Ironblood's Helmsman

By kuwebby2

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Me, dH, and Doc are at it again! This time with a way more realistic AL story, we start out as crew members a... More

Bio (prologues)
Prologue pt. 1
Prologue pt. 2
Prologue pt. 3
Bio (From this point onwards)
Chapter 1:.......Tirpitz?
Chapter 2: Allies
Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies
Chapter 4: SCP-4217
Chapter 5: Trip down the East Coast
Chapter 6: Back at base
Chapter 7: Allies pt. 2
Chapter 8: Upgrades
Chapter 9: Dueling
Chapter 10: Meet the Future You
Chapter 11: And we're off
Chapter 12: SCP-2399
Chapter 13: RMS Olympic
Chapter 14: Sorry Pearl....
Chapter 15: Genderbent proposal
Chapter 16: Check ups
Chapter 17: Proving mettle
Chapter 18: the Sad Story of Alice
Chapter 19: Attack on Pearl Harbor
Chapter 20: The Wall's inception
Chapter 21: A kidnapping
Chapter 22: Welcome to The Wall
Chapter 23: Ishimura and Valor
Chapter 25: Modernity
Chapter 26: Teaching Zumwalt Sense
Chapter 27: Um....why?
Chapter 28: Rex vs Andy
Chapter 29: A Dance of Fire and Blood
Chapter 30: Aftermath of Fuhai
Chapter 31: Sea Shepherd

Chapter 24: AIDAN

74 4 8
By kuwebby2

General POV

It'd been a few months since the failed invasion of the Pacific by the Sakura Empire. They had been pushed back to their home island and have been blockaded by sea and air.

One day Andy and Spee were going to relieve Montana and Cleveland for blockade duty for a few weeks and then return. They were both ready to leave and their ships were steamed up and ready to go.

Andy: "Ok, you got your stuff Spee?" he asked.

Graf Spee: "Yes, I've packed for 2 months," she said, "and, I packed those.....outfits you like. So we can have on duty."

Andy blushed and started stuttering at this.

Andy: "Uh....w-when did you get s-so bold....?" he stuttered.

Graf Spee: "Oh?" she said, slowly pushing her body against his, "Do you it?~"

Andy continued blushing as Spee pinned him to one of the Vibranium pillars holding the roof up. Spee looked to capture his lips in a kiss.

Andy: "Sp-Spee....we're out in public....a-and not even married yet." he stammered, full subby mode.

Graf Spee: "Well....I guess they'll just have to arrest me." she said.

The couple's faces inched closer and closer....and then.

Void Walker: "Oh thank goodness you 2 haven't left yet." she said, interrupting them, "We need I interrupting something?"

Spee simply glared behind her shoulder.

Void Walker: "Well anyway, Enty is being deployed and she needs a boarding crew." she said, "Doc doesn't want to go to space, Laurien doesn't have any experience in space, and everyone else doesn't have the experience to do so....leaving you, Andy you have knowledge and know the ins and outs of Enty just as well as Alex does."

Andy: "And to add to that I have BS powers.....*sigh* who's taking mine and Spee's place as blockaders?" he asked, breaking free from Spee's pin.

Doc: "I should've taken an office job in London." he grumbled, as he passed by with 2 months worth of luggage.

Vanguard: "Aw~ is lil bro pouting?~ Well you'll have me for 2 months." she said, also carrying the same amount of luggage, "I'm sure we'll have fun over there."

Doc: "Yeah....sure...." he trailed off.

Andy and Spee snickered as the Royal Navy duo made their way to their ships.

Graf Spee: "Ok...vhen do ve leave?" she asked.

Void Walker: "20 mikes." she said, "Briefing in 10."

Void Walker then flew away.

Graf Spee: "Honestly hun, vhy a'e you zo zubmissive vhen I pin you to zhe vall?" she asked, "You're usually zhe one leading zhe fight."

Andy: "In a fight I have something to base myself on." he stated, "When know what I have much much less to work with."

Spee rolled her eyes at this.

Graf Spee: "Vell, you're going to have to learn hun." she said.

