Polka Riding Hood and the Big...

By GothNebula

2.6K 73 61

A village town known as Paris, a place filled with love. A teenage girl wearing a ladybug cloak is the daught... More

Friendly Beast
Blond Man
Ladybug and Cat Noir
Wolf's Mate
Wolf Fight
Masquerade Dance
Happily Ever After

Unknown Creature

442 12 11
By GothNebula

I don't own the image or the characters.


It was a beautiful day in a town known as Paris. A village town filled with amazing bakeries, schools, food markets, and fashion clothes. Among the people, was a blue-haired girl walking by herself wearing a red cloak with black dots like a ladybug. She was on her way to get fish food from the market but rumors have been going around that some animal has eaten fish last night. They couldn't tell if it was a bear.

"The creature must have been big enough to be a bear, sure bears love fish," The girl said.

"Ah, bonjour mademoiselle. What can I get you?" The man selling fish asked.

"Hmmm, I'll have the salmon" The girl picked it out.

"Your mother's favorite, Marinette. Your parents may be the best bakers but they do love seafood" The seller picked out four salmon fish for the girl.

"Yeah, I love seabass too" Marinette replied.

"Let's hope you have enough fish. Rumors have been going around for weeks about an unknown animal eating all the fish every time the deliveries got postponed" The seller said.

"Are you sure it's some bear or plenty of cats?" Marinette guessed.

"I don't know but it's best to stay inside every night," The seller said.

"Okay then. Have a nice day" Marinette paid him.

"Merci," The fish seller said.

Marinette headed back to the bakery to give her parents today's fish. She saw the least favorite customer that obnoxiously criticizes everything and she hated her a lot. Especially the time when she put the pie on her seat. It was none other than Paris Mayor's daughter Chloe.

"Oh, this is the best cake you can make?! It's not perfect!" She complained.

"What do you expect us to do?" Marinette's mother complained.

"Make it bee colored in black and yellow," Chloe said.

"We did. We just don't have black frosting but just chocolate frosting" The father of the bakery said.

"Hello there Chloe," Marinette said before Chloe could continue.

"Mari-trash! How dare you tell your parents not to design a cake that was supposed to be perfect!" Chloe ranted.

"Hey, it's not our fault that this is being rushed!" Marinette protested.

"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe yelled.

"Get out, Chloe! You're making a scene" Marinette said.

"You heard my daughter, GET OUT!" Marinette's father yelled at Chloe.

Chloe leaves the bakery in a huff. Such rude behavior that girl has ever since her mom left.

"Man, that girl has no manners," Marinette's mom said.

"She's the mayor's daughter. He needs to restrain her" Marinette's father said.

"Anyway, I got the fish for dinner" Marinette changed the subject.

"Merci. Our shift will be over in an hour" Marinette's mom said.

"Okay then" Marinette headed upstairs.

"Meow" A ginger cat with blue eyes rubbed Marinette's leg.

"Hey Tikki" Marinette petted her to hear her cute purring, "I bought some food" Marinette handed some fish.

Tikki happily accepted the fish while her owner walks over to the window.

The sun was setting and everyone will be inside to avoid the wild animal coming into town again. No one knows what it is because it blends in the dark and is extremely fast. Marinette closed her windows to ensure her safety.

There haven't been any serial killings from an animal but nobody knows if it's a threat.

"Whoever or whatever it is, I hope it does not have a taste of human flesh," Marinette said.

What she didn't notice in the woods was a creature with black fur, a tail like a cat, sharp claws, and glowing green slit eyes. It was watching the village with an appetite for fish.

"Hrrrrrgh!" It walks towards the village.

His hind legs and paw hands made him very stealthy to not get caught. He sniffed for fish he can find. He soon came up to a barrel labeled bass and he tore the lid off. Licking his lips, he scarfed up every fish in the barrel. So hungry for fish that he wanted to eat every last one from the barrel.

"Meow" He tossed the fishbones aside.

"There it is!" A hunter with a shotgun spotted the silhouette beast.

