meow isekai story!?! why did...

By foxnamedgenji

960 39 39

i stole the cover art, idk where tf i got it, i just have it.( its not mineeeeeeeee) hellow? my name is genji... More

skip this if you don't care about me (plus a random story!)
Prolouge: then most generic isekai origin story!
Chapter 1: a god with a kink?
Chapter 2: new world, new me!
Being a cat girl isn't all sunshines and rainbows
Shopping time!
Everlasting moonlight
Finnaly! I'm an adventurer... i think? (part 2)
Inner Monologue + world building (extra authors notes)

Finnaly, I'm an adventurer! I think? (Part 1)

73 4 1
By foxnamedgenji

My eyes slowly opened. The air was cold to the touch. I looked around and Kureha wasn't on the bed. I leaned out of the bed and looked all over the room but there was no one. The lamp on top of the desk still glowed and a sack of coins laid beneath it. I scanned the room once more. The glass sliding door opened wide. I stood up and walked towards it. Once I got closer, I saw Kureha leaning against the railings. Her ears was droopy and her tail still. I walked out into the balcony and leaned on the railing next to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh Mei, its just you. Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah I guess you could say that" I pointed towards the open balcony door "it was getting pretty cold."

"Sorry, I forgot to close it."

"No worries. Anyways, what are you doing out here this late?"

"Just doing some star gazing"

"May I join?"

"Sure" she turned her gaze back upon the sky and I did the same.

"Wow, it looks pretty!" I said

"Yeah, calming too. We live under a beautiful sight like this and yet most of us never stopped to appreciate it."

"Yeah. Do you this often?"

"Once in a while maybe"

"Oh. Aren't you cold?"

She sighs, her breath visible from the frigid midnight air. "Its getting quite late, let's head back in" she said

"Ok" I replied

She sounded like she was sad about something. Her facial features looked like she was trying to hide it. Her ears and tail were both droopy but I couldn't think about a reason for why she might be sad.

"Anything wrong?"

"Hmm? No no, its nothing..." her mouth moved but I couldn't hear what she said.

"Are you sure?"

She took a deep breath "yeah. let's get back in, I'm dying for some sleep."

She went back into the room and I followed in her steps. I turned around and closed the glass door. She sat down on the bed and looked downwards. "What was she thinking?" I asked myself.

I walked towards the right side of the bed and sat on it myself.

"I'm sorry" she suddenly said.


"I can't say it here. Not now at least. I'm not ready."

"Its alright, I mean, you did just met me today so its understandable."

"Thanks for understanding"

"No problems, if you need to talk to someone, I'm here. Even though I younger than you"

That made her giggle little. "Thanks, I'm getting pretty sleeply, good night ok?"

"Good night"

She tucked her self in and closed her eyes. I did the same.

I will definitely earn her trust, I will be someone she can depend on when she needs to. After all...

I look over towards her, she was already sound asleep.

She is my hero

The next day

Kureha's pov

it was the next day, the morning sun shone brightly as me and Mei walked the streets of the capital city of the kingdom of Milanos. Actually now that i think about it, i still didn't know the name of this city...

but who cares about that! today is the day i will register as an adventurer! Im so excited!

Mei and I asked the receptionist at the everlasting moonlight (the inn we stayed in) the directions to the guild hall. If we aren't stupid then it should be right around this corner.

"There it is!" I shouted

"Jeez, be a little bit more self aware. We are in public" Mei said

I looked around to see people glaring at us.

"Oops" i mean, any otaku would be excited seeing an actual adventures guild in another world!

The building and everything in its extirior looked like it came out of an fantasy world! Well, i am in one.

There was a sign with two swords crossed like an X. Surprisingly there was no windows on the building. It really was just a simple looking adventures guild.

I opened the door and walked inside the adventures guild, Mei followed suit. When we got in, people began to whisper and stare at us but i paid it no mind.

The interior was what you would expect in an adventures guild. Wooden walls and floors with wooden chairs and tables. The massive line of people queuing at the receptionist table was what caught my eyes. Oh there was also a bar, of course there was. What type of adventures guild was it if there wasn't one.

Me and Mei joined the que.

"So Mei, what do you know about adventuring?"

"I don't know a lot actually. I went to a school for nobility and they didn't though us anything about adventuring. I heard from my father that its very dangerous though."

"Oh right, i forgot that you were part of nobility"

"Really!? I told you last night right?"

"Yeah. I just have bad memories you see"

Mei sighed

"Umm, hey are you two registering? The person in front of us asked

"Yeah! I replied enthusiastically.

