The Second Dragonoid's Tale

By zairrik

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Follow an unlucky fellow as F/N discovers a new world and things he never knew. Rediscover things he would ra... More

Chapter 1: New Life, New Monsters
Chapter 2: The Storm Dragon, The Slime, & The What?
Chapter 3: Helping The Goblin Village
Chapter 3.5: Everybody Talks
Chapter 4: Names
Chapter 5: Rules For Monsters
Chapter 6: Empowerment Duo
Chapter 7: Ask & Hear The Answer
Chapter 8: Dreadful Dreams Beside Reality
Chapter 9: Mistakes
Chapter 10: A Needed Talk
Chapter 10.5: Veldora
Chapter 11: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 12: Striking Tempest Part 1
Chapter 13: Striking Tempest Part 2
Chapter 14: Alliance
Chapter 15: Parting of Ways
Chapter 16: First Day In Dwargon
Chapter 17: Knowledge & Faith
Chapter 18: Visit Ends
Chapter 19: Leaving
Chapter 20: Dwelling Of Ramiris
Chapter 21: Abomination
Special: Juramas
Chapter 22: A Strong Spirit
Chapter 23: Tempest & Gazel
Chapter 23.5: Four Demon Lords
Chapter 24: Short Side Love Story
Chapter 25: Milim Arrives
Chapter 26: One More Talk
Chapter 27: Moments In Time
Chapter 28: Unwelcomed Zealots
Chapter 29: Who Wants To Play Hero?
Chapter 30: Training One's Self In Mind
Chapter 30.5: Little Scheme
Chapter 31: A Chat With Rimuru
Chapter 32: F/N Versus Charybdis! Siblings Clash!
Chapter 33: Melancholy
Chapter 34: Doldrums
Chapter 35: Before The Dark Horizon
Chapter 36: Ingrassia
Chapter 37: Saved Souls
Chapter 38: Rumble In The Beast Kingdom
Chapter 39: Versus Milim! Devastation!
Chapter 40: Corruption & True Dragon Magic
Chapter 41: That Time A Slime Saved A Dragonoid
Chapter 42: Going Forward
Ultimate Skills
Chapter 43: Walpurgis & Velzard
Chapter 45: Plan For A Festival
Chapter 46: Cherry & Saints
Chapter 47: Tempest & Saints
Chapter 48: Luminous & Veldora
Chapter 49: Cold Comfort For The False Dragon
Chapter 50: Invite Only
Chapter 51: A Family Matter
Chapter 52: Reconcile
Chapter 53: Tempest Tango Festival
Chapter 54: Grand Closing
Chapter 55: Descend Into Ruin, In All Ways
Chapter 56: A Princess & A Dragon
Chapter 57: Scorched Empire
Chapter 58: Ivarage

Chapter 44: Tempest Dividends

1.9K 63 8
By zairrik

While waiting for tea to be prepared, all of the Demon Lords were sent off to different rooms. I debated to myself with how to proceed now that matters appeared to be settling down. Called back once the tea was done, I sat in the seat next to Rimuru which was across from Milim.

"The original reason for this Walpurgis, the discussion of Carrion's supposed betrayal and Rimuru's emergence, have been resolved," Guy stated with disinterest, but a smile soon crossed his face as tea was given to him. "I wouldn't mind ending it here, but this is a rare opportunity. Is there anyone who wants to speak?"

Frey raised her hand, "May I? I have a request."

"Go ahead," Guy listened intently.

"I would like to take this opportunity to officially announce my abdication from my Demon Lord status and ask Milim to take me as her subordinate."

This caused Milim to spit her still hot tea, shooting across the table onto me. "Wait a sec, it's my first time hearing that!" I got up and cleaned up the mess, the giant handing me a handkerchief to help clean Milim.

"That's sudden. What's your reason?" Guy asked, seemingly disappointed at the news of losing a Demon Lord.

"My reason..." Frey seldom admitted, "I think I'm too weak to be a Demon Lord. I'm convinced after seeing the fight earlier. I wouldn't have been able to defeat an awakened Clayman, let alone Milim."

"But Frey," The giant Dagruel added, "As a harpy, you specialize in highspeed aerial combat. There is no reason to deprecate yourself like this."

