im a what!?{Hua Blossom Sect}

By emmasuriname

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{hua mount blossom sect} chung myung has died after he defeated the demon. he reincarnated back to the worl... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The Jin Ran adventure!
special chapter
chapter 30

chapter 15

760 37 63
By emmasuriname

"Look there."


Chung Myung pointed to the central area and spoke.

While Jo Gul was taking his place, the disciples of the Southern Edge Sect came and retrieved the fallen Gong-Jin.

"What do you think of the Southern Edge sect?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are they strong? Weak?"

"Obviously, they're strong."

Chung Myung stared wide-eyed at Yoon Jong and asked.

"Then Sahyung defeated such a strong foe?"

"D-Don't say that. It just happened; what do I know?"

Chung Myung shook her head and giggled.
Which made him flustered.

"Strong. Right, strong. He's strong for his age, but he's weak too."

"... what does that mean?"

"Because he learned so much more than what he should have been taught at that age."

"Isn't it good to learn a lot and get used to it?"


Chung Myung reached out and drew the shape of a tower.

"Martial arts are like a tower. How tall you can build a tower depends on how strong the bottom floor and the foundation are."

"... right."

"But those people started building the second floor before the first was finished, then they added a third on top of the incomplete second as well. They're adding weight to the first floor and building taller without strengthening the foundation first."


"What do you think will happen if those kids collide with someone who perfectly developed their tower's ground floor?"

"They'll collapse."

"That's right."

Chung Myung said,

"All I did was clear away the wood on the first floor Sahyung's were building and reforged the foundation. It's difficult to build, but it won't crumble easily once built."

"... I don't understand. Did that training have such meaning?"

"What are the basics of martial arts?"


Chung Myung's face grew serious.

"There is one fundamental basic: to use the body to strike down the opponent perfectly. The stem forms from that one root, and then the branches proliferate. I just had Sahyungs focus on developing the roots."



Chung Myung pointed to Jo Gul. Jo Gul was facing off against the Southern Edge disciple that just came out.

"An unshakeable lower body, clean swordsmanship, and the eyesight to carefully observe everything happening. And above all...."

Jo Gul's sword pushes the opponent's sword and delivers a blow.

"Concentration capable of bringing out all of the body's power at once."


Chung Myung smiled.

The disciple of the Southern Edge Sect collapsed, and Jo Gul looked at his opponent with a puzzled expression. He turned his head, unable to believe what he had done.

"For now, that is all you need. With that one alone, you can defeat all the kids your age."

Of course, that isn't all.

They also took the pill that Chung Myung gave them. By following through with Chung Myung's training regime, the disciples managed to create bodies that were second to none.

If they didn't lag behind in physical strength and internal qi, their battles were bound to be decided by their swordsmanship. And anyone who faced them without a solid foundation was destined to fall before them.

Jo Gul returned and looked at Chung Myung with blank eyes. Following her lead, another disciple from Mount Hua went forward.

Totally confident.

She was full of desire to fight and bring honor to their sect.

"I still don't understand. If it's that easy... then why don't the other sects train like that?"


Chung Myung shook her head.

"Was the training until now easy?"

"N-No. I didn't mean that, but conceptually...."



"Sahyung must have studied, right? To be in good form, take rest, take care of one's parents sincerely, and not deceive the weak or be greedy for riches. Above all, be polite to others, respect those below you, live life without losing yourself, keep your friends close, and be loyal to the nation. Can you do all of that?"


"Why? Isn't that how you become a true man?"


Yoon Jong stayed silent. He knew what Chung Myung was talking about.

Everyone knows what it means to be an exceptional man. However, only two or three people in the nation can follow every tenet throughout their entire lives. Such a small number within this vast nation.

In other words, despite knowing what it takes, ordinary people cannot do it.

"Constant water dripping down can pierce a rock. Always devote yourself and work hard. Nothing is more important than effort. The ancestors endlessly emphasize hard work and dedication. Do you know the reason?"


"Because people can't do that."

Chung Myung had a bitter smile.

In fact, Chung Myung was the same in the past. She always craved stronger swordsmanship and fame, even though her Sahyung constantly nagged her about concentrating on basics.

Even in Chung Myung's final moments, she sought higher ground and never looked down.

Only after death did she realize.

"Train to the point of death, push past your limits and devote yourself to it again and again. It might sound like nonsense...."

Chung Myung pointed to the central area.


Mount Hua's disciple was causing the Southern Edge Sect's disciple to falter and retreat. It was an impressive sight; Mount Hua's disciple wasn't giving his foe any chance to attack or recover.

"But, that's what happens."


"Although we know what it takes, people can't push themselves that hard. Who would choose to do so? After three days, they'd lie down and say they can't do it, run away, or make some excuse."

Yoon Jong nodded.

Didn't they also try to escape? It was Chung Myung who grabbed them by the collar and forced them to continue.


"Sahyungs did it."

Chung Myung said firmly.



"After you endured that, the match was already won. There is nothing more to see. Those who only look up without seeing what's beneath their feet will lose their footing and collapse. If a bird without wings believes that it can fly, it'll only realize the truth after the jump."

Chung Myung clicked her tongue when she saw the disciple of the Southern Edge Sect being carried away.

"Their feet betrayed them, and now they'll fall."

Yoon Jong's eyes trembled.

He thought that the training was being overdone. It wasn't just once or twice that he wanted to curse Chung Myung for her vicious methods.

But he endured. He persevered until the end, hoping that he would grow stronger in some way, but all that training was done with a far-off future in mind?

'Where the hell did this girl learn all this?'

Yoon Jong couldn't understand Chung Myung at all, but he was certain of one thing.


Another Southern Edge disciple fell to the ground.

Yoon Jong knew.

His sajaes weren't too different. At least, aside from Yoon Jong and Jo Gul, the ten disciples representing Mount Hua were all roughly equal in their abilities.

There was such a large difference between the previous disciple and his opponent. So the result of the next battle would be the same.

That meant...

'We're going to win?'

Mount Hua's third-class disciples against the Southern Edge Sect?

Yoon Jong could feel it.

They were really winning against those bastards.

"W-we are winning?"

No one responded to Yoon Jong's words. They couldn't deny what was happening before them, but it wasn't easy to believe either. It was because they never thought this could happen.

But there was no need for them to believe it.

No matter what Yoon Jong or anyone else thought, the result of the conference was real.

One person.

And another


A shrill scream signaled the end.

In an instant, ten disciples fell.

"Aaaakkkk! We won!"

"All ten! We won them all! Damn it!"

"Chung Myung! We did it! We did it!"

The third-class disciples clenched their fists and cheered. Some even wept. Even the second-class disciples were running to embrace them.

It was like a festival.

Ten wins in a row.

All of Mount Hua's third-class disciples were victorious.

Ten consecutive victories followed after ten straight losses.

It was evident which side would have better momentum and which side had a greater sense of victory.

The disciples from Mount Hua defeated the third-class disciples of the Southern Edge Sect.

"Chung Myung!"

Yoon Jong grabbed her hand with a thrilled expression.

"We won! We won! Thank you! Thanks to you—"

Right when Yoon Jong was about to speak words of admiration that he'd kept hidden in his heart, Chung Myung spoke.


An icy air instantly froze the heated atmosphere as Chung Myung's words escaped.

Everyone's eyes focused on Chung Myung, who tilted her head to the side.

'What's wrong with her now?'

'Here we go again. This time my heart will stop!'

Seeing their anxious gazes, she said.

"Like this?"

"... again, what more now?"

"We already lost ten times. After winning ten times, doesn't that make this a draw?"


"But that..."

"Sahyung doesn't seem to know."


"There's no such thing as a draw in my vocabulary!"

Chung Myung's eyes shone again!

'Ah- please!'

'The atmosphere is so good, Chung Myung, please!'

"Drawww! A draw with the Southern Edge Sect? I can't carry that embarrassment all my life!"

She would be cursed to death even after death.

His Sahyung would softly smile down at her and stab away with sharp dagger-like retorts and insults. And what about the other Sahyungs? They would drag her around everywhere and speak about how she came to a draw with the Southern Edge Sect.

'I'm not going to let that happen.'

Flames ignited in Chung Myung's eyes.

If she was happy with a draw, she wouldn't have even bothered starting this battle.

She still hadn't paid them back for snatching away the Plum Blossom Sword technique. Now she was supposed to send them home with a draw after they insulted Mount Hua and the sect leader the entire time they were there?

That isn't Chung Myung's style.

Chung Myung began to laugh.

"This is the beginning. Ahh, just the beginning. Now! They won't be able to walk themselves home. Hehehe."

The third-class disciples slowly retreated, seeing Chung Myung's eyes gleaming in madness.

