Hollywood's Bleeding - Post M...

By Pepepolly

4.3K 281 12

She wakes with an echoed thud coming from downstairs. At first, she feels relief, Jim has come to his senses... More

Shady Deals
New Beginning
New Start
Keep Her Safe
I Want you
Goodbyes Are Hard
Opening Act
Pretty Girls
Glory Hole
Dancing Queen
The Stripper
Who I Am
He Is Amazing
Hand & Knees
A Little Bit Of My Heart
A Lesson
My Home
Losing You
You Might Think...
Why I Love You
A Pearl
Oh, Hello

Not Real

120 9 0
By Pepepolly

Ophelia wakes up and reaches out for Austin but her heart drops when she does not feel him in the bed. She sits up and looks around, worriedly. Has he left? He would never do that to her, she knows it. She sees her ripped-up dress draped over her blue chair as well as Austin's clothes. She looks over at his bedside table, his wallet is gone but half his rings are still in his dish. She looks at her bedside table and sees a note, folded badly, on her side table. 'Little Freak' scribbled on it in messy handwriting. She grabs it and tries to read the messy handwriting.

I have gone with Moonbeam
to pick out a camper and get
us hunting shit. Get us packed, baby.


She giggles and kisses the note. She is silly. He would never just leave. She freezes though when she hears the shower. That's odd. Maybe he is back already or has not left yet. She sits quietly in the bed and then hears the shower shut off, but she does not hear him singing. He always sings when he dries himself. Something feels off. Then she gasps as Jim suddenly appears out of the bathroom. "Hello, Ophelia. Finally decided to wake your lazy ass up I see," he says. Ophelia jumps out of bed and grabs her bedside lamp, ripping off the pretty lampshade and pointing it at him. "What are you doing here?" she asks him. "I have decided to forgive you and move back home," he says walking into the closet. "But I didn't ask for your forgiveness, I did not do anything and this is not your home anymore," she says trying to keep the wobble out of her voice. She is not scared of him, she is not scared of him, she is not scared of him. Jim appears at the cupboard door and looks at her. He is angry. "Where are my clothes?" he asks, his voice calm. It's always calm before he attacks her. "I...burnt them," she whispers. "You burnt them! I can't believe this! I decide to move back in for you and now I find out you burnt my clothing! You will fucking pay for that!" he shouts. Ophelia feels horrible, she feels sick and she can feel the tears in her eyes already. "I don't want you to be here," she whispers. "You are so pathetic. I am doing you a favor. No one wants you. You should be thanking me for coming back," he says. Ophelia shakes her head. "You are wrong," she whispers.

"What? Do you think Austin Post really wanted you? He is probably busy with someone else right now. Say thank you to me for coming back and then take me shopping to replace all my clothing."


"Say thank you."


Jim's face goes red with anger and he runs at Ophelia. She screams and drops the lamp then jumps on the bed and runs to the other side of it. Jim turns and glares at her. "I am going to beat the shit out of you and then I will show you what a real man is like!" he shouts and runs at her again. She screams again and jumps over the bed and back to where she had been, picking up the lamp again. She lets out a relieved breath when her mom, Aubrey, and Lacy race into her room. "What are you doing here!" her mom shouts at Jim. "What am I doing here? I live here! What are you doing here? This is my house! Get the fuck out you insane woman!" he shouts at Ophelia's mother. "Don't talk to my mother like that! And you don't live here!" Ophelia shouts. Jim turns to look at Ophelia. "How dare you raise your voice to me! You will get it now!" he shouts and steps to run at her. She screams again but then suddenly she sees her mother's fist connect his cheek. He stops and turns to her. "You bitch!" he shouts and then lunges at her. Ophelia, Aubrey, and Lacy all scream but her mother stands fast and pulls back her fist then punches forward and slams him straight in the nose. He stumbles back and Ophelia watches as blood starts pouring out of his nose as he wobbles around. He touches the blood and looks up at Ophelia. "She hit me, Ophelia, your mother just hit me," he cries. "Don't be silly, you ran into a door," she says.

"I did?"