Andy: "I know." he said, "But we're not married yet and I'm not even 16, mentally or physically, let's wait for a while before we make a kid.....ok?"

Graf Spee: ".....ok." she smiled, "But you better be the dominant one."

Andy: "I'll try Spee...but no promises." he said, giving her a peck on the cheek.

A few minutes later the trio is around a table that was displaying a hologram of the Earth with Void Walker briefing them on their mission.

Void Walker: "11 minutes ago there was a distress signal originating from this point in our planet's orbit." she said, a red blinking dot appearing, "Other than that however, there is no information on this ship and it hasn't responded to further hails so we may have to shoot it down."

Enty: "So ready for anything and everything." she said.

Void Walker: "Basically." she shrugged, "Also, don't worry, I'll sound proof your dorm for when you get back."

Andy and Spee turned a bright red at this as Enty gained a teasing look.

Enty: "Oh~ so Hornet wasn't lying when she said that." she said teasingly.

Andy sighed exasperatedly.

Andy: "Let's just get this mission over with please." he groaned.

So the bay doors opened as Enty floated upwards and into the air majestically before using her impulse engines to roar out of atmosphere and towards the ship currently in distress. Unknowingly missing a massive futuristic battleship being towed through the Wall's garage door.

But back up out of atmosphere Enty came alongside the crippled ship and started scanning the thing over with her sensors.

Andy: "Enty? What've we got?" he asked.

Enty: "Well.....I'm not picking up any life forms other than.....3 heart beats up in the bridge." she reported, "But....all 3 seem faint, they may be dying."

Graf Spee: "Kommandant?....Orders?" she asked nervously.

Andy took this information in...before turning to Enty.

Andy: "Gimme an estimate on how many should crew a ship of this size.....then get ready to transport us aboard so we can gather data." he ordered.

Enty: "Roger that." she said.

Graf Spee: "What should we get?" she asked.

Andy: "Anything and everything." he said, "If you see documents, take 'em. Data files? Call me over and I'll download em. Just call me."

Graf Spee: "Vhat shall ve do vith it?" she asked.

Andy: "We store the data.....but we scuttle the ship, I have a feeling it's Ground 0 for something." he said.

A few seconds later the couple had been beamed into the ship as Enty aimed all her guns at the ship. As soon as they did however the ship's AI suddenly came alive.

???: "Hello!" he said, startling the couple, "My name is AIDAN, and you are trespassing on my ship."

Andy: "Of course we have an annoying C-3P0-ass bitch following us." he groaned.

AIDAN: "Well fuck you too kid." he said, "I was just trying to be nice!"

Andy: "Oh good you're not fully a bot." he said, relieved.

AIDAN: "Of course not. Now what are you doing?" he demanded, "I'm trying to set myself down on an uninhabited planet."

Andy: "Earth is a habited planet you idiot!" he yelled, "There's roughly 8 billion people on that lil blue dot of a planet! Now, seeing as your ship is currently unable to maneuver we're gonna ransack it and then scuttle it."

AIDAN: "Wha-?! You can't do that!" he exclaimed.

Graf Spee: "Ve do not have many options you know." she said, "Besides if you continue on zhis course you vill end up crashing in New York City."

Silence reigned over the speakers. So, taking that as AIDAN accepting his fate the couple made their way through the ship grabbing what they needed and inspecting the ship for anything declaring it historically valuable. Nothing of that sort came so they were about to ask Enty to beam them back when they heard something down a hallway.

It sounded like booming footsteps and loud breathing.

Andy: "Enty....I thought you said there were no life signals on this ship." he said shakily.

Enty: "Th-there shouldn't be.....why?" she asked.

AIDAN: "That's the crew....well what's left of them." he said ominously.

On Enty's screen that scene unfolded, life signals of varying levels started popping up all over the ship around Andy and Spee's location....and they didn't look friendly.

Enty: "Shit!" she cursed.

Andy: "Enty, beam us up! Now!" he ordered.

Enty: "On it!" she yelled, trying to get her transporter in order.

But Enty's transporter decided to take extra long to cool down from beaming 2 people into a ship. To make things worse something was coming in.

Enty: "Sir! We have incoming enemy vessels!" she reported.

