Amaranthine - Emily Prentiss


56.6K 1.7K 620

Agent Roy is stubborn, but has many good reasons. She doesn't trust a lot of people and hides many secrets... Altro

The interview
The interrogation
Meet the team
On the run
What is love, really?
A real psychopath
Under cover
A daydream
Death: Dying and killing
Perfume of sweat
The scent of flowers
I want the truth
Council with the con
Time flies

The hand

3.3K 78 9

"You're late" Emily said to her new coming agent.

"Is that so? I would've sworn my employment contract states I start at 8" the agent replied, she had just left the frame of the elevator. As she approached her boss, she looked through her work bag and handed her a file.
Emily looked at the contract she had signed just yesterday, 8:00 AM, printed black on white and signed.

"I see" she said with a sigh "we'll have to rediscuss this later" without even looking at the other women she handed back the file and went to go through some of her own.

"His name is John, John Masson, he's a Caucasian white male, 32 years old, found in his home. His DNA was found on 3 women that were found in the woods, dead and heavily mutilated. Apparently, his DNA was present because he claims he dated all of them all at the same time. No weapon found yet" she said as she piled up files together.

"Here" she threw the pile onto an empty desk. "You read this, get to know the case, he's in interrogation right now, won't admit to anything except DNA, we have 14h left for a confession or we have to let him go" the women said as she left and walked towards the interrogation room.

Without delay the new agent sat down and started reading.


This question was asked by a man, an agent, one coffee in each hand, extending one towards the reader.

"No thanks" she replied as she continued to read her files in front of her face.

"Oh, ok" the man said as he looked over her shoulder. He looked at her as she looked at pages for 5 seconds each before flipping to another.

"You read fast. You're not reading the lines like I do" he said and continued "You know, the average reading speed is approximately 100 to 200 words per minute, but you just flick through the pages, are you sure you're reading all of it? " he then asks.

"Huhum" the women said without even looking at him once.

"I-I've never seen that method of reading" he says as he still lingers behind her chair.

"This is basic hovering, I don't know what you mean, I'm trying to get this quick but you're interrupting me. Who are you? " she turned around as she asked.

"Spencer Reid" He says as he tries to present his hand that had a cup of coffee holding it.

Embarrassed by the situation he quickly put down the coffee in hand on her desk and wiped his hand on his blazer as to remove any sort of dirt. With a smile he represented his welcoming hand to her.
"I'm kind of germophobic" the women said looking down at his physical offer.

"Oh, sorry" the doctor said as he put his hand behind his back. Fidgeting on his feet at the awkwardness he says "Well, I hope we get to know each other, I'm sure you'll meet the team eventually" as he leaves in a slightly fast paste towards the interrogation room.

She looked at the plastic coffee cup that was left on her desk and glanced back at the men who left it around. She took it in her hands and threw it in the small bin that was under her desk.
The women continued her "fast" reading


"Get out of my way"
The agent heard and recognized the voice, none other than her boss, who was maybe, very mad right now. She watched as she discussed discreetly with a man, but with an argumentative face. His back was turned but he was built, tall, black, and somewhat bald. She watched as they seemed to argue together and until Emily re-entered the interrogation room.

Finished with her reading, the women took the 7 files in her hands and walked towards the man.

"Where do I put this?" She says as she approaches the tall man. He turned around, his eyes no longer on his colleague in the room but unto a new one.

"Ah, you must be Agent Roy, I'm Agent Derek Morgan, Emily has told me about you. I've heard things. Great to have you on the team. You finished reading the files already?" He then asks as he looked down at the 7 files in her hand.

"Yes" she simply answered waiting for him to tell her more.

"Oooh ok great. You can just leave them on your desk, we don't need them unless we've missed something" he says with a flashing smile while putting his hands on his hips.

"Thanks." She says with a fake smile. She goes back to her desk and puts down the files and comes back.

Looking through the double way mirror, the new Agent observed her boss and listened to her questions. "And you dated all off them?" "I bet you want to tell us just how sick you are, how you mutilated these 3 women" "Where were you on the night of the murders?"

Restless, she was restless. Agent Roy was only captivated by one thing in that room. Not the detained man but rather the angry women putting her fists on the table, making serious accusations, talking with such confidence her body and hair flowed like fire.

