The Weak And Helpless (Yona o...

By Shizuko-Chan

94.8K 3.8K 436


The Two Strangers
The Bottom of The Valley
Heading Out
Visiting A Village
The White Dragon
The First Dragon Joins Us
I Get Mistaken For A Villager
You've Upset The Dragon
Weak Spot
I Hate Chopsticks
A Failed Search
Hidden Village
The Blue Dragon
Going Back
A Dragons Help
The Blue Dragon Takes A Swim
Port Awa
I Visit My First Brothel
The Green Dragon
I'm Sorry, But Did You Say Mascot?
Joining the Pirates!
Make Over
Authors Note (Please Read)
I'm Going To Fight!
A Plan
Taking Action
The Captive Of Kumji
A Promise
The Hero
A Royal Encounter
Nothing Important
The Five Tribes
Roku And Jealously
A New Dress
A/N: Sing Beautiful
In The Garden
Running Away
Forced Out
The Weak And Helpless

The Four Dragons

3.4K 135 29
By Shizuko-Chan

I sat in a tree branch and watched as
Ik-su sat at the edge of a water fall. Yona coming up behind him "Priest.." She asked. Ik-su turned his head toward her and tears ran down his face. "What's wrong?" Yona asked as she bent down beside him. Ik-su quickly wiped his tears away with his sleeve.

"I was dreaming about you... A dream about you and this world. Princess Yona, would you like to hear the voice of God?" Ik-su said looking out into the water fall, Yona stands up. "Mun-deok told me to have the priest show me my path. Is a path something that must be shone to you? I though I was supposed to sit still, not doing anything. But after getting chased, Hak nearly getting killed, and nearly dying myself, my blood is so hot it's practically boiling. I can walk on my own two legs. I want to live. I won't let anyone take my life or Hak's! That is my only wish. I have nothing to ask God." Fierce determination burned in Yona's eyes.

She might not of had anything to ask God but I did like why did he leave me all alone? Why did he let the thugs kill father? Why was I alive? Ik-su didn't turn to face Yona as he spoke. "No... For you, living doesn't mean spending your days in ordinary peace.

Your life will create a storm that will shake the kingdom of Kouka." Yona stares at him as Yun and Hak come toward them. I hold back a happy gasp as I see Hak moving looking alive and pretty well. "Priest...." Yona murmured but Ik-su continued on. "If you wish to live a simply honest life, and cannot stop the hot blood in your veins, I will convey the voice of God to you.

When darkness falls upon the land, the dragons blood will restore life once more. In accordance with the ancient pack when the four dragons are gathered, the sword and shield that protect the king will awaken. The red dragon will return at dawn." I stared at Ik-su in wonder, then he fell over weakly.

"Conveying God's voice requires spiritual strength..... " Ik-su explains tiredly. Yun walks over to him and begins to poke him. "Quit acting so old, you pain!" Yun protested I leaned forward to see better and reached for the nearest branch but my hand missed it, my attention really only focused on seeing, not what I was doing and I fell to the ground with a load thump.

"May!" Yona said surprised running over to me and helping me up. I groan and then realizing what I had done shoot up and try to run for it but Hak catches me and holds me by the collar of my dress witch thankfully I was wearing a pair of pants under. Hak lowered his face to mine and looked at me with narrow eyes.

"Who are you?" He questioned. I fold my arms "May..." I answer angrily. Yona walks over to us and plucks me out of Hak's grasp and carries me gently, I was exhausted believe it or not tree's weren't the most comfortable beds and I couldn't help but let my eyelids slowly shut.

But I stopped myself and had Yona put me down. "I don't know what this business is about dragons or gods but I'm not buying anything this crackpot is selling!" Hak says staring at Ik-su with suspicious eyes. Yun and Yona look at him confused.

"He's not selling anything." the say in union. I shake my head in disbelief. "Does the "red dragon" in the prophecy mean the mythological king?" Yona asks as Yun begins to swipe the dust off Ik-su's robe. "You are familiar with the kingdoms creation myth?" Asks Ik-su surprised.

I blink "The kingdom.... has a creation myth.....?" I mumble. "Yes." Yona said answering Ik-su and ignoring me. "The red dragon god took on human form, descending from heaven to rule a kingdom on earth. He was the first king of Kouka, King Hiryuu. My father used to tell me about him all the time." Ik-su looks up at Yona.

"But when King Hiryuu became human..... He eventually had to fight humans. The peoples hearts filled with evil, forgot their god, and their country fell to ruin. Even king Hiryuu was captured by humans who desired power. Just when everything seamed on the brick of distraction, four dragons descended from heaven.

