That's What The Baddest Do...

By TheNotoriousPotato

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Zaun was not a place that could give you an ideal living, Y/N knew that. How? The moment he lost his parents... More

A Little Note Before The Journey.
Chapter 1 - Make Or Break.
Chapter 2 - Mic Drop.
Chapter 3 - Weight-In.
Chapter 4 - Lies, Worry and... Evelynn.
Chapter 5 - Life brings people together in mysterious ways.
Chapter 6 - First Listen, and . . .
Chapter 7 - A cigar for the stress...
Chapter 8 - Some wounds can not be mended.
Chapter 9 - Face To Face After So Long.

Chapter 10 - The First Date.

472 9 6
By TheNotoriousPotato

                                                                                               Akali's POV

"You are going where?" 

Kai'Sa asked me as Ahri was behind me working on my hair. Usually when I go out I just put my hair into the trade-mark messy ponytail I do but now it was different. Now it felt different. 

"It's like an unofficial date with Y/N." 

Eve replied for me getting our dancer's attention off of me. While doing so, the succubus was picking our my clothes for the date. Well... unofficial date.

"Did he ask you out?" 

Kai'Sa asked again clearly intrigued by all this. 

"I mean, not really. I asked if he would like to grab a coffee or something in the future and he quick to accept."

Looking in the mirror in front of me I could a soft smile resting upon her face before she got up from her seating position to help Evelynn with the choice of clothes.


"You can't seriously think I'm gonna let you go out on a  date dressed like that!" That would be my friend and trainer Sett, who is being very annoying right now to say the least.

"First of all it is not a date and second, how do you want me to dress? A suit and tie? We are going for a coffee." I replied before grabbing my leather jacket, the same I wore yesterday when I went over to their place. What can I say, I really like this jacket.

"She will be here any minute, so I suggest you quit your moaning." He didn't even have a chance to reply as the doorbell echoed through my home. 

"That must be the date!" Sett nudged me on the side with his elbow while giving me a wink, you know, one of those that the boys give to one another. 

"Please don't blow my house up while I'm away."  Walking over to the door there were a thousand and one things going through my mind for example, how did I end up in this situation? What am I supposed to do when I open the door? What am I supposed to say? 

This was the first time I've felt stressed in a very, very. . . very long time.  And yet I'm right here, in front of the door about to open it. Putting my hand on the doorhandle I take a deep breath before twisting it causing the door to open and . . .                 Wow. 

Akali's POV 

I just pressed the doorbell button and I'm waiting, there really is a lot going through my mind right now. I'm really not that experience on dating and all, never really had the time and I didn't grow up in the most date-friendly environment. Ninja's and all you understand. . . probably not. 

What if he changed his mind? What if he doesn't show up? 

And then the door creaked and slowly revealed the man's fit build. He was pretty much wearing the same clothes he wore to the party but don't let this fool you, it took non of the charm away. 

After this . . . date is done when I get home I  will be asked to describe his choice of clothing. And the only word that comes to my mind is just . . .               Wow.

Y/N's POV 

She was wearing black jeans with with a dark blue crop-top with the K/DA logo, which i don't know why but I found it amusing, in a good way. Her hair was also different, she dyed it, it was mostly dark blue with a bit blonde on her left side of her hair. She also had a strand loose and the rest of it was caught in what I would assume is her trademark pony-tail. 

But above all she was rocking a leather jacket . . .

"Hey, you okay?" She said while waving her hand gently in the air to catch my attention. 

"Uh yeah, I like the hair."  I really don't know how to give a compliment in a non-awkward way so I just pray that she does not mind. 

"Thanks! Ahri worked her magic. She's really good." Based on what i see, i will have to agree. 

"We ready to go?" I asked as I motioned towards my car with my hand and she nodded before we begun walking. 

"So.. I take you're a leather jacket lover?" She gives me a smile while asking. 

"Somewhat, yes. And now with a bigger paycheck i will be able to get more into the collection. Then I'll just need a bike to match with them." I say before opening the door and holding it for her. I might be from a shit-hole but I know basic dating things. Or I had to do some research last night on the internet. You'll never know. 

"Thank you." She flashed me a smile before getting inside smoothly. 

Once I got in the car as well I turned my head so my eyes meet hers, dark-blue, almost purple. Beautiful colour if I may say so. 

Akali's POV

"A Bike huh? Maybe next time we go on a stroll on mine." I can see him raising an eye brow, not knowing what to expect I tilt my head slightly waiting for a response. 

