MHA × Ringwraith Male Reader:...

By Indicas_Prime

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You are (Dark) Y/N, once a ranger from Gondor, now become a Ringwraith among the Nazgul. After a betrayal fro... More

Ch. 1: The Beginning
Ch. 2: The Meeting
Ch. 3: The Hero Killer And The Assault
Ch. 4: The Revelation
Ch. 5: Finding New Allies
Ch. 6: Capturing Shindram
Ch. 7: Sports Festival Pt. 1
Ch. 8: Sports Festival Pt. 2
Ch. 9: Dinner At The Todoroki House
Ch. 10: Betrayal
Ch. 11: A Change In Fate
Ch. 12: New Plans
Ch. 13: Twice For A Change
Ch. 14: New Friends, New Enemies
Ch. 15: Y/N's Past
Ch. 16: Awakening Of New Powers
Ch. 17: Second Day of Training
Ch. 18: Meeting Old Acquaintances
Ch. 19: Return of the League
Ch. 20: A Fierce Battle and Final Good-byes
Ch. 22: The Assault
Ch. 23: The War Begins
Ch. 24: The Final Battle
Ch. 25: The End

Ch. 21: The Invasion Begins

54 1 0
By Indicas_Prime

(After a couple of hours have passed, the members of the league were given their burials as their friends and loved ones look on)

Endeavor: (Crying) Be at peace, my son.

Twice: (Walks up to Endeavor and comforts him) I believe he's in a better place.

Endeavor: But, I wish I treated him as my son rather than my successor. What about Toga?

Twice: (Sighs) How I wish she could still be here. I would've taken her to that amusement park. (Smiles) But I know she's in a better place now, one where she isn't treated like a monster.

(After a few more minutes of talking and the burials completed, everyone leaves flowers and gives their good-byes before heading back to UA to plan for the upcoming invasion)

Hawks: So what should we plan now?

Endeavor: I'm not sure. My mind is still not as focused ever since I saw Toya's face again.

Bruz the Chopper: Well ya might wanna think of something quick. The dark lord is known to play tricks on us.

Hawks: It'll be disgusting if he decides to attack us in our time of grieving.

Bruz the Chopper: Then again, he is the dark lord. Don't expect much mercy out of him on that. If he wants your world, it doesn't matter if you mourn or grieve, as long as it gives opportunity in his favor to strike.

Gaz the Ocker: Geesh, boss, is he really that bad?

Bruz the Chopper: I would think so. If he's okay with sending orcs and ologs to kill Gondorians, even the unarmed ones who can't fight, then I would assume he's capable of that.

Endeavor: (Recalls) I remember Re-Destro talked about setting up defenses. I'll give him a call to see what's up once we get back to UA.


(Re-Destro gives commands to his soldiers to set up defenses at the villa and near the portal. He also sent a scout to monitor Barad-dur for any new activity. The scout manages to cross through the portal without resistance and hides in place, while keeping his camera recording live events taking place)

Re-Destro: (Smiles) Good. It looks like he made it through.

Skeptic: What about the soldiers?

Re-Destro: With our screens on them, we can see they're still setting the defenses. But with one of our guys watching the other world, seeing there's no activity, this gives us time to prepare.

Skeptic: (Smiles) Good.

(Re-Destro receives a call from Endeavor)

Re-Destro: (Smiles) Hey, Endeavor. How's it going?

Endeavor: It's good to hear from you. Have you been able to set up the defenses so far?

Re-Destro: Why, yes. My soldiers are setting up defense systems around the portal as we speak. By the way, we sent one of our scouts through the portal to keep watch. So far, nothing's going on.

Endeavor: That's good. Though I wish we could find a way to see it too without having to get a call from you, or even call you for any more updates. (Laughs)

Re-Destro: (Laughs) It's fine. If anything, we could transmit visuals of what our scout is seeing. My associate 'Skeptic' is capable of that. Hope you got TV screens so we can transmit it to you.

Endeavor: (Smiles) That would be great. Thank you.

(Skeptic transmits signals to the UA, allowing them to broadcast on the TV screens of events in Barad-dur. With this, Endeavor turns on the screen and is able to see what Re-Destro, Skeptic, and the scout is seeing)

Endeavor: It works. Thank you, Re-Destro.

Re-Destro: No problem. I- (Gets a report from Curious) I'll have to call you back. This is urgent.

Endeavor: Very well. (Hangs up)

(Izuku, Ochako, Gentle, La Brava, Twice, and Eltariel walk into the lobby and meet Endeavor after the conversations they had with each other. Eltariel notices the TV screen and sees Barad-dur)

Eltariel: What sort of magic is this?

Endeavor: Magic?

Eltariel: Yes. That's Barad-dur. How are you able to see Barad-dur through this device? Did you use some kind of magic or something?