'She's completely lost it.'

'Was she stabbed to death by the Southern Edge Sect in a previous life? Why does she always go insane when the Southern Edge Sect comes into the picture?'

'Isn't this enough? What more are you going to do?'

It was then.

Chung Myung got up from the seat, and Yoon Jong jumped to his feet as well.

"Hey! Hey! Stop  her—"


When Yoon Jong tried to shout and stop her s antics, Chung Myung spoke in a cold voice that was unlike her usual self.


Pressured by force exuding from Chung Myung, Yoon Jong listened in bewilderment.

"From now on, don't miss a single move of what I do. This applies to everyone. Understood?"

Chung Myung headed off to the central area as the Sahyungs simply nodded in response.

Everyone merely stared at her back as if possessed.

It was the back of the woman that would lead Mount Hua, a sight they would see countless times from now on.


"Kuak... Kuak..."

"Sect leader! Sect Leader, get yourself together! Where are the doctors!? Are they still away?"

"Doctor? Get out of the way!"

Hyun Sang pushed Hyun Young aside, put his hand on Hyun Jong's back, and quickly began to channel his qi into the man.

'No, his dantian is shaking in happiness?'

Hyun Sang was surprised; he had never heard of such an absurd thing. However, this bizarre event was happening right in front of him.

Hyun Jong took deep breaths as he received the elder's qi infusion.

"I-I've calmed down."

"Are you alright? Sect leader?"

"Am I fine?"

Hyun Jong stared absentmindedly at Hyun Sang; the elder couldn't think of a time when he'd seen the sect leader look so dumbfounded before.

"You're asking if I'm alright now?"

"... I made a mistake, Sahyung."

"W-what are... uh, oh my...."

Hyun Jong took one deep breath after another. He wasn't able to calm down.


Hyun Sang could understand. Even his hands were still trembling. How could the Sect Leader remain calm and not be thrilled right now?

"Un Geom!"

"Yes, sect leader."

"D-did you teach the children that?"

Un Geom smiled slightly.

"I wish I could answer yes, I would be able to stand tall with my shoulders straight, but unfortunately, I did not. The third-class disciples conducted this training by themselves."

"By themselves?"

Hyun Jong looked back at Un Geom incredulously, unable to understand.

"Sajae, explain it to me."

Un Am urged Un Geom to be more detailed. Despite his usual calmness, he couldn't stifle his excitement at this moment.

"Maybe Chung Myung..."

"Chung Myung?"

Now it wasn't so shocking.

Whenever something happened, her fake name would come up. Even now, his  heart somehow predicted this name would pop up.

"That child, what the hell has that child been doing?"

"Wasn't the Sect Leader the one who gave her permission to enter the sect? You don't know anything about her?"

"All i know was that she was the daughter of the empire! She just showed up one day. I felt that it was meant to be, so I accepted her"

That simple connection was creating unbelievable results.

Ever since Mount Hua was destroyed by the Demonic Sect and the ancestors were annihilated, Mount Hua was unable to defeat the Southern Edge Sect.

Actually, it wasn't correct to say that they had won. Objectively speaking, Mount Hua no longer had the strength to even compete with the Southern Edge Sect. That's why despite all of their previous provocations, Mount Hua was forced to remain silent and endure their lashings.

However, the third-class disciples overcame this disparity in strength, and it wasn't just a victory but a clean sweep.

'Oh, my ancestors.'

Hyun Jong's eyes turned red.

The day had finally arrived.

Hyun Jong firmly believed that this day would come, but he thought that it would be impossible to see in his lifetime. He truly felt satisfied after witnessing this scene that he'd always dreamt of; he couldn't bring himself to wish for anything more.

"Sect leader! We did it! The children did it!"

"Yes, I know. Right. Quite terrific."

Hyun Jong wasn't even able to speak coherently; he just continued to agree over and over.

'Now that I've lived to see this, I can greet the ancestors with pride....'


'Why is that child coming out again?'

Hyun Jong blinked several times to double-check. However, the scene in front of him didn't change. With a wooden sword at his waist, Chung Myung walked toward the central arena once more.

He looked at Hyun Jong and the empress.

"I think she's looking this way?"

"W-what is she going to do now?"

Now the expectations were greater than the concerns. Hyun Jong clenched his fist and continued to observe.

At that moment, Chung Myung smiled wickedly.
The empress who saw that got a bad feeling.


Could a Taoist make such an expression?

What the hell was she trying to do?

At that moment, Hyun Jong doubted whether this child had fallen from her path as a Taoist.


"You.... You! You pathetic bastards!"

Sama Seung was beside himself with anger. He bit his lip so severely that it tore, and blood flowed to the side.

Ten consecutive losses.

There was no defeat more disastrous. At first, they had secured ten straight wins, but no one would remember that. Losing to Mount Hua, and in such an overwhelming fashion, had paralyzed the elder's mind.

Even if Mount Hua was unable to stand against their sect, nobody could laugh off such a disgraceful event as losing ten matches after dominating the previous ten. It wasn't technically a loss, but it almost felt worse.

"Didn't you all say that you were going to victoriously return as proud disciples of the Southern Edge Sect!? What the hell is this loss to Mount Hua!? You pathetic bastards!"

As if spewing fire, he kept coughing out his anger.

"You idiots are destroying the honor of the sect! You lost to Mount Hua in front of so many people!? To Mount Hua!? Ackk! You assholes!"

The third-class disciples couldn't even look at Sama Seung or the second-class disciples who were glaring at them.

While Sama Seung was overwrought with anger, Jin Geum-Ryong glared at the young disciples as if he wanted to kill them.

It was done.

His hope for a clean victory had collapsed horribly.

A draw.

A draw with Mount Hua. Something they never dreamed of. But wasn't that what happened?

"Damn it..."

Jin Geum-Ryong couldn't hold back from cursing despite his elder being there. As he turned his bloodshot gaze filled with rage toward Mount Hua's disciples, he was shocked at what he saw.

"That brat!"

Hearing his words, Sama Seung turned and watched as Chung Myung walked out.

'That bastard!'

'Even if I tore her apart, it wouldn't be enough to calm down.'

As Sama Seung thought about it more deeply, wasn't that child the one who started everything?

"Why is she coming out again?"

Everyone present shifted their focus to Chung Myung.

"Oh, my God. For such results...."

"It seems like Mount Hua has sharpened their swords. Unimaginable."

"Ten wins, the third-class disciples from the Southern Edge Sect couldn't defeat even one of Mount Hua's disciples?"

And there was another thing no one spoke about.

The third-class disciples from Mount Hua defeated their opponents even more overwhelmingly than how Southern Edge's second-class disciples secured their victories.

What's more, it was pitiful to reflect on how the Southern Edge Sect's disciples behaved while winning. At the time, it seemed natural for the strong to stand above their opponents. However, seeing Mount Hua's third-class disciples handle their victories with grace made the Southern Edge's previous ridicule and provocation seem ugly and resentful.

"Aren't they superior in manners as well as their skill?"

"Truly, Mount Hua is a sect that deserves to be called prestigious. I am shocked by their composure."

It's going up.

Rising up and up.

Mount Hua's name was rising up. At this moment, it had reached the sky.

Meanwhile, Elder Hwang struggled to suppress a joyous scream from his heart.
The empress was looking at him with a stone cold face.

After this event, the audience would re-assess their initial thoughts about Mount Hua. It was apparent that some were already calculating how much to invest.

But the value will be difficult to determine. For them, these results were completely unexpected.

The more Hwang Mun-Yak thought about it, the more he realized just how wonderful it was for him to meet Chung Myung and invest in Mount Hua.

"Now then..."

It was then.


Someone shouted when Elder Hwang was about to end the proceedings.


Turning his head, he looked at the center and saw Chung Myung smiling.

"Isn't she that girl from earlier?"

"She called herself Chung Myung. She spearheaded this victory."

Hwang Mun-Yak met Chung Myung's eyes while listening to the crowd gossip around him.

"What is it, young disciple?"

Chung Myung smiled and continued.

"I have a question I would like to ask. Since all of you saw everything that happened here, I think you can make an appropriate judgment."

"What is it?"

"Who won?"


Who won?


Hwang Mun-Yak's expression hardened.

'Young disciple doesn't want to end this with a draw.'

He didn't know what she planned, but he had to respond to it. Hwang Mun-Yak slowly turned his head and looked at everyone as he asked.

"What do you think? Come to think of it, we have yet to decide the winner or loser."

The people of Shaanxi, who gathered there, fell into thought and began to speak one after another.
The people from the empire watched their young miss with fear in their eyes.

"A draw seems appropriate, but if we had to determine a winner, wouldn't it be the Southern Edge Sect that won thanks to the older students?"