"You got a bike?" Pointing to where I've parked my pride and joy he following my finger with his eyes before seeing it. 

"That right there is eye candy."  I can't help but simply smile, what can i say that bike is my pride and joy.. well, except you know.. K/DA, the songs and all. Anyways.

"So where to?" I can hear the engine rev up as the words slip out of his mouth. 

"There is a small café about two blocks from where the RMMA offices are, its nice and doesn't pack a lot of people." I can see him nod slightly before we take off. Honestly that's one of the best places to hang out with the girls. One of the worse parts of being a member of a world renowned music group, pretty much no privacy. 

Don't get me wrong we love our fans, but there have been a fair amount of extreme cases. Some are obsessed and not in the good way. "So bikes.. had one before?" 

I ask in an attempt to break the ice since i just realised that I've been in my own thoughts for a while now. "Owned . . . no, but I've driven."

I give him a slight nod before looking at the road in front of us.

"You can park over here, it's not too far now." 

Y/N's POV  

Walking into the building I'm greeted with a completely different atmosphere from what is going on outside. It's peaceful, quiet, cozy. 

We both make out way to a table and I pull the chair out for her, which is something that i either knew already or i also found out on the internet last night. Won't tell you which one it is.

She smiles before thanking me and I make my way to my own chair across from her. Before sitting down i take off the my leather jacket revealing my grey t-shirt which is the only change i made from yesterdays outfit. 

I swear that for a moment I saw her biting down on her lip. 

"This is a nice place. Definitely different from what I'm used to." I comment before sitting down and looking at the woman across from me.

"Oh? And what are you used to?" A sight slides from between my lips.

"Bad booze, run down buildings and rats dancing around my feet. So it's definitely an upgrade."  It's noticeable that she is taken aback by the response but on one hand I can't really expect her to. If Zaun is good at one thing, it is at being the worst possible city in the world. 

"Well you know that's usually how some of the best memories happen." Can't disagree with you there, Akali. Can't . . . 

"So you know the feeling huh?"  She half nods before shifting on her seat slightly. 

"Kind of, not to that extend though-"  She is caught as a waitress approaches the table, she looks about the same height as Akali, hair that almost reaches to her mid-section and it is dyed half pink and half light blue almost green. 

"Hello, would you like to- Oh my! Hello Akali!" 

Of course they know each other.

"Hey Sivir! How are you?" 

"I'm good just working through another shift, and you?" 

"I'm great! Finally I'm able to catch a break from all the song writing and such."

Doing my best to not act awkward I retreat to my own thoughts for a moment before i see both of them look at me.

"And who might this handsome fella be?" Sivir asks before I turn my attention to them and i get up and extend my hand. 

"I'm-" She raises her hand up causing me to stop dead in my tracks before she starts scanning me with her eyes from head to toe. 

"You're Y/N."  I don't know if I should be flattered that a complete stranger knows me or if I should be annoyed that she left me hanging right there with my hand extended for a handshake. 

That's why I've always said socializing isn't for me. 

"That's me."  Lowering my hand I notice her turning back to look at Akali and . . . it was like they were speaking with their eyes. 

"Well you've been the hot topic for the last few days. RMMA has done everything in their power to advertise your face around the city. Kinda hard to not know who you are."  Never thought that I'd see the day where I'd be recognized in Piltover.

 Vi, Vander, dad, mom, is this how it feels to make it? To know that you've done something right in this world.

"That a compliment or..?"  She shrugs her shoulders while looking at me. 

"If you want it to be. So now, what will you two birds without love have?" I raise an eye brow at the woman as Akali is quick to respond. 

"I will have my usual." Sivir nods and writes it down in her little notebook as she then turns her sight on me.

"I will have a F/D"  (Favourite Drink) She writes that down as well before turning around and walking towards the bar. 

"Good friend of yours i assume."  Akali chuckles while nodding.

"Yeah, by the way sorry about here she sometimes forgets to... use a filter as they say."  A chuckle catches me by surprise as it escapes my lips.

"Nah it's okay, I'm just a little bit out of my depth right now. Not really a peoples person."  She nods taking in the information as she buries her right hand into her pocket and takes out her answering a call. 

"Hey Ahri- yes I'm fine- all's good- no need- sorry can't hear you oops."  Hanging up the call she sighs before sliding the phone back in her pocket. 

"Sorry that was Ahri, the one with the ears if you remember." 

