Duplicitous | T.N.

بواسطة sofiamariaisabel1

216K 5.4K 3.7K

Aurora the sleeping beauty, damned to a boundless doze. Only true loves kiss had the power to haul her from s... المزيد

I • 42 days, 1008 hours, 60 480 minutes and 362 8800 seconds
II • Nail chewing is a bad habit
III • Little Miss too perfect for me
IV • What are you hiding?
V • True colours
VI • Prejudice
VII • Physiological warfare
VIII • That one blissful moment
IX • More Angst
X • Every time 'Great' is said, note the sarcasm
XI • Dumbledores Army
XII • Half the angel
XIII • No clubs
XIV • Pure Dread
XV • Spells and Stunning
XVI • Two graves
XVII • A sneaky bugger
XVIII • Drowning sorrows in thick liquor
XIX • Anthony Creevey
XX • Shame
XXI • Downturned Glares
XXII • A brush with war
XXIII • Red & Green Ying & Yangs
XXIV • Two Stolen Angels
XXV • Selfish Hatred
XXVI • Repeated Mistakes
XXVII • Stern memories
XXVIII • Sleeping Beauty
XXIX • To reign hell
XXX • Injuries and Assumptions
XXXI • Armestice
XXXII • Bad news at Breakfast
XXXIII • Forbidden Serpent
XXXIV • Jovial Encounters
XXXV • Daring Lions & Crafty Serpents
XXXVI • I made a friend...
XXXVII • Almosts & Atelophobia
XXXVIII • Triumphed smiles
XXXIX • Hit me
XL • The real Fox
XLI • I can't
XLII • Concealed shames
XLIV • Stained, inky crushes
XLV • My father
XLVI • Various departures
XLVII • Owed Favours
XLVIII • Authentic sneers
XLIS • Parrallel || lellarraP • XLIS
L • Fantasy Letters
LI • A corpes' touch
LII • Nott acceptable
LIII • A scented boy
LIV • Cast under influence
LV • An Opal Curse
LVI • The end marks the beginning, the beginning marks the end
LVII • In the rain
LVIII • Cruel Bastards
LIX • A loathing
LX • Red handed
LXI • Deceitful doves
LXII • Once upon a dream
LXIII • The prodigal boyfriend
LXIV • Gothic fears and families
LXV • Bewitched minds
LXVI • The highs and hows of a teenage girl
LXVII • Complexion
LXVIII • Jam on toast
LXIX • Familiar Faces

XLIII • Pretty Blondes

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بواسطة sofiamariaisabel1

Theodore Nott liked blondes.

The golden waves had always captivated him, the sunny and cheery tint it added, how blue eyes paired so well with the devine sandy colour. The roots were always pretty and he noticed how in most blondes you could spot multiple tones of the colour, strands of gold or brown. It was admirable.

He watched as blonde curls bounced from underneath him as he thrusted into the poor girl whom he had decided to... have his fun with. The flaxen hair twisted over the young woman's shoulders, the mane a gorgeous pale, yellow mess, some strands fell over her lips. A high pitch moaned rung from beneath him. Her fingers clutching tightly to his shoulders as he continued to propel his hips in a practiced rhythm.

Sick of looking at her, he buried his head into the shell of her neck, shoving his face into her platinum skin. His tongue swirled in a motion he found girls enjoyed most, opening his eyes he nearly scoffed at the sight of more blonde hair. She had so damn much of it.

As their body's moved in a rushed and deep pace he felt her internal walls tighten around him. Theodore knew she was approaching her release, playing with her bouncing chest, he kissed a line down the valley of her breasts, she came moments after. Pushing his hips forwards a few more times he chased a high of his own, when it hit him, he offered the girl a single tight lipped smile before rolling off her.

Awkwardness eloped them. The silence thickened yet he payed no mind to it, scavenging the draws of his bed side table in search for a lighter. She seemed unsure of what to say, fiddling with her fingers she threw on her clothes. "Um?" She tried but shut her mouth instantly.

"What?" He looked up at her, bottom half of him sheltered by the duvet as he lit a cigarette between his teeth. Her eyes wandered over his bare chest and the way his hands worked whilst he lit the lighter. "You okay?" He frowned.

"Erm yeah." She nodded. His shoulders relaxed. "I'm good it's just-"

"You didn't cum?" His demeanour stiffened. He had been in such a predicament before, not fun, as he recalled it.

"Oh no." She jumped. "I definitely did, it's just, I was wondering maybe we could schedule a round two... or technically four." She giggled. "Some time?"

