18 || kafkaesque

31 2 0

You were violently ripped from your deep and dreamless slumber by Kiyoshi's harrowing screams. The cloak of almost suffocating silence that enveloped your house was torn to shreds, and you were dragged unwillingly into a real life nightmare.

With your heart pounding like a drum, you catapulted from your bed, every fiber of your being resonating with urgency. The apartment itself seemed to conspire against you, its once-familiar features twisted and distorted, as if you had stepped into a parallel dimension. Kiyoshi's cries, filled with agonizing fear, were a discordant note in the otherwise hushed stillness of the night.

"(Y/N)!" Kiyoshi's voice wailed, his plea for help carving through the surreal atmosphere. "(Y/N), PLEASE!"

Without a moment's hesitation, you raced through the dimly lit hallway, your footsteps ghostly echoeing on the cold, wooden floor. The world around you was all blurred, and you found yourself in a disorienting dreamscape. Kiyoshi's room seemed so out of reach, and your body was washed with a sense of helplessness, your chest with void, as you tried to reach your little brother's bedroom.

There, curled into a trembling ball, you found Kiyoshi. Tears streamed down his face, his body quaking with pain. The sight of your little brother, fragile and terrified, struck a raw chord deep within you. His legs, contorted and bruised in a grotesque manner, petrified you right in your steps. The shape that they had now achieved defied any law of anatomy, their color was a night-painter's palette, all blotched in blacks, purples and blues.

Your stomach churned at the sight, your legs turning into jelly and your heart aching with a thousand of emotions, amplified a million times. You fell to your knees, holding your chest where the pain started: being the older sister, the sight your brother's face - the one you loved most on earth - contorted from such a horrific suffering, became instantly your only sorrow in the world.

"Kiyoshi?" You cried out, your voice a desperate plea. Panic swelled within you as you rushed to his side, your own sense of reality slipping away. The apartment, once a sanctuary of familiarity, now seemed like a nightmarish labyrinth, its very essence distorted by the unfolding horror.

"(Y/n)," he sobbed, his voice barely a whisper, "He hurt me."

Tears welled in your eyes as you held Kiyoshi close, his torment becoming your own. Looking around, the apartment's surroundings felt unreal, a realm where the boundaries of reality had dissolved. Where was the security? Where was the family? The protection? The father, the mother? The light 'mom's and 'dad's fluctuating in the air when you needed them?

Summoning every ounce of your strength, you reached for your phone, your trembling fingers dialing your mother's number. She worked late-night shifts, and you prayed that she would answer despite the ungodly hour.

"Mom... Kiyoshi," you said when she picked up, in a tone full of panic. "Come home, now."

Your mother's voice, groggy with weariness and concern, broke through the haze of anxiety. "What happened, (Y/n)? Are you okay?"

Tears streaked down your cheeks as you tried to explain what was going on. "It's Kiyoshi, Mom. He's hurt badly. I'll explain when you get here."

You sniffled, pulling Kiyoshi in a tighter hug. "Please, come home. Please, please, please," you begged into the phone, feeling once again that void of despair pulling your chest deep into itself.

Your mother promised to rush home and ordered you to call an ambulance, and you obliged, immediately calling the emergency number. After you hung up, your attention returned to Kiyoshi. His little arms clung to you, his hold feeling as tender as the wings of a butterfly, his sobs filling the room with a haunting echo. 

breaking and entering (yandere! Kuroo x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now