Andy: "Ok, we'll try to hold off the zombie crew, you take care of the ships outside, we'll try and help if we can find the weapons room!" he said.

AIDAN: "I shall lead you, but you must in turn take me with you off this ship." he said.

Andy: "Done, Enty, just try to stall as long as you can." he said.

Enty: "Yes sir!" she said, getting into position to battle.

A few seconds later, 20 enemy starships emerged from light speed and aimed at Enty. Andy then turned upwards to a camera.

Andy: "AIDAN where's that CIC?!" he demanded.

AIDAN: "Follow the blinking lights." he said, "They will lead you there and I shall instruct you on how to use them."

The lights in the hallway started leading the couple in a certain direction so both ran in that direction.

Outside Enty fired everything she had while dodging salvo after salvo from the enemies. Her shields held up against the salvos she couldn't dodge though.

Enty: "C'mon Enterprise, live up to your Great Great Great Grandmother's name and do something good with your damn life!" she yelled to herself.

NCC-1701 proceeded to then blow up another enemy starship.

Meanwhile Andy and Spee barged into the CIC room of the ship they were on as AIDAN barely finished booting up the last remaining combat systems.

AIDAN: "Just in time you 2, get in the zombies are on your asses!" he called.

Taking the hint both of them jumped into the room as the door shut tight behind them.

Andy: " do we operate these-?!" he started asking as he got onto a control panel.

There were 2 joysticks, both having a big red button each and a screen in front with a crosshair floating in the middle.

Andy had accidentally fired a torpedo at an enemy and blew it up unintentionally.

Andy: "Ok, I'm assuming one button is torpedoes, another is tracer, and the joysticks are to aim." he guessed.

AIDAN: "Yes, now hurry!" he shouted, "Enterprise won't last much longer!"

Graf Spee: "Danke for zhe obvious." she said sarcastically as she started shooting.

Andy followed his girlfriend's lead as starships started getting swatted out of the sky....but then one of the enemies decided to take after their ancestors, turn itself into a bomb, and rush Enty.

No matter how much the couple shot into it, the bastard kept going and Enty wouldn't have been able to dodge it....until a bright white beam of light eviscerated the thing...followed by the silhouette of a Federation Starship.

Enty looked shocked as she looked and saw the unique livery and shape of a Crossfield Class come alongside her.

Discovery: "USS Discovery to USS Enterprise, do you read?" he hailed.

Enty: "Y-yes, this is USS Enterprise responding to USS Discovery, I read you!" she said, ' God....have I already fallen for him?! Oh those lines.....those engines....ugh that silhouette.....yup I'm in love.'

Discovery: "Um, do your friends read?" he asked.

Andy: "We have comms Discovery, we read ya." he said.

Discovery: "Well good, cause my Commander's been-?!" he's suddenly cut off when someone more familiar comes over the radio.

Alex: "This is Alex hailing Andy, what the fuck are you doing up here?!" he demanded.

Andy: "Dad, VW assigned me to this mission, since we're still on a rotating thing back at The Wall I didn't have the com so I had no choice." he said, "Also did you see the Wall? I designed it myself and I feel super proud of's not complete yet but it's making good progress."

Alex: "Ah...right......" he trailed off, "The Wall..."

Andy: "Dad?" he asked.

Alex: "Um....changing subject! You need help over there?" he asked.

Andy slowly turned as the door holding the hoard back started growing massive dents.

Andy: "Pretty soon....yup!" he exclaimed.

Immediately Discovery beamed Alex down next to the group, said person was equipped with assault rifles, shotguns, and combat knives.

Alex: "Ask and you shall receive son." he said, tossing Andy a shotgun.

Andy caught the M4A1 as Spee caught a pump action shotgun and cocked it. Andy then used Half-Hot-Half-Cold to create cover in front of the door as it burst open revealing a hoard of over 5,000. As soon as Andy plugged in a hard drive to download AIDAN and take him with the group he moved into position.

Immediately the trio started firing from behind the icy cover Andy had created, working flawlessly with each other to keep up the hail of lead.

Andy: "Enty, how's the situation out there?" he demanded.