Bothered by the noise but without looking away the women took the time to hear what was happening besides her. "Hey sorry about that, yeah baby girl. Oh, just the newcomer. Yeah Agent Roy. Huh wait Garcia. I'm with-" Morgan quickly walked away to finish his conversation.

As the last audience member left to watch the interrogation, the Agent kept watching the master at her work. She watched as she, for the first time, put a hand by her temple expressing discouragement. "I'll be back" she says and stands up.

At this sight, the peeping tom walked back towards her desk and sat down. Watching the women leave the room, not pretending to read, she watched her sigh by herself and come back toward the grand floor.

Hands on her hips she regained her seriousness and walked towards her office, walking up the stairs and getting in. Watching from away, the one below could see between the blinds the hard-working women writing in her office.

She closed her eyes and reimagined what she saw in the interrogation room not long ago. Her fierce eyes piercing through, the way her hair moved while she talked violently to the man in front of her, her hand movements while arguing. 


She heard again, this time from a women's voice. Opening her eyes, she saw a blonde woman. She had a gentle smile and two coffees in hand.
"I don't drink coffee" she replied as she looked at both cups.

"Oh, sorry I guess I just assumed, I'm Jennifer Jareau, JJ. Profiler and in charge of the communications liaisons"

"Agent Jareau, I see, would you like me to call you JJ?"

"Oh no, you don't have to, it's kind of a nickname around here, I don't mind" she says trying to vulgarise with her hands occupied with cups of coffee.

"I see" Agent Roy looked at the blonde standing in front of her.

Both women, one sat and the other standing, stayed still for some time. The blonde one looked uncomfortable with the silence, contrary to the other.

"So... where are you from- -" JJ started

"Agent Roy!"
Both women looked up from the direction of the call. Emily had opened her office door and was calling out to her agent.

"Come by my office" she says as she looked at JJ and Agent Roy. She closed back the door and retook her seat in her chair.

"I must go now" Agent Roy said. "Thank you for the introduction, Agent Jareau" she added as she stood up and walked towards the staircase leading to her destination.

"W-Welcome to the team" the blonde agent said as the other left.

"Making friends?" The boss asked as Agent Roy came in. "If talking for 2 minutes means were friends, you and I are best friends" Agent Roy replied as she sat down in front of her boss.
"I see, I'll arrange a proper introduction next time. Now, about this morning..."

"I don't mind starting earlier if that's what you're asking of me" she interrupted.

"Well, great, you'll be starting 7:30 in the morning, starting tomorrow" A moment of silence fell in the room as they simply looked at each other.

"That was all I had to discussed with you" She stood up from her seat and walked towards the door to open it for her agent that also stood up to leave.
However before crossing the door, she stopped and looked at her.    

"Question?" She said as she slightly looked down at her agent who had stopped before crossing the doorframe. Agent Roy gazed upon her semi raven semi gray hair and traced the features of her face.
"Could I... talk to him?" She spoke. Not nervous or begging, just asking casually. Waiting for a reply she looked at the facial reaction of the human before her.

Both were gazing at each other. The older women took a step back and brushed her hair to her shoulder as she cough slightly in her fist.
"Absolutely not, you can watch but you're not ready for that" she then said as she presented the hallway with her hand to her.

"I see" the agent said and politely gave a small bow with her head as she left.
Her boss looked at her while she left down the stairs to go back to looking into the interrogation room.


It was midnight, the team had 2 hours left to find evidence or get a confession.

Agent Prentiss, Morgan, and Doctor Reid each had at least talked to the man 3 times without any progress. Nothing came out of the entire day the new member had joined. According to context clues, nothing could also be found online by the tech analysist. Discussing among themselves, they tried to theorise for the 7th time.

Words and phrases flowed outside in the corridor, and everyone was talking. The new girl however had been staring at the man separated by a double way glass mirror from her.

"Hey, new girl, what do you think?" Morgan said. Everyone turned to see the women still standing and staring. She tilted her head, looking up and down and examining the man sitting in the chair slightly sweating.

"Well," she started "He's left-handed, but the cuts on the bodies were made by a right-handed person" she said has she waited and took a pause.                                                                                                       

"What? How do you know that? And where d-" Morgan said.

