
By Aimawrites

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"Roses are dead, violets are dying; outside I'm smiling but inside I'm crying" "Conceal, don't feel, put on a... More

meet my beautiful characters
Chapter 1- The one thing that changed everything
chapter 2- New beginnings
Chapter 3- Hope, dream and pray this works
Chapter 4- First impressions
Chapter 5- A leap of faith
Chapter 6- They'll get used to it
Chapter 7- Back to the usual
Chapter 8- A brain and a half
Chapter 9- Hey, I'm your tutor
Chapter 10- I do it cos it's my passion
Chapter 12- Welcome to the team
Chapter 13- All work and no play
Chapter 14- What happens on the inside
Chapter 15- Tests
Chapter 16- Nightmares that haunt
Chapter 17- Results
Chapter 18- I've got your back
Chapter 19- Some things are better left..
Chapter 19B- Cry for help
Chapter 20- I just might ace them
Chapter 21- Not my kinda crowd
Chapter 22- Humble Abode
Chapter 23- Far From Home
Chapter 24- Back to school
Chapter 25- What we had
Chapter 26- Hoop for two
Chapter 27- Family drama
Chapter 28- No more therapy
Chapter 29- I'm sorry, what?
Chapter 30- Shoulder to lean on
Chapter 31- Transferring aggressions
Chapter 32- Fatal Addiction
Chapter 33- It's Valentine's
Chapter 34- Sleepover
Chapter 35 A- Awkward conversations
Chapter 35 B- Ouch
Chapter 36- Memories
Chapter 37- Trip to Lagos
Chapter 38- Old friends?
Chapter 39- The decathlon
Chapter 40- Trust
Chapter 41
Chapter 41B

Chapter 11- Second impressions

176 52 22
By Aimawrites

Dedicated to Atibioke3 olarindebusayo jemima_1111 IsraelAluko0 and all the rest of my new readers that have been voting and commenting 🥺 thank you so much guys y'all are the bests. My last update was when I was at a hundred and fourty something reads, 7 days later (which is now) I'm at over 300 😫😫I'm flabberwhelmed you guys thanks a lot.
I declare this part OPENNNN


Amanda's POV
(Amanda Aderinsola Akinde)

I hold my swim bag close to me as I walk out of the tailor's shop. I just collected my swimming gear which contains my trunk, goggles, towel, bathrobe and jacket that matches the whole squad's. I'm so happy to be an official member of Sheffield senior swim team!! Not totally an official member sha because the coach said we still have to do tryouts to pick our first ten, this Thursday.

I quicken my pace to get to class before the teacher, I heard the bell a minute ago and our chemistry teacher is not the best teacher at tolerating late students. As I pick up my pace again, my body comes in contact with someone else's, as hard as a rock.

"Oh my God I'm-" I start before seeing it's Erling, I hiss

"Do you close your eyes as you walk, you bumped into me and you don't even know how to apologize" he says while eyeing me

"I'd eat a bucket of sand before I ever apologize to you!" I spit then turn to walk away

He grabs my wrist returning me to my previous position

"What is it?" I snap angrily

"You stepped on my new shoes, clean them" he crosses his arms

I look at his pair of obviously new oxfords, they are shiny all over asides the fresh dusty shoe print made by my boots on the tip. I consider apologizing but then, it's Erling I'd rather swim across the Atlantic on a cold Monday morning

"You're even more stupid than you look" I leave him standing on the hallway with a priceless expression written on his face, perfect!