"Erm..." he paused. "Sweetheart." The girls eyes brightened frantically, she probably wouldn't be too happy to learn he only referred to her in such a way only because he had forgotten her name. "There's no need to schedule." He needed to slide himself out of the predicament he had himself tangled in.

"Do you have a girlfriend." She panicked.

"No!" He near shouted, almost choking on the smoke that rolled down his lungs in mere shock. "Merlin no." Running a hand through his own hair he sighed. "I'm just more of a spontaneous kind of... person. Do it when I'm in the mood, you know?" She pouted, obviously confused. "I'll let you know when I am." He smiled before ushering the now clothed girl from his room.

Goodness that was awkward.

Before the bliss of sex, that was. He always found himself uncomfortable after intercourse, unable to cuddle like the girls would wish or to talk until they slept. No. He preferred to be left alone.

Marietta! He remembered, that was her name. It always hit him afterwards, he only ever remembered after they'd left. He supposed his mind could relax by then, alone and in peace.

The sanctuary of his own company flew out the window as his dorm room for swung open and Blaise skipped in. "Finally." He huffed. "Was getting bored out in the common room. You can only listen to Malfoy complain so much."

"I swear, he will be responsible for our inevitable and upcoming insanity." Theodore chuckled from his bed, still naked, neither seemed to mind. As long as his bottom half remained covered by his duvet, they'd have no problem.

The darker wizard cackled from his bed, next to his friends. "Tell me about it." He grinned. "So how was blonde, huh? She treat my boy right?"
Theo merely rolled his eyes. "Did you remember to treat her right?" Blaise scolded, a minor hint of teasing budding through his words.

Throwing the pillow from beneath him Theodore's exhaustion increased. "It was fine, she was... fun. Up for a lot of things." He chuckled.

Blaise scoffed. "You're awful."

"And you're not getting any." He smirked. "Not since her."

"Don't go there." His smile flattened. Before the handsome Slytherin collected a cigarette of his own.

"Man is on his knees." Theo mumbled to himself as he exhaled the murky grey air that was smoke. Blaise merely scoffed a boyish smile in retaliation. The two sat, each with a cancer stick tucked between their teeth as they allowed for a blanket of comfortable silence to hug at them.

Soon the solace of the quietness tightened its embrace and squeezed at their throats urging for a topic of conversation. Theo was first to choke. "I have a plan."

The other wizard frowned in pure bewilderment. "Oh cool..." there was a long pause. "For what?"

"To catch those rebels doing DA behind the schools back." Theodore leaned back into the frame of his bed. His face played off in a bored and uncaring manner, he was hiding the bubbling fury from within him. Blaise didn't miss it.

"You actually care about that?" He said in a ridiculed tone, unsure as to why Theodore cared in the slightest. The both of them had joined but for image purposes only, neither had actually cared for Umbridges intentions, or at least, Blaise was under the impression that neither cared.

"Yep." The end of his word popped. Blaise sat before him with many many questions, he just couldn't decide which one to share aloud. Theodore took his lack of response as a question in itself. "I just hate them. The Gryffindors." After a moment, he mumbled. "Most Gryffindors... bunch of entitled hypocrites."

"Yeah well we already knew that." The wizards eyes propelled from his scalp unsure how to react to Theodore's knee found anger reliever. Blaise Zabini knew his friend all too well, Theodore had a reoccurring habit that was easy to spot, whenever under the influence of an episode formed of pure frustration and annoyance he often took it to focusing on once sole task and taking it to extreme lengths. Blaise sometimes saw this as a healthy outlet, depending on what task he chose.

It was unfortunately quite normal for Theodore to focus on menial tasks that were perhaps not too healthy, like smoking as much as he could, or picking on one poor individual, whoever got in his way. Blaise didn't know that his most recent outlet was subject 'Aurora Flores' but he had gotten over that in a way he hadn't expected at all, and it fuelled him with even more rage rather than condemning it.

Theodore deemed it time to pour his dedication and energy towards a new obsession. Destruction of those he loathed, Blaise noticed that was a rather common outlet of his.

Theodore had connected the dots. Unraveled Hermione grangers ultimate puzzle. Or at least he had solved himself the first clue. A clue that came in the form of a small coin. A special coin, one that he had noticed had pulled the attention of many young eyes. He saw it often; and we wanted one.