"Autopsy report. However," she interrupted "He's ambidextrous, you can tell with how he rolls up his sleeves on both sides and how he drank his coffee 4 hours ago while you talked to him, he even briefly expresses emotions with his left hand." The girl said.

"Why didn't you share this information with us before?" Emily said

"I thought I was meant to watch and learn; besides I thought you would've known by observation, and it's not really evidence against him" she says taking the time, this time to look back at the women to whom she was talking to.              
                                                                              "Ok and? She's right it doesn't give us the evidence" Morgan stated. The women returned to watching the caged man.

"Yes, well... Have you noticed how he only switched his hands when he talks to a woman" she added as she looked at her boss again who, like the other looked confused. She looked at they're faces and continued as she watched the man inside. "I think he's right-handed when it comes to women. Did you notice how he behaves with Prentiss? With her, he's calm, confident, and good with words, manipulative, maybe he likes her. He took a sip of water right-handed that time but with Morgan and Reid..., he looked stressed, anxious and he fidgets his right foot under the table. Drinking coffee, both times with the presence of another man, from his left hand" She says as she finally took a seat with the team.

"So, it's like a physical change depending on the person in front of him?" JJ asked.

"Depending on the person, he'd either feel over confidant with a woman because he knows he can manipulate them and take the advantages while he becomes intimidated by the presence of man." Reid said trying to explain her observation.

"So we know that he won't say anything to a woman because he's to confidant and is more likely to reveal something from the pressure of another man." Morgan said as he stood up.

"I don't think that'll work." Agent Roy said interrupting the flow of things.

"He's to.... sensitive" she said as she crossed her legs and spins around in her chair to face Morgan who was ready to go in.

"Him? Sensitive? He murdered 3 women, even mutilated them" Morgan said pointing down to the graphic photos of the victims on the table.

"Well actually, I don't think he killed these women"

"You don't think he killed them?" Morgan and Prentiss said at the same time.

There was an awkward silence. The team was staring intensely at Agent Roy waiting for an explanation.

"I see I've confused all of you...I'll explain.
He seems very nervous when he talks to men, but honest. He wants to get away and make a friendly connection, that's why he says -hey, you're back- when Morgan and Reid came back for an interview. He has a clear story. He seems nervous but only from being here, not because he's hiding something. He did tell us the truth, he dated all of them and now he's scared because all of them were murdered. Of course, we'd think it's him. And I don't think he hates women. But when he talked with Agent Prentiss, he seemed different, like he was someone else. You could say, he doesn't even seem to recognize her or acknowledge past encounters when she comes back for an interrogation like the other boys." She takes a breath. "Personality disorder" She explained. The room seemed lighter than before, and all were analysing the new theory that had been presented.

"That could be true, some people with personality disorder don't even realise that they have it, let alone that someone else might be "in" them, if he doesn't know, It might be even possible that when the other person appeared nothing really changed in the unsubs routine and nothing fell out of place. He seemed completely normal, he would've gotten a doctors visit or a diagnosis if it had affected him. Garcia would've found a consultation of a prescription if it was the case" Reid said.

"In other words" Agent Roy continued "I think there's someone else inside of him, That person doesn't like women or felt something threatening at some point, that's why they only surface with women"

"If that is true, then only a women can go and talk to that person. We think it might be because of a rejection in the past?" Reid asked.

"Could be" Agent Roy answered

Emily stood up and put a hand on her agent's shoulder. "You did a good job"

Both women stared at each other. The younger women looked into her eyes, intently,  straight face, as if she was asking for something.

"May I?" She asked
The Chief looked around the room to see her team looking up at her. She took a big sigh.

"You may talk to him" she said to her. She took her hand off her shoulder and with a serious face, she looked at her watch.

"I have 45 minutes left" Agent Roy said as she stood up.


The team walked towards the door of the interrogation room. Prentiss leading the way with her new agent by her side, her arm grasping behind her lower back as to guide her towards something frightening. They both stopped in front of the door and her boss took the time to look at her. 

"Don't be scared, we'll be watching you if anything goes wrong" she said and took a step back.

"I hope you do" her agent said as she took the doorknob and walked inside.

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