"What nonsense. What's the purpose of this conference? Isn't it for the future of the sects? Then shouldn't we prioritize the third-class disciples? It's a victory for Mount Hua, where the younger generation prevailed."

"Huh, what are you saying? Potential is just potential. It's always possible that the third-class disciples will fail to surpass Southern Edge's second-class disciples.

"Then, you have to look at the situation of the Southern Edge Sect's third-class disciples. They are all younger than the third-class disciples from Mount Hua! There's a big difference in their ages!"

"The oldest of Mount Hua's second-class disciples are even younger than the youngest of the Southern Edge Sect's disciples!"

"No—this man!"

There was no conclusion.

Everyone had their own reasons, and they had their own preference for who won.

Hwang Mun-Yak, who listened from the side, then spoke.

"Young disciple. It is difficult to draw a conclusion."


Chung Myung snapped.

"But if this ends, it would be uncomfortable for the audience here. Besides that, I'm sure the Southern Edge Sect would feel gloomy if we didn't settle this with certainty.

"... what do you mean?"


Chung Myung pointed to the Southern Edge sect.

"The ten people that won over there."


The Southern Edge Sect listened to Chung Myung.

"Against the only ten that won from Mount Hua."

"W-why us?"

Yoon Jong stuttered.

Chung Myung looked at both sides and spoke.

"The only solution is to remove the losers and put the winners back into the match. Would that give a clear answer?"

'Is she crazy?'

'What's she planning? They are second-class disciples, and we are just third-class disciples!'

'No. There's no way she would jump into a losing fight. She must be up to something!'

Without disappointing the expectations of his sahyungs, Chung Myung put in a condition.



Just as the third-class disciples felt relieved, a sound like thunder fell.

"Let's set aside the boring one-on-one matches! One fighter will remain until the end. A fight where whoever wins continues battling until he loses. The winner will fight the next person in line. The last one standing wins. What do you think?

Chung Myung looked at the Southern Edge Sect with a unique smile.

"Of course, it's understandable if they're scared."

It was an unavoidable attack.

Jin Geum-Ryong was dumbfounded as he looked at Chung Myung.

'What the hell is she up to now?'

Another fight?

Between the third and second-class disciples? Based on the winning streaks?

Was that how she intended to win?


Jin Geum-Ryong sharpened his teeth.

There is a limit to how much the Southern Edge Sect can be ridiculed. As head of the second-class disciples, Jin Geum-Ryong refused to let this transgression go.

Even if Mount Hua's third-class disciples were able to dominate their opponents, wasn't that still just a battle between the same classes?

This classing isn't something that can be overcome with talent and effort. If the difference between classes could be overcome so easily, the hierarchy of the sect's disciples would collapse. That's why many sects keep a large age gap between classes when accepting new disciples.

No matter how strong the third-class disciples of Mount Hua were, there was a fundamental difference between that and challenging the second-class disciples. Jin Geum-Ryong had never heard of a younger generation challenging the seniors of a sect before.

Just being offered such a proposal was shameful.

"That bastard...!"

As soon as Jin Geum-Ryong called out, Sama Seung grabbed his shoulder.


"Calm down."


Sama Seung's face distorted.

"Our name has already been dragged through the mud. If we reject this offer to save face, others will only say that we ran away in fear."

Jin Geum-Ryong bit his lip.

He couldn't deny it. That damn bastard wouldn't think twice about spreading that rumor. If the battle had been proposed politely or gently, there would have been a justified way to reject it. However, there was no way out when the child so brazenly provoked their sect.

It was a disgraceful proposal to accept, yet humiliating to reject.

Sama Seung raised his head and looked at Chung Myung.

"Chung Myung, was it?"

"Yes. You didn't seem to remember very well before, but now you seem to get it."

"I heard your suggestion, but I don't think you're in a position to make this offer on behalf of Mount Hua, are you?"

"Then ask the sect leader yourself. Well, it isn't that hard."


That brat really could twist someone's stomach with words alone.

"I'm pointing out your attitude. There's an order to everything. Is this how they teach you in Mount Hua?

It was a cheap but effective attack. Once in a bad mood, attack using age and manners. Hasn't this method been tried and true since the ancient past?

"I don't know how Mount Hua teaches because I only joined recently. So, I haven't had the time to learn properly. Since I grew up as a young empress ready to be put for marriage, so I hope you understand."


'Suddenly mentioning her status?'

'Then what am I supposed to say?'

Chung Myung stared at Hwang Mun-Yak, while Sama Seung tried to find some other way to push her down.

"How about it?"

"I-it seems fine, but...?"

"There are only people from Mount Hua and the Southern Edge sect here. We need an objective judgment."

'Someone to take our side.'

With the officials of Shaanxi present, Southern Edge must strive for victory at all costs. They can't afford to step down, or else they'd be disgraced as cowards who are afraid of losing to their opponents.

Hwang Mun-Yak coughed and asked while looking at the crowd.

"What do you think?"

"Umm. Regardless of what is fair or not, we would love to see more spars!"

"Actually, I want to see how well the third-class disciples can hold their ground against the second-class disciples. It's very exciting."

Hwang Mun-Yak nodded his head.

Of course, the audience would agree. This would take the fighting to the next level. By asking a third-class disciple to face a second-class, one could see how strong the disciples really are.
But many looked to the empress who had the higher status in the place right now.

"My daughter is quiet stupid but i would very well love to see how she has grown but i want to make a deal with you daughter!"

The empress looked to her daughter.
As Chung Myung looked to her mother confused to what this deal was..

"If you lose to the south you will marry the one i see fit for you from that sector!"

Everyone looked to the empress in shock..
The disciples looked at Chung Myung in fear of losing their friend.

"But if you win! you are free to chose who ever you see fit."

"So my daughter I'm looking forward to it"

Chung Myung nodded her head.
She knew she wouldn't lose to such idiots.

"So, the audience and the empress has given permission. Sect leader! How about you!?"

Hyun Jong looked at Chung Myung with a puzzled expression.

"What is she doing? she will lose her hand in marriage if she loses!"

Hyun Jong asked Un Geom for help.

"Allow her, Sect leader."

"Allow? You think I should allow this nonsense?"

"She's a smart child."


Un Geom spoke firmly.

"Maybe this sounds exaggerated, but I've never felt that child to be foolish or immature. In fact, there are times when it seemed like she was teasing me or trying to pull one over my head. Didn't Sect Leader also admit that this girl has a certain depth to him?

"Sure, but..."

Clearly, that was the case with Chung Myung.

She was like an old woman wearing the mask of a child.

"There is no way such a child could act ignorant suddenly. I'm sure that she has an answer ready, so please allow it. Above all else...."

Un Geom smiled and spoke.

"What's wrong with losing now? We have nothing to lose anyway."

Hyun Jong looked at Un Geom, confidence gleaming within his eyes.

Hyun Jong looked at the remaining elders and confirmed their thoughts through their eyes before nodding in consent.

'If it's as Un Geom said, then everything that's happened was due to that child's plan.'

There was nothing left to do but to trust that everything would work out.

Hyun Jong wondered if he was expecting too much from a child, but Mount Hua truly had nothing to lose.

Even if they lost horribly, they wouldn't forget the victories they had already earned.

Hyun Jong, who made up his mind, spoke in a loud voice.

"Mount Hua agrees."

Immediately, cheers erupted from the onlookers.

"Oh! Then the Southern Edge can't back down!"

"Such spectacular events today! I need to talk about what I saw. I didn't expect such a lively show!"

"Mount Hua is Mount Hua, after all. No wonder it's called the most prestigious sect! There may be ups and downs, but there's no downfall."

Hwang Mun-Yak smiled bitterly as he heard the change in the crowd's attitude.

'Bat-like bastards!'

But this was the nature of a merchant and the general reaction of most people. Isn't it human nature to want to befriend powerful and promising figures?

In other words, Mount Hua was starting to look like a place worthy of risk and trade.

'Then... how will the Southern Edge Sect react?'

Personally, Hwang Mun-Yak would never accept this offer. Because there were no benefits to be won but much to lose. But what if he was in Sama Seung's position?

'I would accept.'

Unlike merchants, a martial arts sect cannot simply withdraw.

This was because of their self-esteem and pride.

It was impossible to retract their tail and cower away after receiving such an advantageous offer from a sect that's weaker than themselves. So, naturally...

"We agree as well!"

That's right!

They would obviously come out.

Hwang Mun-Yak looked at them with excitement.

Yoon Jong sprinted up with a terrified face and grabbed Chung Myung before dragging her along.

"What's wrong with you?"

When Chung Myung protested, Yoon Jong pulled her to the corner and softly asked.
Which the brothers saw and glared at him.