If he was being truthful there was something more fuelling his intentions. Something foreign and odd, a sensation he had felt, but repelled before. The tears of a friend he blamed, that was why he was angry, he'd have done the same for Blaise or Pansy. His annoyance hit him hard at a speed unexpected, he held the subject of injustice responsible.

He knew that coin was of large significance, and luckily for him the last time he had seen it was in the possession of a certain lady friend. Theodore Nott liked blondes, especially the ones with his answers.

• • •

Her eyes were an amber, hazel-like colour, and poured into them was the delightful expression of anything positive. As though the sun rays chose to shine through her hues, giving all who looked into them as taste of light, of purity. Her eyes naturally turned upwards, doe and forever cheery, it was one of her most noticeable traits.

Fortunately for her, her eyes were a display of natural happiness, she never had to fake it... Well, she didn't normally fake it. On instinct her eyes dimmed in its light at the sight of Theodore Nott.

There was always a charismatic aspect to him, he was naturally a smooth talker, charming, smart, witty, confident. The perfect ingredients in which to form a 'lady's man', a dangerous recipe it was. No, her expression didn't blacken the moment he walked into the library, it blackened when he didn't approach her. He was supposed to be there for their session, but he chose to ignore her presence entirely and beeline straight towards a group of Ravenclaw girls.

Aurora sat with her arms folded and waited. Waited for him to stop his constant yapping and laughing, which grew more annoying by the minute, he grew more annoying. She'd recognised how Theodore spoke to the group collectively, as a whole. Each girl enthusiastic to hold conversation, but I'd didn't go unnoticed how his attention zeroed specifically on Marrieta Edgecombe.

He whispered in her ear and left featherlight touches on her arm. Man, was he obvious, Aurora found it near embarrassing how blunt he was being. She almost felt sad for him and she certainly felt pity for Marrieta, the girl was a walking flower. A flower as delicate as her would whither under the touch of someone like him. She scoffed again.

After an entire six and a half minutes did he finally turn on his heel and approach the table Aurora sat by. He was five minutes late, he often arrived late, she didn't appreciate that the one time he managed to overcome his tardiness was for a seperate occasion.

"What're you doing?" Her tone was bored, agitated.

"Studying?" Theo's words flew from his lips as a question, as though he was cautiously dodging the chance he may be in trouble. Her tone was accusatory, yet from his point of view he had just sat down. He held his textbook in his grasp, expression filled with question, what could he have done now?

"You're late." She sighed, eyes narrowing. Uh oh.

"I'm always late." The turn of his lips indicated that he was being silly, she didn't seem to be interested by it. "Erm, I genuinely tried to be punctual, I promise." The snake raised his arms in mock treaty. "But, I had an upcoming errand I needed to sort." That was the truth. Liar, she scoffed. Rory had just seen him happily chatting up a group of Ravenclaw girls, errand her ass.

"Yeah... and did that 'errand' happen to be in Marietta Edgecombes' ear?" Her sarcasm was a sight, he wanted to witness it again, much like her glare. "So deep, in fact, that you had to lean in to get a close look?"

It was silent, and then it wasn't. Barking out a laugh, he had to quiet down at remembrance that they were still in a library, he resorted to chuckling into his knuckles and attempting to maintain his breathing. Auroras expression remained blank but she soon felt warmth climb up the back of her neck and ears.

His laughter cooled and his own eyes narrowed in accusation, "You know Flores, if I didn't know any better I'd assume you were jealous."

The blush that had tickled her neck circled round and touched gently at her cheeks. She then realised that how she worded her opinion could easily be mistaken for jealousy, the pink haze grew scarlet. Despite how her face was aflame she kept her expression emotionless and unsure.

"Aw, look at you." He lazily raised his arm to point at her cheeks. "You were jealous."

Okay, now he was just being mean. She measly rolled her eyes of which remained dark and slapped his arm. "Of course not, and it's rude to point."

He cackled under his breath, raising his 'attacked' arm and pointing directly at her rosy cheeks. "Oh, you mean like this?" She sent a mean strike directly to his arm again. "Like this? Like this?" Ignoring how many times she attempted to whack him, his hand leaned in further until he was literally poking her cheeks.

She leant back as his finger tips came into contact with her hot skin. He poked her in a light and teasing manner, he didn't actually believe she was jealous but he loved to torment her. "Not even denying it huh, your face speaks for you."

As he used one hand to poke her face he quickly jabbed the other into her stomach. Her body naturally jerked away from his touch as she unwillingly released a quiet giggle, he almost missed it. Once it had processed in his mind that she had laughed as a reaction to his touch his smirk grew into a natural, boyish smile "Don't tell me you're ticklish."