Then she watches as his eyes roll back and he faints. She should be worried but all she can think about is that she hopes he does not get blood on the carpet Austin had bought her. "Ow," she hears her mom say then she drops the lamp and rushes to her side. "Oh, mom, are you ok? Aubrey, phone the police and tell them I have an intruder in my house. Oh, mom, your hand is swelling," she says rubbing it softly. "Oh it's fine," she giggles. Then suddenly Austin, Oliver, and her father appear in the doorway. Austin looks around and then realizes what has happened. Ophelia watches his face turn angry and then when Jim groans and sits up he moves toward Jim like a raging bull. "I am going fucking kill you!" he growls. Ophelia leaves her mother's side and rushes to Austin grabbing his arm. "Oh, no, no, please don't!" she begs. Austin stops and looks at her with a frown. "Please don't tell me you are protecting him," he says, hurt. "No! I am protecting you, sweetheart. You are on thin ice right now. I don't want you to have more problems on your hands," she says. "Well I am not on thin ice," Oliver says walking past them then punches Jim, as he stands, sending him soaring through the air to the other side of the bathroom. Then he turns and gives Austin a fist pump. "Thanks, man," Austin says. "You are most welcome, brother," he says and walks to Rod who is giggling at him. "That was hot," she whispers.

"I got you these," Austin says holding up a huge bunch of flowers. Ophelia grabs them and smells them then looks up at Austin. "Oh, they are lovely! Thank you, sweet man," she giggles and kisses him on the cheek. The police walk into the room and look around confused. "In the bathroom. He broke into our house and tried to attack my girlfriend," Austin says pointing to Jim. They grab him and cuff him. "You want to charge him?" one of the cops asks. "Yes, please," Ophelia answers. "Ok, we will place him in the car and take him down to the station. Those guys will take your statement," he says pointing to the other cops. "Wait, wait, Ophelia please don't do this. You love me. We are married," Jim begs. Ophelia rolls her eyes and ignores him. He does not deserve a response from her. "Fuck you, Austin! You have turned her against me. This is not even your house!" he shouts. Austin turns and looks at him. "You are right. This is not my house...this is my home. This is where I eat and sleep. This is where I laugh and love...and this is where I fuck my girlfriend - something you and your small dick were never capable of doing," Austin says then signals for the cops to take him. "I have a big dick!" Jim shouts as the cops drag him out.

Ophelia, her mom, Aubrey, and Lacy sit in the kitchen giving their statements to the police as everyone gets busy packing for the trip. It was determined by the police that Jim had slipped in over the back wall and snuck in through the open kitchen door. Joe was very upset and called a security company to put electric fencing around the top of the wall. He can't stop apologizing to Ophelia who tries her best to soothe him. It's not his fault Jim is so creepy. Once the police are done they leave with Joe who will finish off things at the police station. Ophelia checks her mother's hand again and fusses over it while Aubery and Lacy declare her a badass. "Let that be a lesson to both of you girls. If your boyfriends turn into assholes come and find me. I will sort them out with one pop," she says. "Calm down there, Sunshine," Ophelia giggles. "Ok!" Austin walks into the kitchen and claps his hands, "Bigfoot awaits! You ladies ready!" he says. Ophelia's mouth drops open when she looks at him. He is decked out in camouflage, head to toe. "What are you wearing?" she asks running her hand over his jacket. "My bigfoot hunting outfit, baby. This is serious business. We are not playing games here. I got you a suit too," he says, serious. He takes her hand and leads her outside where she gasps again. Rod and Oliver are also in full camo. "This is us, come on hop in. Your outfit is on the bed," Austin says opening the door to a huge over the top camper. Ophelia climbs in and picks up the outfit that matches Austins. Then she has to hold on tight as Austin starts the camper and shouts for her to hang on tight as he lurches forward. "My bad! Not as smooth as the Rolls, baby!" he laughs and then follows her dad out of the driveway. Ophelia changes quickly and then climbs into the passenger seat next to Austin. Austin looks at her and then starts laughing. "You look like a mini version of me," he says. Ophelia giggles then settles in and watches the city change into open landscape and bush as they head out into the wild - as Austin calls it. Three hours into their trip Austin gets a message on his phone. "Open it for me, baby, please," he requests. Ophelia looks at him with big eyes. Jim would never. She needs to stop doing that - Austin is not Jim. "You comfortable with me just reading your texts? You don't even know who it's from," she says. Austin shrugs, " I have nothing to hide. You can go through my whole phone if you like," he says taking a corner. "What if it's a text from a booty call?" she asks. "A booty call!" Austin bursts out laughing, "Fuck, baby, you kill me sometimes. None of those booty calls have my number. Just open it please. I am waiting for a message from my lawyer," he says. Ophelia reaches down and picks up his phone. "The code is our anniversary," he says taking another corner. "Our anniversary?" Ophelia asks in surprise. "Yeah, the day we met," he answers and takes another corner. Where are they going? 210323, Ophelia taps into his phone. A picture of her sleeping on his chest in the treehouse pops up as his screensaver. He ignores her stare as he keeps his eyes on the now very windy road. "You have three messages. One from the jewelry guy, one from Diamond, and one from...asswipe in suit?" Ophelia says. Austin nods. "Read from my lawyer first, asswipe in suit," he says. "Mr. Post, we had a visitor, miss Lovit. She said that the pills were partially hers and she has already reported it to the police so you will face less time. She says you will pay her lawyer fees. The DA has accepted. We are going to go ahead and set a court date," Ophelia reads the message out to him. Austin clenches his jaw and shakes his head. "Fucking Diamond. I am going to kick her fucking ass," Austin grumbles and takes another corner, a little too sharply. "But that's good. Ruby has fessed up," Ophelia says. Austin shakes his head. "Diamond Lovit. Diamond is taking the fall with me, stupid cow," he says.