"Brat! What are you up to?"


"How can we defeat the second-class disciples? They're the second-class disciples of the Southern Edge sect! Jin Geum-Ryong! The best in Shaanxi!"

"Oh? Really?"

"N-No way, do you really think we can beat them? Are you saying we got that much stronger?"



"Don't you think people should have a conscience?"


"I rescued a drowning man, and now he wants to fight someone that's armed with a club in hand. What? You think you could win?"

"A-No... I was just asking."

Yoon Jong was excited and hopeful, just a little bit.

"Don't even dream about it. You won't win."

Especially over Jin Geum-Ryong.

If it was any of the other disciples, maybe it was worth a try? Well... that wouldn't be easy either. But if Jin Geum-Ryong steps forward, none of the third-class disciples would be able to do anything.

What Chung Myung taught would work on those of the same age, but the difference was too great when fighting someone older and more experienced.

"T-then what are you going to do?"

Chung Myung chuckled.

"The plan is simple...."


"Wheel Warfare..."

Sama Seung said firmly.

"It's obvious what they're planning. They want to whittle down our strength by cycling through their disciples in order to score at least one victory against us. After battling nine times in a row, their last competitor will be able to secure an easy victory over our exhausted disciple."

Sama Seung immediately recognized what was happening.

The victor continues to fight.

In other words, those who don't lose can't step down. If they continue to win consecutively, they will drain all of their stamina.

"Maybe she assumed that Jin Geum-Ryong would lead the charge."

Jin Geum-Ryong takes the lead. After nine of the third-class disciples came out, he would be exhausted and out of stamina. Finally, Chung Myung would come and defeat the tired Jin Geum-Ryong.

Nine defeats and only one victory.

But this one win would be worth more than all nine defeats. The fact that Jin Geum-Ryong of the Southern Edge Sect was defeated by Mount Hua's third-class disciples would spread.

Sama Seung ground his teeth.

"Such a sneaky bastard."

Shaking his head, he looked at Jin Geum-Ryong.

"You know what you have to do."

Jin Geum-Ryong.

"Without losing. Over ten. Over twenty! I will deal with as many as you like."


"... Uh?"

Sama Seung shook his head.

"There's no need for you to jump into their trap."

Jin Geum-Ryong showed a look of disgust.


"What pride is there in willingly jumping into your enemy's trap? People will only discuss how those third-class disciples toyed around with you."

Jin geum-Ryong bit his lip.

That made sense. This match was strange from the start and could be interpreted that way.

"You will go last."

"... Yes, I understand."

"The first..."

Sama Seung turned his head.

"You go, Yu Baek."

"Yes, elder! I will not disappoint you."

"It's alright even if we don't win every match. Defeat as many as you can until you run out of stamina; once you feel exhausted, simply surrender and return. Never fall under their swords. Do you understand?


Sama Seung gnashed his teeth.

It was best if Yu Baek defeated everyone. If he's unable to, at the very least, they should finish by only sending out two people.

'Then Jong Seo-Han? Since Geum-Ryong can't go out, he's the next best. Lee Song-Baek has been strong lately as well....'


At that moment, he heard a bizarre whistling sound and looked at the stage.

"... w-what?"

And Sama Seung saw it.

Chung Myung, who had been dragged away by someone to talk to, walked out on stage with a wooden sword draped over her shoulder.

"Plan, what plan? Hurry and come get beaten. I am the plan!"

Chung Myung smiled as she lowered her head.

"I will make this a day you can never forget, Southern Edge Sect."

It was a calm but bold declaration.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Chung Myung.

The fact that Chung Myung took the lead was something no one predicted.

Anybody with some knowledge of martial arts... no, even a person with no understanding of martial arts could tell that Chung Myung was the most exceptional among Mount Hua's third-class disciples.

Usually, the strongest fighter would wait until the final moments to have a favorable chance at victory, especially in events like this where the winner continues until they lose.

'What the hell is she thinking?'

'Does she want to fight against the Southern Edge Sect's disciples head-on?'

Those who predicted some kind of trick out of Chung Myung were confused and struggled to comprehend her actions.

Hyun Jong and Un Geom were the same, as were Hwang Mun-Yak and Yoon Jong.

"S-sahyung. Shouldn't we stop her now? I will take the lead. Then—"

"You know there's nothing we can do, right?"

When the third-class disciples approached him and asked, Yoon Jong, frowned.

"How can we stop him when she's the one throwing herself out there?"

Everyone's concerned gazes focused on Chung Myung's back. But Chung Myung simply kept her sights on the Southern Edge Sect.

'Do kids today know the legend of the strongest swordsman that single-handedly defeated a gang of people when he was just fifteen?'

Maybe the story was still told. Well, this person was from an era even before Chung Myung, but she'd heard this story over and over again.

'It's said that Buddha was just eighteen when he gained insight.'

That was also a story that resonated throughout the world.

Other than that, there were no other examples.

The masters of those generations, who made names for themselves since childhood, must have also been told similar legends.

Why? Because without such stories, there would be no conversation.

The world they lived in praised the strong. In order to prove one's strength and display their skills, a worthy opponent must be overcome.

Martial sects were the same.

No matter how strong Mount Hua becomes, no one would appreciate the change if they could not prove it. Whether they grew twice as strong or ten times, no one would ever know that change came to Mount Hua.

Change must be seen with the eyes and experienced with the body. Every powerful person needed to recognize the change Mount Hua was undergoing. That was the quickest way to rebuild Mount Hua's reputation.

And today.

Chung Myung intended to create a legend that would spread the name of Mount Hua.

'There are two ways to make a name for a sect.'

One is to build achievements that no one can ignore.

And the other is to prove the sect's strength.

The strongest sect? That's good.

The best swordsman in the world? That's good too.

However, the best way is to have rising stars among the disciples.

People treat others the most favorably when they have higher expectations of them. The strongest sect may be seen as an enemy, while the strongest swordsman would be seen as competition. Rather than those options, having powerful disciples with potential that live up to the expectations of others is the most comfortable way.

There is a reason that young geniuses are evaluated as rising dragons and tigers. This was an eternal law of sects that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Mount Hua's third-class disciples defeated the Southern Edge Sect's third-class disciples?

That would be a fun story.

The third-class disciples defeated Southern Edge Sect's second-class disciples?

That's a remarkable event.


A single third-class disciple from Mount Hua swept through Southern Edge Sect's second-class disciples one after another?

This news would turn the world upside down.

And it would become a shame that the Southern Edge Sect would be unable to wash away for generations.

Chung Myung smiled.

'Why did you have to touch Mount Hua?'

'If you wanted to touch it, you should have done it when I wasn't alive.'

"Well, shouldn't I collect some interest while I'm at it?"

As Chung Myung raised her sword, Yu Baek approached and stood across from her as he spoke.

"Your confidence is clearly second to none in this world, but I'll let you know that self-confidence without skill is a shortcut to a disgraceful defeat."


Chung Myung just lifted the sword without answering.

Normally, she would have said something back, but now she wasn't in the mood.

Instead, she looked back at the third-class disciples of Mount Hua.


"...C-concentrate on the match!"

"Remember my words. Do not miss a thing."


Perhaps this was a rare chance to see an interesting performance from a real match.

Chung Myung looked at Yu Baek and said

"Mount Hua's third-class disciple, Chung Myung  no- Jin Ran, asks for a match."

Yu Baek, who was about to say something, flinched and then accepted.

"The Southern Edge Sect's second-class disciple, Yu Baek, accepts Mount Hua's offer."

The third-class disciples who were watching felt their bodies tense up.

'There's something different about her right now.'

This wasn't the usual Chung Myung that they knew.

The usual Chung Myung no- Jin Ran would have provoked the enemy in front of her the moment she stood against her. However, her iconic playfulness was nowhere to be found.

A frigid feeling came from his back that left them feeling cold.


A swordsman heading into the battlefield.

Yoon Jong couldn't take his eyes off her as if he was possessed; he felt that something extraordinary was about to happen.

And at that moment

Her sword moved slowly.

The sword that began moving from above slowly descended until it was brought back to its original form.

Yoon Jong couldn't breathe as he saw this scene.

The Initial form.

She was now displaying the initial form of the Equilibrium of Six Sword.

The initial form was a greeting and courtesy to inform the opponent that she was ready to begin. But now, Yoon Jong felt as if he was being sucked into that otherwise simple movement.

It was an absolutely perfect sword, with perfect speed and perfect form.

'How could so much be shown with just that one move?'

Yoon Jong noticed.

This wasn't something that was being shown to the opponent. It was meant for Mount Hua's disciples. From now on, she would be using the Equilibrium of Six Sword, so she was asking them to pay attention.

"Don't miss it."