"Shut up. I'm not." A tiny smile teased her lips.

He grinned. "Oh, but I think you are." Then he pounced. Fingers spread, he poked in the same spot as before, erupting a surge of unwanted giggles up her throat from within the centre of her stomach, she attempted to withhold her cackles. They were, after all, still in the library.

She couldn't take it. Her laughter was becoming harder to conceal. His hands causing such a a reflex rubbed her the wrong way, instead of shrugging away she wrapped her own fingers around his extended wrist and tugged as hard as she possibly could.

"Woah!" His body propelled forward at an unstoppable force, and unfortunately for Aurora, his weight fell just on top of hers. The two went tumbling back on their chairs and onto the ground.

He'd have landed on top of her if it weren't for his reflexes. As they landed he was quick to use his arms to cushion his fall. That didn't prevent his face landing straight into her neck, he could faintly smell her perfume, but refused to acknowledge it, refused to like it. Their legs awkwardly intertwined over the lopsided chair inspired a redness to eat at their cheeks.

Avoiding all possible chance at eye contact, Theodore made the first move, to roll off her entirely. The second he was lying by her side a burst of laughter hit him. She remained silent and blushed a tiny grin pulling the corners of her lips upwards. Her smile transformed into a light chuckle. She pressed her face into her wrist to withhold them. Theodore, himself, didn't seem to care that they were in a library as he cackled, the thud produced by the chairs causing enough disturbance.

Her stomach shook as her chest heaved, it was all rather funny. Their amusement however was easily distinguished by the padding footsteps of heels. Madame Pince had been alerted by the disturbing bang and rushed over within moments, appalled to see two of her students on the floor clutching their stomaches and grins on their faces.

"This is a quiet vicinity!" She squeaked. "You two should already be aware of this. Nearly sevenths years and this behaviour is still custom?" Her huffing exchanged into a disappointed sigh. "I wouldn't expect something like this from you Miss Flores." Shaking her head, her eyes narrowed on the Nott boy. She went silent then, a notion done purposely. The librarian wasn't going to express any 'surprise' towards his behaviour. In fact it was probably expected by that point.

Her obvious detest didn't prevent him from sending a charming beam to head her way. "Irma." He nodded accordingly his cheeky smirk still threatening to present itself.

"Out. The pari of you." Her arm raised towards the exit. At the sign of no movement she huffed. "This is a place of peace, not brainless buffoonery." She turned away and left them to collect their things, they did so in a rush.

Their supplies rested in their arms, their heads hung low. Well, that was until Aurora pushed him aside and continued in a sprint. Racing from the library, Theodore was a mere step behind her.

Grins overtook them again as they ran. Right before they reached the exit, the Slytherin was unlucky enough that his thigh came into contact with a chair that had been left astray. He yelped.

"Mr Nott, what did we just discuss?!" The librarian once again squawked at the hint of disturbance.

"Sorry." He yelled back, receiving a simple agitated grunt from the peeved lady. He cackled as he limped through the doorway. Looking to his left he'd noticed Auroras quick absence. She was gone.

"You idiot!" From his right, Aurora sent a push that had him staggering the other way. He spoken too soon. "That was all your fault!" She grumbled.

"My fault?" In exaggerated shock he held a hand to his chest. "You're the one who insinuated a race." He leant against the wall, one arm resting above his head as his legs crossed before him.

With her arms crossed she too leant against the sandstone walls. "If you hadn't of tickled me, we wouldn't be in such a predicament at all." She shoved him again. That time he didn't stumble. His smirk was so tormenting, so sneaky, so him.
Her scowl was so menacing, so dark, so her.
But then she smiled. And it was so innocent, so trusting, and all a lie.

Shoving him again, she caught him off guard. He shuffled a single step back and was quick to catch himself, so quick, in fact, a bystander wouldn't have noticed, but they did. She grinned in triumphant, a real smile that time. Rolling his eyes, he scoffed at her silly games.

"I'm making the bright assumption that you have never been kicked out of the library." She nodded profusely, still agitated by their booting.

"You think?" Her voice went all high, a habit of hers. "I've never been kicked out of anywhere." His eyes widened in mock surprise. "I'm making the bright assumption you have?"

"Oh yeah." He chuckled, as his smile emerged he faced downwards and out of the blue found that her shoes had become the most interesting thing in the world and must be inspected. "Blaise and I have made it a habit."