Ophelia keeps quiet, Austin needs a moment to settle. "You should fire her. I will call her later, read the one from Hank," Austin says. Ophelia opens the message from the jeweler. "I am in love with your girlfriend. Please give her to me or just a pair of her panties," Ophelia reads and then looks up at Austin, "Please don't do that," she begs. Austin chuckles and shakes his head. "Never, baby. Continue," he says. Ophelia looks down and continues to read, "I have finished your request. I am the best on the market. You can collect your stuff anytime. What do you want to do with the gold birds?" Ophelia frowns and then looks at Austin. "What is he saying?" she asks. "He has made copies of all Jimbos shit. What do you want to do with the originals?" he asks. "Hmmm...we can sell them... except the watch, would you like the watch?" she asks. "Yeah, I'll buy the watch from you. I haven't got that one and had been looking for it for ages," he says. "Don't be rude, I am giving it to you as a gift," Ophelia says typing back to Hank that he can sell the gold birds, but keep the black timer and NO panties or girlfriend. "I can't accept such an expensive gift, baby," he says. Ophelia ignores him opening Diamond's message and then starts giggling. "What? What did she say?" Austin asks taking yet another corner. "You are a rabid dog! That dress cost five grand. You need mental help. I hate you," Ophelia reads. Austin throws his head back and laughs. "Tell her it was worth every fucking penny," he says.

They pull into a campsite and Ophelia helps her mom set up dinner while Rod and Oliver help Luke set up for the night hunt and Austin wanders off to phone Diamond after promising Ophelia he will not shout at her. After dinner, they head off in search of Bigfoot and arrive back at midnight with no luck. The next morning as Austin pushes into Ophelia she feels like she is dreaming, it's so calm and peaceful. It's quiet, only the distant bird songs and Austin's heavy breathing is all that she can hear. It feels like they are a million miles away from the world. After breakfast, they head out again, back for dinner and then a night hunt. Then in the morning, she arches her back as Austin pushes into her and so the cycle repeats itself for the next nine days. It's repetitive and even a little mundane but Ophelia falls in love, with the calmness of it all, with the time she spends with her parents, with how funny Oliver is, with Rod's warm hugs...and with Austin. She can't deny it. He makes her laugh till her belly hurts, treats her like she is the most important part of his life, tells her she is beautiful and when he pushes into her he is tender and sweet, he watches her carefully making sure she draws out everything she needs from him and she gives him back everything she can. She is not afraid of her future anymore - she is excited for it. It's hers...Austin has given it to her on a silver platter. She is in love with him and she is not afraid of her feelings.