Yoon Jong shouted unconsciously.

"Don't miss a single one of Chung Myung's moves! Never! Don't even blink; just watch her!"

No one replied. They all just nodded. They were all trying their best to capture Chung Myung's movements.

"I'll fix that troublemaking head of yours!"

Perhaps Yu Baek couldn't understand how fearsome Chung Myung was, or maybe it was because of his opponent's pressure, but Yu Baek burst into a scream as he rushed at her.

Chung Myung's eyes just looked at him coldly.

Equilibrium of Six.

This sword technique was the basis for all of Mount Hua's swordsmanship.

Four cardinal directions brought together on earth and beneath heaven combine into six. It represents everything within the world as well as unity.

That was the essence of this simple and basic swordsmanship.

Stab! Cut! Slash! Block!

Nothing more than basic swordsmanship.

But in the end, every sword technique in the world begins with these movements. No sword can escape this rule.

The opponent's sword danced gracefully in the sky.


Hyun Jong's eyes went wide as he noticed something strange.

That swordsmanship was reminiscent of a flower in full bloom. Doesn't it seem familiar to something he'd heard about?

Did the Southern Edge Sect have such sword arts?

Aside from the beautiful appearance, the sharpness of the swordsmanship was apparent. Dozens of sword-like forms swept in for Chung Myung with bizarre petal-like movements.

However, Chung Myung's eyes began to ice over and emit a deathly chill as he saw this technique.

Chung Myung merely took a single step forward, aiming for the top. At the same time, she thrust her sword ahead.


The change that was forming in the air disappeared like a ghost.


Her sword, which precisely struck and interrupted the flowing swordplay, hit Yu Baek's wrist. Yu Baek retreated as he felt the heavy pain assail his senses.

But it was an obvious mistake.

She took another step and swung her sword down.


Her wooden sword, loaded with qi, collided with Yu Baek's simple sword and echoed loudly with a dull sound. Somehow, he had managed to raise his sword in time to block. However, the weight of Jin Ran blow came crashing down upon his body.


Yu Baek eventually pushed the sword of Her away and stepped back.

However, with a cold and expressionless face, Chung Myung stepped closer and swung her sword.

There was no flashy movement. It wasn't some sharp sword or weighted move.

It was a simple sword movement.

Stab! Cut! Slash! Block.

Yet, the child's sword couldn't be blocked. If it was blocked, the blade would fly again, and if it was pushed away, it would strike the chin.

'W-what is this?'

Yu Baek blocked and blocked again, but each time Chung Myung's sword was blocked, he would be pushed back several steps.

'J-just once!'

He only needed one opportunity. Then, by inserting his sword into that gap, he could display his sect's swordsmanship.

If he could unfold the Southern Edge Sect's newest sword art, then this cheeky bastard could be defeated.



Unfortunately for him, Jin Ran  sword struck before he could fully display the technique earlier.

His wrist seemed to have been broken as he screamed in agony. But with his pride on the line, he didn't withdraw.


Just break through the child's sword once...

But the sword of Jin Ran's kept coming.

And the cost of not receiving Jin Ran's sword properly was great. Jin Ran's sword fell at a slow pace, it wasn't quick, yet it destroyed Yu Baek's flow.

'W-what the hell is this?'

Realizing that he was being driven into a corner, Yu Baek looked at Jin Ran's sword as if his soul had been drained from his body.



Yet, he couldn't find a single gap between those movements.

Perfect. It was absolutely perfect.


In the end, Yu Baek was unable to keep up with the change in movements, and his sword was deflected away. As his sword rose into the sky, Yu Baek stared at Jin Ran's sword as it keenly slashed for his head.

"This must be a dream...."


Jin Ran's sword stopped right in front of his head. He didn't hit, but that was enough. Unable to handle this strike, Yu Baek stumbled back.



That was the end.

Staring at the Southern Edge disciples that gathered, Jin Ran simply continued to gaze at them from afar.

Those who received that look felt a chill run down their spine and took a step back.
The empress smiled at the look on her daughters face.

Jin Ran spoke with the softest voice.



That was the moment when the Southern Edge Sect disciples desperately realized that something was wrong.

The world seemed to freeze as a chilling silence descended on Mount Hua.

No one could open their mouths, and no one thought to move.

Those who knew martial arts couldn't speak because they understood just how incredible the spectacle before their eyes was. Even those who didn't know martial arts recognized that something extraordinary had happened just now.

Sama Seung looked at Jin Ran with trembling eyes.

'With just basic swordsmanship....'

She overpowered Yu Baek?

Without being hit a single time?

Those consecutive movements smoothly flowed together like water. Yu Baek, who was caught within, couldn't counter.

'Would it have been possible for me to do the same?'

Sama Seung couldn't immediately answer the question that popped into his head.

Subduing Yu Baek in an instant was something Sama Seung could do. However, only using a basic sword technique to subdue an opponent without giving them a chance to counterattack was different.

Even if someone twice as strong as Sama Seung came, it couldn't be guaranteed that he would perform at the level of Jin Ran.

It was a matter of how perfectly the basics were mastered and performed.

To put it crudely, a vast and robust root.

Not some colorful branches and stems. A firm root that supported everything but stayed invisible.

'W-what the hell did she do?'

There was a deeper meaning to the fact that the roots were so massive.

That the child will grow into a giant tree; she will become a great tree that can cover all of Mount Hua!

At that moment, a cold voice penetrated Sama Seung's mind.


Sama Seung's eyes trembled as he looked at Jin Ran.

The cold eyes made one sink into the abyss, with her sword pointed to the Southern Edge Sect.

'She must be stopped.'

This fight was fine. But if  she grows in the future, everyone will be covered under this child's shadow one day.


It would be just like when the 'Plum Blossom Sword Saint' roamed about in the past.



Only then did Sama Seung come to his senses, and after looking at his disciples, he clenched his teeth and thought.

'Who should I send?'

It was then.

Jong Seo-Han growled and glared at Jin Ran.

"Elder! I will go! I will take him down and teach Mount Hua a lesson."


One could only see as much as they knew. Jin Ran's strength was unknown to the Southern Edge Sect disciples; Jong Seo-Han didn't understand what he was facing.

'What should I do?'

Sama Seung was a bit worried.


"Yes! Elder."

"Don't lose easily. Tire her out."

"... what?"

"Do what you are told!"

Jong Seo-Han looked at the elder with a puzzled expression and nodded.

"I will do as the elder commands."

"... go."


Jong Seo-Han grabbed his wooden sword and moved.

Jin Geum-Ryong, who was silent till them, spoke.


"It might be difficult to say, but...."

Sama Seung turned his gaze to Jin Geum-Ryong. Seeing his face, Jin Geum-Ryong flinched and stepped away without realizing it.

It was cold.

A face that was so cold he could feel his bones chilling.

Sama Seung turned away his glare.

Jong Seo-Han took a deep breath.

'I'm not being careless. I don't underestimate my opponent, and I'm not overconfident.'

If he could do his best, the child would lose. If he was careless like Yu Baek, then horrible things could happen.

"I commend you for defeating Yu Baek. But I am—"

The words found themselves trapped within his throat.

His mouth which unable to speak and couldn't move.


Jin Ran, who was standing in front of him, seemed to slowly be melding into her surroundings. Jong Seo-Han began to feel an oppressive sinking feeling.

'... this?'

He didn't realize it while standing in the crowd.

However, her aura was something he'd never faced before. Not even Jin Geum-Ryong or their teacher could give him this feeling.

He gulped at the thought as his muscles tensed.

His instincts were screaming that it was dangerous just by looking at Jin Ran in front of him.

Jin Ran's half-hearted eyes calmly observed him.

At that moment, without realizing it, Jong Seo-Han took his stance. All the thoughts inside his head disappeared. It felt like only he and Chung Myung existed in this world.

At that moment.


Jin Ran took a slow step.

Although everyone could clearly see that it was a slow step, Jin Ran's body reached Jong Seo-Han instantly.

She firmly exerted force on the ground through her legs.

The force of the recoil traveled through the waist, and the waist moved to give power to the upper body. As if absorbing that force, the sword swung ferociously.


Nothing fancy.

Power, speed, accuracy. Just the basics.

The sword's power that faithfully adhered to the basics ascended beyond the basics.

Jong Seo-Han's legs trembled.

As Jin Ran advanced one step ahead, Jong Seo-Han's posture crumpled, and he lost balance as his body twisted with a muffled sound.


And that was it.

Jong Seo-Han's eyes saw the wooden sword falling toward his head.


There was fear and shock in his eyes.



Jong Seo-Han fell to the floor, blood dripping.

This sword.

Just this sword.

