III • Little Miss too perfect for me

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Unsurprisingly, waking up that morning was a struggle for all of the adolescent witches and wizards who resided in 12 Grimmauld place. The adults, who were oblivious to their activities that night, showed no mercy and practically resorted to shaking them awake by their shoulders.

Aurora specifically remembered Mrs Weasley questioning the amount of sleep they all received, she then proceeded to ask if they had thrown a party, to which Rory thought something like that. Aurora, at the time had chuckled at Mrs Weasleys, not completely incorrect, prediction.

Rory, dressed in a pair of mum jeans, a pink short sleeved polo, with her hair thrown into a messy ponytail, made her way onto the train.
Not without a heartwarming farewell hug from Sirius, and a kiss on the forehead from Molly.

To her surprise and pleasure, Aurora had found an empty compartment. She loved her friends to pieces but couldn't find it within herself to tolerate the pitiful glances or random hugs they had been providing her with all morning.

That was the main reason she kept her mothers death a secret, she didn't want pity. She wanted her mother. Everyone acting like Rory was made of glass was just another reminder that she was gone. Aurora would never admit that aloud though, in fear of sounding ungrateful or rude.

She lifted her suitcase into the loft above her, and rested her head against the window. Silence. That's what she needed. That's what she wanted. No one would leave her alone in fear she would break. Her eyes widened and rolled, at the thought.

Legs crossed and tucked beneath her, Aurora found her book, Macbeth. It was a difficult read, but it's one she vowed she would accomplish. She was only on page thirty because she had decided to translate every sentence in her mind, and she had only started no more than a few days before.

Whenever she read, confusion became visible on her face. Eyebrows furrowed, eyes slightly squinted, she even began to lightly bite against the tip of her thumb in question. She had found herself understanding the current plot line, yet unable to figure out specifics phrases.

Aurora decided to challenge herself with Shakespeare, what she didn't realize was how difficult reading it truly was. Her mother had loved Shakespeare, specifically a midsummer's night dream. Aurora was tempted to read it but rather chose Macbeth because of her interest in a particular vile woman.

A viscous, manipulative, cruel, ambitious, nasty woman. Lady Macbeth held the characteristics of which Aurora could never have. Rory didn't know what would happen if she ever even let the mere thought of being impolite cross her mind. Almost as though being unkind was somewhat illegal in her mind.

She read on and remained especially attentive to the words of Lady Macbeth, Aurora for some reasons found a liking to her. She didn't know why. Being rude was the very opposite of her. Why was she drawn to the most malicious women ever written? Perhaps she enjoyed the feminism portrayed through her? Yes, that's it. The feminism. Definitely. Yes. The feminism.

She didn't allow herself to dwell on her thoughts of Lady Macbeth, so she slammed her book shut in hopes to forget the allure of such darkness. Her attention shifted out the window. She watched as a series of trees went by and she admired them as they blurred into a mix of greens and browns.

She rested her head against the glass once again and paid close attention to the colours. Her gaze shifted to the sky and she focused on the question as to why the sky doesn't blur like the trees. She of course understood the concept of distance playing a factor into her question, but she couldn't help but picture what the world would look like if the sky traveled too.

She imagined what the sun would look like, the moon, the stars, clouds and so on. Her gaze was fixed on the clouds drifting in the wind and she pictured the sky moving too. Aurora took pleasure in having such random thoughts, it entertained her, kept her mind busy, more or less.

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