"The Vastaya? Yes I remember her." 

"Oh how'd you know about that?" 

"Sett, he is also a Vastaya. Well, half Vastaya." 

"Ohhh right."  It was going nice back and forth while talking with her, but we got caught as Sivir approached the table again. She flashed a grin to Akali while placing our drinks down in front of us.

"Enjoy!"  She said with a giggle before she walked away. 

"Anyways, tell me more about you. You know before this whole Boxing/Wrestling thing took over your life."  Wish that the answer to that was simple, I really do.

"Actually MMA has been all I've ever known how to do. I... down at Zaun i used to get in a lot of fights as a kid, you can't really avoid them to be honest. And call it a curse or a gift i was good at beating people up. Luckily my adoptive father was good at observing things he could tell I had it in me to make it big."  I stop to take a sip from my drink, this is definitely the most talking I've done in a long time, it feels like I'm training my tongue. 

"Adoptive you say?"  She asks, the question takes me aback, so much so that i did not notice i was fidgeting with my fingers. 

Placing her hand over mine she manages to break my train of thought as my eyes meet hers. It was intense but not in the bad way.

"I understand if you don't want to share or anything-"  I give her a slight nod before taking a moment to look at our hands, there was silence and i don't just mean between us, it felt like there was silence in the whole café. Based on the fact that both of us stood there I don't think that either minded that. 

It lasted a few long seconds before we pulled away.

"Well, yes, my biological parents died at when i was still a kid. Wrong place at the wrong time in Zaun does that to you, heh." I scoffed and shook my head slightly. "Then Vander, my adoptive father found me and took me in." I can see her giving me a sad smile in return to the information. 

It all felt so weird, despite the fact that it was not the whole story, the furthest from it actually. I felt slightly better. Like weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. 

"I- i am really sorry to hear that . . . it must have been horrible." She is at a loss of words pretty much and who can blame her. There aren't many things you can say in a situation like this. 

"What about you, did something before music or has that been your jam ever since you were little." It was a valiant attempt to change the topic slightly and also change the mood big time. 

"Actually know, I'm not even sure if you'll believe me if i tell you the truth." I raise an eye brow at that, a challenge huh. 

"Try me." I earn a chuckle for that comment before the takes a breath. 

"I used to be a ninja." It takes me a couple of seconds to process what she just said. My eyes are locked on her i tilt my head slightly. 

"Consider me beaten." Earning another chuckle she continues.

"Yeah i am from Ionia, my family and all, part of a Ninja group the Kinkou. The goal is to protect Ionia's sacred balance." That sounds so... weird. And I don't mind it at all, I could most definitely use some weird in my black and white world.

"Damn- that's.. good? I don't really know what is the right thing to say here. It definitely sounds badass though." We both take a sip of our drinks as both the glasses are now half empty, or half full for all you smartasses out there.

"It was nice, I had a good time with the order, but this, I feel like I was born to do this. You know every time I'm in front of a laptop or a console and I make music I just feel right at home. You ever get that feeling?" Taking a deep breath in I take a few seconds to think of my answer.

"I know the feeling, haven't felt it in a long time but I definitely know what you are talking about." Her head tilts to the side slightly as if asking me to continue. 

"Fighting, it's... it's all I've known. And I like it, I can't imagine myself.. making music for example or making coffees or owning a business. But for me, it was both the people and MMA that brought this feeling to me. It was like a flame in my chest, it brought comfort, happiness, excitement to be better and to do better. That's what you're talking about, no?" She could only nod with a smile before asking. 

"So, what'd you think I did before K/DA?" You know I'm no expert but this definitely feels like a trap question. 

"I don't know, I thought something along the lines of an athlete. You know sports or martial arts. You definitely rock the build for that." I notice both her eye brows raise immediately upon hearing my words. 

"Oh, checking me out?" I can feel a lump in my throat as I'm searching all around my head for a response. 

"I'm just teasing." She adds with a smile as she finishes her drink. Letting out a big breath i finish my drink as well. 

"Excuse me I will go to the bathroom real quick."  I nod at her before she gets up and walks away. 

Akali's POV

Entering the bathroom I wait for a solid 5 seconds before Sivir busts through the door. 

"Took you longer than expected." A chuckle leaves my lips as she stands in front of me. 

"Do I want to even ask how come you managed to catch that fish?" She points with her thumb behind her at the door. 

"No fish is caught, not yet anyways. And we're just here as friends you know." She scoffs and tilts her head.

"And Evelynn had something to do with the fact that you are on a date with the pretty much the face of the RMMA?" It's amazing how everyone can tell that Eve had something to do with this whole thing. 

"Yeah, now what's up?" I ask as I lean against a sink. Thankfully this place is in tip-top condition. 

"Is he treating you right? Should I go have a talk with him?" She asks as she presses a closed fist against her open palm as if she is going to fight him.

"He's treating my fine, he's great. Just a little closed off but I'm sure he has his reasons, so you can put those guns back in their holsters." I laugh as she puts her hands in her pockets. 

"Fine, that's the interrogation . . . for now." I really don't like the sound of that.

Before I can get another word in she is already out of the bathroom. Pinching the bridge of my nose I walk outside and head back to our table. Stealing a few glances at the man before he notices me.

"So, I take we are ready to go?" I stand behind my chair as he gives me a nod and pushes himself up on his feet.

"Sivir, can we pay?" Raising my hand she looks at me and nods before turning her sight to the man behind the bar who motioned that its all paid for. The first reaction that came out was to turn around and look at Y/N who shrugged his shoulders in a playful manner.

"Had to keep myself occupied while you were away." A smile forces its way on my face as i gently shake my head.

"And you had to keep yourself occupied by paying for me as well hm?" Both of us walk to the door and before stepping foot outside i turn around and wave at Sivir and she makes sure that I'm aware that she is watching me and Y/N closely. 

"It's nothing really." The man spoke as he held the door open for me to walk out. 

I have to admit that this is a completely different version of what I thought he would be. I guess this is the man behind the curtain that is the Grandmaster persona. 

"Thank you, really." Are the only words that I can really come up with at the moment. We are both walking side by side nearing his car and I can't help but notice a group of girls taking photos of me and Y/N . . . can't wait to hear about this on the news and read about it all over social media. 

The ride back was smooth and time passed quick, talking didn't feel that awkward anymore and i could also tell that he was getting the hang of it. 

Once we reached his place he parked and we both got out of the newly purchased vehicle. As we made our way to my bike I started hoping that he would say something, anything, maybe something that can give possibilities for a future date again. 

I waited and waited, trying to stall for as long as I could but nothing. I  even acted like I couldn't find my keys but with no success. I guess this was it then. Sliding the keys in that's when his voice caused me to look over at him.


"Hey, Akali." I said as I struggled to find the correct words. She looked at me straight into my eyes with anticipation. I could have sworn that she wanted the same thing. 

"I was uh... I'm wondering if.." She keeps the same look, not breaking eye contact.

"You know that's not helping and you can see I'm struggling here." That was enough to cause the rapper to laugh finally breaking the intense eye contact and giving me a chance to breath. 

"What I'm trying to say is . . . I don't know what Mark has told you but I don't usually do things like this. The last time I went out with someone like we did today was . . . years ago. So I was wondering how'd you find the idea of doing something similar after I'm done with the next event?" This was without a doubt one of the hardest things I've done in a while. But it went way better than expected. And I could see the surprise and excitement in her eyes as well. It was . . . it felt . . . nice.

"I would love to, when is the next event?" She asked giving me a big smile, almost caused me to smile as well, the edges of my lips slightly curled upwards before responding.

"In two days, I'll try my best to find out a spot for us to go. But if I don't manage can I count on you for suggestions?" Her smile widens as she nods firmly.

"Always." She opens her hands motioning for me to come closer for a hug, which despite being sceptical in the beginning I ended up walking closer to her and embracing her. 

"Drive safe." That came out more like a demand other than a suggestion or plea. Which by the looks she didn't mind. 

The woman took off, I stood there for a couple of seconds before she drove off out of my field of view. I took a breath and decided to not overthink anything, at least not today. Turning around I look at my house knowing very well that Sett is waiting to learn every single detail about everything that occurred. 

Sliding my hands into my pockets I take out my phone and open it. Quickly I send a message to Akali. 

"Hey, hope you got home safe. And good luck with the interrogation."

I am so sure that her friends will want to know everything like Sett will. 

"Good luck me." I let out a sigh before unlocking the door. Walking into the living room I come across Sett sitting on a chair across my couch, two glass filled to the brim with alcohol rest upon the table between him and the couch. 

"Tell me all 'bout her." 


Hey everyone! An update after a long time. Hope that you enjoy reading this chapter as much as i enjoyed writing it. Take care everyone and God bless you all!

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