"It's less than two weeks to your tests and some of you are still running around like kangaroos" our chemistry teacher Mr Toronto spits at us

"Kangaroos don't run, they hop" Aidan says with a sardonic smile, earning a roar of laughter from the class

"Wow Mr Aniye since you have chosen to be so smart why don't you solve the question on the board" he squares his eyes at the student

"Yeah I would have, but there's no question on the board" he crosses his arms with his usual smirk playing on his lips

The class bursts into another fit of laughter at the teacher's horrified expression

"You didn't let me finish, I meant the question I'm about to write on the board" he opens his marker and spins to face the board

Muffled giggles travel around the class as the man tries to cook up a question from his brain. The whole class knows that this man is as good as useless without his lesson note, even when he had to prove equations he'd read it line by line in the textbook and pour it on the board telling us to read it ourselves because he couldn't explain. It is definitely a hilarious sight seeing him tremble in embarrassment

My eyes travel round the class and fall on Edmond, his face looks like it's about to burst as he tries to suppress his laughter. He hides his face behind his manual to calm his laughter, I've never seen him laugh so hard. Erling and Aidan on the other hand are signalling to each other from the two ends of the class obviously being entertained by Mr Toronto. The teacher starts to write an equation, he erases it many times leaving blue traces of ink on the board as he scratches his head. He finally turns back to the class

"You know, you're all very lucky I'm in a good mood and I didn't prepare for this" he picks his lesson notes and textbook to leave the class

"Ahan sir, your time is not up" Amaka says with giggles escaping her mouth

"I've taught you what you need for tests" he walks out of the class without waiting for us to appreciate him

All the students burst into laughter, some of them throw crumpled up pieces of paper towards the door as they laugh. I find myself laughing hard too at how crazy my classmates can be. Aidan stands to the front of the class to mimic the teacher

"Uhm actually you're very lucky I'm in a good mood and I didn't prepare for this" Aidan says in a gruff voice

The laughter increases

"Abi he didn't cram any question when he was coming" one of the boys says

The whole class erupts in fresh laughter this time, I laugh wholly with them

The entire 12th grade is made up of 4 arms with a total of 115 students, the science class is divided into 2; the pure and the technical class. The other two are Art and commercial class, Nancy and toke are in Pure science along with the other girls in science. The technical class, my class only contains three girls which are Amaka, Nkechi and I. The remaining 24 are boys, extremely loud hormone controlled teenage boys. Well except some that are sane though; just like two or three of us them in total

The teacher that just left is our chemistry teacher, Mr Toronto. Till now I still don't get why they call him that but I know no one dares mention it when he's within hearing distance

"Can I sit with you?" A voice says from above

I look up to see Mr Curly hair standing right above my desk, the good Mr Curly hair of course not the other poop face. I nod my head slowly in affirmation as he picks a chair. He sits with the back rest of the chair between his legs resting his elbows lightly on the chair, no words just staring at me. The silence is so thick you could cut through it with a cutlass, I'm the only one who seems uncomfortable in this prolonged silence

"How have you been doing?" He finally says with a lopsided grin

I wasn't sure if it was a regular keep up 'how are you? I'm fine' question or he actually wanted me to talk about something. So I kept it simple

"I'm doing okay, I guess"

"How's your tutoring going?" He says with an amused expression

I roll my eyes when I think about it

"Is it that bad?" He laughs

"How does the school expect me to improve when my tutor hates me?" I scoff

"Toks? Nah I don't think she hates you. She's probably just warming up to you"

"Ehen that's how she warms up, oh wow why didn't I think of that" I say sarcastically

He chuckles lightly till I join him, the combination of both laughters erupts into a wild roar making most of the class turn to us. We both try to conceal our laughter from the uncomfortable attention it brought both of us looking red as tomatoes. It felt nice to laugh out loud actually, why we were laughing, I know not because what I said was definitely not that funny.


I quicken my pace across the hallway when someone hits me causing me to stumble and my books to fall. Two juniors who appear to have been running across chorus apologies as they continue chasing each other. Spoilt children! I bend down to pick my books when someone else joins me, she's a little shorter than me but with a little more flesh.

