janson x reader|| the maze ru...

Oleh morgispog

2.6K 79 52

y/n is 19 and she has gotten out of the maze and was 'rescued' by Janson. she starts to fall head over heel... Lebih Banyak

~first impression~
~your first time~(smut)
~fight, fight,fight~
~sorry for what...~
~Bloody fist~
~stay with me~
Authors note
~where am i?~
a/n~please read:)
~does he still care?~
~i will join you~
~training day failed~
A/n- new chapter will be a wait.
A/N- found my first story i ever wrote-
~die for you~

~missing him~

124 4 0
Oleh morgispog

I woke up on the hard ground beside frypan, he was fast asleep. he was the kindest to me, I considered him my friend. I walk out of the cement we were sleeping under, and look around. an empty, broken city. Thomas and the others soon woke up and we started walking toward the mountains that were in view. Thomas was talking about the right arm. how they were in the mountains. the mountains were more than one hundred miles away, and I was afraid Wilston wouldn't make it, he was scratched by one of those... things. cranks, as Janson called them. he told me they were dangerous and to stay away from the, he also told me once you are bitten by one you will slowly and painfully die. I didn't want to tell the group that, but I think they already sort of know.

we walked for miles till it was dark. everyone was still sad about Wilson's death, he ended up shooting himself to stay from turning into those monsters. we soon set up camp for the night in the middle of nowhere. I hated sleeping out here, constantly being afraid. I hated to say it but I miss Janson, I miss his protective, caring, strong nature. the way he made me feel things no one has ever. no, he's with WCKD. he put me in that maze, or the people he works with did. I'm supposed to hate him, but I can't... he tried to convince that woman, ava, to let me stay. but does that really mean anything?

my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of lighting, banging off the ground. everyone else bolted up, clearly scared. I looked around at the lighting, that lit up the night sky. "we got to get out of here, guy!" Thomas yelled grabbing his things. we all gathered all the few things I had and started running. not overly knowing where we were going. "look, there is a building! we'll be safe in there." he yelled as we all followed his lead.

we were all so close to the doors, as we threw them open we all ran in. besides Minho and Thomas, who be a bit behind us. "come on!" frypan yelled at them. just then Minho got hit by lightning, the loud sound echoing through all of our ears. Thomas quickly ran back to get him, newt following. they picked him up stumbling over all the scrapes of metal and garbage on the ground.

newt and Thomas ran in the door, and frypan slammed it shut behind them. they set Minho down and tried to wake him up. I looked around the warehouse-looking building we entered. it was all dark, nothing could be seen. Minho soon woke up, confused about what happened but Thomas explained it to him. "where are we going?" I asked Thomas. "I- I don't know.." he said lowering his head.

thomas was about to walk to the stairs that were barely in view, when a crank jumped out at us, chained up. more and more started to claw, and crawl toward us but were restrained by the chains. they left a small trial where we couldn't be reached, someone must be here. I looked around once more for any other way out of this mess we found ourselves in. then a short, brown-haired girl walked up to us. "follow me." she said simply turning to walk back threw the cranks. we followed after her, still all confused.

she brought us up a few stories of stairs, into a small room. a man sitting at a desk, fiddling with a radio. "Who do we have here, Brenda?" The man asked. "Found them at the doors." She replied back.
"I'm Jorge, this is Brenda you have already met her though." We all nodded uncomfortably.
"Where are you heading?" Jorge asked Thomas. "The right arm, we where told it's in the mountains." He said as jorge nodded in response.
"Mountains ehh? Are you property of WCKD?" His question stung like one hundred angry bees. "No." Thomas shot out.

Jorge then pulled out some sort of device, walking around behind all of us. He scanned the back of my neck with it, "yes you are." He smirked to Brenda. We all shot around looking at him, discussed showing clearly on our faces. "You are very valuable." He said simply.

???pov: idk what it is. I just got another idea while writing.

Then men started to grab all of us, there force was to strong. We fought against them, but to no avail. They brought us to a opening in the floor. They Tied us all over the opening leaving us to hand there, nothing to get us out of here.

We hang there in silence till Thomas spoke up. "Guy, I have an idea!" He said happily. "What is it." Frypan and newt said on illusion. "We swing Teresa, till she can grab the handle. Then she will lower herself till she's on the ground."

Frypan started to push her, going further each time. The handle just Barely slipped her hand, frypan quickly pushed her with all his strength. She grabbed the handle, then pulled herself over the gap. She untied the her self. And helped everyone get down.

Back to y/n's pov:

I sat in a room, a blind fold over my eyes. I was tied with a rope around my hands. I heard lots of yelling, running and bullets being fired. Just then a song started to go off. I was so confused on what the hell was happening, but all I knew is I need to get out of here. I heard the door open and foot steps stop at me. "Sorry." Was the last thing I heard before getting hit hard in the head with metal.

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