Hollywood's Bleeding - Post M...

By Pepepolly

4.3K 281 12

She wakes with an echoed thud coming from downstairs. At first, she feels relief, Jim has come to his senses... More

Shady Deals
New Beginning
New Start
Keep Her Safe
I Want you
Goodbyes Are Hard
Opening Act
Pretty Girls
Glory Hole
Dancing Queen
The Stripper
Who I Am
He Is Amazing
Hand & Knees
Not Real
A Lesson
My Home
Losing You
You Might Think...
Why I Love You
A Pearl
Oh, Hello

A Little Bit Of My Heart

105 8 1
By Pepepolly

Oliver hands Ophelia a bottle of bleach as she steps out of the camper. "We heard you. You will need this, you don't know where that's been," he says with a disgusted face and pointing at Austin. "It's been to heaven and back," Austin laughs and Ophelia hides her red face in his chest. "Lucky your parents left early this morning for a hike. The rest of us had to endure the birds chirping and Austin's moaning. I am traumatized," Rod says sipping on her coffee. "Didn't stop you from doing things to me that had you needing your own bottle of bleach though did it my Rod? I always said you had the best mouth in town," Oliver says bending down to kiss her cheek. Austin takes the bleach from Ophelia and drops it into Rod's lap. "Nasty girl," he laughs then makes Ophelia and himself coffee by the withering fire. Ophelia sits down next to Rod, avoiding her stare. Rod sucks on her vape and then passes it to Ophelia. She takes a drag and hands it back to her. "I met the boys in high school, fell for Oliver straight away. He was my first...has been my only, is my forever. I watched them grow from boys into men, I watched them go through the worst pain with Red and then celebrated with them in their happiest moments in life. They both were always there when I looked behind me and have never let me fall, they have been with me every step of the way and now...I watch as Austin falls in love. Be careful, Ophelia, he is exposed when it comes to you. It's beautiful to watch...but.." she lets her words trail off. She is worried about him, scared of what this might do to him and Ophelia finds her heart expanding a little more to make space for a spot reserved just for Rod. Rod is lovely. "When this ends I hope you know that I too will hurt. It's easy to fall for Austin. But...I have so much learning to do...so much life to live. I know it's selfish, I hate myself for knowing the pain I will cause without even trying," Ophelia whispers. "It's not selfish and you should not hate yourself. You will be the only one that does if you do. Austin is a big boy, he knew what he was getting into and he has no one to blame but himself - he wouldn't blame you," Rod says. They turn when they hear Oliver scream. "You dumbass! You broke the eggs!" he shouts and chucks an eggshell at Austin who ducks and comes up with a howling laugh that hits Ophelia right in the chest. "Maybe...maybe I could learn my lessons and live my life with Austin," Ophelia says, watching as Oliver chases him around the makeshift kitchen with a bottle of oil as they both laugh.

Rod sighs and hands her vape back to Ophelia. "The thing with Austin is, is that he thinks he is a bad guy. It's because he measures himself against Red. He saw Red as this anomaly, this man who was above everyone else, a man he strives to be. But Red was only half the man Austin is. Don't ever repeat that, I will deny it if you do. But Red told me that once. He said that Austin emulates this light, he changes how people see the world. Austin won't stay, even if you ask him."

"Because you don't think he loves me..."

"The opposite actually. He will go because he loves you. He knows you need this so he will give to you selflessly...even if it's to his own detriment."

"He will find some to love. It will get easier with time."

"Maybe...but there is just something special about your first love. It hurts a little more than the rest when it's lost."

"I am not his first love. He said he has been in love tons of times."

"Thinking and being are sometimes confused. You are his first love. I am glad it's you, you are a great choice for a first love."

"I think he's mine too."

"That would make sense. Good choice, he will keep your memories of him untainted."

"Women! Food!" Oliver shouts from the other side of the now-dead fire. Rod stands and walks off to him while Austin walks to Ophelia with a plate and sits down next to her. He smiles and hands her the plate, she knows he knows they were talking about him. But he doesn't ask, rather he sits back in his chair and looks out at the forest while she eats. Just as she finishes her food, Ophelia sees her parents walking back. Her father's shoulders slouching slightly, he is devastated at yet again not catching a glimpse of Bigfoot. He has been hunting since she was a child, he is getting old now. Ophelia does not know how many more hunts he can go on. "If I could make only one wish come true in my lifetime it would be for my father to see Bigfoot. Just for a second," she says. "You would not wish anything for yourself?" Austin asks. "I have a lot of wishes...but I think I would cash them all in for just that one if I could," Ophelia says watching her parents trudge slowly into the camp. "I have an announcement," her father says. "I don't think there are any Bigfoots in these hills. Sometimes...I think I might be wrong about Bigfoot altogether."

"Oh, but, Moonbeam-"

"Now quit your worrying, Sunshine. I am an old man, it's time I grew up a little. People have been telling me for years that Bigfoot is not real, I should maybe listen. From tomorrow maybe I will look into that UFO rubbish Jerry has been trying to shove down my throat for years."

"You know, Moonbeam, when Austin and I were little boys some kids at school told us that father Christmas was not real. Austin kicked their asses for making me cry. He could kick those people's asses too if you like. But that's not the point of my story. The point is when Christmas  came around, Austin woke me up and snuck me downstairs, and do you know who I saw?"

"Father Christmas?"

"Yes! I felt so stupid for believing those idiots. Austin said they never saw father Christmas because they had no magic in their lives."

"He was eighteen...he still believes in Father Christmas. I have to buy Rod's Christmas gifts because he thinks father Christmas brings them," Austin leans over and whispers in Ophelia's ear. Ophelia giggles, of course Austin would keep the magic alive. Austin stands and walks over to Ophelia's dad. "Moonbeam, no matter what happens on this trip - it has been one of my favorite holidays. Let's go out on one more hunt, we will give it one last go. I have a sneaky suspicion that it's when all hope is lost that luck grabs hold and Bigfoot pops up. "

"You really think so?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well! What are we waiting for then? Come on!" her dad says excitedly and starts packing his stuff for the hunt. Oliver drops his plate and rushes off to his camper, Rod watching him with stars in her eyes. "I think you are just the sweetest boy around," Ophelia's mother says and kisses Austin's cheek. "It's a selfish act, Sunshine, I am hoping Bigfoot carries him off and then you and I can finally start our lives together," Austin chuckles. Ophelia's mother giggles and shakes her head. "Terrible flirt," she says and then walks off to help Luke. "I am beginning to worry you have fallen in love with my mother," Ophelia stands as Austin walks over to her, taking her hand and leading her to their camper. "My heart beats for one woman only, baby," he says climbing into the camper and pulling out their back packs.

"Oh? Who?"



"Yes. Dolly."

"As in Dolly Parton?"

"Yes. It's her tits and Southern accent...I'm a goner for her."

Ophelia giggles as Austin turns her around and helps her put her backpack on. "Like you would stand a chance. She is way above your league," she giggles again and then Austin turns her back to face him. "That's why I have settled for you, baby," he says smiling as he puts his own backpack on. "Well, I hope I pay good homage to her," she says, giggling again. "Keep doing what you did this morning and I think I will survive," he says and leans down to kiss her.


Ophelia's thighs are burning and Austin is in front of her with his hand reached back locked into hers as he pulls her along. She wants to beg for them to stop but does not want to sound like a whiny baby. She trips over a tree root but Austin catches her before her face smashes into the floor. "Careful,  baby," he mumbles, checking her over. "I am ok, just tired. Where are we going?" she asks. "Just to those trees. We are nearly there, give me your backpack," he says taking her backpack. She would protest but she is just so tired. Austin starts walking again, taking her hand and pulling her along. By the time they get to the trees, she falls on her back next to Oliver and tries to get her breath back. "That was a bitch of a walk," Oliver complains. "And all uphill too," Ophelia agrees with him. "Water," Austin smiles down at her holding out an open bottle of water. She goes to sit up but Oliver beats her to it, grabbing the bottle and downing the whole thing as Austin and Ophelia watch. "Thank you, brother,  you are the sweetest asshole around," he says throwing the now-empty bottle at Austin. "Watch your back, brother, there is a fucking target on it now," Austin says opening another bottle of water and handing it to Ophelia. "Oh I don't mind sharing," she says. "You mind, baby," Austin tells her, kicking Oliver lightly as he walks past him. "Ophelia, don't let him get me. His fists are like steel. I am scared," Oliver says throwing his arms around her neck and hugging her. Ophelia giggles and hugs him back. "Don't worry, I will save you," she says. "Get away from her," Austin says pulling Ophelia away from him as he sits down and then pulls her onto his lap. "How many times do I have to tell you not to touch my stuff, Oliver," Austin complains. "Oh, I don't mind sharing" Ophelia teases with a giggle. Oliver howls in laughter and falls over while Austin's mouth drops open. "You little freak!" he laughs digging his fingers into her ribs and tickling her till her stomach hurts and she begs him to stop or she will pee.

"Austin, I don't know if this is the right spot," her father says as he sets up his chair next to her mother. "Na,  this is a perfect spot. My guess is Bigfoot will pop out right behind that bush, on that very hill," Austin says pointing to a bush in the distance. "You are very confident," Ophelia whispers. Austin smiles and kisses her cheek. "Na,  I just believe in magic, baby," he says with a wink. After another two hours, Ophelia is ready to go home. It's boring just staring at the trees. Austin,  Rod, and Oliver have all fallen asleep and she is left watching her father staring intensely at the bushes through his binoculars as he rattles off data that her mother quickly scribbles down. It's cute that after so many years they are still so content just being in each other's company. She turns to look at Austin and sees he is awake and looking at her already. "I have seen you in many settings, the pool, treehouse, bed,  theater, nightclub,  shower...kitchen counter, but this light...with the afternoon sun filtering through your hair, the way the breeze plays with the fine hairs on your arms...you look magnificent," he whispers.  "Would you stay if I asked you to?" she asks him softly. Austin reaches up, curling his fingers around the nape of her neck, pulling her down to him. "I am very...very...very much in love with you, Ophelia Monroe...and that is why I can't stay. Please don't ask me again, baby," he whispers and then kisses her. She should beg, she wants to, but she also does not want to. She knows why he is not going to stay and she loves him for it. "You will make your forever very happy one day with your beautiful heart," she whispers into his mouth. "As long as my right now is learning to love herself," he whispers back. "She is, slowly...and she thanks you for loving her until she is strong enough to love herself," she says softly. Austin smiles and kisses the tip of her nose, "good," he says.

