XV • Spells and Stunning

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Held, tightly in the grasp of her sweaty right hand was a beautiful gold coin, in wizard terms a galleon. Her galleon rather than to be spent was meant to be cherished, for that particular coin was enchanted. Enchanted so that she could inconspicuously communicate with her fellow DA members.

On her way to the seventh floor Rory made note to check every corner before turning in worry that someone would follow her.  It was her very first official meeting, where she had hoped she would come to learn more about defence against the dark arts. She would rather pitch herself off the astronomy tower than give away the location of Dumbledores Army headquarters, the room of requirement, so she remained careful as she walked on through the halls.

She peaked over the pillar to take a run for it, the room of requirement was two corridors away. Two corridors away from sanctuary, she assured herself.

She could hear the faint voices of two. From what she could hear, it was a boy and a girl. She waited in hopes they would pass. If she got the timing right she could remain unrevealed behind the pillar. From what it sounded like they weren't moving any time soon. She stood there for thirty seconds, and then another.

After nearly two minutes she decided they weren't moving any time soon so she figured just casually walking by would have to do. She would usually walk around with her head held high but she didn't need to draw any unwanted attention.

She walked by said couple in question and due to basic human instinct, had to take a look. She didn't notice that her own jaw pulled down once she saw who the intruders were.

Tracy Davis, Slytherin Fifth year. Aurora gave her  half a glance, the girl was pretty, eyes siren like and green, her dark blonde hair pulled into a messy one tail, she had an athletic type body. Aurora gave her a small smile, it was unfortunately not returned. Although her actions seemed somewhat rude, it wasn't half as bad as the glare she received from none other than Theodore Nott himself.

His glare turned into a small smirk as she walked past, leaving them before any interaction was necessary, not before hearing the faint scoff of the girl she said was pretty and internally complimented her like crazy and sent her a smile. She regretted being internally nice.

Her head remained bowed as she speeded by, desperate to arrive to her destination. After another minute, she was finally there. The wall submerged into a beautiful, draught proof, dark oak door, the carvings alone seemed hand chiseled, Aurora truely believed that the architecture of Hogwarts was undeniably exquisite. Pushing open the hinged wall of wood she entered the room of requirement.

Students eyes shot to her in paranoia, everyone seemed to be on edge. Many relaxed at the absence of danger when they realised it was only her, they all turned back to Harry.

The first lesson they figured they'd start of easy. Harry decided teaching everyone stunning spells seemed most appropriate. Aurora, who had already known them opted to helping everyone else. She had noticed halfway through the class that Harry seemed to be struggling. He was attempting to teach the stunning spell to a second year, who just wasn't getting it.

"No. Stupefy." Harry nearly seethed.

"I'm pretty sure it's Stopefy." The two had been going back and fourth.

"Then why isn't it working?" Harry pressed.

The boy looked as though he was about to shoot some snappy insult back. Aurora deemed it fit to intervene. "Here." She crouched down besides the boy. "You're doing everything perfectly, your stance, your hand movement, but Harry's right, the incantation is Stu -pe - fy." She gave him a gentle smile.

The second year blushed before nodding. She smiled up at Harry who rolled his eyes before re precipitating the smile. She raised her arms out, nominating herself as the target. The boy lifted his wand and directed it at her. But once he shouted the incantation, he redirected his wand towards Harry, sending him a few steps back.

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