"The registration counter is that one" he pointed at an empty counter.

"Thanks! Umm, whats your name?"

"Oh, its Derik, d rank. nice to meet you." He extended his arms for a hand shake

I shook his hand. " my name is Kureha, and this is Mei"

Mei just waved at him

"Thanks for telling us"

"No problem, just be careful. Most adventurers don't take kindly to your kind."

"Thanks for the warning, we'll keep it in mind"

With that, we left the line and headed strait to the registration desk

"Hello! My name is Efil. Are you here to register?" A girl asked us, she looked like a 17 year old. She had pointy ears so that must make her an elf.

"Yes, is there a fee for registration?

"No there isn't."

"Nice, so how do we register"

"We'll start will filling this form, can you read and write? If you can't, i will help you."

"its alright, we'll fill it ourselves, thanks for the offer" she gave us each a form and a pen. To my surprise, it was a ball point pen. Considering the look and feel of this world, i would have thought that they would use quills to write. Maybe a person like me invented it?

Mei and I began to fill in the forms. It asked us our names, age and race as well us place of birth and other personal information that i didn't have. Luckily Mei notice that i was struggling and helped me, i just copied her's in place of the ones i didn't know. Hopefully she wont ask me why i don't know my place of birth, i mean if i wrote japan, i doubt they would believe me! We gave back the paper to the receptionist.

"Lets see, Kureha and Mei right?"


"Ok, next we are going to check your stats with a status stone to evaluate your strength."

She bent downwards and place a stone tablet of sorts on the desk.

"Place your hands on the tablet and it will show us your stats and if you are a criminal. Oh, and don't worry. Titles and other information that might be sensitive will of course not be shown"

"Mei, you want to go first?"

"Sure" she placed her hands on the tablet

the stone tablet shone bright blue and a hologram of sorts appeared with Mei's stats


Name: Mei Valencia

Race: demi-human(dog)


Level: 30

Health: 70

Strength: 50

Mana :500

Agility : 125



"What is it?" I asked

"You have man-" suddnly Mei jumped ontop of the desk and covered efil's mouth with her hands.

I quickly pick her up and place her back on the ground

"I-im sorry about how my friend acted"

Efil was still flustered at what just happened "no-no it was my fault, I'm guessing you don't want people to know?"

Mei nodded

"Still though, that was quite a way to do it. Mei at least say you're sorry"


"No no, its fine. I acted un-professional before so please forgive me"


I looked around and saw that lots of people were staring at us now.

I lend over to Mei and whispered that into her ear "who was it that needs to be more self aware now."

Her check turned red, pouting at me. I let out a quick giggle and looked back over at efil.

"Well, i guess it's my turn now"

"Yeah, sure go ahead and place your hands on the tablet"


name : Kureha

race : demi-human(cat)

Age : 15

Level : 25

Health : 70

Strength: 100

Mana :0

Agility : 70


these stats were of course no my real ones, I made sure to use my fake status skill as to not draw any attention. Well Mei didn't know that so her face was shocked, I should probably tell her.

I leaned downward and whispered "those aren't my real stats" and looked back at Efil

"Okay! thats it for the registration, we'll give you your guild card soon."

"Thanks for the help Efil"

"No problem, please sit down and wait as we print your guild card." She bowed down

"nee-chan, what about that recommendation?"

"Oh right! I completely forgot, Efil what do i do if i have a recommendation?"

"Oh, can i have the letter of recommendation?"

"yeah ,here" i took out a letter that will gave me an gave it to Efil.

"let's see..." her face turned to shock

"Hmm, Efil?"

"c-can you head up to the guild masters room" she sounded she stuttered. I get that Will is a important person but based on her reaction, Will might be more than what I think

"sure, where is it?"

"I'll guide you there" she walked left and went out of the receptionist area. She then began walking up stairs.

the stairs were quite worn, the creaking and crackling of the floor boards were like we were in a horror movie.

Once at the top of the stairs, a hall way with 3 doors was in sight. One on the left, one on the right and one at the end of the hall way.

"the left door is the library, and right door is the staff room, and the door at the hall way is the guild master, just be warned, he is 'unique' to say the least" Efil said.

What was that supposed to mean? Unique? this can either go very good or very bad.

Efil began leading the wall towards the guild masters door. I must say, the longer i stay here the longer i feel like I'm an a horror movie. Once we reached the end of the hall way, Efil asked
"Are you ready?"

"Hmm? Yeah go ahead."

She then slowly opens the door. The room was nice too say the least...

