Chapter 3: Teddy and Cedric

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~In the Dungeons~

I walked down the dungeon halls and into the Slytherin dorms. The common room was nice, but it had this sorta creepy vibe to it. But I went to the girls dorms. I was sharing it with other year fours. A girl with black hair and green eyes introduced herself as Leah Carrow. She seemed nice enough so I spent the rest of the night playing wizard's chess with her. I checked the time.

"Oh shoot! It's midnight! The prefects are going to check the rooms and get us in trouble." I said quietly. We quickly changed into our pajamas and fell asleep.

We have to be up by six thirty. I thought as I sat up and blinked. I got up before everyone else. It was six. I put all my uniform on then my Slytherin robe on. I brushed my hair and left for breakfast.

~First Day of Classes~

I skipped down the hallway of the dorms and sat in the common room. And the annoying boy, Draco was up. I rolled my eyes. I crept out into the hall. And saw my father.

"Morning dad!" I whispered.

"Oh-why are you up?" He asked.

"Because I woke up." I said back.

"Well. Okay. See you in class later." He said. He walked down the hall with his cape flowing. I frowned. He never said good morning back. I thought. Oh well.

As time passed more and more people woke up. Until it was finally breakfast time.

~Great Hall~

I looked for Teddy. I found him standing next to another boy. He had brown eyes and light brown hair. I walked over to Teddy.

"Hello! Sleep well?" I asked politely.

"Hey Rose....And yes I did....What about you? Did you sleep well?" He asked and his hair turned light pink. I giggled.

"I was up till midnight." I said then looked at the other boy.

"I should introduce you to my friend." He said.

"Why yes you should, hello my name is Cedric Diggory. I myself am also a year four." Cedric introduced himself with a smile. He shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said with a smile.

"HOUSES! GET BACK TO YOUR HOUSES!" Dumbledore announced.

"Bye! Talk later." I said to Cedric and Teddy and then walked away to my table.

I took off my satchel and put it on the floor right next to my feet. Leah sat right next to me.

"I see you've met Cedric, and Teddy." She said.

"Yeah I already knew Teddy from the train ride here." I explained.

"That's cool..." She said sounding very uninterested.

"Good morning students! Since this is your first morning here, we made and extra special breakfast. And look! A sunrise!" Dumbledore said. Everyone looked at the ceiling that was be-witched to look like the sky. It was already bright but the floating, flickering, candles helped.

"Wow." I muttered.

"Let breakfast begin!" Dumbledore said and all sorts of breakfast pastries and drinks appeared. I took pumpkin pasties and a cappuccino. Along with a bazillion other pastries.

After I ate it was class time. My first class was Charms.

~Charms Classroom~

Period one was Charms. We were having class with the Hufflepuffs which means Cedric was also in the class.

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