breaking and entering (yander...

By rotttenstar

4.2K 143 33

you move into his neighborhood. he sees you. this is kinda when your world starts spiraling down. haikyuu AU ... More

0 || warnings
1 || real/new/explosions
2 || closer
3 || alone
4 || you
5 || cat('s) in the bag
6 || lost and found
7 || manager
8 || turning point
9 || breaking in
10 || untold
11 || his curse
12 || mine
13 || death word
14 || uncomfortable
16 || the quiet
17 || the storm
18 || kafkaesque
19 || unraveling
20 || sweetheart
21 || light
22 || in the tunnel
23 || faber
24 || it's time
25 || desires
26 || painkiller
27 || trust
28 || false hopes
29 || ghost

15 || puppeteer

107 5 0
By rotttenstar

The wind blew harshly against your window, fighting off the austere naked tree branches that stood harsh and proud, piercing the swallowing grey sky. You observed as your warm breath fogged on the cold glass, your nose almost pressed against it to catch a better sight of the street under your house.

A tangle of messy black hair finally wobbled through the fog, a sigh of relief lightening your chest as you recognized his tall figure. You cleaned the thick mist with the sleeve of your school uniform, and once the view was clear enough, you tapped on the window to catch his attention.

Kuroo averted his gaze immediately to you, a big grin curling his lips as he found you waiting for him - like a little lost kitten, so cutely perched up in your little room waiting for him to come to pick you up and take you wherever you needed to go.

You returned the smile, mimicking the 'one-minute' sign with your hand as you put on a coat and ran down the stairs.


At your sight, the boy opened his arms to welcome you in a snug hug, his hand running up and down your back as you squeezed him tightly.

Once you pulled away he got a chance to take a better look at your face; it was obvious you'd been crying a lot in the past few weeks - your eyes were constantly puffy, and deep dark circles ran right below them. They looked dull, glassy like a doll's: life had been drained out of them, each tear having taken away from the sparkly happiness you used to carry in your gaze.

Your cheeks were now hollow, your clothes messier. The shirt rested unruly out of your skirt, the stockings messily hugging your thighs, slowly draping down to your knees. And there was no ribbon in your hair anymore, nothing colorful other than what the school uniform provided.

Kuroo ran a hand through your hair, trying to style the untouched (h/c) nest on your head. His long, bony fingers were caught in a knot, so he forcibly pulled them away in an attempt to free himself, but also fix what your hairbrush couldn't - or better, didn't want to - fix.

"You're hurting me," you whimpered, still obediently standing under his touch.

You had grown accustomed to his presence, his invasive nature, and the way he always kept physical contact between the two of you. He was gentle, sweet.

"I know," he chuckled, "but if you're not gonna take care of yourself, let me do it for you."

Too tired to talk, you simply nodded, closed your eyes and nuzzled your head in his chest. He felt like home. Like Iwa.

His words, his abrupt manners, the way his eyes softened when they met you - it all reminded you of the guy you loved. So it was natural that being close to Kuroo came so easy to you.

In the past weeks, he'd been the one to take care of you. He walked you to school and back home, helped you with your homework, and in general just really tried to stay as close to you as possible.

Control, that's what he was mainly getting out of all of this situation. But also affection, your love, and closeness. Your warmth, your soft hands holding his, your vulnerability.

But now you were just a soft pulp of flesh, painfully throbbing when touched, aching for any type of intimacy. Your personality was slowly drifting away, giving space to the more morbid aspect of pure attachment and weakness, like all of the layers that made you - you, had been peeled off; just to reveal a wounded core.

It wasn't like you were okay with it - like you hadn't been trying to fight that weight off your chest, trying to fight for your self. However, the prospect of being able to lay back and watch the world run by sounded way more tantalizing. The world hung from a single thread, swaying slowly with the movement of a puppeteer's hand, and you apathetically nodded to his will.

Looking up from Kuroo's hug, you met his golden eyes, so sweet and mellow as they stared right at you.

His fingers stroked your back once again, running all the way down your arms to intertwine in your grip. And you knew it was time to start walking. You obeyed that wordless order and adapted to his quick pace as he pulled you away with him.

Kiyoshi observed the whole interaction from your room with worry.

You had stopped having breakfast with him; you barely talked with each other now. Not like you were home enough to do that, but still - when you were - you never got out of your room.

He could hear your soft sniffles in the night: he'd sit behind your door and try to be as close as he could, even if you didn't allow his physical presence. He'd sit there until he was sure you were asleep - repeatedly catching himself also dozing off.

