Black Meets Red

By MafiagirlVictoria99

14.4K 263 30

He's quiet with everyone but her. She's quiet with everyone but him. In which a lost boy who has given up on... More

Chapter 1 - Family
Chapter 2 - Friend
Chapter 3- Green Eyes
Chapter 4- Actual Friends
Chapter 5- Impossible Possibility
Chapter 6 - Muscles
Chapter 7- Stuck
Chapter 8- Reunite
Chapter 9 - Tiny Feet
Chapter 10 - Sick
Chapter 11 - Waltz
Chapter 12 - Don't Belong
Chapter 13 - Discovery
Chapter 14 - Curiosity
Chapter 15 - Past
Chapter 16 - Truth
Chapter 17 - Emotions
Chapter 19 - Dating
Chapter 20 - Dash

Chapter 18 - Distracted

410 8 0
By MafiagirlVictoria99

Don't push it,
I'll throw hands if you
raise yours.


The door slams along with my heart as I enter the dark house.

It's been like this for the past 3 days. I come home to no one. My 'parents' haven't been around which has put our plans at hold but I've been crossing paths with Judith a few times in the house and today at school.

She can fall to the ground and roll over and she still won't fool me. She's definitely not adopted. It was a made up story.

I walk up my room and take out the key from my bag and unlock it. I close it with the keys again after entering.

The day's events come crashing on me and a smile appears on my face. I fall back on the bad with a loud sigh thinking about Felix.

He didn't say anything after I kissed him....kissed him...I let out a giggle and squeal "goodness, what's happening to me" I get up and hold my warm cheeks in my hands.

After a few more minutes of nonsense fantasies, I got on my feet and head to shower.

Towel drying my hair, with my body wrapped in a towel, I heard commotion downstairs.

It didn't take long for the sound to come directly in front of my door but thank goodness I locked the door.

Loud banging started as I quickly got dressed in a crop top and pyjamas shorts "Rosy! Open this door!" Karen's voice boomed making my heart race.

With shaky hands I open the door and she barged in, a murderous look on her face. Her once pale and clear face now has wrinkles and fine lines, her eye bags purple and swollen.

Jesus, what has she been up to..

"Yes, mother" the plan is to act like I know nothing and act like everything is okay until they start talking.

They need the key before my eighteenth which is only a week away now or they'll lose everything, everything that rightfully belongs to me according to James and the will Uncle Adam showed us "where have you been?" She seethes and I tilt my head and pull out my bottom lip and raise my eyebrows, feigning confusion.

"I was at a friend's house, why? Are you okay? You don't look well" I step closer to her but she backed away.

"Cut the crap you little shit" if it were a week ago, I would've been hurt with that but now I'm just looking at her with amusement.

"What do you mean mother?" I press the recorder that is inside my pyjamas pocket that I had placed when getting dressed without her noticing.

"You have no idea how much I want to get rid of you, do you?" She lets out a manic laugh "what are you talking about?" I push her further. This might just be the evidence we need. My eyes meet the hidden camera on my lamp stand for a brief moment before meeting her eyes again.

"I'm talking about getting rid of you the same way I did your foolish mother and your selfish grandmother" this was it!

It's happening.

My eyes sting as tears threatened to fall but I quickly blink and furrow my eyebrows at her "but you're my mother" I attempt to hold her but she pushed me away, rather harshly because I fell to the ground.

"I'm not your mother!" She yells and I scurry on my feet, towering her a few inches "your mother is dead" she laughs and I fight the urge to rip her hair out.

"What are you talking about?" My voice betraying me by cracking.

"Aw, don't be sad, you'll join her soon, okay?" Her evil grin appears on her face again and I almost gag.

"Stop! What are you saying?" my tears were flowing now. I wanted her to specifically say it.

" foolish child. I. Killed. Your. Parents."


I was frozen in place for some reason. Hearing it come from her mouth is a whole new surge of emotion.

I shake my head furiously as she steps closer to me "your dad too and those idiotic friends. Raymond? We were lovers ever since we were in the same foster home but they took him away from me. Your grandmother took him away from me. She separated us" she took another step and I back away making sure she was in the camera frame.

"I vowed to get rid of the people who separated us. And so I incited him to hate his foster family and he was so lost in love that he did everything I asked him to do. When we came of age and I was kicked out of the foster home, we ran away and planned our revenge. Everything worked out perfectly. I got pregnant with Jason which was not supposed to happen but we loved him either way and then came our bundle of joy, Judith" I knew Judith was lying.

I wipe the hot tears on my face and put my hand on my chest to ease the ache.

"Oh Judith was perfect in every way. She looked like you too" she giggles.

She's the real mastermind behind everything. I feel sick and I feel like throwing up.

"Why would you do that?" My voice raspy and almost inaudible.

She steps close to me and tiptoe to my ear "because I can Rosy dear" she pulls away with a smirk and I grit my teeth.

"And your precious mother almost took Raymond away from me. He was starting fall for her. Of course she was in love with your dad and never paid him any mind but how dare she? So I killed her. Watched her burn with my own two eyes. Her precious skin and red hair melting in front of my eyes" I open my mouth to say something but my cookies and orange juice came out and I ran to the bathroom.

Her laughter filling the room as I come back and fall on the foot of the bed "you're psychotic" I tell her as I catch my breath.

"So I've been told" she grabs my hair and I  yell at the excruciating pain "where's the key you brat?" She pulls even harder and I cry louder.

"Please stop!" I beg as I try to free myself from her. For someone so small she had a grip but I wasn't going to let her bully me like this.

