Scars and Snakes (Kyoka Jiro...

Від Thaiph_Kaard

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Scars... a mark left by a wound that has not fully healed. Scars can take many forms: scabs, cuts, burns, the... Більше

00 - Character Intro
01 - Entrance Exam
02 - First Day
03 - Quirk Assessment Test
04 - Heroes vs Villains
05 - Teamwork
06 - The Class Rep
07 - USJ
08 - Aftermath
09 - Next
10 - Obstacle Course
11 - Calvary Battle
12 - Tournament
13 - Giving Your All
14 - Power vs Mastery
15 - Anger
One Shot - Secret Love Child?
16 - Hero Names
17 - Internship
One Shot - The Question
Character Profiles
19 - Exam Prep
20 - Practical Exam
LOV 1 - Meet the Team
21 - Shoto and Bakugo
22 - Momo's Comeback
One Shot: A Glimpse
Funny Moment - Strenuous Activities

18 - Race

802 28 5
Від Thaiph_Kaard



Now that internships were over, classes began to start again at a normal pace. Almost everyone was in their seats waiting for class to start.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, revealing a very angry looking Katsuki with flat hair. Eijiro and Hanta immediately burst into laughter, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously?! Seriously Bakugo?!" They howled in disbelief.

Kyoka was also snickering, she the turned to look at Obanai, who had a face that conveyed nothing but sadistic glee. "Stop laughing!" Katsuki demanded with a curled fist, "My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even if I wash it! Hey, stop laughing!" Katsuki snarled.

Obanai spoke up, clear amusement in her voice, "I didn't know you could be so dashing, flat haired boy." 

"I'll kill you!" Katsuki threatened.

Tears were forming in Eijiro and Hanta's eyes from sheer laughter, "I'd like to see you try, Side-Part Boy!" Hanta taunted.

Katsuki's hair exploded into its normal spiky shape, "What'd you say?!" he yelled.

""It's back!"" Eijiro and Hanta pointed.

Obanai then started to tune into the conversation Tsuyu, Kyoka and Mina were having. "Wow, you even got to fight villains? I'm so jealous." Mina asked in amazement.

Kyoka twirled her earphone jack, "I just helped people evacuate and did logistical support, so I didn't do any actual fighting, though." Kyoka said humbly.

"It's still amazing, though!" Mina forced.

"All I did was train and go on patrols, too. There was just one time when we caught smugglers from a neighbouring country." Tsuyu said with a finger on her chin.

Kyoka and Mina looked shocked, ""That's crazy!""

"How about you Obanai? How was training with Allmight's former sidekick?" Kyoka asked.

"Very insightful, not much happened but it was certainly an enlightening experience." Obanai said. "I had to make Sir Nighteye laugh before he recognized me as worth teaching though." 

'''Make him laugh?!''' the other three thought at the same time.

"What about you, Ochaco? How was your week?" Tsuyu asked.

Ochaco was in a fighting stance, with a very intense gaze on her face. Her entire being just radiated power, her breath sounding like she just consumed 5 mint tictacs. "It was very worthwhile..." Ochaco replied as she started punching the air.

"Ochaco's awakened, huh?" Tsuyu muttered.

"She went to that battle hero's place, right?" Kyoka asked.

"That's a huge change for just one week..." Denki mumbled.

Hitoshi then entered the classroom, looking pale and like death. He walked towards his normal seat next to Obanai's and then collapsed onto the chair.

"Sh-Shinso! What happened to you?!" Denki yelled. "You look like you haven't slept all week!"

Hitoshi, with his face planted against the desk mumbled, "I interned... with Mr... Aizawa..." he explained.

"Well... are you okay?" Denki asked in concern.

Hitoshi's lack of response filled Denki with genuine fear.


For the first class after internships, Allmight would be teaching them in Ground Gamma, an industrial training area. The entire class was now standing infront of Allmight, who began his speech, "Okay, I am here. Anyway, we'll start right now. Right. It's basic hero training!" Allmight declared.

"Long time no see, boys and girls! How've you been?" he asked, "For this time's hero basic training-- Since you've all just gotten back from your internships, we'll have some fun with a rescue training race!" Allmight explained.

Tenya then raised a hand, "If we are doing rescure training, then shouldn't we do it as USJ?" he asked.

"That place is for training for disasters. Do you remember what I said?" Allmight asked, "That's right! I said 'race'! This is Field Gamma! A dense area filled with factories laid out like an intricate labyrinth. You'll break up into four 5-person groups and go through the training one group at a time." Allmight explained.

