Forever with you | ashtray

By yourmom-1890

32.1K 454 304

Serenity Reyes is a model. from a very early age her mom always resented the love and attention Serenity got... More



1.2K 19 11
By yourmom-1890

italics is narrated
Bold is messages
                                     (Third person pov)
"dad please." Serenity begged her dad

"princess no, you've been stay out late after school all the time, unless you tell me where you've been going no. i'm making adam follow you or your going to get a curfew" he said to her

it's the morning before school and she just dressed in sweats and a crop top with some jordan's on.

her hair is in a claw clip cause she curled it for when she has cheer today.

she accidentally slipped out while she was eating her breakfast that she was gonna be home late so she was hoping he didn't have anything important tonight to do.

that certainly got his attention.

he doesn't usually question everything she does. he trust her, but let's just say he's familiar with some people here.

he just wants to make sure she's safe, if not he has no problem dealing with it himself. if you know what i mean.

he knows she can take care of herself but he also knows sometimes there are things she can't take care of herself and she's going to need him. she even told him herself. 'you're my dad, i'm always going to need you' she told him on her 17th birthday

"then give me a curfew." she asked with getting upset with the fact he really doesn't trust her.

"okay you have to be home at 5pm." he said and continued to eat his pancakes.

"no dad be serious say at least 12am or something." she said and shoved a forkful of eggs into her mouth being purposely aggressive.

"be fuckin for real Serenity." he said starting to get serious, she was starting to piss him off.

"okay what do you want me to say, tell you where i've been, do you want me to get life360. what do you want." she said and stopped eating her food.

"yes i want to know where you've been. i'm not trying to upset you, i just want to make sure your safe, princess your a teen girl going out there driving walking around being out in the real world and i don't know where your at. i just don't want anything to happen to you i love you to much." her dad just laid out.

she was quiet for a minute before getting out her chair and going up to him. she reached him and gave him a hug. he responded by hugging her back and resting his chin on her head but he had to lean down a good amount to reach her head.

their height difference is big.

for example he's 6'2

she's 5'0

how the fuck that happen?

her moms 5'2

she might grow but the doctor told her otherwise. honestly doesn't matter cause she likes the height different between her and ashtray he's 6'1 and she's again 5'0 .

plus he's stronger then her, but she's fine with it.

she might have a crush on him;)

"well first i have friends, maddy, kat, cassie, bb, rue, jules, and there's some guy that i've been seeing and you know that cause i told you i had my first kiss." she pointed out to him looking up at him while he looks down to her not breaking the hug.

"okay i trust you, i trust you to be smart, and i trust you to make it back home tonight but i am gonna give you a 12am curfew. if the guards tell me your not home by then and still out i'm gonna kill you myself." he said to her before leaning down and giving her a kiss on her head.

"okay, i love you dad but i have to go to school now i don't want to be late." she said and wrapped her arms around his neck before he brought his head up all the way.

"princess let go, im not playing with you. i will throw you into next year."he said and tickled the side of her stomach for her to let go.

"okay i'm going bye i love you." she said picking up her phone off the counter where she was eating, and grabbing her purse cause maddy told her don't bring a backpack.
"i'm not ready for this." Serenity whispered to maddy and cassie as they all where waiting to pop out and perform their cheer dance for this introduction for the football team or something.

there not even playing a game there just being animals all around the cafeteria and having everyone hype them up.

"you guys pumped." the football coach said loudly

"yeah!." the football team yelled

"are we gonna win." the coach yelled.

"yeah!" the football team yelled.

"then let's hear it for the East highland Blackhawks!" the coach yelled loudly before the football team yelled loudly

they ran out of the line they where in before and ran down the cafeteria, started slamming on tables.

then the cheerleaders came out walking down the stairs with their hands on their hips as they rehearsed.

the girls danced they all just did as they were supposed to it was chill for there first dance back at school.

but Serenity could feel the stares of male eyes that was on her.

she always had attention i mean that's apart of her job.

but these stares felt like a im gonna grab you, fuck you, then leave you alone for nobody to help you.

and not to mention she didn't like the way nate's eyes lingered on her waist and ass.

she was being watched by multiple guys and she didn't like how they where so close they can touch her if they wanted to.

on a football field everyone is behind a gate separating them from the field, but right here they wasn't no separation.

she didn't like it.

the guys went crazy still jumping on tables and just being plain on animals.

rue and jules look at eachother after a guy jumps onto their table.

"i 100% do not feel safe right now." jules said and they laughed together.
"ew no, bitch get the fuck out of my grill right now." maddy said responding to something cassie said.

Serenity wasn't really paying attention but they where all walking to the parking lot getting ready to get into Serenity's car. she was going to drop them off wherever they where gonna go.

she snapped back into reality when they got stopped by nate.