Izuku: (Corrects Eltariel) Actually, that's a TV screen. Electron beams are picked up, allowing us to see screens broadcasted from different stations around our world. (Scratches his head) But I can't say this is right, and that's all I know. No magic is involved in this.

Eltariel: That's interesting because it sounds like magic.

Twice: (Laughs) Yeah, I'm guessing you don't have television in your world.

Endeavor: To answer that, one of Re-Destro's associates transmitted signals from the camera his scout has on. They were able to broadcast the signal to the academy, so we could see it on our TV screens.

(Shortly after, Mina comes in screaming about something that happened to the TV)

Mina: Hey guys, I was watching one of my favorite animated shows, and suddenly, a screen of this scary-looking tower popped up and showed- (Sees the TV showing the same image) that.

Endeavor: (Laughs) Sorry about that. I had one of Re-Destro's men broadcast a view of Barad-dur.

Mina: (Complains) Awwww, and I was just watching my favorite show.

Izuku: I don't think it's the right time to be focusing on our favorite things right now, Mina. We have an invasion coming up soon.

Mina: (Shedding tears) I know, but, I wanted to see what would happen if he confessed to her? (Cries)

(At this point, Izuku doesn't have a way to comfort her about wanting to see the show. But La Brava chimes in)

La Brava: Was it going to be the part where he confesses his love for her?

Mina: (Crying) Yes.

La Brava: (Smiles with blushes) Love is such a wonderful thing. (Looks to Izuku) Wouldn't you agree, Deku? Isn't love so wonderful?

Izuku: (Blushes and laughs nervously, thinking about Ochako) Why yes. Yes it is.

La Brava: (Smiles) Now tell me, Izuku. Do you love someone?

(Izuku then pauses at this question, thinking of Ochako, but unable to put into words how he truly feels about her. Ochako then looks on, and realizing that Izuku is thinking of her, blushes like a tomato)

Izuku: (Sweating nervously, trying to answer) Well, I-

(Just then, the scout relays a message to Re-Destro, cutting him off)

Scout: Boss, can you hear me!?

(The camera is pointed towards the 'eye' of Sauron, showing thunder bolts and clouds forming around it as if creating a powerful hurricane)

Re-Destro: I see it too! What is it!?

Scout: I don't know, boss! I was keeping an eye on the tower, but then suddenly I head this weird thunderous sound from above, and the moment I looked up, that's happening!

(Just then, the ground begins to shake beneath the scout's feet)

Scout: Even the ground is shaking! I-

(The scout then points to the tower, and flames can be seen forming around the base of it)

Scout: This isn't good!

Re-Destro: Hurry! Get out of there, quick!

(The scout immediately attempts to get up, but the ground violently shakes, causing him to fall to the ground, breaking his leg in the process. The scout screams in pain)

Scout: I can't, run!

(The scout climbs over the rocky area he was hiding, trying to get a peek at what's happening. Suddenly, the flames around the base of the tower, form into a tornado while shooting up high at quick speed)

[To give you an idea, it looks like this]


Re-Destro: What the hell is happening!?

(Endeavor and the others watch on in surprise and horror, seeing the events taking place at Barad-dur. Watching on, this event goes on for several moments. Ochako, out of fear, grabs onto Izuku's hand. The two of them look at each other with anxiety, believing that this is the moment they been dreading. The beam of flames suddenly end, followed by the Witch-King appearing at the top area of the tower, riding a drake. The Witch-King then takes out his sword, proceeding to use it to unleash a horrible sound in the process, causing everyone watching to cover their ears)

Mina: (Terrified and covering her ears) What is that!?

(Izuku suddenly falls to the ground, causing Ochako to look on in horror)

Ochako: (Terrified) Izuku!! Are you alright!?

(Izuku is grabbing onto a part of his body where the Witch-King stabbed him)

Izuku: (Panting and breathing heavily in pain) I can feel his blade.

(As the sound got louder, the pain in Izuku's body intensified. Once the sound ended, the pain disappeared. The door to Barad-dur opens, causing the scout to look down towards it. That's when orcs can be seen marching through the door in large numbers. Endeavor watches on, now realizing the time has come)

Endeavor: It seems we come to it at last. The invasion of our world has begun.

(Large, marching numbers of orcs can be seen walking through, followed by many captains and Ologs joining in, while other orcs and orc captains are riding caragors. Endeavor, Twice, and Re-Destro watch on nervously as the orc armies march to the portal. Suddenly, the drake flies right to the scout's position, leading him to believe he's been compromised. The drake then attacks the scout, causing the camera to cut off completely)

Re-Destro: (Throws his device down in anger) That's just great!!

(He then looks on nervously to the other screens, only to see that the soldiers are almost done setting up the defense barriers around the portal, looking to hold back the orc armies. He feels somewhat relieved, with his soldiers setting up the defense in time but stricken with the fact a large number of those orcs will overwhelm them eventually)

Skeptic: So what now, boss?