"When I send out a distress signal from somewhere inside, you'll all start at once from the outskirts of the city! It's a race to see who will rescue me first!" Allmight said, "Of course, you'll have to keep damage to buildings to a minimum." Allmight warned as he pointed at Bakugo.

"Don't point at me!" Katsuki looked away in anger.

"All right! Let's draw lots to see who's racing who!" Allmight ordered with ethusiasm.

Group 1: Izuku, Hanta, Mashirao, Tenya, Mina

Group 2: Fumikage, Tsuyu, Obanai, Shoto, Hitoshi

Group 3: Rikido, Koji, Yuga, Katsuki, Denki, Toru

Group 4: Mezo, Kyoka, Momo, Ochaco, Eijiro

"All right, first group, get in place!" Allmight yelled.

Once the first five participants got into various positions around the facility, a large TV screen turned on with a video of each of the racers. "Lida hasn't completely recovered yet, right? He should just watch." Denki voiced, referring to his run-in with the fabled 'Hero Killer'.

"This group has everyone in the class with good mobility." Eijiro commented.

"Hmm, perhaps Midoriya is at a slight disadvantage." Momo mumbled.

"That's true. Honestly, I'm still not sure how good he is." Kyoka said.

"I doubt his speed will help him much if he can't walk afterward." Obanai observed.

"Who do you think'll win? I think Sero'll be first!" Eijiro shouted with vigor at Denki.

Denki looked contemplative, "But Ojiro's there, too." he said.

"Sero's tape is like a longer version of Ojiro's tail when it comes to mobility." Hitoshi commented.

"Deku will be last!" Katsuki declared.

"Even if he's injured, I still think it'll be Lida." Ochaco mumbled, receiving a 'Ribbit' of agreement from Tsuyu.

"Okay, here we go! Start!" Allmight declared as a buzzer went off, signalling the start of the race.

Hanta wasted no time, immediately swinging from pipe to pipe with practiced ease and speed. Mina was sliding on her acid atop one of the pipes. Mashirao meanwhile was pushing himself forward with the momentum of his tail, Tenya moving very quickly using his engines.

Overall Hanta easily started off in first place, "See, look! In a place all jumbled together like this, it's standard practice to go up!" Eijiro yelled.

"Which means, Sero's got an advantage since he's good in the air, huh?" Mezo muttered from one of his mouths grown from his arm. Suddenly, Izuku zoomed past Hanta, green electricity crackling all over his body.

Izuku proceeded to jump from pipe to pipe skillfully and at highspeeds, "Wow, Midoriya?! What's with those moves?!" Eijiro yelled.

"Wow! He's hopping... like..." Ochaco mumbled to herself. 'Is that Bakugo's moves?' Obanai thought.

Izuku kept moving at incredible speeds, making it halfway to the finish line when all the sudden, he slipped. Many classmates cringed, "Oooh, that's gotta hurt..." Rikido muttered.

Izuku was then passed by the rest of his classmates with ease. The race continued on at a high intensity, but Izuku couldn't catch up in the end.

#1 Hanta Sero
#2 Tenya Lida
#3 Mashirao Ojiro
#4 Mina Ashido
#5 Izuku Midoriya

"Finish!" Allmight declared, "Thank you! And congrats!" Allmight congratulated Hanta, handing him a belt that read, 'thanks for saving me'.

"Thanks!" Hanta thanked in pride, wearing it like a badge of honour.

"I can't believe this!" Mina pouted while stomping her legs.

"Midoriya, are you all right?" Tenya asked in concern of the Izuku who was on the floor. Mashirao was just wiping the sweat off his forehead and lamenting his average placement.

Allmight then began a speech, "Young Sero came in first, but compared to the beginning of the year, you've all gotten a lot better at using your Quirks. Keep going like this and start preparing for your final exam!"

""""Yes, sir!"""" the four who weren't Izuku responded.

"Group one, you can leave the field. Next group, get ready!" Allmight ordered.


Fumikage, Tsuyu, Obanai, Shoto, Hitoshi


"This also seems like a group with good mobility, huh?" Eijiro muttered.

"Yeah, other than Shinso they can all move fast!" Mina said.

"Watching training at USJ, I would have to say that Tsuyu would be the fastest." Hanta predicted.

"Eh? Have you not seen Obanai? She's really fast on her arrows." Toru countered.

"What about Tokoyami? I'm sure Dark Shadow would be fast in moving him forward." Denki commented.