"you maddy." he said getting all the girls attention

"what." maddy responded as they all stopped a good distance away from him.

"let me take you out tonight." he lightly smiled.

the rest of the girls along with mcKay walked away. leaving them to have their short conversation.

"why?" maddy asked nate.

he just shrugged.

"i hate you." she chuckled and walked away.
after Serenity dropped off her friends she started making her way to ashtray's house. he told her the shop was gonna be closed today so go to his house instead and texted the address.

was she nervous as fuck cause he mentioned his older brother, yes she was nervous.

plus she couldn't even imagine what his house would look like, she couldn't imagine him decorating anything keeping everything simple, or even what his room would look like.

but she was always aware and did find it a little bit strange as to him inviting her to his house so soon. he wasn't setting her up or anything right?

it was just him wanting to see her.

after a short stop to a store grabbing some snacks and a dr. pepper cause she was craving chips and she's always down for a dr.pepper.

she made her way to ashtrays.

she was only 2 minutes away now so she told him to come outside cause she noticed it was more of an big apartment then a house but hey she don't judge.

and there was another apartments next to it she didn't want to knock on the wrong one that would be so fucking embarrassing.

she wouldn't go back to his house ever again she would just leave.

she turns off her car and grabs her purse and her bag of snacks with her dr. pepper in her hand.

before she gets out all the way she puts her car keys inside her purse cause she doesn't want to walk in and it being all loud inside his house.

she gets off her car and walks towards him.

"hey, look no uniform today." she said and she hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"yeah to bad you looked good in it." he said using his index finger and thumb to take ahold of her chin, he turned her face and kissed her lips.

she kissed him back.

now she didn't know and he was too caught up enjoying the kiss to think about it but the camera he has facing his car and fezco's car can see them in the camera.

meaning the kiss they're sharing is on the camera they have inside there house in ashtray's room. which fezco just walked into after he heard the front door open and close.

he wondered who was outside so he looked at ashtray's monitor displaying a clear view of ashtray and some girl kissing outside.

he did take notice of ashtray's hands going from her waist more down so his hands where resting on her ass.

he didn't see or anything but Serenity sure felt it.

ashtray had his right hand on her ass, and she felt him squeeze it grabbing a whole handful of her butt,  causing her to let out a little gasp enough for him to slip his tongue inside her mouth.

oh he's nasty:)

she tried keeping up with him but she was running out of breath, and he noticed.

suddenly he's mad at himself for not leading her inside first cause he would have definitely kissed on her neck.

he doesn't want to take it to far outside in the open where people can see what there doing.

no he's not ashamed or embarrassed of being seen with her. he just doesn't want people he knows and works with to see her.

he left his hands on her butt as he pulled away from her giving her one last kiss on her lips.

"let's take you inside, you look good." he told her taking his hands off her and grabbing her hand.

"thank you, you look great." she giggled and grabbed onto his hand more.

"whatchu got." he asked her taking notice to the bag in her hands.

"snacks i was wanting some snacks so i stopped before i came." she said as they reached the last step of the stares before walking more to the front door.

"you took longer to get here then i thought." he said before realizing that makes him seem desperate.

"yeah today was a long day." she sighed before they reached the front door and he opened it for her.

"how was your day." she asked him as he led her into the kitchen and didn't see anyone in there so he started leading her to his room.

"my day was normal, no paparazzi's you know, no flash photography." he teased her.

"i'm gonna stop telling you about my day. i always feel like it's normal then i ask you about your day and it just seems like i'm unordinary." she pushed him with the bag of snacks she has, or more likely she tried to push him he didn't really go anywhere.

before he remarked back they saw someone come out of ashtray's room and bump into them in the hallway.

"Fezco what are you doing." ashtray asked the guy.

Fezco got it. Serenity made a mental note.

"well i heard you go outside and we aren't doing anything today so i got nosy and watched you too kiss on accident." he explains knowing when she leaves ashtray's probably gonna kill him.

he quite literally can if he really put his mind too it, ashtrays' bigger now, almost an adult now, plus he can use a gun in his sleep.

the only problem is ashtray would never hurt fezco, not unless he's mad at him, or he's fighting with him.

not literal fighting but play fighting, i don't know how to explain it you just gotta witness it.

"that's kinda embarrassing." Serenity said quietly but loud enough for them to hear as intended. she put her hand to her forehead and looked down to the floor.

"that's kinda weird." ashtray agreed trying to move on so he can introduce then.

"your the one putting your hands all up on her, but i'm the weird one okay." Fezco said.

"yeah i gotta side with him, that's weird of you." Serenity said and slipped next to fezco leaving ashtray by himself.

