The Diner Girl

Por obeytheniall_

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Amber, a 18 year old British girl, lives in Cheshire, Holmes Chapel and works in her family diner all her lif... Más

The Diner Girl
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Four

110 6 1
Por obeytheniall_


So, I realized no one inboxed me about the character profiles so I'm closing those up for a while.

Ummm, I think that's it & I'll see you babes at the end of the chappie (:

Chapter Four:

What if he doesn't like me. What if it's all a joke and I'll be the stupid girl thinking that Harry Styles is actually interested in her. All these things are running through my mind as I park my car near the club. I turn the car off and lean my head back trying to gather my calmness. I need to relax. 

I step out of my dad's car and approach the vibrating club. The music is so loud I can hear every lyric from across the street. I walk across the street making sure no cars are going to flatten me on the spot. People in Holmes Chapel drive insanely, I think it's because no cops ever come around here. Once I'm safely across the street and walk up to the bouncer skipping the line, causing plenty of rude remarks from the impatient people.

"Hey, can I go in?" it's the usual 10' o clock bouncer. Mr. Higgins, the nicest of them all.

"Go ahead Amber, have fun," he pulls the velvet rope up granting me entry and I step into the deafening, dark club.

"Hey there," a deep voice mutters into my ear. I feel my heart start racing, breath Amber breath! I spin on my heels to face a tall, broad shouldered boy. He sweeps his curls off his forehead, pushing them to the side, revealing his wondrous green eyes. They look more irresistible in person.

"You alright?" Harry waves a hand before my face with a creeped out look on his face. Say something! I yell in my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry," I run my hand through my hair trying to seem casual. I bet I look so stupid right now.

"Would you like to dance or drink something?" Harry asks pointing to the dance floor then to the bar crowded with people. I can't decide, what if he wants to do one thing more than the other? I mean he's famous.. don't famous people like to drink? I don't know. I being to panic and play with the hem of my shirt.

"Uhhh, how about we dance?" I suggest and his eyes light up. Score one for Amber! We move along through the crowd of people to the dance floor and slowly start swaying the beat of the music.


*Harry's POV*

She might be a murder for all I know, but I needed to get to know her. The way her hair fell around her face when she spoke, the way she played with her shirt when she was nervous. She's adorable. I really wanted to dance with her because girls that like to drink a lot usually end up being terrible people, inside and out. She was classy, the only skin showing was her arms and that was comforting, for  once I can get to know a regular girl. The only thing running through the back of my mind is the word fangirl. Please, I hope she's not a fangirl. It'd be best if she didn't even know who the boys and I were. 

"This ones for the couples on the dance floor." the DJ announces before playing a slow song I'm not familiar with. I can see a blush creep up on Amber's face as she begins to turn to leave. I know we're not a couple... I just want to dance this song with her. I gently grab her wrist causing her to flip her head and look into my eyes with curiosity. Her eyes, the blue wonders. Whenever I looked into her eyes she always seemed to be thinking about something. I smile at her and gently pull on her arm signaling that  I want to dance with her. I slip my hands down to her waist while she moves closer to my chest stringing her arms around my neck. I haven't said more than maybe 10 words to her but this feels so right. I can't explain it.

Sadly, the song's over and our bodies untangle. We walk over to the bar in silence.

"Do you want anything?" I ask Amber.

"Ummm, yeah. I'd like a water please." she answers and slides onto a empty bar stool.

"Can we get two waters please?" I ask the bartender who gives me a look. I know, water at a club? I didn't want to get any alcohol while Amber got water. That'd make me seem bad, right? I take the two condensed glasses the bartender handed me and slip into the bar stool next to Amber, handing  her the glass.

 "How old are you exactly?" I raise my eyebrows at her.

"I'm 18 and I'm guessing you're 19. Right?" she takes a sip of water still keeping eye contact. 

"Yeah that's right. Where do you study?" I shoot right back her trying to turn it into 20 questions.

"I go to Manchester University, I live with my mum. Where do you study?" she replies, she seems suddenly 20 times more nervous.

"um, I'm not studying anywhere. I'm in a band," I reply to her relieved she doesn't know who I am.

"Oh that sounds cool," she replies non-chalantly and finishes off her water.

"So where do you live around here?" I ask her searching for a topic to talk about. 

"I'm the last house on Chestnut Drive. You?" she answers quickly. God, she's so hard to talk to.

"Not important, do you want to go somewhere else, it's kind of boring here."

"I'm actually exhausted, as you know, you saw me in the diner earlier. Besides, don't you have to meet up with your girlfriend?" she meets my eyes and gets up, sliding her bag onto her shoulder.

"I'll see you later," she calls before leaving me behind. What was that all about? I mean, I broke up with Megan because i caught her making out with Jared after our date. I wanted to hang out with Amber, she seemed sweet. I think I hurt her feelings. I stand up and jog out the entry and the cold summer breeze blows my hair around. I scan the area looking for Amber's blond hair. I spot it across the street opening her car door. I jog over across the street up to her, woah, her Ferrari. She must be crazy rich to have one of these babies. Just as she's getting settled into the driver's seat, I knock on her window. Amber looks at me in surprise and slides the window down.

"What are you doing here?" 

"I'm not with that girl anymore, I caught her cheating on me with a friend of mine and it's over. That's why I called you, you're funny and outgoing. I wanted to hang out with someone nice for once," I blurt out all at once.

"It's OK, haha, I wasn't mad or anything. If that's what you were thinking... I'm just really tired. The drives from Manchester back home, working at the diner. I just want to go home and sleep. I'm sorry, I don't feel myself right now and I'll text you. Maybe we can hang out some other day," She explains. I finally hear the tiredness in her voice. She looks like she's about to fall asleep.

"Let me drive you home," I open the driver's door. I don't wait for an answer. I don't need her crashing her car and getting placed in a hospital. She obediently trades spots with me. Once I start the engine up Amber's already sleeping. I chuckle to myself and drive out of the parking spot. Suddenly, I hear a honk, headlights blinding my eyes, and car tires screeching. 


OH MY GOD GUYS! wow ok this chapter is longer than usual I hope you enjoy it!

what do you think is going to happen next? Comment!

Next update is going to be 5 votes<3 You guys can do it, I believe in you!


                                                                      -obeytheniall xoxo

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