By lomljagger

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A story in which a girl unexpectedly falls in love with her best friend's band mate. <3 More

i n t r o
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s i x
s e v e n
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t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n

t w o

108 0 0
By lomljagger


thevaleriemarie breakfast with carson :)

tagged carson.mills


carson.mills love you 💕
^thevaleriemarie love you more <3

jasonpieters it's good seeing you happy val ❤️
^thevaleriemarie 💞💞

randomuser goals

randomuser i want a relationship like you
guys have

randomuser 🥹

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J 🎤
can I pick you up at 1? me
and the guys will be heading
over to the studio and we
figured you could just
tag along!

Val 🩰
sounds good!

J 🎤
great, see you then


It was now around 12:30 pm and Valerie and Carson had just gotten back to Carson's apartment after breakfast, Valerie was getting ready to head back to her own apartment so she could be back before Jason were to show up to take her to the studio with the other guys.

"I had a great time with you today." Valerie said to her boyfriend with a soft smile.

"Me too." Carson said, smiling along with her before before placing a gentle kiss to her lips.

"Alright go on I don't want you to be late!" Carson said laughing slightly as he stood up and walked her to the door.

She hugged him tightly. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

Carson nodded and watched as she walked out of the apartment.

The nerves were really starting to hit her, of course she was excited to meet these guys but she just couldn't shake off the fear that they just might not like her. She's seen some photos of them through social media but nothing more. As she hopped into the driver's seat of her car she took a deep breath, exhaling when she shut the door.

"Here goes nothing."

Within about ten minutes she had made it home and was now just patiently waiting to receive the text saying that Jason was here. In the mean time she decided to listen to their new song, she hadn't yet gotten the chance to listen to it. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened up spotify. She searched the name of the song, "Make You Believe", and hit play.

Right off the bat she was interested, sitting quietly and listening to the song. She found herself doing little choreo to it while listening. Soon enough the song ended and she smiled softly.

"Can't believe my best friend is in a boy band... how crazy is that?"

She laughed to herself before hearing a ping from her phone, without even checking the notification she peeked out and saw Jason's car out front. She started to feel a little less nervous than before and got up, throwing on a jacket and making her way out the front door. She lived on the bottom floor of the apartment complex so she didn't have much walking to do. Excitedly, Valerie opened up the passenger door and got in.

"I can't believe I'm finally meeting these guys after you've been in a band with them for over a year." She said dramatically, a bright smile on her face.

"I really think they're gonna love you Val! You bring a lot of good vibes and I'm sure that's something we all need sometimes."

Valerie smiled and gently hugged her best friend's arm. "I missed hanging out with you all the time, people in New York already had all these friends, it was tough."

"I know Val, but it's okay you're back now! I'll invite you to hang out with the guys and I more often, okay?" He said comfortingly.

"I'd love that." Valerie said with a nod.

After talking for a bit longer they finally drove off and made their way to the studio where the rest of the boys would already be waiting.

Soon enough, they pulled into the parking lot and made their way into the building. Valerie was getting more and more nervous the closer they got. They stepped into the studio and everyone immediately stood up, excited to greet her.

"Hi everyoneee!" Valerie said with a bright smile.

Currently only three out of four of the guys were out here, assuming the last one of them was recording something.

"Hi I'm Shane. It's so good to finally meet you!" Shane said going over and giving Valerie a hug.

"It was starting to feel like we were never going to meet you." James joked as he hugged her after Shane. "Oh, and James by the way."

"I know, that's my bad! I've just been settling in and getting used to the area again." She said with a smile, already feeling very welcomed.

Sean went in for a hug with a smile. "Sean." Valerie and Sean had technically already met but they were pretty young and hadn't really met since, so they knew who each other were but still didn't know each other all that well yet.

A few minutes later the last member of the band walked out of the recording studio and Valerie looked up from her phone. She gave him a soft smile before approaching.

"Hi I'm Valerie."

"I'm Jagger." He said with a bright smile before pulling her into a gentle and quick hug. "It's nice to finally meet you after all the amazing things Jason has said about you."

"Well I'm glad to finally be here."

With that they all made their way over to the couch in the studio while Jason made his way into the recording studio to record some vocals.

"So Valerie, what do you do for fun? Like do you have any hobbies or anything like that?" Shane questioned.

"I actually love dancing, I've been dancing since I was probably about 3 years old it's just something I quickly fell in love with." Valerie said, excited to talk about her passion.

This statement alone brought a slight smile to Jagger's face, he loved hearing really anyone talk about dance the same way he does.

"I mean- I also like to sing but I wouldn't really say I'm good at it, it could definitely use some work." She said with a laugh.

"Sing us something!" James quickly said.

"Oh no no no, I'll just embarrass myself!"

"Pleeeease." Sean begged.

"Whatever, can one of you at least play a guitar or something." She slightly laughed.

"I got it!" Jagger said reaching over and picking up a guitar from beside the couch. "What do you want to sing?"

"Umm, how about Make You Believe? I listened to it this morning." She said with a smile.

Jagger nodded his head and took a second to adjust and get ready to play. "Ready when you are."

Valerie nodded and sang about half of the song before stopping, immediately falling back on the couch afterwards out of embarrassment. "That was so bad."

"No it wasn't!" James encouraged, "I think you sounded great."

"I mean you sang my part better than I did so, I think you've got some talent Miss Valerie." Jagger said with a cheeky grin.

"Whatever you guys say." She said with a small laugh and smile.

The nerves had finally rushed away, these guys were super kind and she really had nothing to be afraid of in the first place. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and decided to finally follow all of them on instagram and other social medias, soon enough they all had followed back.

As the day went on they did more recording and Valerie just got to know them more and more, she could tell she was going to enjoy spending more time them all.


authors note

and that's a wrap on chapter two!! i'm super excited to get this book up and going, i've already got some super fun and exciting ideas for this story so i hope you all continue to enjoy :)

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