The second greatest of Southern Edge's second-class disciples, Jong Seo-Han, was defeated with a single strike to the head. Everyone witnessing this stood aghast in shock.

Receiving these shocked gazes, Jin Ran softly spoke.


She just silently looked at the Southern Edge Sect.

Now, the Southern Edge Sect seemed to finally understand. Their faces went stiff as if they had seen a ghost.

'Not yet.'

It was too early to be surprised. Because Chung Myung no the young empress Jin Ran still had more to show.

She had no intention of being content with just this.

Considering what the Southern Edge sect did to Mount Hua, such a defeat was nothing but a light punishment.

Today, here, She would leave an indelible mark on the Southern Edge Sect.

As long as Mount Hua survives in this world and as long as the Southern Edge Sect exists. This day will remain a stigma in their sect's history.

'You did something you shouldn't have done.'

Mount Hua gave everything to save the world. Despite Jin Ran's dissuasion, his Sahyungs all gave up their lives for the sake of the world.

And what was the cost?


The anger that had been suppressed turned into a cold flame that burned in Chung Myung's chest.

'In the world we protected, the Southern Edge Sect was there.'

Instead of repaying the favor, the Southern Edge Sect stole the Plum Blossom Sword technique and despised Mount Hua. Now, they were even trying to destroy it.

'Well, everyone endured it till now.'

Jin Ran kept control of herself. Several times a day, she felt his broken heart ache. Finally, she didn't need to hold back the anger she'd been suppressing anymore.


When Jin Ran sharply shouted, the disciples of the Southern Edge Sect shuddered. A few came forward and carried Jong Seo-Han away.

One of them remained with a stiff face and stood facing Jin Ran with a sword.

'I've already shown off the Equilibrium of Six, then let's move on to the next technique.'

Chung Myung retook her stance.

A groan that seemed to breathe in sounded from behind her.

"F-Falling Flower Sword!"

After taking the basic form, Chung Myung raised her sword and aimed it at the foe in front of him.

And sprinted ahead.

'It's different!'

Jo Gul clenched his fist.

Jin Ran's movements changed completely. They weren't serious and concise like what had been previously shown. These were sharp movements, like wind blowing through a canyon.

Just by changing the sword technique, her entire bearing changed. How could one girl have such perfect execution?

Flowers blooming on an old tree along the cliff seem to be swept away by this violent wind.


A completely incomparable speed to Jin Ran's previous technique was displayed.

Such a formidable attack went flying towards the disciple from the Southern Edge Sect.



The moment it seemed to be blocked, the sword was recovered faster than it stabbed and then continued the assault again and again.



The sword that was blocked quickly retreated back.

Usually, when dealing with a swift sword, a martial artist would strike after defending before their opponent has time to recover their stance and withdraw their sword. That was the trick. However, the Southern Edge Sect's disciple had no way to counterattack despite knowing that.

The moment he tried to attack, Jin Ran's retrieved sword would stab again.




Even faster!


Sometimes the sword would just brush past the shoulder. But even so, that light contact felt like it had enough destructive force to crush the bones.


The Southern Edge Sect's disciple couldn't find a proper way to deal with the attack and recklessly decided to swing his sword.

No, he tried to.


Chung Myung's sword struck his throat before he could even place strength in his hand.


The disciple collapsed on the spot.


Chung Myung looked at the fallen disciple and said,


Yoon Jong seemed deflated as he gasped.

'T-that is the Falling Flower Sword.'


It was different from what he or Jo Gul did.

If the Equilibrium of Six was loyal to the basics, then this sword technique centered on pleasure and was the core of Mount Hua's swordsmanship.

Jin Ran was now showing them.

This is the true Falling Flower Sword. This is Mount Hua's sword.

"... Falling Flower Sword."

The sword they learned.

To be honest, Yoon Jong never thought that Mount Hua's sword technique could be as good as the Southern Edge Sect's.

Even though swordsmanship wasn't everything, Mount Hua's martial arts tended to fall a bit short if it was evaluated calmly.

So far, Yoon Jong... no, that was what all the third-class disciples thought.

But instead of using a hundred words, Jin Ran showed them through a single battle.

It's been said that Mount Hua's martial arts used to be superior to the Southern Edge Sect. That may be the reason that Jin Ran was fighting them with those techniques.

"... what have I even been looking at till now?"

The children that had envied the abilities of others without properly understanding their own techniques felt ashamed of themselves.

"Sahyung. The Falling Flower Sword..."


Yoon Jong knew what Jo Gul was trying to say.

Yoon Jong nodded his head and spoke.

"Don't take your eyes off her. That is Mount Hua's Sword. The sword of Mount Hua that we need to learn and pass on."

Yoon Jong realized one thing.

Perhaps after today, the disciples of Mount Hua will no longer be the same. Once they have witnessed this absurd sight, they can never turn back.

The image of Jin Ran's back, wielding her sword, was burned into their eyes.

That bastard who always ran her arrogant mouth, at this moment, was silently leading them with her back.

'Show us more.'

What Mount Hua's sword meant.

How strong Mount Hua's sword can be.

The world was getting quieter and quieter.

In the eyes of Yoon Jong, the figure of Jin Ran grew larger. It appeared as if Jin Ran was the only one standing in the whole world.

With the empress..


"I see she is finally growning.."

The brothers watch their sister win against men..
They loved it..

"This is fun!"

"I would love to fight with our sister!"

"I don't think that's a good idea elder brother!"

The brothers argue with each other...
While their mother sighed..

' I just want her to get married is that too much to ask for!'

She thought while she turned back to watch her daughter fight.  


Another one fell.

The blood drained from the faces of the Southern Edge Sect's disciples as they stood in shock.


Six had fallen.

A total of six!

Six second-class disciples from the Southern Edge Sect had been defeated by a single third-class disciple. It was an utterly one-sided defeat as well.

But it wasn't the current losses that left them terrified.

What truly scared them was the creeping realization that they may not be able to secure even a single victory in this match.

'Will we be completely annihilated? By just one third-class disciple?'

Their fingers turned numb, and a cold sweat ran down their spine. Their eyes clouded over in despair, and their legs lost strength.

Was there anyone here that didn't understand how disgraceful this was?

This event was one in a thousand; if such news leaked, it would travel the world before the disciples could even return home.

For Mount Hua, this would be a glorious achievement.

And for the Southern Edge sect, this would be a humiliation that would last for generations!

That historically absurd disgrace was occurring right here and now on Mount Hua. Realizing that, the Southern Edge Sect disciples felt a sense of fear that went beyond this moment's pressure.


In their ears echoed the most terrifyingly heartless voice.

No one stepped forward. They weren't stupid. If it happened once or twice, it could be considered luck. But winning six times in a row was no coincidence.

It was unbelievable, but Mount Hua's third-class disciple, Jin Ran, was stronger than them.


They were no longer afraid of stepping forward and losing. However, the burden of being one of the disciples that contributed to this catastrophic defeat was terrifying beyond measure.

"S-Someone go."

"I-I can't...."

"-Sahyung. Shouldn't Sahyung go?"

"What am I supposed to do? I..."

It was at that moment.


Jin Geum-Ryong spoke in a cold voice.

"The disciples of the Great Southern Edge Sect are afraid of a child that's ten years younger than them? You all seem to have forgotten about shame."

Everyone was unable to respond and merely bowed their heads.

Jin Geum-Ryon took a step forward.

"I will go."


"I cannot watch that arrogant bastard any longer. So, watch me as I regain the sect's honor! Although, I don't know if there is any honor left to reclaim."

Jin Geum-Ryong's face twisted like a ravenous demon, but someone spoke just as he was about to walk out.



Jin Geum-Ryong turned to see that Sama Seung was looking at him with a stiff face as he called on someone else.

"Man Jeok."

"... Yes, elder."

"You go."

"... I, I..."

Sama Seung cut the disciple's words off as if to pre-empt and nip any excuses in the bud.

"Go out there and drag him down by the ankles. Do you understand what I mean?"

"... Yes."

Jin Geum-Ryong tried to disagree, but Sama Seung stopped him.

"Come here."

"But the fight is—"

"That's enough. Come here!"

Sama Seung led Jin Geum-Ryong to the back. After reaching an isolated place where no one could hear them, Sama Seung spoke in a low voice.

"Do you think the other kids can win?"

Jin Geum-Ryong couldn't answer.

It was a question with an obvious answer. However, the reason he couldn't respond wasn't that he felt sorry for his juniors. It was because he couldn't understand the reality of what was happening.

Nothing was lacking about the second-class disciples' skills, yet they lacked confidence despite their efforts.

They no longer had any chance against Jin Ran with such a mindset.

Sama Seung spoke bluntly to the confused Jin Geum-Ryong.

"Your thoughts aren't wrong."