"Thanks" I say as she hands me my books as we get up

She stretches her hand towards me then I notice how bright her eyes her and the little nose ring she has on

"Espn, just Espn" confused, I take her hand

"I'm Amanda you can call me Trip"

"Yeah I know you" she says grinning extra wide, weird species of human

I feel her piercing gaze on my back as I arrange my books in my locker, God please take this mushroom away

"So uh, where did you school before?" She peeks into my locker

"Bolton high, Lagos" I say with a tone of finality walking out of our conversation. She catches up to me easily with her short legs

"Wow, why did you leave?" She gasps in awe

"We moved" I walk faster so she can grab a hint and leave me alone

"Am I disturbing you?" She says

What do I say to that? I can't outrightly tell her she's disturbing me so she doesn't feel bad, but if don't she might keep following me

"Actually, I'm going to the library" I give her a tight smile

"Awww let's go together" she skips excitedly as we go through the exit

I enter the library and see Toke is already there solving something with her calculator. She looks up and disappointment clouds her entire expression. I try my best no to feel bad by her obvious change of countenance but who was I kidding.

"Omo see this posh monkey oh what are you doing here" Espn jokes as she walks over to Toke

She drags Toke into a bone crushing hug which the latter was definitely not expecting causing partial paralysis of her arms

"How does this dwarf hug so hard?" Toke says between strained breaths. I watch their exchange after Espn loosens her hug and tries to peck her cheek causing Toke to shriek. I almost laugh but instead I feel awkward watching them being all friendly to each other, it appears Toke has a heart towards a few people. I sit down as they conclude their meeting before Espn sends a wink as she walks away deeper into the library leaving the witch and I alone

"Good afternoon Toks" I say as I silently squirm under her glare

"How many days do you have on your countdown calendar for tests?" She ignores my greeting then fires at me

It takes me a minute to digest what she has just asked. I actually don't know the exact number of days

"Less than two weeks?" I raise an eyebrow for her to confirm it

"You don't even know the exact number of days oh wow" she scoffs then looks back at me

I am short of anything to say, I simply stare down at the desk

"Do you want to pass these tests?" She focuses her glare on my lips. I lick them nervously

"Uhm yeah, I'd be glad" I say unsure

"Do you think you can?" I stay quiet for a while before I finally shake my head

"Then you can't"
I wince silently at how harshly she says it, she notices my reaction then sighs

"To be honest I've never taught a student from scratch before, especially one in senior class I don't know the miracle we want to use but somehow the Principal is convinced that I can do it" she pauses then continues

"We have a long way to go, and I don't know if we have enough time." She drops her pen on her notebook as though she's given up already

"Let's start a step at a time" I say silently she barely picks it

She laughs hysterically at my comment then mimics me

"You didn't hear anything i said? Who has that much time and patience?"

I nod my head slightly understanding where she's coming from

"Wo me I'll just help you with tests, after that the school will find their own solution cos me I didn't come to Sheffield to die" she says in conclusion

I bring out my physics textbook and notebook with my calculator and place them side by side. I had already planned that today would be different, that I'd try my best not to frustrate Toke so she would at least feel I was manageable. Trust Toke to always spoil the mood of the lesson before it even begins. Any motivation I felt last night about achievements or success is completely gone at the moment.


I'm currently dressed in my nighties and brushing my teeth after a long day at school. The lesson with Toke was not bad, it was terrible. I'm even worse at physics than math and our dear 'Queen Toks' made sure she reminded me every ten minutes. It's all good though at least I remember a formula from electro magnetic waves, I pray they ask for the formula in tests. I hear a notification sound from my phone and check it's a message from a unsaved number

+234788........... ~queen toks
Remember to bring your chemistry manual to tryouts tomorrow or don't bother coming😒

Okay thanks😇
Goodnight 💤

She reads my message then goes offline without replying, I didn't expect more from her. At least we have swim tryouts tomorrow, that's one good thing this week. Yippee


😫We have come to the end my people, did you like it¿

We all have at least one student in out highschool classes who always liked to outsmart the teacher and make them look stupid right?😂😂 Aidan should be calming down na

Espn😌my baby named after a sports channel, you'll be seeing more of her from now on

Erling and Amanda sef will they ever be normal 😂😂

All hail Queen Toks our able tutor, abeg make una no vex with am she never sabi life 😂

😌 I'll be releasing another chapter in like two day to celebrate increased reads, count it as a double update

Vote and comment guys see you next time🥺❤️❤️

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