"I think Obanai's gonna win with no problems." Kyoka said.

"Oh yeah, you're the only person Obanai is close to, right?" Mina asked in curiosity.

"Yeah... I guess I am." Kyoka muttered in realization, "she also doesn't seem to mind Hagakure and Yao-Momo." Kyoka added.

"Really?! She's always so cold." Toru said in disbelief.

"She always seemed uninterested in conversing with me..." Momo muttered.

"How'd you get so close to her?" Mina asked.

"I don't know, it sorta just... happened." Kyoka muttered unsuredly.

"Start!" Allmight declared, and the racers were off. Obanai grew an eye on her palm and started surfing on an arrow towards Allmight. 

Fumikage used Dark Shadow to move himself forward and Tsuyu used her tongue and frog like mobility to move at high speeds across the pipes. Shoto slid on ice he created and used it to create ice bridges aswell across gaps.

Hitoshi meanwhile had a scarf around his neck, the scarf then shot forward, latching onto a pipe and propelling him forward. "Wow! Is that Mr.Aizawa's scarf?" Denki asked in shock.

"He's got such expert-" Hanta was cut off by Hitoshi landing face first into the ground, "...control."

Eventually Obanai managed to arrive at Allmight's location first, barely even breaking a sweat.

#1 Obanai Nahibe
#2 Tsuyu Asui
#3 Fumikage Tokoyami
#4 Shoto Todoroki
#5 Hitoshi Shinso

"Thank you for saving me, Young Obanai!" Allmight thanked while holding another belt to Obanai. Obanai made no move to grab it however, "E-ehm, normally you would take it, Young Obanai." Allmight suggested, Obanai silently obliging.

"You were fast, Obanai." Tsuyu complimented.

"I can fly, I had a natural advantage." Obanai plainly responded.

"Humble as always, I see." Fumikage muttered.

"I gotta work on my scarf skills..." Hitoshi mumbled in disapointment. 

'I may be strong... but that means nothing if I can't save people in time. I need to train more.' Shoto thought.

"Great job everyone! The fruits of your labour is starting to show, though you may need more practice, Young Shinso!" 

"Yes, sir!" Hitoshi replied


Rikido, Koji, Yuga, Katsuki, Denki, Toru

#1 Katsuki Bakugo
#2 Rikido Sato
#3 Denki Kaminari
#4 Toru Hagakure
#5 Yuga Aoyama
#6 Koji Koda


 Mezo, Kyoka, Momo, Ochaco, Eijiro

#1 Mezo Shoji
#2 Momo Yaoyorozu
#3 Ochaco Uraraka
#4 Kyoka Jiro
#5 Eijiro Kirishima


After the hero basic training, everyone went back to the boys and girls locker rooms to change back into their school uniforms. "Man... I really didn't do good..." Mina sighed.

"You were up against the fastest in the class." Tsuyu comforted.

"Yeah, it still doesn't feel good." Mina complained.

"I didn't do that well either, the only one I beat was Kirishima, who's Quirk technically makes him slower." Kyoka mumbled.

"You were also up against people with Quirks that gave them better mobility." Obanai commented.

"Speaking of which, I had no idea that Shoji's arms could make him move so fast!" Ochaco exclaimed, "He was like Sero but actually cool!" she added, Hanta coughing to himself from the boys changeroom despite not hearing it.

"Yeah..." Momo agreed, seemingly feeling down.

"I'm suprised that I managed to beat two people!" Toru commented gleefully, "I guess my competition wasn't too difficult but-"

"Stop it Kaminari! Peeping is definetly a criminal act!" All the girls suddenly heard Tenya yell. Kyoka wasted no time plugging an Earphone Jack into the wall to the boys locker room.

"I'm sorry Class Rep! But I must!" Kyoka heard Denki yelled. "Yaoyorozu's ample Yaoyorr-boobs! Ashido's slender waist! Hagakure's floating underwear! Obanai's fair skin! Uraraka's fine Uraraka-body! Asui's unexepected boobie-" Kyoka heard enough and stabbed Denki in the eye from a tiny hole in the wall.

"Thanks, Kyoka." Toru thanked.

"How despicable." Momo mumbled, "Let us close this up right away!"

"This is why I hate men..." Obanai muttered. "I'll crush him...!"

'I'm the only one he didn't say anything about...' Kyoka thought with a big frown. It's not like she wanted that sort of attention, but being the only one out of the 7 girls to not get attention certainly didn't feel good.


