If you let me

By yagirlllay11

113K 3.8K 656


twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
forty seven

thirty one

1.2K 51 19
By yagirlllay11

Jordyn's pov
three weeks before

"Goodnight." Kim said walking out

"Goodnight." I responded finishing up

Once I was done I started to pack my things up. A knock on the door startled me and made me look up

"Need some help?" The familiar voice said

"No I'm fine. What are you doing here?" I asked as Karl step inside my office

"I was around."

"You were around at this time of night? Cut the lies."

He chuckled "Alright, I wanted to talk to you."

"For what? We haven't talked in damn near a year. I think you missed you deadline for a conversation."

"I just want to talk a few things out. I mean the least I can get is that, Jordyn."

I sighed bringing my bag strap onto my shoulder.

I crossed a my arms "I suggest you make it quick because I have kids to get home to."

He nodded "I'm sorry for how we left things off. I should've been there for you and I wasn't."

"It's fine. I'm over that." I mumbled

"You don't sound too over it."

"I am. I'm just ready for you to leave." I reached down to grab my heels and slid my slides on

My feet been killing me lately

He ignored me

"You look good." He said now standing up

I turned around and glared at him

"Get out of my office."

"Chill out. I just I want to make things right." He looked down

"I've missed you."

I threw my heels in my bag "That's cute but I've moved on Karl. You had your second chance and you didn't take it again so someone else which is who I'm married to now."

"I understand."

I looked at him waiting for him to get up and leave

"I don't mean to be rude when I ask this but when did you get into women?"

"I guess once I met Morgan but why does that matter?"

He sighed "It's just that- never mind."

"What is it, Karl?"

"You mean to tell me you haven't thought about us at all since we broke up?"

I shook my head "No."

"You can't even look my way so that tells me everything I need to know."

"And that is?"

"You miss me just as much as I miss you." He said

I chuckled "Karl get the hell out of my office."


"We can talk when you get your head right and stop disrespecting me but for now get the hell out." I said

He nodded and left out of my office

I gathered all my things in my hand, turned my light off, and left out.

"Goodnight Mrs. Hall."

"Before I leave I went to have a word with you guys. The next time someone comes in this building after closing, you let me know asap. If it happens again there will be some consequences." I said looking at all five guards

They nodded "Yes ma'am."

"Good night guys, drive safe." I said leaving out heading to my car

I sat my bags in the back before getting in and driving home.

I called my mom "Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie is everything okay? It's pretty late." She asked

I sighed as I stopped at a red light

"What's with the long sigh? Talk to me, Jordyn."

"I'm just... i don't know... I miss my wife." I expressed

"And I'm taking care of our babies and without her around the house it just feels weird. Even waking up without her next to me feels weird. I also just miss her holding me and giving me that security and protection. Especially now with Karl popping up at my job."

"He what?" She questioned

"Popped up at my office. I can't believe security let him in but trust and believe I gave them a warning."

"What did he say?"

"He was just trying to apologize and talk things out about me and him. I told him it was too late and to leave. But now I kind of... I don't know. Never mind."

"No, tell me. I don't want you keeping things bottled up."

"I kind of want to hear him out better. I mean we were talking a break and I decided to go start dating someone else. I mean that's the least I owe him."

"I understand but let's not act like he probably wasn't out and about messing other women. You, yourself said that he was out partying around that time you were on break. And when it comes to Morgan, I know you miss her. We all do but right now as much as you need her she needs you supporting her. She'll be home soon and better before you know it. I know you probably feel all alone with the kids but I am here and Morgan's parents. I tell you what, I'll keep the kids until Monday that way you can relax and get some rest this weekend because I know you probably haven't been sleeping."

Just that moment I yawned

She chuckled "A mother knows."

"Thanks mom."

"No problem."

"So what should I do about him?"

"Well I'm not going to tell you what to do because I already know what you will do. You know the only reason he's coming around is because someone else had beat him putting that ring on your finger. But you're smart so this isn't anything you should worry about. Don't stress too much over it. Go get some rest and call me in the morning."

"Okay I love you."

"I love you too." She hung up

I sighed again as it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Soon I pulled up home and into the driveway. I put the car in parked before turning it off.

I got out, grabbing my bags before walking to the front door. I entered the code before it unlocked and walked in. I locked it behind me and walked into the living room where I heard talking.

India was in there

She's been staying here the past two weeks since she got drunk. But she's been doing good, she learned her lesson and haven't drink like that again.

But we did go apartment looking and she moves out Monday. I'm not going to lie I'm going to miss her. Her goofy self remind me of Morgan sometimes and it's nice to have someone around here.

Once I walked into the living room I didn't expect to see her talking to Jade. India was in a sports bra where her abs was showing and Jade was looking like she was holding everything back to not jump on her.

I snickered as india looked at me

"Hey." Her voice sounded real sore and was more raspier

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, my throat was irritating me yesterday but now it's lost." She laughed

"Do you want me to make you some tea?"

She shook her head "You just got off of work. Go relax. I'll make me some while you two talk."

"Okay, try not to talk too much for me? I don't want it losing even more."