"Madame Pince must loath you." Her voice was croaky and awkward, and uncommon change to her tone.

"You think?" His torso swayed back around and to the direction of the library. "I couldn't have guessed that. Her constant glaring made it so hard to tell." He beamed down at the sight of her rolling amber eyes.

•    •    •

They continued their walk to Merlin knows where. Their hands remained tucked in their pockets and their eyes trailed the patterns of the floors before them. The ghost of smiles haunted their flushed cherry lips.

The silence would have been comforting, but each of them could feel a question thrusting itself on the walls of Auroras inner lips, begging to be released. "Ask your question." He sighed in feigned boredom.

"Erm." She hesitated, the negative part of her mind pushing her to release it. "Your patronus." They both froze before she could even finish the question.

She remained silent in fear of disturbing the peace any further. The had already built a wedge, she feared if she were to continue it'd be like forming a giant wall in between them. He, however, was blunt, and enticed to break the new silence. The uncomfortable silence. "You said you need a purely happy memory, whatever good one I have is tainted somehow, they're all reminders."

"I find when I think of my mother, I'm eloped in warm memory and I feel loved." She figured his memory's were a reminder of what he'd lacked, she was far from right.

"No. Not reminders of what I've lost, reminders of what I have." His father, the abuse, the duty, but she didn't need to know any of that. Before she could ask, he spoke again. "Maybe one day though right?"

She smiled. "Yeah, something to look forward to."

Theodore Nott, looked at her in question. Defeated was how he found himself whenever he attempted to scratch the surface of the question 'who is Aurora Flores... really?' For there was no exact answer. Aurora Flores was an enigma, she was confusing, duplicitous in all the right ways. She had a side of her sculptured to comfort and please the likes of others. However the other half of her was not the opposite, he did not know what it was.

His initial assumptions where that she was evil, cruel, a liar. Looking back at the old picture, he can only depict himself as the moron. He could only view himself as a moron once again as she grinned up at him and how his ears and cheeks burned scarlet in reaction.

His thoughts were interrupted by her voice. "When can we return to the library you reckon?"

Surprise sprung from within him. "You want to go back? Now?"

"Oh Merlin now." She chucked. "How long is our..." She paused, searching for the correct word. "Banishment expected to last for?"

He snorted loudly and boyishly at her choice of vocabulary, truely brilliant. "Banishment?" He uttered one word, he didn't need anymore, his tone spoke for him.

"I don't know." She jogged on the spot. "I've never been condemned from the premises of anywhere."

"We've already covered that. You didn't even need to tell me once, it's fairly obvious." They both found themselves amused by the statement.

"Hmm." She trailed off for a moment. "You know Theo, we can't expect to be banished forever." His name slipped from her lips like honey does a spoon. It was so smooth it sounded as though it was near made for her lips. He had heard her refer to him in many ways, never once had she used his nickname, his preferred name.

His mind rushed though each and every memory to any time anyone had ever spoken the name 'Theo', and no matter how many memories he staggered through, not one sounded quite right. Theo. Theo, Theo, Theo. He liked it, she must've had a special way of saying it because he knew something was different than how anyone else must've pronounced it.

Perhaps everyone else had been saying it wrong his whole life. He had half a mind to never allow anyone from the name Theo again, as though anybody else may say it wrong and ruin this for him. But placing a word under lock and key was pointless, especially if that meant his friends would have to revert to calling him Theodore, a name he shared with his father. Suddenly he hated the name Theodore.

The audacity she had. He scoffed. She ruined his name for him entirely and sent him through a spiral of thoughts and weird inner monologue. He blamed her. Much like how he blamed her for hesitating when sitting near him a week prior at the three broomsticks when he specifically didn't want her there, she should've just sat down no issue. But she paused, he saved that chair for her, he didn't want her there and she paused.

He was only then just beginning to understand how stupid that sounded and quickly found himself glad he refrained from presenting the matter to anyone else before. His thoughts, of which resembled a messy haze, made it difficult to formulate when the girl of red and gold, before him, bid the Slytherin farewell. He hoped he returned it, he couldn't quite remember. His eyes followed as she walked, her layers of hair cascading down her slender shoulders from behind her fading figure.

Yes, Theodore Nott liked blondes, but he definitely preferred brunettes.


This chapter is messy but I had no clue was to write so I rambled (and you all know I will never edit them despite how much I should)

Hope everyone is doing well...

Idk what to say...

Ooooh weeellll, hope you enjoyed

- Sofia, xx

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