Frey shook her head, "That's no excuse. The battlefield being different or the tactics used. Thus, I have decided to be Milim's follower."

"She makes a point," I chimed in and looked to Milim. "Besides, I think a disciple could do you some good."

"Hold on," Carrion stood up, "If we're talking about this, I have something to say. After witnessing you two fight, it would be shameless of me to continue bearing the Demon Lord title. That's why I'm also going to give up my Demon Lord status."

"Are you sure about that, Carrion?" Guy asked, further growing disinterested and bothered. "I have taken a liking to you and was expecting you to awaken after a few hundred years."

"I appreciate your expectations," Carrion smiled as a reflection of that. "But I'll decide things for myself."

"Well, it's all good," Despite his ever changing expression, something appeared to be not good. "From now on, Frey and Carrion are no longer Demon Lords. Will you serve Milim?"

"On hold it right there," I interjected. "You're going to serve me, right?"

"What?" Carrion asked, surprised and confused.

"You put your people in my care after faking your death. It only makes sense that you pay me back," I pointed at him.

"You appear to be butting in more than you should for someone who isn't a Demon Lord," Guy stabbed into my claim. "If a former Demon Lord is going to serve anyone it should be a current Demon Lord."

"While I don't disagree with your reasoning, I have reasons of my own for wanting Carrion." I clapped back, staring Guy down to Valzard's annoyance.

"Do tell." Guy smiled expectantly.

"I, F/N Dora-Nava Tempest, announce my candidacy for the status Demon Lord. And demand the former territories of both Carrion and Clayman. As well as the eastern half of the Jura Forest." My claim caused Rimuru to stand up.

"You never mentioned that!" The slime stated in shock.

"Because I didn't want to repeat myself and wanted to make sure of my claim," I looked to Carrion. "As for wanting you, I have never governed people, not officially. I could use your experience in the matter."

The Beast King smiled, "Then I'll happily be of service."

Milim sighed with relief and spoke quietly, "Thank goodness... There's no way I know how to handle multiple subordinated..."

Frey, however, heard her, "That is something I plan to help you with. You can't be selfish forever, can you? You need to start thinking about how to manage your territory. Otherwise, don't you feel sorry for those priests who adore you so much?"

Milim appeared bothered, overwhelmed by the idea. I patted her on the head, "You have to take on responsibilities at some point."

"Argh! All right!" Milim shouted.

"Now hold on," The vampire Demon Lord spoke to me directly, "Things are getting ahead. Returning to the topic of you becoming a Demon Lord."

"Right, I guess I need to become a Demon Lord first. Hm..." I thought for a moment.

"If you are referring to Awakening, then there's time for that," Guy mentioned, but I ignored him.

"Erebus," I summoned, causing Moros and Apate to follow. "Could the three of you, say, destroy the barony of Silverwood and collect all the souls for me, leaving no one alive, real quick."

"You're sure?" Erebus asked, a little concerned.

"Yeah, I appreciate it." The three vanished. Looking back at the Demon Lords who were staring blankly at me. "What? All I need is human souls, right? I already have a plan to get the Seed."

"F/N," Rimuru said with concern, "I don't think you thought this through. Your whole personality could change."

"Eh, I'll be fine." I shrugged it off.

Guy burst out laughing, "That decision making. The same as the Storm Dragon attacking that city."

"Well, in my defense, True Dragons don't have a history of making good decisions. Or any dragon-related creature for that matter."

"Oh?" Guy wanted me to continue, clearly seeing that Velzard was getting peeved.

"Granted, I'm not as foolish as the vampire pretending to be a maid thinking no one noticed when half of the room has," I said, changing the subject before pissing off Velzard. And, instead, angered the silver-haired vampire.

"Why, might you be referring to me? I am merely a humble-"

"Oh, cut it out."

"F/N!" Milim jumped in, "You can't do that! Valentine is hiding her identity. It's a secret that the current Demon Lord is a proxy."

"Not much of a secret anymore," I looked at her with a grin. Milim quickly realized what she did, earning Valentine's glare.

"That's enough," The maid outfit, surrounded in black bats, transformed into a black dress. The proxy stood up and made way for Valentine to sit.

Her butler spoke, "Is it all right, Lady Luminas?"