"... Yes?"

"That's a monster. No, I would call her a monster cub. But if you leave her alone, she will become a real monster one day."

"... Elder?"

"And that monster will block the Southern Edge Sect's path again. Do you understand what I mean?"

Jin Geum-Ryong's eyes went wide.

'Is that possible?'

Jin Geum-Ryong had to admit that sheis incredibly strong for her age. But could she really become a hindrance to their sect?

Jin Geum-Ryong bit his lip in frustration.

Saying that Jin Ran would block the sect's path was the same as saying that Jin Geum-Ryong would be unable to handle her. Whether it's true or not, at least Sama Seung thought so.

His blood boiled inside.

'Does that mean I can barely handle that child?'

This was an insult he'd never heard before.

Jin Geum-Ryong's expression revealed the anger that he couldn't hide.

Sama Seung looked deeply into his eyes and spoke.

"Geum-Ryong, you are a genius."


"But how many people do you think get called geniuses? It's not something I want to say, but there are at least ten men of your caliber in your generation alone. Maybe it's even more than that."

Jin Geum-Ryong tightly clenched his teeth.

Sama Seung coldly asked.

"Do you believe that you can be the strongest in the world in the future?"

Jin Geum-Ryong may be the most confident person in the world, but even he didn't dare to lightly answer that question.

The title of 'strongest in the world' held too much weight.

When Jin Geum-Ryong hesitated to answer, Sama Seung narrowed his eyes.

"Master. Genius. This title may be enough to carry on the spirit of the Southern Edge Sect and lead our sect into a golden era. However!"

Sama Seung finally arrived at the main point he really wanted to say.

"Being the best in the world is impossible."


"Those who compete for the position of strongest in the world are monsters, not geniuses. Only those who casually ignore common sense, crush down the laws with their power, and defy all reason with their talents can stand on that stage. Right..."

Sama Seung's head slowly turned towards the center.

"Monsters like her."

Jin Geum-Ryong's shoulders trembled.

"Elder, I...!"

Jin Geum-Ryong was about to cry out and protest when he was suppressed by the elder's cold voice.


It became difficult to breathe.

"She may be a monster, but she is still just a cub. Even a dog can bite a tiger to death if it's just a baby."

Jin Geum-Ryong understood the meaning behind Sama Seung's words and stared at him in shock. As if to affirm Jin Geum-Ryong's startling thoughts, a quiet and eerie voice penetrated his ears.

"Kill him."


Sama Seung whispered with a ghastly visage.

"It's still possible. She is a monster, but she can be dealt with now. You must kill her. If you don't kill her now, we will never get another chance in this lifetime."


"Don't forget. People with talent don't become the best. Among those called geniuses and prodigies, only one person can truly stand at the peak. Do it now! If you can't kill her, at least cut off her arm!"

Jin Geum-Ryong unknowingly stepped back.

'He's lost his mind.'

It wasn't because of what was said, but a certain sense of madness was glowing in his eyes. Whatever it was, it didn't seem normal.

"Elder, think rationally...."


Sama Seung burst into laughter before grinding his teeth.

"Are you going to live in its shadow for the rest of your life?"

Jin Geum-Ryong shut his mouth.

Under the shadow? ...Of that child?

Jin Geum-Ryong clenched his fist. His nails digging into the palm of his hand nearly punctured the flesh.

It was such a humiliating thought that he couldn't bear it.

"The choice is yours."

Sama Seung said while growling.

"You don't need to take all the responsibility for this. You just made a mistake. Mistakes are common in spars like this. Don't you think so?"

Jin Geum-Ryong looked at Sama Seung with fire raging within his eyes and spoke.

"First of all, let me be clear. I am not someone who can be overshadowed by a girl like her."

Despite those bold words, Sama Seung waited for Jin Geum-Ryong to continue.


He continued with a cold face.

"If that child's existence will become an obstacle for the Southern Edge Sect, then there's no reason to follow the rules."

A sinister smile blossomed on Sama Seung's lips.

"That's right."


Another disciple fell.

With this, eight have fallen to Jin Ran
Who lowered her sword and looked at the Southern Edge Sect.

There were only two left, and she arrogantly stared at hers remaining foes.

'Not yet.'

It is too early for despair. There was something else she had prepared.

"It doesn't look like I'm getting to ten wins so easily."

Of course, Jin Geum-Ryong would appear in the end, but it's difficult for them to find someone to fill the final role. Who was going to come forward when they were all terrified?

'It's unfortunate. Do I need to be content with my current win record?'

It was then.


A man steadily walked out without saying a word. Jin Ran seemed shocked upon seeing who it was that approached the stage.


The person approaching smiled modestly.

"I know it's too early for me to compete with you. But... our sect is suffering a great humiliation, so I can't just sit on the sidelines and watch from behind."


Jin Ran nodded her head.

This guy was surely worth it.

Lee Song-Baek.

Lee Song-Baek, who he had already met at the Eunha Guild, came to face her.
Her heart was beating fast...

'I-i Why is he so cuteeeeeeeee!!!!'

The empress her voice was heard..
It felt as if she was crying...
Are we in love with this man?

'I wouldn't mind if he was the new emperor!'

It felt as if the empress was blushing like a maiden in love..
Wait we are a maiden! 

"The Southern Edge Sect's Lee Song Baek, a second-class disciple, asks disciple Jin Ran for a match........ and her hand in marriage "

"Mount Hua's third-class disciple Jin Ran accepts - wait what did you say?"

The people were shocked to hear him say that.

'Yes! Say Yes!'

The empress said!
Calm down woman!

Lee Song-Baek then realized what he said and turned red.. 

"nothing i said nothing!"

He then looked to the shocked Jin Ran who was flustered.....
As he took his sword as  the two stood facing one another with swords drawn.

'What do I do?'

Jin Ran looked at Lee Song-Baek. Even though he was from the Southern Edge Sect, Jin Ran didn't hate him.
She quite liked him and the empress wanted him...

Jin Ran lowered her sword after much consideration and gently closed her eyes.

'It wouldn't hurt to show him.'

If he could accept and overcome it, then it would be medicinal. If he cannot overcome this, it will become poison. It would all depend on Lee Song-Baek.


Lee Song-Baek screamed as he charged.

Jin Ran's sword also began to move slowly.

Lee Song-Baek was someone that would grow by using the old methods of the Southern Edge Sect. The current Jin Ran could show him where to begin, but...

A little should be enough for Lee Song-Baek.

The tip of Jin Ran's sword was aimed precisely at Lee Song-Baek.

And at that moment.

Lee Song-Baek, who was running towards her, opened his eyes wide.

'The s-sword!'

Jin Ran's entire body was covered by the sword. No, the sword that stabbed toward Lee Song-Baek grew so large that it obscured his view of Jin Ran.

'N-No, that's not it either!'

Not visible.

Not being able to feel it.

The only thing he could see and feel was the sword aimed at him.

'Is that True Unity with the Sword?'

A huge shock swept through Lee Song-Baek's body before he could fully comprehend what was happening.


As blood dripped down, Lee Song-Baek stepped back and subtly smiled.

'I saw...'


Lee Song-Baek fell to the floor.

Nine consecutive losses.

Now there was only one left.

Jin Ran turned to look at the Southern Edge Sect's disciples. No, her gaze was aimed at just one person.

"Come out."

Jin Geum-Ryong.

It's finally time to pay for your sins, Southern Edge Sect.
As she looked down to see Lee Song-baek his body..
She bended down to help him and kissed his head...
But no one but the empress saw what she had done...


The sound of wind escaped from Hyun Jong's mouth. Still, he didn't risk turning his eyes away from the center for even a moment.

Hyun Jong's gaze moved from Lee Song-Baek to Jin Ran.

Another win.

After winning nine times, Jin Ran was waiting for his final opponent.
As he watched Jin Ran walk to Lee Song-Baek and do something...
Whatever it was no one had noticed but he looked to the empress who was smiling..

The elders and disciples that gathered together were watching in suffocating silence. No one wanted to disturb this atmosphere by speaking first.

Doubts about her?

Doubts about the situation?

Those were probably valid concerns to consider. But they could find out later.

What was important now was that Jin Ran was on the verge of achieving a full victory over the Southern Edge Sect.

'Has this ever happened in the history of Mount Hua?'

Mount Hua and the Southern Edge sect have always been wary of each other. Looking at it objectively, Mount Hua often stood ahead of the Southern Edge Sect throughout history.

Of course, the tide had turned in recent generations. But looking at both sect's histories, it was undeniable.

Yet, as far as Hyun Jong knew, there was never a situation in Mount Hua's history where they crushed the Southern Edge Sect so one-sidedly.