"you weren't complaining when my to-" ashtray started

"okay how about no, we aren't don't that right now." she stepped forward quickly covering his mouth not wanting him to say what he was gonna say.

"are you done." she whispered but not so whispered to ashtray waiting for him to nod his head so she can uncover his mouth.

once he nod his head she uncovered his mouth.

"Serenity this is fezco my older brother." ashtray pointed to his brother.

"Fezco this is Serenity my.." he left off not really knowing what they were or where there friend/relationship was gonna go.

"friend." ashtray finished.

"it's good to meet you. no offense but you guys don't look similar to each other like at all." Serenity pointed out.

"it's good to meet you too, for some reason your the first person to say that and not be scared of us getting mad" fezco lightly laughed.

"yeah we aren't by blood related, i'm adopted." ashtray said using the least amount of details of how he was dropped off to be left with fezco in their grandma.

"To us not being related by blood doesn't make you any less of family, we are still brothers just not by blood." Fezco added on. he always will live by that.

"i'm gonna be honest but i don't know how to respond in a way it won't affect you cause i don't know if there's something i shouldn't say." Serenity said and just stood there.

"this is kinda awkward." she said cause she doesn't do well in awkward silence.

"we are just gonna go." ashtray said grabbing her hand and leading her to his room.

"why did you not make that less awkward." she complains to him trying to push him again with the bag she had in her hands.

"don't make me take your bag away." he looked back at her over his shoulder.

"is this the famous Ashtray whatever your last name is bedroom. hold on let me take a picture." she joked with him, and sat on his bed.

"no flash photography." he said and sat on the bed next to her.

"seriously how was your day why for some reason you never tell me details, you just say 'my day was alright or like usual' you don't give me any details." she asked him opening her bag of snacks.

"i don't know, no one's really cared enough to ask about my day so i just found it strange." he said wanting to be honest with her.

"well i care about your day even if it was as boring as laying in bed all day." she said and grabbed a bag of chips before passing the bag to him so he can pick out a snack he wants.

"today my day was boring but since you want details, i showered this morning, ate some breakfast, hung out with my brother and now i'm with this girl who's kinda weird but i guess i have to hang out with her." he added the last part trying to keep a serious face to see if she would react showing she was paying attention to him.

"i'm deeply offended, i'm never coming back." she said before putting some takis in her mouth.

"if you don't come back i'll just kidnap you, honestly your choice." he said and opened a bag of xxtra hot cheetos.

"i feel wanted." she laughed.

"how was your day today, anybody weirdly obsessed with you ask you to marry them." he asked and put some xxtra hot cheetos in his mouth.

"if you must know i moved down here cause it's a pretty small area and so i wouldn't get recognized as much as i would at my old house and stuff." she said. she leaned over to him and took one of his chips.

"i kinda had an argument with my dad this morning so that wasn't good. i did cheer today in the cafeteria for the football team. i can feel the stares of guys looking at me and they weren't looking at my face. a gate separates the football players and the cheerleaders when we have games. there was no gate in the cafeteria, and i felt like anyone can grab or touch." she said stopping to see if he was paying attention.

"did anybody touch you." ashtray asked  making sure to listen very closely so he would know if anyone touched her.

"no they just looked, which i guess is okay cause that's what we're there for basically." she said and put two takis in her mouth eating them with her mouth closed before continuing telling her day.

"most of my friends had me drop them off at home after school that's why i was taking a long time. what else? oh and i got snacks before i came to hang out with this boy who's kinda giving off white boy carl from shameless and rio from good girl vibes." she tried not to laugh towards the last part of her sentence.

"your friends? also i have no idea who white boy carl from shameless is or rio from good girls." ashtray said before putting more hot cheeto's in his mouth.

"my friends as in maddy , cassie , and bb. and we are definitely watching shameless and good girls cause you need to be aware of my husband and my boyfriend." she said and put her takis away before grabbing her dr.pepper she put down next to her and drinking it.

"your husband and boyfriend, nah we can't have that i need to see who i'm in competition with." ashtray said and put his chips away two before sitting at the head of the bed leaning his back against the head board.

"what's it on, either one." he asked grabbing his remote and turning on his tv that hung on the wall.

"Netflix let's watch good girls first since it only has 4 seasons and shameless has 11 seasons." she said and scooted close to him laying her head on his lap.

"alright." Ashtray said and looked down at her head on his lap.

he put it on and they stared watching it. at first it bored him, of course it's about white rich bitches with baby daddy/ husband problems.

at least that's what he thought before they started talking about robbing a store.

that's what got his attention.

he got into the tv show and watched it with interest, while he was playing with Serenity's hair with her head on his lap.
Authors note: guess who doesn't have covid anymore! me!

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