Her name caught my eyes, "This Walpurgis just got a lot more interesting." The moment Valentine turned her head to answer him, my fist shattered the back of her chair. "From one religious figure to another. Hi."

The two of us stared each other down before Guy cut in, "Now now, we already cleaned up one fight. No need to start another." His friendly way of telling me not to, or else.

"Let me make one thing clear first," If your faith brings harm to my people again. You will wish there was a true god. Otherwise, we stay out of each other's business, agreed?

"Agreed. Now will you move?" I walked back over to Milim.

"Anyway, about becoming a Demon..." I started to feel tired, "Demon..." I staggered, grabbing Milim's chair. "Huh... That's weird. I didn't hear the announcement..."

Announcement. Harvest Festival for the individual recognized as F/N Dora-Nava Tempest, has begun.

"There it is," I took a nap, almost slamming my face on the floor when Carrion caught me.

Confirmed. Super-evolving... Unsuccessful...

Confirmed. New resistances... Unsuccessful...

Confirmed. Ultimate skill Akashic has activated. Ultimate skill Raphael has activated. Ultimate skill Vual has activated. Ultimate skill Gremory has activated.

Notice. Utilizing established bonds with all individuals. Successful.

Confirmed. Reattempting super-evolution from dragonoid... In progress... Deconstruction and reconstruction of soul underway.

New resistances: Spiritual Attack Nullification. Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance. Physical Attack Nullification. Pain Nullification. Natural Effects Nullification. Acquisition successful.

New intrinsic skills: Infinite Magicules. Dragon Spirit Haki. Universal Sense. Universal Shapeshift. Acquisition successful.

All physical abilities have significantly improved.

Evolution underway...



I don't want to change...

Error. Individual F/N Dora-Nava Tempest's Harvest Festival has been forcefully halted. Super-evolution has been halted. Under supreme authority an exception is granted. Now beginning the bestowing of gifts upon those connected to him.

"Completely absurd," My eyes opened to Velzard looking down upon me, her words completely without warmth but with hints of curiosity.

I stood up and noticed that she and Milim had gotten a little shorter. "What? I got a little taller. No need to be mad about it."

"That's not... Never mind what you did," Threw aside the thought and went back over to Guy.

I turned to Milim, who appeared to be waiting. Giving her a bear hug and twirling her around, I exclaimed, "Come on! Be a little excited! I thought you'd be happy your brother became a Demon Lord like his sis!"

Milim, with all her strength, returned the hug, "I am! I am!" She laughed happily before I threw her over to Velzard.

"Well..." Rimuru said with relief, "You haven't changed, much. I guess that makes nine Demon Lords then."

Everyone, from that statement alone, became more bothered than with anything currently related to F/N. Even Velzard became annoyed on Guy's behalf.

"That's a problem," The giant said, "We need to think of a new name again."

The vampire added, "It's a good thing that all the Demon Lords are present. A good idea might come up."

Milim, as she does, left it for the others to figure out, "I'll leave it to you guys again!" And tried to get me to play a game with her while they figured things out.

Ramiris complained about it, which Valentine pointed out is exactly what she did last time and was the only thing Ramiris did. However, the sleepy one clapped back, pointing out that Valentine passed it all off on her proxy last time and didn't help. Leon Cromwell, under hushed breath while the others began to argue, witnessed the nightmare for the first time. Veldora and I shared a glance while I was avoiding Milim's attempts at playing tag.

We should dump this on Rimuru.

"In that case," Veldora said, standing beside Rimuru. "My friend, Rimuru, is already good at coming up with names! Leave it to him!"

Ramiris supported the idea upon hearing it, "Come to think of it he named Beretta so quickly!"

The others became quiet as Guy grinned with his eyes closed, "Today, Rimuru, the new Demon Lord, I bestow upon you the wonderful privilege."

"Ah, I don't need it, so I humbly refuse the offer. But you know, since F/N's the one who wanted to be a Demon Lord, he should have the honor. Don't you agree?"

The table shattered into dust, Guy walked over to Rimuru. "You, F/N, either way this is a huge honor. Especially for those that caused this to happen in the first place. Surely, one of you will accept it, right?"

F/N, Rimuru complained to me, You're not leaving me with this mess.

