Eywa's Marines

بواسطة AmethystLullaby

21.6K 590 66

The sky people come back after 14 years, disturbing Pandora once more .Y/n was left behind 14 years ago with... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 29

292 9 1
بواسطة AmethystLullaby

I was screaming uncontrollably. I've never heard myself make this kind of noise before. I was hugging my knees and blinding myself of what's laying before me. I didn't want to ever see again if I'd be seeing his half blown head staring up at me all because I didn't speak up louder.

Above all my crying, I heard whimpering too. I quietened myself to try and hear better. I hear sniffling. I raise my head to see Spider standing there still. He's crying and snotting almost as much as I am. I'm in shock. I don't believe it.

"Get out" Quaritch orders and pushes Spider towards the door. He scrambles out, covered in blood, dripping it all the way down the hall. Quaritch shuts the door behind him and turns to me with a smile on his face again. I was so confused. This was hell on earth. My mind became dizzy, thoughts spiraling around the place.

He stepped closer. I try to shuffle back but my back was already pressed hard into the wall, any harder and I'd become the wall itself. He took a water bottle out from his tool box and a fresh bunch of tissues scrumpled up in his palm. He doused the tissues and leaned his hand in closer to my face. I flinched back so hard that I almost knocked myself out.

He had to hold me down just to touch my face. I turned my head to the side away from his demonic soulless fingers but he kept reaching closer. I closed my eyes.

He then very gently grabbed something off my face. It was a tiny looking wire.

"W...what's that?" I asked through tears, my lungs hitching.

"Isn't it amazing what the mind can do?" He asks. I stay there stunned and confused.

"W...what...?" I ask, I didn't understand. He twisted the metal around and tapped it with some metal pliers. Electric currents zapped through the wire, lighting it up slightly in shocks.

"I don't get it..." I sniff. My body still pounding in sharp pain. He then reached to my mouth and forced his fingers through.

He pulled out some more metal from my mouth. I was so confused.

"What...?" I asked again, glaring at it. This metal was slightly bigger with little squares dotted around it. He connected it to his pliers in his hand again, and again the same reaction happened with electrical currents zapping all around. While I was frozen he took the soaked bandages off my hands. I looked down.

My fingers were all there.

"What the hell?..." I quivered, my voice high pitched. I wiggled my red soaked fingers, they were all there. I began to think I was hallucinating. This isn't real.

"It's not real... I'm hallucinating..." I spoke.

"No you're not" he says deeply from above me. He leans closer from on his knees and takes the little metal squares off that were where he burned me. I stared at them in horror as he carried them through the air. My pain was easing.

"I don't understand..."

"It's simple once you get it. I put these on your body without you seeing them because they're so small, hidden by the size of the tool I used of course. Once contacted with metal they ignite and send intense volts of electricity through your skin, mimicking the second worst pain you can experience. To trick you further, I had packets of animal blood hidden in my palm. Once the plastic feels electricity, it explodes and pours out like real blood, just like ketchup packets."

He explained it all to me, even wiggling my fingers around with his fingers too as I sat there stunned. I couldn't believe it.

"B...but it was so real..." I say, tears falling from my face again.

"I also shot Spider with a red paint ball, a soft one so it didn't really hurt him." He says amused with his trickery.

"How was it so real?" I asked him.

"It's a mind trick. Your mind also replicates what it sees, making your body think it's actually happening." He says. I close and open my hands as I look down at them. They're stained in animal blood but all fingers are there. I roll my tongue around my mouth to feel my teeth are still all there too.

I began to cry into my knees. He shifted over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I couldn't even feel the pain anymore.

I shrugged his hand away from me. He didn't push on this time as he usually would.

"But you did it." He told me, his words soft and gentle. I looked up to him, broken.

"I did, now you know you won't get anything out of me" I spoke torn.

"I have deep respect for you" he told me, nodding his head.

"But you don't have mine" I say, almost baring my teeth at him.

"And I respect that" he tells me.
"Let's get you cleaned up" he adds, he stands and holds his hand out for me to take. I look up at him, my face still like death. I help myself up and ignore his hand as I walk towards the door. He understands and just follows after me.

"I wish I had ten more like you" he admired from behind me whilst we waited for the door to lift up.

"You couldn't have anyone like me" I say calmly. The door now opens and I stand out into the corridoor. Spider was resting against the wall with his head dropped low. Once he saw me stand there he hugged me tightly, almost crying again.

"Come on, both of you" Quaritch says behind us. We then walk down the corridoor. Walking past the people who give us a second glance then hide their heads.

Spider's arm stayed around my shoulder and mine with his. We got to the shower room. Quaritch opened the door and the two of us walked in.

"Clothes are in your lockers" is all he said before he shut the door behind us. The door slam echoing throughout the bright room. Silence then followed as we both stood there looking around. I slowly let go of Spider, we both made our way towards the lockers with the matching numbers we had on our keys. Inside was a towel, sponge and shower gel with clothes. My clothes.

I grab my clothes which was a black hoodie and jeans with my matching black underwear. Spider takes out his things too and we both head to the showers. I enter the last cubicle whilst he enters the one besides that. I took my clothes off slowly, still devastated with the past half an hour I had just endured.

