Chapter 12

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-The Halloween Feast-

When I arrive at the Halloween feast I immediately start looking for Teddy. He isn't at his usual spot at the Hufflepuff table. I guess he hasn't arrived yet. Maybe he's finishing his Charms homework. Since Teddy isn't here I look for Cedric. I spot him and walk over. He's talking to a few girls who I don't recognize. One of them is wearing a Slytherin robe, another in a Hufflepuff robe and the last wearing a Ravenclaw robe. Not wanting to bother Cedric I walk back to the Slytherin table and sit down. I continued to look around for Teddy. I look up at the Professor's table, my father glared at me and I looked away.

"He did get very pale when I mentioned a full moon-and-erm-I don't know." I muttered to myself. Just then Leah sat down next to me, I rolled my eyes. This was supposed to be a super fun night but here I am. Alone. Next to one of my least favorite people at the moment.

~After the Feast-

As soon as the feast was over I went over to the Hufflepuff table. I whisper to Cedric that I can't find Teddy and he immediately follows me. We decide to check the Hufflepuff common room. Then we check the library and I check the Slytherin common room.

"That's everywhere he would normally be." I said breathlessly to Cedric.

"Sometimes he goes out to the forest to visit the Thestrals," said Cedric.

"Ok let's check there." I reply. After a few minutes rest we head into the forest. Once we arrive we hear strange noises coming from a part of the forest and immediately follow them in case Teddy has been attacked. As we approach the noise we arrive at a clearing. In the clearing there's a strange creature that looks like a wolf but more human-like. I'm just about to tell Cedric to stay and wait with me in the trees surrounding the clearing when he runs straight into the clearing and pulls out his wand, and shouts at the werewolf, "What did you do with my friend Teddy!?" The werewolf got mad when Cedric mentioned Teddy, grabbed him and began to attack him.

"CEDRIC!!!" I shout, horrified. I grab my wand and start shooting spells at the werewolf. Just then the Slytherin girl I saw with Cedric earlier appears.

"NOO CEDRIC!!!!" the girl cries.

I yell, "Stupefy!" and point my wand at the werewolf and he pauses. Then I yell another spell and the werewolf goes flying back into the trees. I turn to the Slytherin girl and yell,


"I'm Stella, Cedric's girlfriend and I saw you two run into the forest together and thought he was cheating on me." she sobbed.

"Oh, I didn't know that Cedric had a girlfriend... We're just looking for my boyfriend Teddy." I replied as I rush to Cedric's side. I try a few spells but nothing worked to heal the blood-covered wounds.

"He needs to be brought to the Hospital Wing." I tell Stella.

"I can take him, '' she replies. I get ready to leave when a young couple stumbles into the clearing giggling. I recognize the boy to be Draco Malfoy and the girl to be the Ravenclaw girl I saw earlier. The girl apparently knows Stella and rushes to her side. I decide to take that as my cue to leave and begin to look for Teddy. I find myself walking into the place where I threw the werewolf to. As I walk I wonder if Teddy is the werewolf. I think back to what I learned about werewolves and all the hints match up. TEDDY IS A WEREWOLF!!! I look up and see Teddy. Shirtless. Teddy is soo hot. I run over to him. I hug him and bury my face in his chest and start crying. He puts his hands on my soldiers and pulls me off of himself so that I am looking into his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he asks in a serious tone.

"I was looking for you! You never told me you were a werewolf!!!"

"I'm ashamed of it. I figured I would tell you eventually but I never meant for you to find out like this... I'm sorry."


"Rose I can explain-"


"I'm sorry. But some things I have to keep from you for your safety."


"I will tell you everything. But I'm just waiting for the right moment and that moment is not now. And for Cedric I can't control what I do when I'm a werewolf. I'm sorry. You just need to stay away from me when I'm a werewolf"


~Hospital Wing~

There was no sight of Stella~but Cedric laying on a bed. Madame Pomfrey was busy tending to his wounds.

"Erm-hello." I said.

"Oh hello!" Madame Pomfrey said, "five minutes then you have to leave."

"Alright." I said. Then I walked closer to Cedric. He looked so peaceful as he slept.

"Is he getting better?" I asked Madame Pomfrey.

"Yes, it's a slow recovery but he is getting better. I still have no idea what did this to him but I'm assuming you do?"

"Well um I found him in the forest like this. I think he was attacked by thestrals."

"Those stupid Thestrals! I always tell Dumbledore to replace them with actual horses but he insists on keeping them." she replies.

I go back to looking at my best friend. Then I notice the gashes along his arms and abdomen. I can't believe Teddy would do something like this.

"Your five minutes are up! Out now." Madame Pomfrey says. I get up and quickly scurry out of the Hospital Wing.


I stopped dead in the hallways when I heard my father.


My father's voice yelled.

"No..... no-" i muttered, turning around and wildly looking for a place to hide.

I ran towards the moving staircases and quickly made my way to the 3rd floor. When I arrived there I located the room with The Mirror of Erised and hid in it. 

Bloody RoseМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя