MY LOVE, MY LIFE - • Chandle...

By TaylahMcDonald

153K 4.6K 523

Anna's life changed the second she stumbled into a man with a sarcastic sense of humour - Once Chandler's ey... More

| My Love, My Life |
| Chapter One |
| Chapter Two |
| Chapter Three |
| Chapter Four |
| Chapter Five |
| Chapter Six |
| Chapter Seven|
| Chapter Eight |
| Chapter Nine |
| Chapter Ten |
| Chapter Twelve |
| Chapter Thirteen |
| Chapter Fourteen |
| Chapter Fifteen |
| Chapter Sixteen |

| Chapter Eleven |

7K 249 14
By TaylahMcDonald

| 1.11 |

"Look they've published my clothing line." Anna rushed over to the newspaper stand, spotting the fashion magazine with her clothing article.

"That is truly amazing Anna." Monica said looking at Anna's proud project that she worked incredibly hard on all last year. "You have such an amazing talent."

"Thanks Mon.. all those pushed backs by so many fashion designers is now finally worth it." Anna said as Phoebe wrapped her arm around Anna.

"You think your next clothing line could be for homeless cats?" Phoebe asked as Anna gave her a smile.

"I'll definitely think about it Pheebs." Anna said flipping threw the magazine.

"Ooo, can I check my horoscope?" Phoebe asked as Anna handed her the magazine.

"Oh, my God! Don't look now." Monica said as she looked over Phoebe's shoulder at the man reading a newspaper. "Behind you there's a guy...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression."

"Where?" Phoebe spun around and stared at the attractive man. "Come to mama."

"He's coming." Monica said as the guy suddenly headed in their direction. "Be cool. Be cool. Be cool."

"Nice hat." He said as both Monica and Phoebe nearly melted to the ground at his compliment.


"Prince charming's getting further away." Anna said as the girls began to panic at the chance to catch the man's attention.


"I'm not whistling.." Monica shook her head.

"Do it, come on, do it, do it." Phoebe said hoping that Monica would grab his attention.

"Woo-Hoo!" Monica yelled out at the man.

"Great whistle Mon." Anna said hiding behind her magazine.

Suddenly as the man stopped in the middle of the street, an ambulance came speeding down the road, completely running the man over.

"I can't believe you did that!" Phoebe said as the three girls stood completely in shock from the scene they just saw.

• • • • • • • •

"Here's your ice cream with chocolate sauce, marshmallows and peanuts." Chandler handed Anna her dessert which she happily took from his hands.

"You want the first bite?" Anna asked looking up at Chandler who was sitting on the back of the couch.

"That is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me." Chandler said wiping away a fake tear making Anna laugh, as she handed him the first spoonful of the ice cream.

"You just stood in this stranger's hospital room?" Ross asked his sister who poured popcorn into a bowl.

"Are there no conscious men in the city for you two?" Chandler asked shaking his head.

"He doesn't have anyone." Monica said as Ross helped himself to a handful of popcorn.

"We feel kind of responsible." Phoebe said helping Monica make some snacks for everybody.

"I can't believe you said "whoo-hoo. "." Joey said with a snicker. "I don't even say "whoo-hoo. "."

"Ooo.. she's coming on!" Rachel said catching everyone's attention as she turned the volume of the television up.

"When we return, we 'll talk with
the always interesting Nora Tyler Bing." Jay Leno spoke about his next guest who happened to be Chandler's mother. "You might want to put the kids to bed for this one."

"We don't have to watch this." Chandler quickly tried to grab the television remote. "Weekend at Bernie's is on Showtime and HBO."

"No way." Rachel said shaking her head.

"Come on, she's your mom." Joey said not understanding why Chandler didn't want to watch his mother on television.

"Exactly. Weekend at Bernie 's. Dead guy getting hit in the groin 20, 30 times." Chandler said trying to get the group to change the channel.

"It'll be okay Chandler." Anna said placing her hand on his back as she could tell how tense he was.. not having the best relationship with his mother who wrote very steamy romance novels.

"I gotta tell you, I love your mom's books." Rachel said looking at Chandler. "I can't get on a plane without one. This is so cool."

"You wouldn't think so if you were eleven..and your friends were passing around page seventy-nine of Mistress Bitch." Chandler confessed.

"I Iove your mom. I think she's a blast." Ross said looking at his friend who sighed.

"That's because she's not your mom."

The sound of knocking on the apartment door was heard which Rachel answered, kissing her boyfriend Paolo.

Ross wasn't thrilled by the new guest. "When did "Rigatoni " get back from Rome?"

Monica sat beside her brother, munching on some popcorn. "Last night."

"Really?" Ross asked looking at his sister. "So, his plane didn't explode in a big ball of fire?"

"Just a dream I had." Ross sighed. "But, phew!"

"Hey, she's back on." Phoebe said as everyone turned the attention back on the television.

"Ah, Nora Bing." Paolo said noticing the woman on the television.

"Here, have the rest of this." Anna said handing Chandler the bowl of ice cream, which he happily took from her hands.

"Back to the book. What is this about you being arrested in London?" Jay Leno asked Chandler's mother.

"Your mom was arrested?" Phoebe asked with surprise.

"Shh...I'm busy beaming with pride." Chandler said scooping some ice cream into his mouth to make him feel better.

"This is kind of embarrassing...but occasionally, after I've been intimate with a man..." Nora confessed as Chandler shrugged his shoulders.

"Why would she say that's embarrassing?" Chandler asked making everyone shush him.

"I just get this craving for kung pao chicken." Nora said as Chandler shook his head

"That's too much information!" Chandler snapped at the screen.

"So how is your book tour going?" Jay Leno asked Nora.

"Oh, fine. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow, which I hate – But I get to see my son, who I love." Nora said making the group 'Aww'.

"This is the way that I find out. Most moms use the phone." Chandler said shaking his head.

"Don't take this wrong, I just don't see you as a mom." Jay Leno confessed.

"Oh, no. I'm a fabulous mom." Nora said smiling. "I bought my son his first condoms."

The group turned to look at Chandler. "....and then he burst into flames."

"You okay about your mom coming to visit?" Anna asked moving to stand beside Chandler who sighed.

"No I'm not– whenever my mother comes to visit she acts like a complete teenager, and I just don't want her embarrassing me with her stupid.. stories." Chandler said as Anna wrapped her arm around him.

"I'm sure this time she visits, it's going be about you, how much she's missed you, all your accomplishments over the past year." Anna said as Chandler turned to look at her.

"That's not how my mother is at all Anna – I just feel nervous every time she dumps something like this on me." Chandler said sighing as Anna tried her best to make him feel better.

"Im really sorry that you are dreading your mother coming to New York but I'm really excited to meet her.." Anna said as Chandler scoffed.

"She's gonna love you.. embarrass the hell out of me.. whatever she tells you, it's all a big fat lie." Chandler said making Anna smile at him.

"It'll be fine – she's not visiting for long, just try and enjoy the time you have with her, even if she's really hard to get along with.." Anna said as Chandler nodded his head.

"You completely right.. thanks." Chandler said wrapping his arm around Anna tightly as he rested his head against hers. "You always make these tough situations so much easier."

"It's what I'm here for.. and I'm happy to help whenever I can." Anna said rubbing Chandler's back softly in a comforting way.

"Get ready to meet Nora Bing.."

• • • • • • • • •

"What about this one?" Anna asked panicking as she showed Monica her dress for the dinner with Chandler's mother. "Horrible colour right?"

"Anna, just take a deep breath.. no matter what you wear, Nora's gonna love you.. how could she not, you're a loveable person." Monica said as Anna stood in her robe and a towel wrapped around her hair on her head.

"I've only just come to terms with my feelings for Chandler and now.. I'm meeting his mother who i just don't want to give a bad impression, and I really want her to see that I really like her son." Anna said as Monica smile grew even bigger at the mention of Anna's true feelings for Chandler.. it was honestly gonna be a beautiful love story.