But Kiyoshi missed you.

And he sure didn't like that guy with the catlike stare, who oftentimes wickedly grinned at him while holding you in his arms.

School hours flew away in your warped perception of time. You could sneak peeks of Fukunaga's jumpy figure with your peripheral vision, and you could sense that he had been long waiting for the right chance to talk to you and give you his side of the story.

Which you knew was going to be scarce and airy-fairy: Kuroo had warned you to not let him anywhere near you when you were on your own, because if he had the nerve to lie about something so obvious, only god knew what he was capable of.

And Kuroo didn't specifically say it, but heavily implied the word 'rape'.

"We don't want that, right?" he whispered in your ear, shivers running down your spine as you slowly scooted closer to him. He snuck an arm around your body, inviting you to rest in his secure hold.

"No," you mumbled, closing your eyes and laying your head in the crook of his neck, avidly breathing in his scent. You mindlessly brushed your lips on his bare skin, letting warm breaths melt into it. Kuroo's hand traveled down to the bottom of your back, further pushing you onto his own lap.

He moaned softly into your ear, "I won't let anyone hurt you."

You had already packed your schoolbag as the last bell chimed in the buzzy hallways, ready to rush out of your classroom and reach the volleyball team for practice.

Looking back at Fukunaga's desk, you could see that he'd done the same - he sat on the edge of the table, bag hanging from one strap on his shoulder and hands buried deep in his pockets. His vigilant eyes followed your movements, his body leaning forward as he was ready to spring toward you.

You tensed up, walking away quickly and with a lost gaze trying to find Kuroo in the corridor.

But Fukunaga's hand had already found yours, and it desperately attempted to clasp at your fingers, in vain. You pushed against the other students, just hoping to get lost in that horde and find him - your savior.

Kuroo smirked when he dected your disoriented face in the crowd. He loved to see how you'd started to cling to him for any kind of support, especially when the reason for your terror was another person.

You stretched an arm in his direction, shaking your head to point behind you and alert Kuroo of the unwanted presence - so he just pulled your hand, staring at Fukunaga dead in the eyes with an adamant smile, and "Fuck off," he mouthed.

It was already dark as you and Kuroo walked back to your neighborhood. There were no stars in the painful cold sky. The clouds whirled heavily, struck by sudden flashes of lightning in the electric air.

You walked with leaden steps that crackled loudly in the quiet.

It was in moments like this that you were overly aware of your surroundings, your senses ever so sharp as your mind was finally clear from any disturbance. Your thoughts screamed in the loud quietness, flooding out irrepressibly in your head. There was no stopping them.

If it weren't for Kuroo's firm grip walking you, the temptation to lie on the hard concrete would've already won you over. But you obeyed whatever he wanted you to do, and even gratefully so.

Now that your house was in sight, your eyes suddenly caught a figure pacing back and forth in front of your door.

"Kuroo," you mumbled, weakly shaking his hand.


You nodded to something in the distance, terrified, "He's here."

Fukunaga was standing right in front of your porch, totally alert as he finally caught you approaching.

"Don't worry, I'm with you," Kuroo reassured, pushing you slightly further, licking his lips with delight.

You panicked when you found yourself being taken right in front of your ex-best friend, "What are you doing?"
Kuroo had placed you right in front of him, the danger. The rapist.
Was he gonna leave you there with him?

Fukunaga immediately tried to find some sort of contact with you, which Kuroo hindered by spreading his arm out in front of your body, "If you need to talk you can do it from there."

Fukunaga breathed shakily, nodding his head, "Alright. Fine."

"(Y/n)," he started, desperately searching for your eyes, "Please, just look at me."

You looked up, struggling to keep a firmness on your face.

"I swear I didn't do it. I swear." His eyes begged for any kind of trust on your part, "I don't know how to prove it because it all looks so obvious, but why the fuck would I ever do something like that? You really think I would touch you without consent? And then post it to show the world that I'm a piece of shit? C'mon."

You listened carefully, all of the emotions that had been eating at you for the past weeks boiling in your blood. The expression of disgust on your face translated your thoughts perfectly, but you decided to finally let all of your anger out.

"Then how?" you hissed, hands trembling with nervousness, "You were sleeping over that night. And there was no one else in the house apart from you and Kiyoshi. And the stories were posted on your account. Do you think I'm just that dumb?"

