Chapter 8: I Don't Care.

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~The Next Morning~

I heard footsteps outside the door, so I rushed up to my dorm and snuggled Astro. I fell back asleep. And when I woke up it was time for class. Luckily I was already dressed. So I did my hair and then rushed to Potion's Class.

~Potion's Class~

I made it on time and took my usual spot by myself in the back. I tried ignoring my fathers stony stare. I looked down as I gathered my ingredients for making the shrinking potion. Wait I have this next class with Hufflepuff..... I thought.I shrugged then began to make the potion. I was the first done. People were suprised. Like what do you expect? I'm literally snapes daughter! Once I was done I poured it onto a test vial, set it on his desk, and pulled out a Herbology book. Reading about the plants made me happy and I sank into my own world when I was reading. After class was done we always have a five minute passing period. So I grabbed a couple of extra books. Transfiguration is next. With Hufflepuff. It should be easy ignoring Cedric...I thought.

I was wrong. I sat down at an empty table and glanced around the room noticing that Cedric wasn't there. Professor McGonnagell began explaining when someone banged open the doors and strode in. Professer M frowned and sharply said "Your late Cedric. Go sit next to Miss Roselin." He sighed and slammed his books moodily on the desk next to me. I ignored him. I scooted further away from him.

"What happened to them," some started to whisper.

"We won't be talking!" McGonnagall yelled.

"Turn to the simple transfiguration chapter in your book." McGonnagell annoyingly turning back to the lesson. I buried my face in the book and ignored Cedric for the rest of the class.

Since classes were so long we get thirty minute breaks. So I grabbed my books and headed to the library. As if things couldn't get worse, Teddy was sitting at my usual table. I groaned and walked to a different table at the other side of the library. Leah was sitting near but I figured I would rather sit by her.

"Hey! Piper was gonna sit there." Leah complained. So I got up and went over to my normal table and didn't look at Teddy once.

"Hey Ro-" Teddy started.

"Don't wanna hear it." I said interrupting.

"Just hear me out." Teddy said.

"I wanna hear you leave."

"But-I'm sorry okay. I love you."

"No. My dad hates you for some reason. So does everyone else. And after leaving me like that I kinda do too. Wish it wasn't that way." I said picking up my books. I bit my lip and. turned back and my eyes welled with tears as I saw Teddy almost in tears. I ran to the girls bathroom, and there was Moaning Myrtle.

"Ohhhhh! W-why the tears?" Myrtle asked fixing her See-Through blue ghost glassess.

"None of your business Myrtle!" I yelled and then started to cry quietly.

"Oooohhhh someone's clearly upset! Heard rumors from everyone about you and Teddy." Myrtle said in a mopey voice.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled again and I grabbed my stuff and walked out. I went to the Slytherin common room. I went up to the year four girls dormitory. I ran and sat in my bed snuggling Astro thinking about what Teddy has said to me.

"But-I'm sorry okay. I love you." I muttered repeating what Teddy said...

I loved him too. I kissed him.....I think I still love him though....I thought. I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes.

"Hey! Note for you." Leah said dropping it on my face.

"Thanks..." I mumbled. I grabbed the note.

'Dear Rose,

I am so sorry....I would've gotten in trouble for no reason. It wasn't very mature of me to leave my girlfriend in the hallway to face her angry father...I'm so sorry. I love you.

-Lots of love from Teddy.'

~The Next Day~

"Does he really love me?" I asked Cedric. I had told him to meet me in the library. ALONE.

"He honestly really does. He looks upset whenever I see him. Ever since you stopped talking to us he as been so-distant." Cedric explained. I felt-responsible about this, I felt bad...

"I-I-Where is he?" I asked getting out of the chair I was in.

"Last time I saw him he was crying, and running through the common room, heard rumors that your father yelled at him and," Cedric leaned in close, "put a horrible curse on him. Painful curse. His hand was shaking and bleeding."

I gasped, "But my father would get fired!"

"Not if he was forced not to say anything."

"My father would not do that."

"Oh yeah, he would."

"Take me to Teddy. Please. I do not care if I'm breaking rules."

"Oh yeah, you'd be breaking about a million. Just going into the Hufflepuff common room."

"I. Don't. Care." I said again. Cedric shrugged.

"All right then. He may be crying." Cedric added.

"I don't care."

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