't answer her as he listened to their voice, "That is absurd, My Lord! You want to keep my Young Lady trap in there for a year and no one is allowed to visit her? Even me?" His brows raised in shock as he recognized that voice.

Hyejin widened her eyes as she also know who the owner of that voice was, "Was that...?" She didn't get to continue her words as Sang Ho already answered her by nodding his head. A grin left her lips as she realized who she was arguing with, "Oh we should definitely check that out."

Hyejin walked past Sang Ho, "Kim Doju, you can't--."

"Let me go!"

Hyejin arrived at the library in no time, a smirk curved on the corner of her lips once she lay her eyes on the scene in front of her. Sang Ho arrived just after that, his brows raised in amusement as he saw Kim Doju being held back by Lord Park.

"Jus listen to me alright? I have a good reason for keeping her in there." Park Jin explained.

"I don't care about your reason, you have no right to keep her in there for a year without having any contact from the outside world." Kim Doju scoffed before shrugging him off. "You can't stop me from seeing my lady." She turned around and was about to head towards the hallway when she saw Hyejin standing there with her arms crossed in her chest, her face lit up before running towards her, "Young Lady Jang!" She exclaimed as she pulled her into a hug.

Hyejin grinned as she hugged her back, "I missed you too, Maidservant Kim." She muttered before pulling away.

Kim Doju sighed happily before eyeing her from head to toe, she scrunched her face up once she noticed how tired she looks, "How are you feeling, My Lady?" She asked, "You look tired, are you having enough hours of sleep?"

Hyejin grinned before glancing at Park Jin who was looking at them with disbelief, "Im fine, Kim Doju." She muttered, "I may not be having enough sleep, but it's for a good reason."

Park Jin raised a brow before approaching them, "Aigoo.." Kim Doju muttered as she looks at her with concern, "This is not what i expected when i encouraged you to join Songrim as a mage and accept Lord Park's invitation. Is he even feeding you on time?"

Park Jin scoffed, "Of course i am!" He exclaimed.

Kim Doju sent him a glare before glancing at Hyejin, "Young Lady Jang, if you want, i can stay here and cook for you." She suggested, earning a look of disbelief from the leader and a look of amusement from Sang Ho who was standing right beside her.

Hyejin chuckled before placing a hand on top of Maidservant Kim's shoulder, "As much as how i like for that to happen, it'll be unfair for the others." She muttered before glancing at Park Jin, "Unless Lord Park allows it--."

"Absolutely not." He stated, "If i allow you to have your own servant, then i would have to do the same for the other mages in here, and that cannot happen. They will only think that it's unfair and that i am favoring you."

The older woman scoffed at his words, "If you don't want that to happen then you should've treated her right." She spat.

"I am treating her right, what do you think am i doing?" Park Jin argued with a sigh.

Hyejin winced once the two of them started arguing again, she glanced at Sang Ho for help but he only shrugged his shoulders as a response. Even he doesn't have a clue how to stop them. Hyejin shakes her head in disbelief as she watch the two of them argue like an old married couple.

She waited for a few minutes as she expected them to stop of they notice how silent she had gone but she was wrong, they were too focused on arguing with each other that they forgot that Hyejin was with them in the first place.

She let out a soft sigh before glancing at Sang Ho, "Let's go." She muttered.

"Are you sure?" Sang Ho asked," This might be the last time you'll see Maidservant Kim again."

Hyejin shrugged, "They'll follow us once they notice that we're gone." She replied before walking past him. Sang Ho glanced at them one last time before going after Hyejin.

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