Homophobic (BakuDeku)

By Itsjustmoi07

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How did Izuku Midoriya find himself in such a mess? When he moved in, maybe? When he began hanging out with t... More

1: New Home
2: Ochako Uraraka
4: Party Rush
5: Secrets
6: Friendship
7: Relationship
8: Finals Celebration
9: Christmas Break
10: Holiday Party
11: New Year, New Words
12: Sinful Izuku
13: In Love
14: Valentine's Plan
15: First Kiss
16: Regrets
17: Confession
18: Blocked and Ignored
19: Cold Shoulder
20: Boy And Boy
21: Katsuki's 18
22: Courage
23: Graduation Dinner
24: Moving In
25: Seven Simple Words

3: Kickoff

2.1K 71 62
By Itsjustmoi07


Midoriya flinched, closing his locker as he turned to face his friends. Although he had only met Ochako earlier that week, she hadn't wasted any time to introduce him to her own friends: Tenya Iida and Tsuyu Asui. Both in his grade, but all with different classes. 

"Hey, Ochako." The freckled male smiled, bothered by his friend's new attire. Her jean shorts were too short and tight for his liking, while her T-Shirt was cropped and somewhat see-through. Honestly, Izuku didn't understand how she managed to get past the school's dress code without being suspended. But, as a good friend, he never brought it up. He was limited on friends, and didn't want to offend the only people that were actually willing to befriend him. 

"Were you coming to the kickoff, tomorrow?" Uraraka beamed, leaning against her own locker as she tugged on her bag. 

"Kickoff?" The greenette frowned in confusion. 

"You've never heard of a kickoff? It's a party. A wild and amazing party. Usually, Chet holds it before school starts, as he should. But his parents' vacation was postponed a few days. So the kickoff is tomorrow night. You coming?" She questioned, following her friend towards the school's exit. 

"Who's Chet?" Midoriya mumbled, finding the situation a bit awkward. Another thing he hadn't brought up with his friends was his religion, worried he might be picked on. It was clear Ochako wasn't sharing the same religion as he was, so he was worried she'd find him strange if she found out. 

"Chet? He's, like, the most popular guy at school. The man can get his hands on anything. He's nineteen. So, he's got a car and license, and if you're close to him, he can give you drugs or alcohol for free. He's super ripped, too. You've got to come, I'm not letting you miss out on this." Ochako rambled, a large smile plastered on her pink lips.

"Haha, I don't know. I have homework to do." He wasn't lying, he had multiple assignments due for the next Monday, which meant he was planning on spending his weekend on school work. 

"Oh, boo. Come on, It's Friday night, you'll have all day tomorrow and Sunday to work on your homework. What are you, a seven-year-old dork?" Uraraka giggled, looking over to her friend. Izuku sheepishly smiled, unsure what to respond. 

"I just... Don't think my mom would let me." The greenette muttered, pushing open the front doors to the school and making his way towards the right school bus. 

"Silly, just tell her you're sleeping over at my place or something, I don't know." She shrugged, following her friend inside the large yellow bus. Izuku tensed up, choosing one of the first seats and watching Ochako take a seat next to him. 

"I couldn't possibly lie to my mom." Izuku whined, now getting a little uncomfortable. Although the party sounded fun, he was sure his mother wouldn't let him go. Especially when it's supposed to be a big party, held by someone he didn't know. 

"Then, just sneak out. What, does your mom check on you while you sleep?" Ochako teased, raising a brow with a smirk. Izuku forced a smile as he shook his head. 

"No, she doesn't. I just don't know about this, I've never been to a huge party before. The only party I've ever been to was my friend's, back in Tokyo. And there was only about 4 people there." Midoriya confessed, blushing slightly. 

"You'll have fun, I promise. Y'know what, I'll swing by your place. I'll stand near the end of your street, all you have to do is meet me there by 9:30. The kickoff starts around ten, so if we're walking, it'll certainly take about twenty minutes." Ochako rambled, watching student embark the school bus. Most of the teens all made their way towards the back of the bus, which wasn't a surprise to Izuku as he was used to it. He loved sitting in the front, while normal students all sat in the back for some unknown reason. Midoriya figured they were simply up to no good, but he might also be wrong, who knows. 

"You'll be there, right? Iida said he'd be coming over too, just to supervise, but I'm sure he'll be the first one drunk. Just like the last time. You'll love it, Izu. You've got to come. Say you'll be there, come on, please-" The brunette rambled, gently gripping on Midoriya's arm. Izuku frowned, unsure. He thought going to this party would be an amazing opportunity to make some more friends, and have fun after all the stress he had been enduring for the past several weeks. He knew his mother wouldn't approve of such behavior, but he didn't want to let his only friend down. Especially when she seemed very excited to have him attend the party. 

"Alright, I'll meet you there tonight." Izuku agreed, his heart pounding rapidly inside his chest. A large, nervous smile made its way onto his freckled features, knowing he had to be sneaky and cautious tonight. Getting past his mom would be difficult, so he planned on sneaking out through his bedroom window. 

"Yes! I'm so happy! You'll see, a bunch of people from our school go to each kickoff. Who knows, you might even find a cute girl." Ochako winked, wriggling of excitement in her seat. Izuku chuckled, as the thought never crossed his mind.
He had never really been in a relationship before, since he thought they were pointless at his age. His mother wanted him to find a special woman and marry her, have children and grow old. Be happy. Since he's only seventeen, he didn't have a reason to jump into a relationship. Heck, he's never even been romantically interested in a girl before. He's just waiting to come across the one.

"Maybe." He muttered, looking out the window as the vehicle suddenly began moving. "Maybe not." He shrugged, looking back to the brunette. 

"Ooh, I can't wait. This is going to be a blast." 

Izuku smiled, looking down to his freckled fingers that held his bag against his chest. This party was going to be completely against his character. He felt rebellious, but deep down he thought this wasn't a big deal. Would his mother be mad, or think he'd sinned if she found out? All he has to do it stay away from liquor and drugs. Simply have fun, and he'll be okay. He just had to behave, yet have fun with his friends.


Izuku flinched, turning in his seat as he spotted a blonde jock standing in the back of the bus. He glanced over to his friend, who smiled wide at the unknown guy. Chet, maybe? Izuku remembered seeing him in his homeroom class, and he seemed to be the social type. It had to be Chet. 

"Yeah?" The brunette called back with a smile. 

"You goin' to Chet's tonight?" The blonde asked, smiling wide to reveal a line of braces. Izuku noticed them, since it didn't match the blonde's outfit at all. 

"Yeah, 'course I am." Ochako nodded, excited. "You going too, Kats?" She asked back, earning a nod from the blonde male. 

"You serious? Everyone's going! Kiri even took the night off from work just to go." The teenage male responded, pointing to a red-haired teen in the seat next to him. Izuku smiled, knowing the red-haired teen was also in his grade. Though he didn't know their names, he could tell the two teenage males were nice. They seemed to be the type of person who loves to have fun. Midoriya turned, looking outside to the building they were rolling by as his friend continued her conversation with the boys in the back. 

Tonight, he was going to a party. He had only been going to Yueii for about five days, yet he was already starting to know more people. A smile crept onto freckled features as he thought about the exciting night that awaited him. This was his very first big party. He was sure to have a blast.

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