Bloody Rose

By celestiaxdraco

153 4 2

This is a fanfiction that takes place in the Harry Potter universe ( it doesn't follow the Harry Potter timel... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 3: Teddy and Cedric
Chapter 4: Bloody Gifts
Chapter 5: Eyes Full of Secrets
Chapter 6: Lovely Rumors
Chapter 7: A Taste of Betrayal
Chapter 8: I Don't Care.
Chapter 9: "Father Love"
Chapter 10: Bloody Rose
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 2: Arrival At Hogwarts/Teddy

22 1 0
By celestiaxdraco

-First day of school-

I awoke to the sound of loud pounding at my door. "Get up your father is waiting!" said the familiar gruff voice of one of the elves. Then I remembered it was my first day of school! I rushed into my closet and put on a simple outfit then grabbed the last few things I needed and shoved them into my satchel.

"Alright! I am coming down!" I yelled from the top of the staircase. There my father stood impatiently.

"Alright. I will drop you off at platform Nine and Three Quarters for the Hogwarts Express." He explained, "Oh and we have one rule, do not call me father. Only Proffeser Snape."

I nodded yes. Well I guess people will find out though- I thought.

~King's Cross~

"Alright. We are here. Now bye. I have to leave for meetings-the train leaves at eleven." Snape explained to me.

"Ok bye love y-" I said then turned to hug him bye but he was already gone. W-wow....I guess I will see him at school.. I thought. Then I examined the place. No platform Nine and Three Quarters...But then I saw a family full of gingers running into a wall and disappearing. I decided those people were probably wizards. So I went over to that same wall and ran with my cart and Luna in her cage. I ran into the wall and there on the other side a scarlet train! The Hogwarts Express-Platform 9 & 3/4 a sign said. I happily smiled. Then I waited in a crowd to get onto the train.

Just as I boarded the train, I caught a small glimpse of a really cute boy with blue hair, then his hair went to brunette. Our eyes met and he flashed a cute grin to me. Then he disappeared in the sea of students. I was blushing like crazy and was so distracted that I bumped into a girl lighter brunette, curly, hair.

"Oh-I'm sorry." I mumbled. She smiled and said "It's fine!" She bent down to pick up her books and I noticed a book titled 'The Art of Time Travel' she quickly shoved it in her bag and walked off. That's weird- I don't think there's a time travel class...I thought to myself. I quickly found my way to an empty compartment and sat down. I put my bags over head in the cupboards.

~Hogwarts Express~

I hadn't closed the sliding door yet, so anyone could come in and sit in here. I was getting situated when the boy with the changing hair walked in. I felt my face heat as he smiled at me. his hair was a light greenish now but his smile was the same.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked.

"N-no! Not at all!" I stuttered and smiled brightly at him.

"I'm Teddy Lupin, nice to meet you!" He said and held out a hand to shake mine. I shook his hand.

"Roseline Snape." I said.

"Snape? Like Severus Snape's daughter?" He asked.

"Yup that's me." I said.

"Well nice to meet you Rose." He said with a smile. I closed the door.

About five minutes later there was a slight knock on the door. Teddy slid it open. A plump woman stood with a cart full of treats.

"Anything of the trolley dears?" She asked. Teddy smiled at me and bought about half the cart for us.

"Thanks.." I said and smiled, "Wow I forgot how good these were!" I took a chocolate frog. I opened it and quickly ate the chocolate then looked at the card. Remus Lupin. I got Remus Lupin. I showed it to Teddy. He laughed a tiny bit.

"Yup-That's my dad." He said then looked away. I smiled then looked out the window....It had gotten dark outside. The same young girl who had curly hair opened the door.

"Have you seen my friend Neville's toad?" She asked. We both nodded no. Then she left us.

"Hey it's about twenty minutes until we get to hogwarts...We need to change into uniform. You can change first." Teddy said and then left and shut the door. I opened it after I was done.

"You can come in." I said, then I took my turn and stayed out until he told me I could come back in.

"Oh. Your in Hufflepuff?" I asked when I sat down and saw his Hufflepuff cloak.

"Yup! And your not in a house yet? First year?" He asked me. I nodded yes.

"I am going straight to year four though." I said.

"Cool, did you come from another school?" He asked.

"Yup, Beubatons. It was nice there but from what I've heard Hogwarts is better." I said.

"I'm a year five. So we won't have any classes together." He said looking sorta bummed but trying to hide it.


As soon as we made it all the first years followed a tall man named Hagrid, who handed them over to Professor McGonagall. I was waiting in the hallway that led to the Great Hall. A good thirty minutes passed when they finished sorting the first years into there houses.

"And we do have a new student joining us today. She will automatically move to level four. Miss Roselin Snape!" Dumbledore said. I walked in and my father's face look disgusted like he didn't want people know he had a daughter. There were whispers everywhere, Snape has a daughter? For how long? Hope she is in our house!

I finally made it and then the Sorting Hat was placed on my head...

"Oh, Snape's Daughter...I feel lots of Gryffindor...but fiestiness like a Slytherin...So better be SLYTHERIN!" The Hat cried out and the whole house of Slytherin cheered. I quickly went to the closest open spot which was next to a pale, blonde, boy with blue eyes.

"Hello Roselin." The boy said, "I suppose you don't know me. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

"Oh. It's you." I said and laughed, "Level one? I know about your family...pure bloods. Well so am I. I know quite a bit about your family. My father is Snape you know." I said.

"How dare you mistake me for a first year! I'm a third year. Quite flattering that you know my family." Draco said.

"It really isn't too flattering if I'm being honest." I said back. I looked over to the Hufflepuff table which was the table closest to the wall on the left side of the Great Hall. I saw Teddy. He saw me. We waved and smiled. And his hair turned a light shade of pink.

"So, you know Potter is at this school right?" Draco asked. Ugh the stupid little third year was talking to me again. I thought.

"Who doesn't know? Plus like I said I live with Snape." I snapped back.

"Oh yeah." He said and then turned to his friends. I looked around and grabbed food. Once they let us go to get to our dorms I waited till everyone was gone except for my father. I walked over to the big table.

"Oh lord, that Draco kid." I complained.

"I know. Get used to it. Now go to the dorms." He said back annoyed.

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