After traumatizing Denki for life after the stunt he tried to pull, Obanai started walking back home from U.A. with Kyoka. The walk back home was a mostly silent one, Obanai noticing that Kyoka was bothered by something.

Normally Kyoka would be the one to initiate conversation between them, since Obanai was still a bit socially awkward when it came to casual chatter. Obanai was now starting to feel a bit awkward and very worried for Kyoka and her lack of speaking.

"Hey, um..." Obanai started, getting Kyoka's attention, "Are you... all right? You look like somethings bothering you. I think..." Obanai trailed off.

"Oh, yeah... its nothing. Don't worry about it." Kyoka requested. Obanai meanwhile, could do nothing but worry about it.

'Did I do something to upset her? I'm pretty sure I've been acting like friends should. Should I have not asked what her favourite drink was? Is there some hidden rule about it being rude or somethin-'

"Am I pretty?" Kyoka suddenly asked, breaking Obanai's line of thought.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Obanai asked.

"N-nothing, its alright." Kyoka panicked.

"Huh? I don't know what's going on but its alright to ask questions. I'm sorry if I offended you or anything but..." Obanai trailed off.

"Oh, no you didn't make me upset don't worry." Kyoka reassured.

"Oh, *phew*." Obanai sighed in relief. It occured to Obanai at this moment that she'd never been concerned about anyone elses opinion of her until now. "So what did you ask?"

"Oh, um... this is kinda embarrassing to ask..." Kyoka started tapping the ends of her Earphone Jacks against eachother. "Do you think I'm pretty...?" Kyoka asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Obanai answered, causing Kyoka to become red in embarassment. "You're the prettiest of all the girls in our class." Obanai added.

"W-W-What?!" Kyoka exclaimed in shock, 'Prettiest girl in the class?! But what about Yao-Momo, or Uraraka, or Mina?' Kyoka's brain was going into overdrive. "D-Do you r-really mean that?" Kyoka asked.

"Yes, why would I lie about that?" Obanai asked confusedly. 

"What about the other girls?!" Kyoka asked.

"What about them?" Obanai asked. Kyoka remained a silent mess from embarassment.

The remaining walk was silent as Kyoka was too busy processing what Obanai said. 'Me, pretty?! She really thinks that?! But why, I'm really nothing special. I don't have Yao-Momo's figure, or Uraraka's face, or anything really good looking about me. But she said that so confidently...'

Eventually, the pair ended up right infront of Kyoka's house. "Looks like we're here, have a great day Kyoka." Obanai said, starting to walk away.

"Wait! Obanai!" Kyoka stopped Obanai. "I-I, think you're beautiful as well!" Kyoka declared as she ran into her house and slammed the door from embarassment.

Obanai was left there stunned. Beautiful was one of the last words Obanai would use to describe herself, especially with her scar.

Yet Kyoka had said she looked beautiful, even though she had seen Obanai's scar before.

In that moment, Obanai's face and heart felt warm.


Kyoka's back was at the door, she was breathing very heavily and her face was beet red. Her father, Kyotoku Jiro, had heard Kyoka slam the door. "Are you home Kyoka?" he asked from across the house.

Kyoka was too much in a panic to process her fathers words, 'Oh god, what was I thinking!? I just slammed the door on her just like that! What if she hates me?! Oh no, oh no, oh no!'

Kyotoku peeked his head from the kitchen, "Oh! You're here! Are you okay?" he asked in concern.

Kyoka then snapped back to reality, "I'm fine! Perfectly normal!" she sputtered.

"You sure? You just look like you've seen a ghost." Kyotoku asked, walking towards Kyoka. He squinted his eyes, "Wait a minute, your face is red! Did someone ask you out?!" Kyotoku immediately jumped to conclusions.

"Kyoka's got a lover?!" Mira Jiro suddenly burst in from another room.

"W-what?! No! I don't have a girlfriend!" Kyoka yelled, her face getting redder and redder. Mira and Kyotoku then developed mischievous grins.

"We never said anything about a girl." Kyotoku said, "So, who is it? Are you dating her? Is she pretty? What is-"

"Enough dad!" Kyoka pleaded, "We're not like that! We're just friends!" she insisted.

"So you do like her?" Mira asked, causing Kyoka to blush.

"N-No..." Kyoka denied, whether that was her in denial Kyoka couldn't tell.


Obanai performing some W rizz? Is she the Rizzler? Rizzard of Oz? Jack the Rizzler? Ciao!

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