Enty: "Me and Discovery are overwhelmed but we're managing!" she reported, "But it'll be a few more minutes til I can beam you guys up again!"

Andy: "Righto! Keep us updated!" he said, continuing to press the assault with his group, "AIDAN, what's your status?"

AIDAN: "35% downloaded sir, I'm going as quick as I can." he said, "I won't be done for another hour."

Andy: "Righto." he sighed, "Try not to be the one we wait on though."

Alex: "GRENADE!!!" he yeled as he chucked a grenade at the next wave.

The barrels on the guns they were using glowed red hot as they expended every bit of ammunition Alex had. But then came the sound the trio were dreading.

Alex: "Shit!" he cursed, his last gun making a clicking noise, "I'm out!"

Andy: "I'm out too!" he called.

Graf Spee: "That's everything out of me!" she said, having used her last shotgun round.

As soon as they finally ran out they heard the thudding of heavy footsteps and the distant but very loud breathing of some kind of beast. So Andy and Alex get themselves and ready a power of their choice with Andy being OFA and Alex......well Andy did not recognize Alex's power.

Anyway the heavy footsteps continued getting louder and louder as the beast approached the group before finally the ugly bastard revealed itself to be the combination of a relatively buff crewmember and the captain. The creature towered over the group as they readied to battle the odds like champions.

Just outside however the battle had already ended with the unknown ships retreating off into the distance allowing Enty to completely finish cooling down her systems.

Enty: "Sir! My transporter's been cooled down enough to beam you and Spee up." she reported, "I am just awaiting your call."

Andy: "Copy that Enty, AIDAN any time now." he said as he got ready to charge.

AIDAN: "I won't be done for another 10 minutes sir." he stated.

Alex: "Ugh, this is why I hate AI's." he groaned.

AIDAN: "Oi!" he yelled insulted.

Andy shook his head as OFA charged up to its current safe limit of 50% before charging the massive creature and starting to pummel it into the ground to buy time for AIDAN to download into the hard drive before they skedaddle. Andy's training shone through as his hits were quick and strong with his punches landing in vital areas while also penetrating the beast's skin and punching its organs.

The zombie, blinded and stunned in pain, stops moving and falls on its back in a daze as AIDAN finishes downloading and is grabbed by Alex.

Alex: "Enty, Discovery; beam us up!" he ordered.

Enty+Discovery: "Yes sir!" they said.

The trio were engulfed in a familiar white light as their respective ships beamed them up. Once they were back aboard the 2 Starships both aimed their turrets and scuttled the ship they just got off of.

Enty: "Alright, ship destroyed, let's get out of here." she said.

Alex: "You guys head back to and Discovery are gonna act like scouts and see where those enemies came from." he said.

Andy: "Wha-?! You're leaving so soon dad?" he asked, "What about Me, Texas, and Olympic?"

Alex: "They know the drill and agree that this is important so they allowed me to go." he said, "Now, Discovery over here has been drooling over Enty's lines since he caught sight of her."

Enty blushed and Andy took note of a puddle of drool near the captain's chair.

Andy: "Yeah, I think Enty was the same over here." he said, "I think that's something to tease about later."

Discovery +Enty: "Commander!/SIR!!!" they yelled, causing Father and Son to laugh.

Enty and Discovery flew side-by-side as Discovery finished his checks and charged up his warp engines with an audible hum.

Discovery: "I'll be back with Alex soon." he said, "Just wait for me Enty."

Enty nodded as Discovery's warp engines slowly glowed brighter an brighter.

Alex: "Also Andy, sorry about the base!" he called.

Andy: "Wait what?" he asked.

Before Alex could clarify Discovery the Solar System at Warp Speed.

Graf Spee: "What do you thik that was about?" she asked.

Andy: "I don't know but I don't like the sound of it." he said, "Enty, take us back to the Wall."

Enty: "Yes sir." she said.

The Constitution Class Starship used her thrusters to turn around before beginning her descent back down to what I would've said if a Gravity Tether didn't suddenly attach and start pulling the starship away from Earth.

Enty: "Oh crud!" she said, engaging her battle stations.

