Chapter 15

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~Malfoy Manor~

I woke up in my father's arms, but I had no idea where we were going.

"Where are we goi-"

"Shush!" My father yelled, "I'll be taking you somewhere, where you mustn't talk unless they ask you a question."

"Okay." I said. We made our way to a giant mansion. A dark, giant mansion. My father dropped me and I fell on my leg, "Erm-Ouch!"

He grabbed my arm super tight and yanked me to my feet. I couldn't move my right leg. And when I put pressure on it-oh man it hurt! I limped into the mansion and followed my father to a dark room that had a giant table with all different types of people sitting at it. My eyes widened when I recognized someone.

"Malfoy....Lucius, Malfoy...." I narrowed my eyes and muttered. I limped forward.

"Oooooooo! Who do we have here?!" A very limp pale lady, in a black dress, with crazy, curly black hair asked from her seat.

"My disgrace of a daughter." Snape said, annoyed rolling his eyes.

"Ohhhh. And why is she here with us?" She asked.

"Bellatrix! Stop asking so many questions." Lucius said annoyed.

"It's fine." My father said, He sat down. And I sat next to him. But I scooted far away from him.

"Tell us-what is your name...?" Bellatrix asked.

"M-my name is Rose." I said in a shaky voice. Then I looked at my father.

"Do you have my wand?" I asked him.

"I have it. But you aren't getting it back until we're done here." My father said in an angry tone.

"Wow. Great," I muttered. I got up from my chair.

"Where are you going?" Snape asked.


"You don't know your way home-or too Hogwarts. And you don't have your wand."

"Well-erm-I'll-give up." I said and then lay back down, "So what are we here for?"

"Deatheater meeting." A man said.

"Okay...." I said suspiciously. My father cleared his throat.

"As you guys know, Harry Potter has taken down Voldemort. We know he isn't dead though. He is on the back of that-Quirrel's head. If Harry goes after him, we know he will be taken down." My father explained. Everyone nodded. Good information to tell Teddy and Cedric! I thought.

"Which brings me to my main point." My father continued, "Rose-your going undercover." He said with a proud air about him. I frowned.

"Uh-how about no!" I said folding my arms across my chest. How dare he!

If he thinks he can just nearly kill me, and then just force me to help him in some evil scheme of his, he's wrong! I thought to myself angrily.

"Pardon us, sorry if you hear yelling or screaming." My father said, He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room, "Don't disobey me. Want another curse? I have millions more. And you have no wand." He said to me while throwing me to the floor.

"What?! You can't force me to do anything!" I said and took some steps back, "That's just not right.."

"Fine. If you wanna be like that." My father said, he turned on his heels and walked away. He came back with Bellatrix.

"What do you want me to write?" Bellatrix asked my father.

"Disgrace." He then whispered something in her ear as he turned around to walk away. I was still on the floor. Bellatrix pinned me on the floor.

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