"Hiryuu, we have come for you.
Let us destroy the humans, who have forgotten their faith, and return you to heaven!" The four dragons said. Hiryuu rejected them. "No, I am human now. Though the humans may hate and betray me, I cannot help but love them." Hiryuu explained.

The dragons loved Hiryuu, as well, and did not wish to lose him. In order to protect Hiryuu, they gave their blood to human warriors and granted then strength. One gained sharp claws that could tear apart anything. One gained eyes that could see across great distances. One gained legs that could jump hight into the sky.

One gained a strong body that could never be injured. "You are now our other halves. You will serve Hiryuu as your master, protecting him with your lives. You will love him and never betray him." The dragons told the warriors.

With the power of the dragon gods, the warriors lead their clans to protect Hiryuu, and brought order to the kingdom. Before long the red dragon grew tired of fighting, and feel asleep. The mission of the four dragons thus ended. They thought of their king, no longer moving, and wept.

They did not know weather they grieved the loss of someone precious, or if the dragon god blood within them mourned Hiryuu's death. Realizing their power was beyond human control, the four dragon warriors left their tribes and disappeared.

The tribes they left behind continued to develop on their own, forming the five tribes of today." Ik-su finished for Yona. Yona looked up at the sky as if expecting to see heaven. "The kingdoms creation myth.... what does that have to do with me." she murmured.

"You said you wanted to live correct?" Ik-su asked. Yona stares away from the sky and back to him. "Yea." Ik-su looked away into the waterfall. "But you can't do it on your own. If you leave this place your life will be endangered again." Hearing this waked me up from my sleepy haze.

"You have Master Hak supporting you. However, at this rate, Master Hak will die." Hak you was now siting down leaning against a large rock argued, "Hay, wait. Don't assume I'll die. I can't hear the voice of God but I'm not....." Hak protested but was cut off as Yun.

As if to prove a valid point punches him in the side. Hak fell over. "I'm not giving you alms, no matter how much you threaten me......." Hak said weakly as Yun stared down at him. Ik-su and Yona stares at the two along with me.

"As you can see, the situation is grave. You need allies." Ik-su explains looking away from Hak to Yona who still was looking worriedly at her injured friend. Yona turns away but as she realized Ik-su is taking to her. "But who?" She asked.

Ik-su looked down at the floor, "You must search for the four dragon warriors." Yona looked surprised "You mean the four dragon warriors from the legend? They exist? They really exist?!" Her eyes filled with excitement. "I hate to burst your bubble Yona but, that was so long ago. Theirs no way they could be alive." I say questioningly.

"They do exist." Ik-su ensured us. "Even now, they live quietly in the kingdom, with the dragon blood they inherited. They will lend you their strength." Yona place her folded hands to her heart. "Priest, I don't want Hak to die.

But I'm not sure the legendary dragons will lend their strength to one such as me." Ik-su did not move. "That nigh you miraculously escaped death, you miraculously escaped the castle, and you miraculously survived a fall into this abyss.

I believe those were not miracles, but Gods will leading you here. If you find the legendary dragons, it will not only be your wish, but Gods will. However heaven can only show you the way. You must walk the path yourself." Ik-su said. I began to try and sneak away when the others were distracted but Hak heard my hurried footsteps and reached out and grabbed me.

"O no you don't!" He scolded me. I squirmed in his grasp trying to get free but failed. "Where are you going." He asked me. I shock my head stubbornly, he only repeated the question. Sadly this time Yona didn't save me, I was on my own.

"I-I-I'm got g-g-going anywhere s-s-s-s-specific j-j-j-just wondering." I protested. "So you have nowhere to go?" Hak asked ignoring my angry protests. I nodded my head. "What about family?" He continued. "Don't have any! Now put me down!!" I shrieked angrily.

Why did they care, I wasn't their problem. "What happened to them?" Hak questions lifting me up higher and hanging me by a tree branch. "Get me down!" I ordered shifting my body weight in an attempt to break the branch.

"When you answer all my questions I'll get you down." Hak explained sitting down on the ground with a smug smile. "Fine! My mother died giving birth to me and my father died saving my life from a bunch of thugs who ambushed us!" I screamed, Hak stepped back for a moment, as he got up again, surprised by my emotional out burst.

"Do you understand now! Death is a heartache you'll never forget, but love is a memory you have to make sure doesn't slip from your fingers! That's what my father said to me on his death bed! I don't want to experience either of those emotions again! Not after what happened!" by the time I had gotten to the end of my explanation I was in tears. Regret spread across Hak's face for a moment but quickly disappeared. He got up and put me down as I continued to sob.

He cradled me in his hands gently. "Once me and Yona leave, you'll be coming with us. We'll look after you." Hak said to me, and to tired to scream and fight and disobey any longer I nodded my head and fell asleep in his arms.

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