"You will get along just fine with Nora, I can already tell.." Monica said as Anna continued to pull clothing out of her closet.

".. ooo.. that is so beautiful." Monica pointed to the red dress that would look amazing on Anna.

"I haven't worn this in forever." Anna said as Monica looked at her friend.

"That is the dress my lovely, hurry up and put it on.. you can literally hear it calling your name." Monica said as Anna rushed into the bathroom to put the dress on.

"You really think this is the one?" Anna asked stepping out and Monica couldn't hide her smile at how gorgeous her best friend looked.

"That is definitely the one, you just look stunning." Monica said as Anna spun around in her dress, feeling confident and stylish.

"Thank you so much for helping me find the perfect dress." Anna said hugging Monica who just shook her head.

"This just reminds me so much of when we were teenagers.." Monica said smiling at the memory.

"Remember I nearly broke my ankle trying on your moms heels.." Anna said as they both laughed at the memory.

"Look at us now– you still look amazing in everything you wear." Monica said as Anna smiled at her while plugging her hair drying in.

"You look beautiful as well Mon." Anna said before beginning to blow dry her hair.

• • • • • • • •

"Anna, that is just a stunning dress you are wearing." Nora said as she looked at how gorgeous Anna was looking that evening.

"Oh, thank you very much Mrs Bing." Anna said as Nora patted her hand.

"Call me Nora please.. now, I wonder what i shall have tonight." Nora said looking at the menu.

"Oh please, God, don't let it be
kung pao chicken." Chandler said as Nora wrapped her arm around her son.

"You watched the show. What did you think?" Nora asked feeling very happy her son watched her on television.

"I think you need to come out
of your shell. Just, a little bit." Chandler said as Nora just smiled at him.

"What is this dive?" Ross stepped into the restaurant. "Only you could've picked this place."

Nora stood up to greet Ross. "Come on. Shut up. It's fun." Nora said patting Ross on the shoulder.

"I think we're ready for some tequila." Nora said moving the shot glasses around.

" I know I am." Chandler said sighing.

"Who's doing shots? Anna? Take a shot with me?" Nora asked looking at Anna who politely declined.

"Most mothers take you out for coffee, my mother gives you shots." Chandler said in Anna's ear.

"Okay, sure Nora." Anna said as Nora slid the glass over to her.

"Hit me." Phoebe said as Nora also handed her a shot glass.

"Ross, how about you?" Nora asked as Ross seemed like he was gonna decline.

"I'm not really a shot-drinking kind of guy." Ross said when Rachel and Paolo stepped into the restaurant.

"Hi. Sorry we're late." Rachel said as Paolo kissed Rachel's cheek. "We kind of just, you know, lost track of time."

Ross looked at the alcohol, immediately changing his mind. "But a man can change."

"Cheers, Anna, I'm so glad I got to meet the kind and sweet woman you are." Anna was so shocked by Nora's word she nearly began to cry.

"Oh, thank you Nora– I'm really glad i got to meet you and get to know what Chandler was like when he was younger." Anna said as she clinked her shot glass against Nora's.

"If you don't take your shot.. It'll be mine." Chandler said as the women quickly poured the shot down their throats, feeling that familiar burn.

"Mrs. Bing, I've read everything you've written." Rachel said sitting across from the woman with such strong confidence. "When I read Euphoria at Midnight, I wanted to become a writer."

Nora smiled at Rachel such lovely comments about her writing style. "Oh, please. If I can do it, anybody can."

"Start with half a dozen European cities..throw in 30 euphemisms
for male genitalia...and you've got yourself a book." Nora said as Chandler smiled at his group of friends.

"My mother, ladies and gentlemen." Chandler said as he brought his drink to his mouth.

• • • • • • • •

"Good morning." Anna stepped into Chandler's bedroom, a tray of homemade chocolate chip pancakes, freshly squeezed orange juice, and crispy bacon on the side.