NCC-1701 comes head to head with 2 massive ships, the Constitution Class had PTSD of the events from the 2009 Star Trek because one of the ships looks oddly like the Narada but Andy recognized them from his dream.

Andy: "Enty open up the comms, try and hail them." he said.

Enty: "Um....yes sir...?" she said unsurely, "Um...unknown starships this is USS Enterprise NCC-1701 of Azur Lane do you copy?"

Ishimura: "This is the USG Ishimura, I read you Enterprise." she said.

Enty: "Thank you Ishimura, may I ask what your intentions are with me?" she asked.

Ishimura: "I was just looking you over and you only had barely the minimum amount of life for a ship of your size." she said.

Valor: "Ishimura, you do realize that's not your main reason for capturing her." she said, "We sensed the presence of a familiar person onboard.....and she's been slightly infatuated with the person....since he kissed her."

Spee slowly turned with a glare to Andy piecing together that he was the one Valor could possibly be talking about. Andy chuckled sheepishly.

Graf Spee: "Really?" she asked, "You're cheating on me?"

Andy: "Wait wait wait! That's not what this is!" he shouted.

Spee harrumphed and looked away from Andy who deflated, he was probably gonna have a lot of explaining to do.

Andy: "Hey girls." he said, "Wassup."

Ishimura: "*squeals!* Hi Andy! It's so good to hear from you!" she yelled excited.

Valor: "Sup kiddo." she greeted.

Andy: "Ok, can you please let Enty go?" he asked, "We kinda wanna go home."

Ishimura: "Oh, right right." she said.

The Gravity Tether detached from NCC-1701 allowing the starship to break away. As the Constitution Class pulled away Andy felt Ishimura and Valor feel uneasy about being left alone so he made a final comment.

Andy: "If you guys wanna follow us back down to Earth then you can." he said, "I can feel your disappointment from here."

Ishimura's aura brightened up and followed Enty down with Valor chuckled before following the group down. At the Wall Enty, Ishimura, and Valor hovered above the Wall which had its roof slowly open as they slowly descend into the hangars.

The second hangar stayed empty for Discovery before the docking booms and the tunnels allowing the groups to disembark. The ships are suspended into the air with the metallic booms and the repair and rearming teams slowly approached the ships and got the new ships into the system......but something was wrong...

Andy was in front of his house...which was currently ablaze alongside the rest of the Ironblood dorms.

Andy: "DAMN IT DAD!!!!!" he cursed upwards.

The screen fading to black.

A/N: I'm sorry for not uploading for a while but I had a lot of work to do and had a small writer's block for a few days since my mind had been relatively focused on thinking of 2 Legends, on another note 2 Pilots should get its return soon alongside my monthly UaM chapter.....which I had side-tracked a while ago. Anyway I have a lot of schoolwork and RP-ing with lacaloga usually takes up at least part of my morning away so don't expect haste or speed at all. NotaChild4(the MJTM 2 Lore Guy/Sakura Empire Commander/Tanker/Councilman 6/Truck-kun survivor), aish_sucks61(the Newbie/Artist/Northern Parliament Commander/SN Kaganovich), Negotiator_1-1(the Star Wars person), and lacaloga148(the Storyman/Councilman 1) please try to keep patrlot(the God of Chaos/Cube Eater/Guy you can never win against/Councilman3) distracted while I try and think of a way to keep him from eating Kansen. Check out dieHero(our Military Specialist/Eagle Union Commander/USS Missouri/Councilman 5), Dr.Frostwire0 (former DrDestiny/our Memelord/Royal Navy Commander/HMS Lion/Councilman 2), and 007weeb(dH's girl) for more stories like this one. I'm kuwebby2(the Realistic All-Rounder/Ironblood Commander/BRP Antonio Luna/Councilman 4), see ya tomorrow.


Ok, I just stumbled upon this series....and I kinda wanna do this for 2 Legends, I'm not saying to redo the chapters we've already done but to do more of this in the chapters we do next....because let's face it the original RWBY has....flaws to say the mix and match some of this, Ice Queendom, and the Original just to spice things up. Lemme know if uou wanna do this dieHero

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