Oliver makes a heaving sound and pretends to gag. "You guys are lame," he says. "You should hear the sweet things my Rod says to me. She has you guys topped with the soppy bullshit, go on Rod tell them what you said to me on our wedding day." Rod sits up and clears her throat. "Life is one big party when you're still young
But who's gonna have your back when it's all done? It's all good when you're little, you have pure fun. Can't be a fool, son, what about the long run? Looking back my Shorty is always a mention. Said me not giving him much attention. He was there through my incarceration. I wanna show the nation my appreciation," she says.

"You were in prison?" Ophelia asks.

"By the chains of love, Ophelia! The chains of love," Oliver declares and then grabs Rod's face and kisses her as she giggles. "Is that not a shaggy song?" Ophelia whispers to Austin. He nods and chuckles. "The guy believes in father Christmas and that his wife writes bullshit poems for him. That's true love right there," he whispers. "it is?" Ophelia asks a little confused. "Yeah.  People make love too complicated, with too many rules. Change that, change this, and then I will love you - that's the real bullshit. Love is just about making the person you are with happy. Look at them..." Austin says. They turn and look at Rod and Oliver who are now lying on the grass, Oliver licks the side of Rod's face, and she groans. "Ok,  let's not look at them, disgusting.  Look at your parents," Austin says. Ophelia looks over at her parents. "Your mom has been bored shitless all afternoon, but every time your dad sees something that might possibly be a hint of Bigfoot her eyes sparkle. She is here just to watch him smile...she has followed him all over the country just to watch him be happy," Austin says. Ophelia blinks back her tears and looks at Austin. "That's what I am going to do. I am going to watch you. I am going to watch you explode on the silver screen. I am going to read about how great your life is. I am going to see your smiling face on millions of magazines and every billboard...I am going to watch you be happy," he says and looks up at her. "You make me happy," she sniffles. "And you make me happy... don't forget about me," he says softly. "I could never," she says, and then she kisses him.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Sunshine! It's Bigfoot! Look! Look! Bigfoot!" Ophelia's father shouts, jumping up and knocking his chair over. Ophelia's mother jumps up, holding her hat, and looks out over the hill. "Oh my gosh! It is! Oh, Ophelia! Austin! Look! Oliver! Rod!" her mother shouts. Oliver and Rod jump up and run to have a look. Ophelia looks at Austin with a shocked frown. He smiles and winks at her. "Magic," he whispers. Ophelia jumps up and runs over to her parents, looking over the hill. Sure enough, on the very distant hill, she can see a black creature walking. It looks like a gorilla walking on its back legs, but it walks straighter, almost like a man. It's far away enough not to see it clearly. But from what Ophelia can make out it's definitely not a four-legged animal. That is Bigfoot. "Oh! Pictures! Moonbeam,  take pictures!" her mother shouts. Her father grabs his camera and takes at least a million pictures. Then they all watch as Bigfoot slowly disappears back into the bushes. "I have waited my whole life for that, Lemon drop, they all said I was crazy. They all laughed at me, but look, now I have proof," her father says, showing her the pictures he took. They are all a little blurry, but there is a black image there - enough to confirm a Bigfoot sighting. Her father looks so happy as he jumps around whooping and hollering.

He chats happily all the way back to camp and all through dinner. He is on top of the world. Ophelia even hears him telling people in the camp about his Bigfoot sighting as she gets ready for bed in the bathroom. His one dream in life is now a reality. Ophelia steps out of the bathroom and looks at Austin who is lying on the bed playing a game on his phone. "You know what's crazy?" she asks walking closer to the bed. "What?" Austin asks putting his phone down and looking at her. "I have been on hundreds of Bigfoot hunts as a kid. Every holiday was a Bigfoot hunt. My dad has spent his whole life looking for just one teeny tiny glimpse of Bigfoot," she says climbing onto the bed and straddling Austin's hips. "But the first time you go on a hunt, poof,  Bigfoot appears...why do you think that is?" she asks. Austin shrugs and rests his hands on her thighs. "Just lucky I guess," he says. "That Bigfoot wouldn't answer to the name Leon, would it?" she says trailing her finger down his chest. "No... maybe to Joe," he says smiling up at her. "Never change, Austin Post, because you are perfect the way you are," she says then leans down and connects their lips.

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