The desk was exquisite, it had an nice looking engraving of a dragoon was on the front of the well polished wooden desk.
Two jet-black sofas faced each other with a striking snow white marble coffee table in between.

The only thing that held back the room was the enormous amounts of paper laying on the ground, scattered around like the falling autumn leaves.

There was a name plate on top of the desk. It was engraved with


"Raikiri eh, my first time seeing something that came from japan. It was the name of a famous katana. The lighting cutter. Could he be an other worlder too?"I asked myself

"Alex, you got guests!" efli shouted.

"Huh! What! Whats happening!" A manly voice could be heard, the sound came from behind of the tall mountain of paper stacked on top of his desk.

"Alex you got guests!"

"Ah, Efil its just you." His face finally popped out on top of the massive amounts of paper work. His face filled with battle scars, i could tell that he is a seasoned adventurer

"Were you sleeping again?"

"Yes, but anyways. Who are they?" He pointed at us

"My name is Kureha, and the girl behind me is Mei."

"Ah, nice you meet you guys, Kureha and Mei. Please have a seat" he said cheerfully to us

"Ojama shimasu" I said as I entered into the room. Playing what is essentially a game of the floor is lava, trying not to step on any of the scattered papers. Mei and I sat down on the left while Efil and Alex sat on the right.  (Ojama shimasu = sorry for intruding or disturbing you)

Alex was wearing a sort of white robe. Under it was from what i could see was a pair of casual clothes. I guess not everyone wears their battle armor everyday.

"So whats the reason you guys came here?" Alex asked Efil

"Kureha, please give alex the recommendation letter"

"Sure" i reached into my pocket and gave the letter to Alex.

"T-this seal. Him!? Really!?"

"I know right! That guy finally giving a recommendation letter?"

"Umm, i-is there anything wrong?"

"No-no-no! This is fantastic news!"

"r-really? W-w-why?" I said. "I have a bad feeling about this all of the sudden"

"This is the first time will has given a letter of recommendation. No adventurer has ever has his backing like this! So let me, what level are you?"


"..." the room became super silent

"G-g-guys, can you p-please stop-p looking at m-me like t-that?"

"Guys c-come on!"

"Are you lying?"


"She is telling the truth, look at this."

Efil handed Alex a piece of paper. If i had to guess, it was probably the paper with my stats writen on it."

"So you don't say..."

"Umm, soooo... whats going to happen?"

"Sighs* As Will's good friend and has the guild master, i will respect this recommendation."


"But, sorry if i offend you. I don't really trust you're level. I mean, this is Will we're talking about. The best merchant in the world!"

"Well that so called best merchant was traveling by himself in a carriage alone! Worlds best my a**!" I wanted to shout at him but i remained calm. I instead said to him

"Well, I didn't know it was him. He was traveling alone without any body guards, so i think you're thinking about the wrong person."

"That guy really. Umm, sorry to say that's will alright. He is the best merchant in the world but when it comes to stupidity he also comes in first."

"HOW DID HE BECAME THE BEST MERCHANT IF HE IS THAT STUPID" I shouted internally, but i digress.

"So, will i still be staying at rank f?"

"Well, if you don't mind. I would like to have a little spar, you know. To see your strength for myself."

"Alex, you still have a lot of paperwork to do!"

"That can wait! i've been itching for a good fight."


And thats how i got here, I'm suddenly trusted into a fight with a former A-rank adventurer. There was apparently a large basement under the adventurer guild that led to a area of sorts. Apparently it was fortified and reinforced with nigh max level earth magic witch took 10 earth mages 3 hours to do. It was very impressive. It looked like a normal forest with a large area in the middle for fights. There was a fake sky that looked very realistic.

How did they even afford something like this! And why is this hidden under the basement of a normal looking building.

I guess there are just somethings that i will never understand about this world.

Hey guys! Its me. What do you mean you don't know me! Im the author of this book! Come on! It's only been more than 2 weeks since the last chapter upload!

Jokes aside. Im sorry for nor working on this book. It's been long over due, and i've been procrastinating. Aye man, what can i say except school is a bitch. (I say that but i just play video games sowwy UwU)

Anywayyssssss. Thanks for reading this chapter! Sorry once again for being very stupid LMAO. I will update my other story (reborn as my max level assassin) sooner than later! (No promises!)

Please do give me a follow as i really helps inflate me ego (joking)

Well please do look forward for the next chapter of this book!

Finished date : wed,8 feb, 2023. 21.00 exactly, that timing though

Word count : 2850 words

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