"But then why the fuck would I post it? It was obvious that you were sleeping in those pictures. And that would only make me seem like a fucking asshole rapist," he gulped, the veins on his neck visibly popping out, "It's dumb. It's fucking dumb because if I was someone who did that kinda stuff, I'd want to get away with it and I sure wouldn't post it to give myself away. Think, (Y/n), think!" he aggressively tapped his temples, his voice also getting louder.

"Why would I know how a fucking rapist thinks! I don't know what goes on in your mind, and I don't even wanna know, because you're a disgusting," you paused, giving him looks of hatred, "just a fucking- a fucking asshole!"

"(Y/n), you're not thinking straight. Did you even read those captions? Fuck, just the quality of those pictures! Did you not see how high resolution they were?" his voice was now hopeful, as he'd finally found the crucial clue to prove his innocence, "My phone camera sucks!"

You listened carefully, some ancient part of you begging you to hear your best friend out. But the other part of you, the one that Kuroo had carefully constructed, only saw lie after lie piling up from his words.

"How long did you fucking stare at those pictures, you pervert!"

That was it. You jumped on him, trying to throw punches - that got all easily absorbed by the palms of his hands.

Kuroo was quick to push you off of Fukunaga, amused by the scene but also annoyed by the contact of your bodies.

"I HATE YOU!" you shouted finally, fighting against Kuroo's hands on your waist, "And you let me go!"

"Fine, (Y/n)," Fukunaga got up from the ground, dusting himself off, "I'm sorry for wasting your time. If you really don't want to listen to me, don't."

You stared emptily as he started to walk away, still doing your best to swing away from Kuroo's grip.
But you didn't want him to just let go. Even though if he was the cause of all of that pain, you couldn't accept the fact that all of those years together had been a waste.

"But why!" you shrieked from the depths of your core, tearing apart the tense air. And with your scream, a bolt of lightning quietly struck the clouds, not making a sound as it was distant, but majestically splitting the sky with blinding light, "You were all I had here! You were like family. You were my family!"

Tears uncontrollably streamed down your face, mixing with the heavy drops of rain plopping down from the night. You didn't bother drying up that mess with your sleeves: you knew that it was just the beginning of a long, burdensome breakdown - so you just stood with your back against Kuroo's chest, almost dangling from his hug, ugly crying.

"That's what I've been fucking saying!" Fukunaga was better at holding back his emotions, but his voice cracked right in the middle of the sentence, "I would never do that to you. I just fucking wouldn't!"

Another lightning - this time accompanied by an ear-ripping thunder. The vibrations bled into the asphalt, causing it to gurgle under your feet.

"It's not true, It's not true."

You kept chanting to yourself, sobs shaking you up from the chest and even more tears and raindrops slipping down your cheeks. You wanted him back, you wanted all of your memories together to stay as pure as you'd always thought of them. Pure happiness, pure safety. You wanted Fulunaga in your life.

"Please stay."

You finally gave in to your feelings, extending your arm to reach his hesitant figure, "please, I'm so sorry, please."

The sky rumbled yet another time as a light bolt dangerously neared the three of you.

Fukunaga was drenched, but the prospect of getting sick did not stop him from making things right with you. He walked up to you, however taken aback when Kuroo let you fall to the ground and menacingly held him up from his collar.

"Are you trying to take advantage of her mental state?" Kuroo leered, pressing his forehead against Fukunaga's, his features suddenly darkening, "You dare come close to her one more time and I'll fucking kill you."

You crawled in between the two boys, grasping at Kuroo's leg to get his attention.

"Let him go," you whimpered, "Just let him go!"

Kuroo ignored you, now squeezing the other boy's neck with his collar, suffocating him just as he'd done with Kenma not too long ago.

You knew that the only way he'd let go was if you requested something from him, so you played that card, "Kuroo, please, I'm cold. Let's just stop."

To that cry, the two finally released their clasp on each other. You helped yourself up, dragging your back on the front door, already holding on to the handle to get to the warmth inside.

Too tired to process anything else, you just observed absently as Fukunaga went away, not without a final glance in your direction. Kuroo then took you inside, and from there, you disconnected.

The thread was cut for the day, but the puppeteer was going to wear you around his fingers for the night.

ଘ(✿˵•́ ᴗ •̀˵)

heyhey there! I don't know what happened with this chapter but we're there. like we're very close to the yanderish yandere stuff we all love. I hope you liked this chapter! I'm already gonna say that the next one will probably take a while because of school and stuff.


Ily so much xoxo

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