Of course, there were legends that the Southern Edge Sect couldn't even step outside during the Plum Blossom Sword Saint's era, but that was a different matter. There had never been an 'official' incident like this.

At Mount Hua's darkest hour, an unprecedented event was unraveling before their eyes in this time of hardship. They were unable to focus on anything else.

Hyun Jong looked at Jin Ran, who was staring at the other sect.


Hyun Jong was more impressed by that dignified attitude than the victories he achieved.

Just when was it?

'When was the last time that a member of Mount Hua could proudly stand against the Southern Edge Sect?'

Was it ever possible for them to stand tall?

'Oh, my ancestors.'

Hyun Jong's eyes kept watering. As Mount Hua's sect leader, he knew that he needed to remain calm and shouldn't show such emotions; however, the passion rising from his heart was overwhelming.

"Sect leader..."

"Don't say anything...."

Hyun Jong shook his head at Hyun Sang's call.

"For now, let's wait and see. What more he can show to us."

Everyone held their breath and focused on Jin Ran's every move.

'Maybe today...'

A hopeful light that had never been seen before emerged in Hyun Jong's eyes.

'Maybe the fate of Mount Hua will change.'


The gazes that pierced him.

The feeling of his toes touching the floor.

The wooden sword in his hand.

All of that was different from usual.

Jin Geum-Ryong stepped on stage feeling a burden that was unfamiliar to him.


Jin Geum-Ryong felt it.

This wasn't the sort of gaze that normally poured onto him. Jin Geum-Ryong had already received looks of anticipation and excitement.


He was a valiant martial artist that carried the future of the sect. Those who saw him always looked at him with pride and expectation. This was the first time he'd received such looks of anxiety and concern.


'Why are they looking at me like that?'

Jin Geum-Ryong raised his head and saw the figure of Jin Ran looking back at him.

'Right. Because of her.'

It was incomprehensible. But something was raging inside him.

Jin Geum-Ryong worked hard all his life to get to where he stood now.

He strove to have his potential recognized and consistently lived up to the extraordinary expectations of those around him. Naturally, he began to be praised for his efforts. He was a man that might someday become the sect leader of the Southern Edge Sect.

It was the recognition and expectation he earned throughout his life.

But in less than an hour, it all turned into concern and worry.

'Am I that unreliable?'

To the extent that they were worried he couldn't handle a single child from a fallen sect?

A wave of cold and heavy anger swept through Jin Geum-Ryong's body. He stared intently into Jin Ran's eyes.

'I didn't like him from the start.'

That arrogant face, the pretentious attitude, and the sharpness of his gaze.

Above all else, Jin Geum-Ryong despised how arrogantly he behaved. Even when Chung Myung was face to face with Jin Geum-Ryong, it felt as though he was looking down on the Southern Edge Sect.

Jin Geum-Ryong took a deep breath and began to speak with an emotionless voice.

"Should I give you a compliment?"

"I don't need that."

Jin Ran shrugged her shoulders.

"It's not like I did anything great."


Jin Geum-Ryong looked at the child with cold eyes.

"You dare ignore the Southern Edge sect?"


Jin Ran chuckled.

"It isn't a matter of ignoring you. There's no reason to be proud of bullying the weak."


Every single word.


Jin Geum-Ryong stopped himself as he was about to speak before sighing and shaking his head.

"No. You don't need to be humble. Your skills are enough; any humility from you will upset me."


"I admit it. Your strength has earned you the right to be arrogant. Just the fact that you defeated nine of us is shocking. You will be recognized as a once-in-a-lifetime genius."

Jin Ran narrowed her  eyes.


Jin Geum-Ryong drew his wooden sword and aimed it at Jin Ran.

"Do you know what your misfortune is?"


"You were born during the same time as me."

Jin Ran had a subtle smile while Jin Geum-Ryong stared at him and continued.

"As a result of that misfortune, you will always stare at my back. Unable to overcome the difference between us, you'll chase after my shadow for the rest of your life."

Jin Ran grinned widely.

"It's good to be so confident."

"I'm not done yet."

Jin Geum-Ryong spoke coldly.

"If you hadn't chosen Mount Hua, you might have been able to overcome your misfortune. If you chose the Southern Edge Sect instead of Mount Hua, you might have had the opportunity to surpass me."

"Really? You think so?"

"I do."

Jin Geum-Ryong cleared his breath and continued.

"Mount Hua is still tied down by the past. Its disciples desperately struggle to recover their lost martial arts and recreate their former glory. But not the Southern Edge Sect. Without lingering on ancient history, we invent a new system and achieve a better future."

Jin Geum-Ryong spoke as if making a declaration.

"That's why Mount Hua will never be able to catch up with the Southern Edge Sect."


Jin Ran exclaimed in admiration.

He wanted to clap too. If someone other than the Southern Edge Sect said it, he might have slapped his Sahyungs on the back of their heads.

'Look at them and learn something, you bastards!'

Jin Ran may have shouted that.

Unfortunately, the future that Jin Geum-Ryong was talking about was achieved by stealing Mount Hua's martial arts.

'What should I do?'

Two things were necessary to bring the truth to light. The first was acknowledging the truth, and the second was having the power to carry through with that announcement.

When the Southern Edge Sect began to study the martial arts they stole from Mount Hua, she was so furious that he was worried he would go insane.

But does anger change anything?

Realistically there was no way Mount Hua could punish the Southern Edge Sect.

If the issue was brought to the public, there would only be an outcry of voices demanding that they prove the Southern Edge Sect was actually learning the Plum Blossom Sword technique. Even if Mount Hua restored and displayed the true technique, the Southern Edge Sect would claim that they had been the ones that had their techniques copied and stolen.

The weak Mount Hua had no choice but to suffer.


They simply didn't have enough power.

Martial arts are a sensitive subject. Those who leak their sect's techniques would pay with their lives, and those who steal them from others should be prepared for an all-out war.

But Mount Hua cannot punish the Southern Edge Sect. The moment they raise the issue, the Southern Edge Sect will wage war on Mount Hua, and no one in the world could help them then.

No one would risk their lives to defend a collapsing sect.

So,  she stayed patient.

Until this moment!

She suppressed her boiling anger and endured her urge to charge into the Southern Edge Sect and slaughter them all except Lee Song-baek .

For this moment alone.

A gruesome smile spread across his face.

"The future of the Southern Edge Sect. That is a good thing to say."

Jin Ran smiled at Jin Geum-Ryong.

Right. Jin Ran also thought about the Southern Edge Sect's future a lot.

What to do with their future?

Jin Ran left one seed in the Southern Edge Sect a little while ago. It was unknown if the seed would grow or not, but it served its purpose.

So, he would no longer act as a third-class disciple from Mount Hua from this moment on.

She would be acting as Chung Myung, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, to those filthy people who ripped them off after they showed grace.

"That future..."

Jin Ran raised her sword.

"I'll present it to you as a gift."

"Right. It'll be a gift that you will never forget for the rest of your life, so you'd better keep your eyes open."

Jin Geum-Ryong looked at him, unable to understand. But  she smiled.

'The perfect gift.'

Like a curse.

Restoring Mount Hua and destroying the current Southern Edge Sect wouldn't be enough to relieve her  anger.

She was about to cut off the Southern Edge Sect's future forever.

'You covet the sword of Mount Hua?'

She smiled and laughed like a wolf facing it's prey.

"Then receive it properly."

'I will show it to you, so don't forget it.'

Jin Ran tightly grasped her sword.

"Get away!"


"Baek Cheon Sahyung!"

Mount Hua's disciples couldn't breathe as they looked at the center of the arena but were startled when a voice came from behind.

Baek Cheon staggered his way inside.

"S-Sahyung! Are you alright?"

Listening to the questions pouring in, Baek Cheon simply waved his hand and walked ahead.

Seeing this, Baek Sang shouted.

"Ch-Chair! Get a chair!"

"Yes, Sasuk!"

One of the third-class disciples hurriedly brought a chair for Baek Cheon. However, Baek Cheon only stared at Chung Myung and Jin Geum-Ryong without even looking at the chair.

'I need to see this.'

As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard that Chung Myung had nine straight wins.

It was impossible for him to remain lying down after hearing that. Even if his body was shattered, he needed to be there to cheer for Chung Myung.

Jin Geum-Ryong.

And Chung Myung.

Two people that held a special meaning to him were facing one another.

'Win. Chung Myung!'

Baek Cheon's earnest eyes shone with a desperate light.



Both Jin Ran  and Jin Geum-Ryong's swords began to move with a low sound.

Whatever the outcome may be, the results of this battle would ring throughout the land and echo across the world.

Mount Hua's disciples opened their eyes wide. They refused to miss even a single moment of this historic battle.

To be continued..

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