Re-Destro: Right now, we can only hope our soldiers can hold them off. Hopefully, the heroes  can find a way to get Y/N back on his feet. If they do manage, he might be able to launch a defensive, or counter-offensive to keep them back.

Skeptic: But if they don't...?

Re-Destro: (Sighs) Then if we fail, the heroes and students are the only thing that stands in their way. But if they fail too, our world is done for.

(Back at UA, Endeavor and the others walk out with worried expressions on their faces. Bruz and Hawks sees Twice giving the same look, so they walk up to him to find out what's wrong, while Shoto and the rest of the family walk up to Endeavor)

Hawks: Hey, Twice. Anything wrong?

Twice: (Sighs and nods) The invasion has begun. The orcs are now marching. The only thing we have so far is Re-Destro's soldiers setting up defenses to hold them off.

Bruz the Chopper: I see. Does anyone else know?

Twice: Yes. Izuku and Ochako know about this too. Soon as he saw that, he chose to run to Y/N's room to see if he can wake him up right away.

Bruz the Chopper: Well I hope that little green bugger succeeds in this. Else we'd have to fend them off on our own. (Looks to Twice) Hey, Twice. I know your friends buried over there are all gone, but do you know of anyone else that was once part of that league you were in? Anyone who hasn't been involved in this war?

Twice: (Trying to think of who) I can't say I remember. Ever since Toga's death, things haven't been the same since, and I pretty much believed all the members are now gone.

(Hawks then approaches Twice, and proceeds to throw him a small marble, thinking of one of the league members he's aware of, but Twice doesn't recall)

Hawks: (Smiles) Then perhaps that will jog your memory a little.

(Twice continues to observe the marble, but struggles to contemplate what Hawks is trying to do)

Twice: (Attempts to throw the marble back to Hawks) Yeah, this doesn't help jog my-

(That's when Twice suddenly recalls blue marbles in his memories, followed by the face of one of the league members he hasn't seen in a little while, who uses those marbles)

Twice: (Recalls) Mr. Compress!!

Bruz the Chopper: (Confused) Mr. Compress?

Twice: (Looks to Bruz) Yes! At the time Y/N came to our hideout, he wasn't there with us at that moment! In fact, we haven't seen him at all since then! I think he might still be alive!

Daz the Ripper: Aye, mate! Maybe not everyone of your fellows is dead after all!

Hawks: Then perhaps we should see if he can aid us too.

(Twice looks down however, seeming unhappy about the situation)

Twice: Even though he might still be alive, I don't think he'll be willing to aid us. (Looks to Hawks with a raised eyebrow) Not to mention he's kind of arrogant, even to his fellows. I mean, he and I do get along, but if he ever finds out I'm fighting alongside you guys, he wouldn't look at me the same way.

Hawks: (Laughs) So I take it, he'll treat you differently if he saw us fighting side by side together.

Twice: (Shrugs) Pretty much. At least not everyone in the league is dead, but he's someone I'm not considering much of a 'family' to me if that were the case. Like, I wanna meet him and still be friends with him, but at the same time, I'm happy to make new friends with you guys too. So I'm stuck trying to see if bringing him to aid us is a good idea, because he'll hate me after finding out I'm with you guys now.

Endeavor: (Overhearing Twice's conversation and speaks to him) If you're talking about the guy with the mask that uses marbles to compress stuff, sorry to say he was apprehended by Snatch and Rock Lock awhile back. That's probably why he hasn't shown up since, because he's now in prison I believe.

Twice: (Looks unamused) Then that would explain the numerous times we tried to call him, but he never answered his phone.

Endeavor: Nevertheless, having another person like him may be of help. In that case, I would like to assist you in meeting him. Hawks and Bruz along with his boys can come too.

Twice: (Nods) Very well. Though I do fear he won't help out, let alone see me as an enemy than a comrade.

Endeavor: (Smiles) Well then, it's time we give him a wake-up call. After all, he's gonna deal with bigger problems if he doesn't help and we fail.

(Izuku and Ochako come into your room, only to see you still comatose. Meanwhile, you're still stuck in the dream state, trying to find a way out)

Y/N: (In your mind) Why can't I leave? I'm constantly trying to get out, only to find myself back in my memories of my family.

(Strangely, you could hear Izuku's voice, speaking to you)

Y/N: Izuku?

Izuku: (Sighs while in tears) I know you're still in a coma, and I know you're trying to wake up. But I'm hoping you find a way to wake up sooner. The invasion has just begun, and the orcs are now marching toward the portal, ready to begin the assault. (Crying) Please, please Y/N, wake up. Help us fight this. Please.