I elbow her stomach and she grunts and starts to cough. I took that opportunity to stand and catch my breath.

"You bitch!" She yells holding her stomach as she steps back.

"You're not going to win this time" I tell her as I take a step closer to her. "I'll make sure of it" I was right in front of her now and staring into her dull blue eyes.

She smirks "we'll see about that" she brushes past me and out the room without another word.

When I heard her footsteps disappear I fall to the ground again and catch my breath. I didn't realise I wasn't breathing until I collapsed.

After failing to fully regain my breathing ability, I shakily take out the recorder and press it twice, saving the recording.

I look around for my phone and tote bag. I take out the duffel bag in my closet and pack a few clothes along with toiletries and shoes.

I skilfully take out the camera and made sure it was actually recording and placed it in its case.

I open the door and silence engulfs me as I quietly make my way downstairs.

I didn't bother changing out of my pyjamas and as soon as I stepped out the house, I regret it instantly "holy shit" it was freezing.

I took out my phone to call Harry but my phone was dead. Harry and Stella were quite far from here and I don't have any money or a phone to call an Uber.

Plus it's almost midnight.

Of course running away isn't like in the movies, especially at night.

My bare legs were getting numb so I put my dead phone in my bag and took the familiar road praying I don't get mugged.

Even though this area was rarely safe, one can never be sure. There might be a drunk person who might take advantage of me.

The thoughts kept playing in my head as I picked up speed as the familiar house came into view. It's light so bright, you could see it from a mile away unlike ours.

I breathe out as I stand in front of the door. My legs red and a bit swollen cause of the cold and my face hot because of the cold. I balance my bags on my left arm and ring the bell. Praying that someone was awake.

I'm pretty sure its past midnight. I spent a lot of time at Spencer's before heading home.

It took three more rings before the door opened a terrified looking Felix standing in front of me.

"What the fuck Rosy!" His eyes were wide with fear. The first time I'm seeing this particular emotion on his face.

I open my mouth to say hi but it came out like a shrill sound instead. I was still standing outside in the cold but I was yanked inside a warm living room.

"Are you okay? What the hell happened?" He was looking at me that way again. First my whole face, then my neck and arms and if I wasn't already red from the cold, my blush would've appeared when he stared at my exposed legs.

He takes the bags from me when I didn't answer. In all honesty, I wanted to say something but I couldn't. It's like I lost my voice and my ability to think at the moment.

"Sit here" he walks me over to the comfortable couch and I almost drown in it. It's huge.

"Don't. Move" he points a finger at me and a glare before disappearing into a corner.

I can't even if I want to.

I sniff a couple times to check if I have a cold again. With my immune system, I won't be surprised if I do, but it was clear.

It burns a little though.

Felix walks in with the biggest blanket I've ever seen and cup of hot something in his hand.

He puts the cup down "stand up" he basically commands and like a lost child I obey.

He wraps the thick blanket around my whole body that only my face was visible. He holds my shoulders and direct me to sit down again. He takes the hot cup of tea and sat in front of me on the bean seat.

"Open your mouth" my stomach almost got up and ran for the street because where the heck was my mind going!

I do as he asks and he blows on the tea before I take a sip.

It was good.

By the time I finished the tea, I felt a lot better and warmer. I wanted to remove the blanket but the glare I got made me shrink back in it.

He took the empty cup back to the kitchen without saying a word and I mentally prepare myself for what to say.

Where's James?

He must either be a deep sleeper or he's not home.

Felix walks back in with a worried expression on his face. He takes the same seat in front of me but he pushes the same bean seat closer to me on the couch putting our faces in front of each other.

"What happened?" He asked and I notice his features softening as he looks in my eyes. His stare so intense I had to look away.

I clear my throat just to make sure I still have my voice "I think she can get arrested now" my voice very much raspy and ragged, came out and he blinks at me.

"Who?" He furrows his eyebrows and I know he wasn't expecting me to mention a her.

"Karen.." I state softly looking at his face and his brows and his nose.

Bad time to get distracted but I have this funny feeling in my stomach now that he's this close to me.

"Rosy" his own voice a little strained as he calls my name making the feeling in my stomach more intense.

What's happening?

"Huh" I look from his eyes to his lips for a brief moment. They're so full and so pink.

"You were saying something about Karen" his was also looking at me with the same look and I just know all thoughts of Karen are out the window at this point.

Without thinking or giving myself time to think, I lean forward and press my lips against his extremely warm and soft ones.

His response was almost immediate. It's like I wasn't the one who initiated it.

This is my very first kiss!

His lips moved skilfully with mine. Taking my bottom lip in his, he holds my face and pull me closer to him, removing the blanket from my body. I wrap my hands around his neck as I play with his hair. The kiss becoming intense and heated. A strange sound left my lips and I feel him smirk and my face heats up.

He pulls me closer again and I hear him groan as I cross my legs around his. His hand finds my hair as I straddle him. He rubs my head and I wince, making him pull away.

The both of us breathing heavily at the activity that just went down.


We heard keys rattling outside and I look at our current position and quickly got off, wrapping the blanket around my body as if nothing happened and my lady parts weren't tingling awhile ago.

I look at Felix who had a smirk on his face as he tries to hide his smile, his lips very much looking like someone who was thoroughly kissed.

I blush at that.

That just happened.

I kissed Felix.

And they kiss!

Anyway it goes downhill from here..🙂

Kidding!! Maybe..

Till next time. Muah!

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