On the morning before they leave, she wakes up before Austin and turns around in his arms to watch him as he sleeps. His features are soft, and relaxed in his sleep as he lightly puffs air out of his mouth. He is so handsome. He has not shaved since they arrived on their trip, says a true man of the wild never shaves so he has a full thick beard. It only adds to his handsomeness. His hair has grown too, not too long but long enough to hide the tattoos on his head. He lets out a sigh and then rolls onto his back. "It's rude to stare, baby," he mumbles, his eyes still closed as a little smile forms on his lips. Ophelia giggles and then runs her fingers down his chest, over his stomach, and then under the covers, wrapping her fingers around his shaft. "You are hard," she whispers. "I am always hard around you, it's a hardship," he mumbles, his eyes still closed. She watches him as she starts stroking. His brow forms a little frown as his mouth falls open with a soft smile. She loves how easily she can get him to feel so good. Like putty in her hands...or mouth. She giggles and dips her head under the covers, wrapping her lips around him before he can move. She suckles lightly on his head, running her tongue over his slit, taking pride in the way he chokes out a groan. Then she pops off and trails her tongue along his veins, getting lost in the taste of him. She occasionally lets her tongue glide up, over his head, and dip into his slit, hearing him groan and twitching when she causes a little electric shock. She moves herself between his legs and then smiles up at him when he throws the blanket off her head, stroking him slowly. "Fuck, you are a sight," he breathes out. She giggles and then watches him as she leans down and takes him in her mouth, just suckling on his head and flicking her tongue. "Fuck," he breathes out. She keeps her eyes on him as she slowly slides her mouth down to her fingers then sucks as she pulls up slowly. "Fuck," Austin groans and she does it again, and again, and again. She feels Austin's fingers in her hair, pushing her hair out of her face so he can see her. Then she moves her hand and pushes all the way down so the tip of her nose is brushing his hair. He is at the back of her throat so she relaxes her muscles and takes him a little further. "Shit, shit," he groans and places his hand on the back of her head, pushing her down gently, she takes a little more of him and then flexes the muscles in the back of her throat. "Fuck! H-How are you doing that? You a-are not real," he battles to get out. She then sucks and pulls up slowly, then goes back down, taking him as far as she can, flexes her throat muscles, and sucks as she moves up again. Austin sucks in air through his teeth as he gets lost in her mouth. She continues, up and down, flexing and sucking, hiding her teeth behind her lips and keeping her tongue soft, and flat against his ever-expanding veins. Then she takes his balls in her hand, cupping them and squeezing them gently. "I'm f-f-f-fucked," Austin breathes out, almost distraught. Ophelia flicks her eyes to him again, she starts sucking as she moves up his large shaft again. He is watching her like he is trying to concentrate on keeping hold of his last morsel of sanity - it's not working. "You are..." he tries to speak, but his words trail off into a groan as she flicks her tongue on his now very sensitive red head. "Off, off, I am about to explode, baby, up, up," he tries but Ophelia only smiles around him and slowly moves back down. She can feel his veins expanding and twisting on her tongue and when she gets him to the back of her throat he pushes his hips up and holds her head firmly in place with both hands as his head drops back and he screams. She can feel him exploding into the back of her throat, ribbons of himself sliding down her throat - she takes it all. She does not know how it happens but she feels her own orgasm take hold and she has to be careful not to bite down on him as her vagina pulses and she feels herself get wet as she cums with a soft whimper. When his body goes limp she pulls off, slowly licking up anything she missed. He grabs her under her arms and pulls her up to him. "You are not real, a figure in my fantasies," he whispers looking at her as if she was made of gold. "That was fun, I think I will do it more often," she giggles. Austin groans and then kisses her hard, but pulls back suddenly. "Now you, I have to take care of you, baby," he says. Ophelia takes his hand and places it between her wet thighs. "You already did, sweetheart," she whispers with a smile. Austin looks at her with big eyes. "You are not fucking real," he says then kisses her again as she lets his fingers roam into her.

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