"Am I in heaven?" Chandler asked shocked to see Anna standing in his bedroom, with a tray of beautifully cooked breakfast. "Did you just want company while you eat all that?"

Anna smiled at Chandler's confused questions. "I just wanted to do something nice for you– breakfast in bed to start your day."

Where the hell did this woman come from?

"Thank you, Anna." Chandler said as Anna handled him the tray of food. "You wanna stay and help me eat all this?"

Anna quickly ran around the other side of his bed, kicking her fluffy slippers off her feet, and sitting beside Chandler.

"You are incredible, you know that?" Chandler looked at Anna who blushed at his words, he surprised Anna with a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"You're pretty incredible yourself." Anna said stealing a strip of crispy bacon.

Starting the day of with Anna's gorgeous smile, a beautiful breakfast and some strong coffee. Chandler felt like his day was off to a great start.

• • • • • • • • •

"Here's your sandwich Joey." Anna stepped into the boys apartment. Joey instantly hugged the woman with a happy smile on his face.

"You are the best Anna." Joey opened the takeaway container.

"Uh, hi? I'm over here.." Chandler waved his hand at Anna who smiled while walking over and wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"How was your day?" Anna asked as she sat beside Chandler.

"Wasn't to bad– how's your clothing line going?" Anna smiled at Chandler who remembered how important this project was for her.

"Oh, it's going incredible– I can't believe I made my own clothing and people are loving it.. like I have worked so hard to get to this place in my life and it's finally happening." Anna said with a massive smile on her face.

"Aw, that's great Anna– you deserve all your hard working to finally pay off, and it's great to see how happy you are." Chandler said as Anna smiled at him.

"Chandler, I gotta tell you something." Ross stepped into the apartment, suddenly standing in front of Chandler.

"Okay? What's up?"

"Paolo kissed your mom." Ross said as Anna looked at Chandler with a shocked look on her face.

"Oh, my god–"

"You're my friend.. I had to tell you." Ross said standing in the middle of the room.

"I can't believe it.." Chandler said completely baffled by the news.

"I don't know if you noticed, but he drank a lot.. I mean, you know how he gets–" Ross suddenly shook his head. "I can't do this.."

"I did it. It was me. I'm sorry." Ross once again left both Anna and Chandler completely shocked. "I kissed your mom."

"What?" Chandler asked standing up from his chair.

"I was upset about Rachel and Paolo and I had too much tequila, and Nora...Mrs. Mom, your Bing, was... being nice– But nothing happened." Ross explained stumbling over his words. "Nothing happened– Ask Joey."

Chandler turned to his best friend. "You knew about this?"

"You know, knowledge is a tricky thing." Joey said placing his sandwich down.

"I spent the whole day with you, why didn't you tell me?" Chandler asked Joey.

"You're lucky I caught them, or else
who knows what would've happened?" Joey said as Ross looked at Joey.

"Thanks, man. Big help."

Chandler suddenly stood in front of Ross. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I wasn't. I don't know. I–"

Chandler sighed. "No one knows the crap I go through with my mom more than you."

"I know." Ross said looking at the group in shame.

"Anna, let's go and get something to eat– I need to get away for a while." Chandler asked as Anna instantly stood up, following after Chandler who was obviously very upset.

"I can't believe you did this." Chandler said walking towards the door.

"Me neither." Joey said as Chandler shook his head.

"I'm mad at you too." Chandler said opening the door and letting Anna stepped out of the apartment.

"Why are you mad at me?" Anna heard Joey ask Chandler.

"Let me slam the door!" Chandler slammed the door, quickly grabbing Anna's hand and together they walked down the stairs of the building.

"I'm sorry Chandler–" Anna said as Chandler sighed as they stepped outside.

"I went through stuff like this my whole childhood– I don't need my mother kissing my friend... and I definitely didn't think Ross would do this to me." Chandler said as Anna rested her cheek on his shoulder.

"Would a massive cheeseburger with a chocolate milkshake help?" Anna asked as Chandler looked at her.