I sighed heavily and faced Guy as Milim tripped by me, "Does it have to be a number?"

"Not if it's good enough," Guy answered with a grin.

"The Antithesis Patrons? Lords of Dusk?" Guy waited more eagerly. "No then? Hm... The Nine Demon Pillars?"

"Nine sides... Nonagon?" Rimuru suggested.

"Sounds a little off... [Akashic], help me out."

Received. Guy Crimson displayed a positive response to the words dusk, pillars, and nine.

So then the number is important to him... I feel like I know a group with nine in their name back on Earth...

"The Mighty Nine?"

Guy started to laugh, having had his fun, "You're a little cute when you're thinking. Why don't I pick two and we put them to a vote? Misery, fix the table." We returned to our seats, the debris of the previous table removed to make way for its replacement. "All in favor of The Nine Demon Pillars?" Rimuru, Guy, Milim, and Dagruel raised their hands. "Nonagon," Valentine, Ramiris, Dino, and Leon.

Yep, he really wanted the number included, "It's kind of stupid that we have to settle for one name. How about both? The Nine Demon Pillars. Nonagon for short."

Guy nodded, "It's settled then. With Walpurgis almost over, there is one thing left to do. Division of territories."

A map of the world was brought out and placed on the table for each lord. I examined it and the current territories up for grabs. Drawing on my map, earning the eyes of the other Demon Lords, I thought of a perfectly reasonable division of the lands.

"Hey!" Milim cried, seeing what I had done, "You can't take part of my land!"

"Why not? It's not like you manage it. Besides, I gave you Carrion's territory on account that you destroyed his city and should be responsible for rebuilding it," I clapped back, but even Rimuru wasn't happy.

"But you're also taking a large chunk of the Jura Forest," The slime pointed out.

"You had plans for it?" I asked.

"Not at the moment, but surely there's a better reason than that for the way you've drawn it?"

"Let me ask you, does it really matter who gets what when the three of us our close?" I continued. "My country, Velheim, will act as a wall to keep the Eastern Empire in check. Since Milim will definitely try and leave Frey to do all the administrative work, consolidating it and sinking it somewhat not only keeps the borders clean, but makes it easier to manage."

"And what of Carrion's people?" Frey asked, but answered with a guess. "Do you plan to let them return to their homeland? You must have reconsidered what to do with them if you are conceding Eurazania."

"I suppose the rulers of the three territories will have to form a migration treaty to ensure that the people go where they wish. And in the event of war, offer to take in refugees. Of course that means that the delicious food and drinks, once grown in Eurazania and processed in Tempest, will have to have a new trade deal established."

Frey gave a single laugh, "You've thought of Milim's weakness for good food. The importance of military defense from the Empire."

"I've also considered the placement of Elysium at the river crossing as the perfect place for trade between the three, and as a base for Carrion to work from to assist in administrative duties for the east half of Milim's territory."

"You're lending Carrion's aid?" Frey appeared interested.

"As amends for taking part of Milim's territory and as a sign of good faith."

"You're not worried of us attempting to turn Carrion?"

I laughed, "Try." Frey's wings, the only way to tell of her reaction, gave away that she grew colder. A chill ran down her spine only for the tension caused by it to leave when I continued, "Besides, me and Milim are family, we aren't going to fight or betray each other. I won't allow it to happen to any member of the family." I clapped my hands together, "Are we really going to continue this? Or are we in agreement?"

Rimuru sighed, before nodding. Frey encouraged Milim to agree, even if she wasn't happy giving away part of her territory. At the conclusion of the discussion, a meal of tiger stew was brought out for the lords to enjoy alongside a glass of wine. However, without eating a bite, since the Walpurgis was finished, both Leon and Valentine immediately left. Meanwhile Milim was making a mess, chowing down on the meal.

As she was about to have some liquor, I snatched the glass from her hand. She claimed it was her reward for doing her best, going so far as to use raw bell pepper to keep her face expressionless. I watched Ramiris try a sip and instantly became drunk. I refused to allow Milim to have even a drop of alcohol. And so concluded Walpurgis, and the founding of a new country.

In my father's stories, he called the home of all dragons Velheim, I left an open invitation to Velzard before leaving with Rimuru.

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