(Ochako walks up to Izuku to try and comfort him)

Ochako: It'll be alright, Deku. (Smiles) We'll win this. (Looks to you) But I do hope you're right, Deku. Y/N will wake up soon.

(Stain comes into the room, looking to see how you, Izuku, and Ochako are doing. He then sees Izuku crying, hoping you will wake up)

Mr. Stain: You okay, kid?

Izuku: (Looks to Stain and sighs) Being 'okay' would be an overstatement. I fear that we may be fighting a war, but not to achieve victory. (Crying) I can only hope we succeed if Y/N doesn't get up.

Mr. Stain: (Comforts Izuku with a smile) Well try not to worry too much. Don't forget Endeavor and I took down a large horde of orcs. Even our new friend 'Twice' can duplicate clones to fight against the armies of Mordor too. Let's not forget Eltariel who's experienced in fighting Nazgul. My point is, don't think all is lost because Y/N is out.

(Hearing his words, Izuku tries to contemplate the situation with the bright side of things they have in case you're not up yet)

Izuku: I hope you're right.

Mr. Stain: Well, come on. Let's get going. Perhaps you and this little lady here can get food to eat as we prepare should Re-Destro's defenses fail.

(Izuku and the others leave the room. Meanwhile, now aware the invasion has begun, you now try much harder to wake yourself up, but to no avail. With each time you try to get up, you are once again, brought back to the moment where it all happened, the death of your wife and son along with yourself)

Y/N: Why? Why can't I wake up?

(Trying another way, you try to change the events in your memories of the moment you fought against Sauron, and attempt to change the part where he put you in a comatose state. While you did change that moment in your memories, it didn't wake you up, and the moment didn't affect the comatose state to a point you could wake up sooner. At this point, you begin to cry, trying to find a way to wake up, only to realize it's of no avail and feel saddened for your failure to get up and join Izuku and the others in the battle)

Y/N: (Crying) I'm sorry, Izuku. I, have failed.

(After a few long moments of crying, something lights up in the distance. You look up to see the shining light, but cover your eyes because of how bright it is. As your eyes adjust, you slowly see a silhouette of a figure standing in front of the light. As you get a better look, the figure walks to you, and that's when you recognize who it is. You realize it's your wife, Ioreth, who's approaching you, and your face fills with more tears seeing her again. Another figure pops up, and as it gets closer to you, you recognize this second figure being your son, Dirhael)

Y/N: (Crying) Ioreth. Dirhael.

(That's when you begin walking to them, and you meet them face to face)


(The soldiers who have set up the defense barriers around the portal are getting in position to fend off the invasion. Re-Destro and Skeptic continue watching on from the villa. As the soldiers are now in position, everyone watches on for a few moments, but nothing seems to happen)

Re-Destro: Nothing's happening. What's going on? (Radios to one of the soldiers) Any updates?

Soldier #1: No, sir! We're still keeping our eyes on the portal! Nothing seems to ha-

(A large, black and green fireball is suddenly shot out of the portal right in the direction of the guy answering Re-Destro. It makes contact with one of the barriers, causing a large explosion in the process. Orc archers are now coming through, shooting arrows at the defense barriers, and making contact, they explode. The Witch-King comes out with black and green flames around his palms, followed by the rest of the orc armies)

Soldier #2: OPEN FIRE!!!

(The soldiers are now shooting at the orcs, killing most of them in the battle. However, more orc archers return fire by shooting explosive arrows, killing soldiers in the process. Re-Destro is still watching on, now with a look of anxiety)

Re-Destro: This isn't good. Our defenses weren't prepared for that.

(As more orc archers and warriors come out, two more Nazgul come out to join the Witch-King. The Witch-King then takes out his sword to unleash once again that horrendous sound, causing the soldiers to cover their ears from the loud noise. This gives the orcs the opportunity to attack the now defenseless soldiers)

Re-Destro: (Watching on in despair) That bastard!

(After the sounds stop, the soldiers throw grenades, killing most of the orcs. However, some orcs have broken through the barriers, killing some of the soldiers with swords and axes too while the soldiers fight on with guns, grenades, and knives. The three Nazgul decide to end this fight by joining in. They immediately teleport to the soldiers and start using their wraith abilities to wipe out all of them. Watching on, Re-Destro watches on with horror and anger, knowing the defenses have proven futile)

Re-Destro: (Pounds his fist on the desk) DAMN IT!!!

(One of the orc captains come out of the portal, looking to the Witch-King for new commands)

Ar-Saku Pain Seeker: (Speaks to the Witch-King) Where to now, my lord? What does the Witch-King command?

(The Witch-King looks over the surroundings. He sees a villa nearby)

Witch-King: (Points to the villa) Your forces will occupy that structure. Be prepared.

Ar-Saku Pain Seeker: (Smiles wickedly) As you wish, my lord.

(End of Chapter)

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