We were both pretty silent as we showered. The  cold water didn't even make me flinch, it warmed up pretty soon, turning into a blood shower. The sight haunted me.

I brushed my fingers throughout my head, all the blood multiplying in the water and swishing in-between my toes. I curled my toes up and kept scrubbing with my eyes shut.

"I can't get it out" I hear Spider's cracked, echoed voice, loud and amplified in the stall besides me. I knew he was talking about the blood, I could see it seeping out of his shower gutter and into mine.

"I know" I said tearfully back, I was holding back tears myself. Flashbacks of the torture playback in my mind like a broken record on repeat, scratching and clawing at my brain. I cover my face and lean down on my toes, allowing the water to fall on my nape, pouring more blood away, some of it streaming around my face and stinging my eyes. I cover my ears to try and cope.


We step outside the door and into the corridoor again, Spider holding my hand from behind as I protected him with my body. I look to my right slowly, he's there, against the wall. I felt sick to my stomach at the sight of him. I think I was afraid of him. He noticed me and pushes off the wall with his back muscles. I hold Spider close by me as he takes a few steps closer. He stops and looks down to my hand that's right around Spider's hand.

His ears resting down a little. I looked into his eyes. I could sense he felt awful for what he did, his eyes were the glass windows to his soul.

"Go back to your room. You can take her if you want" he says like it was something he hated to inform Spider of. It was spoken like how you'd tell a man his wife died in a car crash. Spider stepped past me and guided me down the hall to where he stayed. I didn't look back at Quaritch, but I could feel his seething eyes watch us.

We turn a corner and there's a single metal door we stand infront of. Spider hits the open button and with a hiss the door opens. He leads me inside and shuts it behind us. He let go of my hand once the door closed. I glance around to get familiar with my surroundings, afterall I was very tense and on edge. Every now and then I keep flexing my fingers just to make sure they're really there.

He has a single bed in the corner of his small dorm sized room, a desk in the corner that has paper and pencils layed out on it with his drawings on. He also has a small bedside table that matches the bed frame, all grey modern metal, a single lamp standing proudly on it.

I stand awkwardly in the middle of the room. Spider sits down on his bed and looks up to me, he shuffles to the side, I acknowledge his gesture and sit down besides him. We both sit slumped down, our posture terrible. I look at my hands and he looks at his. It's almost like I can still see the blood stained all over my hands.

"I'm so sorry. I was halfway through telling him I'd say it." I quietly spoke softly to him. The corner of my vision picks up him turning to face me.

"I know, I heard you" he says, he held my hands in his hand, trying his best to smile at me. I look up to him too.

"I couldn't lose you" I say, my voice breaking again.

"If that was to happen for real, I'd want you to keep your word, even if it meant I'd die" he told me. My face dropped a little, my eyebrows turning up at him.

"With the risk that he'd find Jake anyways?" I ask.

"Yes. It's me over the whole family. I'd be upset if you caved in" he tells me.

"I'd expect the same from you" I laugh a little.

"Good, that's a promise we should keep to our graves" he smiles back.

"Agreed, I promise" I say. We give each other a pinky promise then he holds his arms out like a bear and I fall back into him too, hugging him back.


"Do you remember when you were six and I was eleven? We used to play aeroplanes where we'd dive onto those giant leaves, do you remember?" I ask. He thinks for a moment.

"Yeah I do, I remember you chanting the countdown and pulling me along with you so I was as fast as you. Then we'd jump and land on the leaves like a soft landing. It was so fun but it would take us forever to climb to the top again" he says, gazing off to the distance as he recalls our good memories.

"I remember always pulling you along with me when Neteyam would be chasing us with the other village kids. Remember Ro'tah?" I asked.

"Yeah... he would always just chase us whenever he saw us." He laughs.

"He was a few years older than me, I miss him too" I say.

"Do you remember when we'd make it rain?" He asks.

"Yeah, that was fun. It's weird how dancing around weirdly for an hour made it rain every time" I laugh.

"I remember seeing you for the first time when you just got your avatar" he says.

"I remember seeing you too, you were tiny." I chuckle.

"It was so weird, I can only wish that happening to me too one day" he says, exhaling a little.

"So do I" I agree.

"Do you think you'd ever change permanently?" He asks me.

"I've been asked but... It's a lot to give up my human self. It was easy for Jake because he was paralyzed as a human." I say.

"I guess. I think I'd do it" he says. I felt a little sad hearing that from him.

"It's no trouble having two bodies, it's quite fun really" I say.

"Do you think I'll get one?" He asks.

"Maybe. If we survive whatever this is"


3rd person Pov

Quaritch stood outside of Spider's room as he passed. He would've kept walking but he heard Y/n and him laughing. He stopped and listened in.

He heard their muffled voices talking about their childhood. It sounded fun, something he didn't know was possible being raised on Pandora. He felt a sadness but he didn't know why, perhaps it was because he wasn't there for their childhood. He realised he lost the stage of life where he could've experienced being a father and being there for his son.

He didn't want to linger, feeling he did enough damage earlier he walked away and left them in peace. As he made his way to his office, he sat down by his desk, raising his gas mask up to get a fresh breath of Pandora air.

He felt a small empty void in him. He didn't know why he felt this but it was a feeling like what he was fighting for didn't matter. He craved something he couldn't have. A family.

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