"I will. I got a appointment tomorrow morning."

"That's good."

She gave me a small smile before leaving out the living room.

I raised a eyebrow at Jade

"What are you doing here?" I asked sitting on the couch

"I came to sleep over and give you company but I didn't expect to see India here."

"Yeah she's been staying here for two weeks now."

"Two weeks?!? And you didn't think to tell me?"

"I didn't think it was a big deal plus whenever someone mentions her name you act like you don't care about anything she got going on."

She crossed her arms "Mhm I guess you're right but-

I cut her off "But I could tell you miss her with the way you was eyeing her down."

She shrugged "Girl, I swear I hate when you read me like a book."

I chuckled "What were you two talking about anyway?"

"Nothing really. I just got here a few minutes ago and I was just asking where you were."

I nodded "I think you two should talk. I mean it's been a few weeks and she will be moving out next week."

"What does her moving out gotta do with that?"

"She's nineteen, pretty, have her own car and almost own apartment. You can't possibly think girls and guys ain't about to be all over her or probably already are."

Jade raised a eyebrow "Please. She ain't over me."

"And you ain't over her. You two will eventually talk, I'm not going to rush."

Jade just laughed "Enough at me, what's been going on with you?"

"Nothing much. Missing my baby but that's about it."

I decided to keep Karl out the conversation. After talking with my mom, I just feel like theirs no point. I'll have one more talk with him so he can his closure but after that he truly need to go his own way.

"I understand that. Don't worry she'll be back here soon to put it down on you."

I rolled my eyes playfully "Girl, shut up talking about some put it down."

"Oh so you don't miss the sex?"

I bit my lip "Maybe a little. But it's fine, I've waited before and I could wait again."

"Are you two talking often?"

"We try to talk as much as we can due to our schedules."

She nodded

I yawned once more and laid my head on her shoulder

She rubbed my head "My sister tired."

"Girl very."

The last thing I remember her saying was jokes until I fell asleep.

The next day

"I'm only giving you ten minutes to talk so make it quick."

I got in touch with Karl this morning and decided to give him a few minutes to come in the office and talk.

"Well first I want to apologize for just popping up at your office like that the other night. I should've tried hitting you up or something before especially since we haven't seen each other in a minute."

"And I know we won't get back together again but it truly don't even have to be anything like that. I just.... I got a lot going on and I could use someone to talk to that's not one of my homies."

I sighed "What's going on?"

He sat there quiet for a minute and I honestly thought he was going to say something slick or a lie but he mentioned his mom and how things been between them.

His mom had gotten sick a little before we broke up but it wasn't bad but over time it had gotten bad. And although the way I felt for Karl was long gone I felt terrible and I could relate to how he was feeling especially considering the fact that I lost my dad.

I frowned and grabbed his hand as he broke down in the seat in front of me.

I walked over and sat next to him, I grabbed a few tissues and handed them to him.

"Karl, fix yourself please. Your mom would not approve of you crying like a big baby right now." I joked

His mom already teased him about how he was cry baby as a kid.

He chuckled "Yeah well it's fine to let things out sometimes."

I rubbed his back "All jokes aside, you need to think positively. I know things seem rough and you feel like you've let her down but trust me. I know you and I know your mom and I know that's you've been the best son you can be. Things will be fine and instead of keeping things bottled up and thinking the worse, start spending more time with your parents. Just as much as you feel like her illness is affecting im sure it's affecting her as well. Just seeing your face or a phone call will make her day." I gave him a small smile

He nodded and looked up at me "Yeah you're right, Jordyn."

The eye contact somehow became intense and the air in the room became thick.

I slowly moved my hands from on top of his but our eyes never left each others.

Before I knew it he leaned in until his lips touched mine. Stupidly, I allowed the kiss and returned it back to him until I had to catch my breath.

Once I opened my eyes I seen that he was looking at me. I shook my head placing my hands on his chest before he could try and kiss me again.

"Y-you should leave, Karl."

He didn't try to put up a fight, he got up from his seat, walked to the door and left out. I stayed there as so many thoughts ran through my head.

I am married.

Did I miss Morgan? Of course

Did I miss having sex and making love? Of course

And most importantly I just missed having my lover around in any matter or type of way.

I'm not sure if I felt what I was missing in Karl today but either way it's wrong. It was wrong but as much as it was wrong it was like my heart and body had two different answers.

I shook my head and stood up from the chair to walked back around to my desk when I heard my office door open.

"Kelsey, how many times do I have to ask you to knock on the-

I turned fully around to see Karl standing there, he locked the door and walked towards me. In a swift movement he picked up making my legs go around his waist.

As we kissed once again, he brought us over to the very small couch in my office and laid me on my back.

Before I knew it, our clothes was on the floor and we were having sex.


I know it's been like a month or two I don't know but I've just been busy with work & apartment looking lol.

But I'm going to try and update especially since ideas has been coming a lot lately.

anyways thoughts on this chapter? comment and let know.

I know some of y'all are pissed 😂 but trust the book will do a whole 365. Y'all know I like to throw some spice in my books.

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