"That sounds amazing right now." Chandler said as they made their way to a local diner.

• • • • • • •

"Was that Phoebe?" Anna asked as they stood outside the cafe, nearly getting knocked over by Phoebe.

"Looks like she was in a hurry." Chandler said as he held the door open for Anna, she quickly stepped inside the warm, coffee bean scented building.

"What the hell was that?" Chandler asked walking over to Ross and Joey.

"Phoebe just started–"

"I was talking to Joey. All right, there, mother-kisser?" Chandler said as Anna ordered a chocolate chip cookie.

Joey began snickering. "Mother-kisser." Once he noticed Ross's face. "I'll shut up."

"Chandler, can I just say something– I know you're still mad at me...but there were two people there that night." Ross explained, trying to fight to fix their friendship. "There were two sets of lips."

"Yes, well.. I expect this from her. She's always been a Freudian nightmare." Chandler said as Anna happily sat and ate her cookie.

"If she always behaves like this– Then why didn't you say something?"

"Because it's complicated. It's complex." Chandler said shaking his head. "You kissed my mom."

That got everyone sitting in the cafe's attention.

"We're rehearsing a Greek play." Ross said to the audience listening to their conversation.

"Are we done now?" Chandler asked wanting to sit down and let the conversation go.

"You mean you're not gonna tell her how you feel?" Ross asked his friend.

Chandler took a bite from Anna's cookie. "Just because you played tonsil tennis with my mom...doesn't mean you know her– trust me, you can't talk to her."

"You can't? Or you can't?" Ross said as Chandler grabbed Ross's finger and began to bend it back, causing Ross to drop on his knee.

"Okay, that's my knee." Ross said once again people were observing the situation. "Still doing the play."

"Chandler, let go of his finger." Anna said as herself and Joey flipped through a magazine.

"That girls hot.." Joey said pointing to a model.

"Joey– that's a guy with long hair." Anna said as Joey moved the magazine closer to his eyes before slamming the magazine shut and throwing it onto the coffee table.

"I knew that.."

• • • • • • •

Anna was laying on her couch, a bowl of popcorn resting on her stomach as she watched the breakfast club.

"Hey? Everything work out with Ross?" Anna asked as Chandler stepped into her apartment, throwing his coat off of his body.

"Yeah– its all sorted." Chandler said moving the bowl of popcorn away and joining Anna on the couch, holding each other.

"I know today was pretty tiring." Anna said as Chandler rested his head on her stomach, her hand running threw his hair. "Tomorrow's a new day with exciting possibilities."

Chandler sighed as he looked at the television screen. "Yeah– I'm just glad I hadn't lost my friend because of my mother."

"Well..meeting you mother was pretty interesting." Anna said as Chandler chuckled as he looked up at her.

"That's a nice way to put it – hopefully when I meet your dad it will go much smoother." Chandler said as Anna smiled at his words.

"You want to meet my dad?" Anna asked as Chandler nodded his head.

"Of course– he obviously means so much to you and I want him to see how much you mean to me." Chandler said as Anna felt her cheek hurting from how much she was smiling.

"That's so sweet Chandler." Anna said as Chandler pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.

"I want to experience everything with you– you are everything to me, and I'd hate the thought of not having you in my life.. I'd be completely lost without you." Chandler said as Anna felt so happy to hear those words.

"Does this mean.. you want a relationship with me?" Anna asked as Chandler smiled at her.

"Of course I want to be in a relationship with you– but it's got to be the right time, the perfect place – I want this to be a moment you can't forget.. I might mess it up just warning you – but I'll try my best for you." Chandler said as Anna wrapped her arms around him.

I wasn't gonna rush things with Anna– she deserved to be showered in affection and showed how much she's loved and adored – and as long as she is in my life, I'm prepared to give her everything.. and more.

"You are just beyond amazing to me–"

As their love story begins– hopefully, it's everything they are hoping for.. but as long as they were together.. nothing could destroy the love that had for one another.

A true love story is about to begin.

• • • • • • • •

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