Obsessively In Love

By TheSatisfiers

85.1K 1.7K 120


Authors Note


1.5K 40 5
By TheSatisfiers



It's been six fucking months since she's went missing ran away I don't know. She wouldn't just fucking leave for no reason I know she was pissed off about the marriage but I know she wouldn't do this just because of that and all she left me was a fucking note I couldn't even read it anymore because it just pissed me off. I know her stupid ass friend helped her disappear they ran away together that much was obvious but I don't understand how the fuck they could just vanish into thin air like that it was to sudden of them up and leaving plus they didn't take any valuable information with them it just doesn't make sense. I haven't stopped looking for her since I came back to find her gone I knew they weren't in Italy anymore they were to smart to stay here they knew I would find them with no problem most of Italy was on my payroll. I know they are somewhere in the United States I just don't know here but I wont stop until I get my hands on her. If it wasn't bad enough that I was having to deal with daisy missing I as still trying to figure out what the fuck is going on with the trader within the family I feel like my head is going to explode but I keep my composure and continue to handle business. Knocking on the door pulls me out of my thoughts I scratch my beard letting out a groan of annoyance. "Come in." I snapped as I pulled out a cigar lighting it up and taking hit. Theo walks inside my office closing the door behind him. "Any news?" I asked taking a large hit letting the smoke burn my lung and calm my nerves. "We have something but we don't know if its a hit or not I sent Leonardo to check it out but we got a hospital admission of someone in a accident and the DNA showed up to match Daisy's but we don't know if its actually her or not it could be the same situation with California. We should be finding out within the next couple of days." He fills me in and I cant help but let my chest fill with hope that it was actually Daisy but I keep my face emotionless. I nod my head in understanding. "That's not all." He continues and I look at him airing fro him to finish he clears his throat. "Well when we pulled the DNA up it brought up four identities. Daisy, Catalina, and Victoria but get this the other name was Grazia Romana." This informations stuns me. I quickly put the cigar out in the ashtray and sit up in my seat. "So what are you trying to say to me right now." I asked feeling a major headache form in my frontal lobe he lets out a sigh pulling out a small file. "Well I'm not hundred percent sure what is going on but I have two theories. One is it could just be a freak phenomenon that all these identities show up for one admission especially the one of the dead mafia princess but my second theory is that Daisy isn't really Daisy but Grazia she could have just been going by aliases for who knows how long. Grazia identify was harder to pull up in the files. The file was secure and crypt security behind it. Whoever hide it was doing a damn good job." His words come crashing down on me I could feel the blood rushing through my veins and my heart start to beat though my ears. Everything comes crashing down on me. It all makes since now her being desensitized to my business to her acting strange when Aleksei came around and the shocked look on her face when her uncle sowed up or when she found out that her brother could be alive. I can now take a good guess on the reason she was running. She told me of her ex in the past but Aleksei coming trying to ask me to help find Grazia when I had her the whole time. I felt like a fucking fool. I pull out Daisy's phone from my desk throwing it on the table in front of Theo. "Go through and look at everything anything that sticks out tell me immediately and have Leonardo call me." I tell him walking to the small bar making myself a drink. I can hear Theo stand up causing the chair to scrap across the ground. "We will get her back." He assures me before he makes his way out the door once I hear it close I slam my glass down making it clank loudly. I let out a humorless laugh throughout the empty room making me look crazy but I could give less of a fuck. This whole time she has been lying to me about who she really is and I just followed along like a lost little puppy but she will learn who I really am once I get my hands on her again.