"RAAAAAWR!!!" The cat creature roared in fright and ran.

"Don't let it get away!" The hunters ride on their horses to go after the beast.

The creature yowled and ran into the woods. The men chased him on their horses, firing arrows at him. The beast felt angry that these men don't give up. He let out a beastly roar that spooked the horses.

"NEEEEIIIIGGGGHHH!!!!!" The horses nearly kicked their front legs in fright.

"Easy now!" They tried to calm the horses down.

"MEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!" The beast yowled at the full moon. He soon ran off to his hiding place.


The next morning, the church bell tolls that there has been another unknown animal attack last night but there was no attack, just empty barrels of fish.

"Sacre bleu! The creature has been at it again!" The fish seller gasps.

"You idiots! You let that beast get away again?!" Chloe yelled at the hunter.

"We tried but it scared our horses!" One hunter said.

"Ridiculous! Your horses are utterly ridiculous!" Chloe said.

Marinette was walking nearby hearing the commotion. Of course, the daughter of the mayor blames everyone but herself. She rolled her eyes and walked past them, heading to school.

"Can't this day get any worse" She muttered to herself.

She went inside and grabs a seat, put her picnic basket down, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Soon enough her best friend, Alya arrived, "Hi there girl" She sat next to her.

"Hi. Got any gossip about the unknown animal?" Marinette asked.

"Well, I got a drawing of how it may have looked like according to witnesses" Alya pulls out a drawing of the creature, it resembled a black panther.

"A panther?" Marinette raised a brow.

"A panther with paw hands than a regular cat paw" Alya corrected her.

"You mean it's a werewolf but as a cat instead of the wolf?" Marinette guessed.

"A werecat, yeah. It's been around for weeks now" Alya said.

"Maybe it's just hungry for fish" Marinette guessed.

"Okay, class. As you all know, an animal ate the whole barrel of fish last night but we'll make the creature is captured somehow. We will be going over the history of Robin Hood" The teacher said.

"This should be amazing," Alya said as the teacher took up a book about Robin Hood.

After school was over, Marinette thought of finding that creature in the woods but she knew it would be dangerous if she got lost in there. She put on her black-dotted red cloak and headed into the woods, holding a lantern to see where she was going.

"This is really a crazy idea," Marinette said, hoping she can survive this.

As long as she remembered the way back, she should be safe. She walked deeper into the woods and looked at the ground to see if there's any footprints.

"Hmmm...." Marinette hears nothing.

She kept on walking and then noticed claw marks on the trees. They weren't like the size of a bear or a puma. It was like the size of human fingernail scratches but with claws.

"Incredible" She took a closer look, "The creature is a man. It's gotta be a human" Marinette said but then was surrounded by a pack of wolves.

"GRRRRRRR!" The alpha wolf male snarled.

Marinette looked around that the wolves have cornered her and there was no way out. They were all gonna attack her but were stopped by a strange howl of a cat. Marinette saw the silhouette creature on the rock.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" The creature roared at the wolfpack.

They did not back down but they all attacked the beast. It roared and cowed them all one by one while Marinette was in shock and could not move.

The Werecat was too strong against these canines and threw the alpha at the tree. The wolves were no match and they whimpered in fear, running away. The beast glanced at the girl, noticing that she passed out from what she saw. He carried her away to a safe spot.


The very next morning, Marinette woke up near the water fountain. Confused at how she got here. The only thing she remember was being saved by that mysterious beast from wild wolves.

"Oh, my head" She held her head as she got up.

"Marinette, there you are!" Her mother came running to her, "Where have you been?"

"Uhhhh.....I guess I accidentally fell asleep?" Marinette confused.

"What matters is you're alright," Sabine said.

"It's like I probably ate too much seafood last night" Marinette straightens her back.

"Today's no school so you should rest some more" Sabine brought her home.

"And it seems I'm in one piece. Did an animal come into the village last night?" Marinette asked.

"No, not this time," Sabine said.

"Thank god" Marinette sighed in relief.

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