My phone ringing breaks me away from the mound of paperwork that I can't seem to get done no matter how hard I was trying. I pick it up looking down at the caller ID before quickly answering it. "What did you find?" I asked impatiently bouncing my leg up and down carving at my desk with my knife. "I just fucking landed I have no idea yet Lorenzo." He sounded like a fucking child. "Do you want me to do anything specific or just get information and confirmation that it is her?" He asked while it sounded like he was walking through streets. I couldn't help but let out a frustrated growl. "No just make sure it's her and let me know and if it is keep an eye on her till I show up." I inform him as I hang up right when Theo and my father walk into the office. "We think we found the rat he's tied up in the basement." Theo says while sitting in the chair in front of my desk while my father stands watching me while smoking a cigar. "Okay I will be down in a minute for now leave and go try to get information." I dismiss him as my father stays planted in the same spot but once Theo shuts the door he takes a seat. "She's fucking you up son. I cant imagine how you feel but you need to get your head back into business we have a rat thats spreading information to the outside and if the wrong shit gets out it's over." He gives me a harsh reality check I grit my teeth nodding my head agreeing with him. "I know you don't have to remind me in case you forgot I've been running this business just fine." I light a cigar up taking a hit before standing up and taking my suit jacket off I roll up my sleeves setting my cigar between my teeth. I place my phone back in my pocket in case Leonardo calls. I leave my father sitting there as I make my way to the rat. Once I step foot past the basement door I can smell the metallic stench of blood in the air. Theo beating up someone comes into view once I round the corner. One of my men signals to Theo that I was here and he turns around with blood smeared over his body. I walk up to them and look over at the bloody and battered man in front of me. "Fuck Theo I can't even recognize him." I put out my cigar on the mans forehead making him scream out into the tape wrapped around his head. "My bad I was starting to enjoy it a little to much." He says with a crazy smile on his face and shrugs his shoulders. I look between him and the beat up man in the chair before letting out a groan of annoyance. "How the fuck is he going to talk with his mouth taped up? Idiot." I walk toward the man while looking over at Theo. He was a complete fucking idiot. "My bad." He laughs it off taking his knife and and cutting the tape ripping the rest off his mouth. The man groans spitting out blood onto the floor before glaring between me and Theo. "This is the man that took off with Raina in the middle of the night." Theo point to the man with the end of his knife as I remain silent just staring into his eyes. "I was payed by someone anonymously along with Raina to get in with you and get as much information as I can but Raina fucked it all up when she started acting like a bitch in heat." He says through the pain spitting out more blood. "Information on what?" I asked as Theo grips the man by the hair and yanks his head back so he's looking up at me. "It's not what it's who." He groans as Theo open palm smacks the mans burnt and bruised up forehead. "Who is it?" I asked getting irritated with the twenty one questions. The man looks at me with hesitation before giving in quickly. "Grazia Romana." Was all that needed to be said before I put a bullet through his head and made my way back into the office. I thank fuck my father was gone he was the last person that I wanted to deal with right now. As I sat down in my chair Theo follows behind making himself a drink. "So who do you think it is?" He asked taking a large sip of his drink. I shake my head while running my hands through my hair gripping the ends tightly. "I don't know but I know Grazia or Daisy or whoever the fuck she is knows who it is and I need to find her before they do." The ringing of my phone stops our conversation from going further. I look at the caller ID and I quickly pick up. "Talk." I was impatient and wanted some fucking news that I actually wanted to hear. The line was silent for a moment before he finally spoke. "It's her." I sighed in relief. That was all he to say and if felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders even though I'm pissed at her for pulling this bullshit I'm just glad she's alive. "But you're going to want to come and have a look at this for your self." He interrupted my happy moment with the slight Alarm in his voice making me sit up in my chair. "What's wrong? Is she okay?" I asked in a hurry standing up grabbing my suit jacket walking  to my room. "Um well I don't know how to say this but when Daisy was flagged at the hospital I went straight there as soon as I landed I went to the hospital and could find her name anywhere but the name Catalina showed up and her room number. I waited outside the room for a while making sure I go unnoticed and eventually her friend Damon came walking out talking frantically in the phone I wasn't able to get a chance to go in when some  people showed up with flowers and balloons. I made sure to wait everyone out and eventually Damon stepped out long enough for me to go inside the room and you're not going to believe what I saw." He lets out a breath making me grow irritated I growled into the phone. "Well fucking tell me already." I snapped putting the phone on speaker as I started changing my clothes in a hurry. "I went in there when she was asleep but that's not the unbelievable part." He paused for a moment. "There was a baby laying next to her Lorenzo. The balloons around her said congratulations on them. I don't know what is going on but you should get down here." His words make me freeze as the air was knock out of me. Pregnant she never told me she was pregnant. Did she know this and that's why she ran away. Was the baby even mine? If it wasn't then I'm going to be putting bullets into someone. "What the fuck did you just say?" I wanted to make sure that I was actually hearing him correctly. My breathing completely shallowed out as my vision was starting to become blurry he clears his throat before repeating. "Well she had a baby is what I'm telling you." He confirms almost wincing over the phone. What I thought he said and I feel like my world is crashing down I have literally no idea what the fuck is even going on right now. None the less I pack a bag and go find Theo. I find him sitting in the kitchen stuffing his stupid face with food. "I need to leave and go to Florida for a while I need you to stay and watch over things here and call me with any new information." With that I head back out the door to the car that's waiting to take me to my jet. I'm trying to get there as soon as possible I don't know what will happen once I'm there but I just know I better be there. If the baby is mine she will be coming home with me no questions asked but if it's someone else's then the same goes but whoever touched her will be sent home in a body bag. I don't let that negativity cloud my vision right now as I get into the jet not even caring to bid
goodbye to anyone as I'm leaving.


Once I stepped foot outside the Florida heat hit me like a ton of bricks making me feel like I was baking on the fucking sun. I walk up to the car that's waiting for me and pull out my phone calling Leonardo. It rings a few times before he finally answers. "Where are you?" I asked looking out the window at the passing scenery. "I'm outside the hospital why? Are you here already? Damn man I didn't think you were going to be leaving right when we got off the phone. Fuck you have issues." I can practically see his shaking his head through the phone. "Shut the hell up send me the address I'm on my way." I hang up and not to long later I hear my phone ping with the address of the hospital Daisy was at giving it to the driver he speeds up a bit making sure to get me there in a timely manner. Once I seen the hospital in view I spotted Leonardo sitting in a black SUV in the front of the parking lot with his eyes on the front door. Once I get out I dismiss the driver letting him know I'll contact him when needed and make my way to Leonardo's car once he sees me coming up he unlocks the the car doors allowing me into the passenger seat. "Fill me in." I get straight to business looking at the door watching the different people walk in and out. "Well I was able to get some information out of a nurse that was working on her floor. Daisy is getting released today along with the baby that's all that she knew. She didn't mention anything about the father so that's about all I have." He shrugs keeping his eyes on the entrance. "Did you get a look at the baby?" I asked looking over at him. He shakes his head. "No I was only able to be in there for a minute before Damon started was making his way back. Since the baby was born he has been making sure to keep a close eye on her and keep her within arms length." He tells me making me grow even more anxious. She wouldn't do that to me with Damon would she? No she wouldn't at least for his sake anyway. "Do you think he is the father?" I asked trying not to let my emotions get the better of me but I couldn't help but let my anger slip through my words. "I don't think so I mean think about it the math doesn't add up with him plus she is or was obsessed with you trust me she's told me plenty of times. I just don't know why she did all this it doesn't make sense to me." He shakes his head with a frown on his face but it quickly clears up as he points to the entrance of the of the hospital. "She's leaving." I whipped my head in the direction he was pointing watching Daisy walking out the doors with  as she holds onto Damon as he holds a car seat with the baby tucked inside on the other hand. The sight of them together looking like a happy family makes me see red it takes everything in my willpower not to go over there and confront them but I knew that was a bad idea I needed to be smart about this. "Follow them." I motion my head to them as they got into a silver car. He turns the engine on quickly following them out the hospital making sure to stay at a distance.

The drive wasn't too long before we seen them pulling into a two story house off the beach. We parked across the street and watched them get out and walk inside Leonardo lets out a low whistle. "What's the move?" He asks still looking over at the house they walked into. "We know where they live I will have one of my men stationed out here twenty four seven take me to the pent house she's not going anywhere anytime soon." I say keeping my eyes peeled on the house as he started to drive off into the opposite direction.
I found you Daisy and now I'm coming for you.

So what did you think of Lorenzo's POV? I don't know if I will do more of him but I haven't decided yet.

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