๐‘บ๐’‰๐’‚๐’…๐’๐’˜ ยป๐“ข๐“ช๐“ท๐“ฐ ๐“—๐“ธ

By Iy_kayeen

57.2K 3.3K 328

"๐‘ผ๐’” ๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’‚๐’Š๐’๐’•๐’” ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’˜๐’๐’“๐’๐’…." A tear escaped Jang Hyejin's eyes as she stare at Sang ho, who remai... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
act ii


1.1K 68 5
By Iy_kayeen

WHEN HYEJIN WOKE UP THE NEXT DAY, all she wanted to do was finish the whole basic training thing and go to the pub with Dang-gu, and Yul. She was aching to take a walk at the town once again, even though she had only been stuck inside the training center for a day.

And it also doesn't help the fact that Sang Ho was there. His words still haven't left her mind, it was just a simple sentence yet it made a huge impact on her. Maybe because she knows that Sang Ho wasn't the kind of person who says that to anyone.

And it made her think if she was the only one feeling that way, or if she was the only one that is making a big thing out of it. What if Sang Ho was like that to everyone. I mean, he's a great mage, and a good man. It won't be a surprise if he treats everyone like that. Those were the words that she kept on telling herself since last night.

She sighed before deciding to just let it go, she entered the classroom and smiled once she saw that no one was inside. She walked straight to her table before she sat on the chair. She gathered the ink, and brush she will use before grabbing a piece of paper on the side.

"Okay.. Let's finish this." She muttered before dipping the brush on the ink.

Jang Hyejin spent a total of two hours and a half, writing the rules, and regulations that she read yesterday. A smirk curved on the corner of her lips as she made her way towards the library where she was guessing Sang Ho was.

And she was right, she saw him sitting across the table while reading a few papers. She takes a deep breath before moving forward. Once she was in front of him, she cleared her throat in order to earn his attention.

Sang Ho looks up and raised his brow once his eyes landed on her, "Hyejin." She called before tilting his head in confusion, "Do you need anything?"

The girl smiled before shaking her head, "Then why are you here?" He questioned.

Hyejin grinned before placing the papers and books im front of him, she took a step back and let him check it.

Sang Ho's face was filled with confusion as he scan the papers Hyejin gave him, he grimaced once he saw that every word that was written on it was exactly the same thing in the books. "You have already memorized and written all of this down?" He asked.

The girl nodded her head, "I did." She replied, "It was a piece of cake, seonsaengnim. I told you i could memorize it in day." She pouted, "You're free to check everything that is written in there if you have doubts that i made a few up, but i assure you, i did not."

Sang Ho furrowed his brows before flipping the pages, "How.. How did you memorize it down this fast? It should've atleast taken you a month." He said.

Hyejin shrugged, "Well aside from the fact that i have served atleast 12 masters and have read the same books 12 times.. When i was a kid, i also spent most of my time at the library and have come across these books a few times already." She explained, "So you could say all i did yesterday was reread the books."

Sang Ho's face twitch before glancing at the pages again, "Now that i already finished the basic training, im now free to do whatever i want. I should start calling you Sang Ho again, while you can keep on calling me by name or whatever." She grinned.


The girl bowed her head, "I will take my leave now." She stated before turning towards the door, she was about to move when Park Jin appeared and walked inside. Behind him were Dang-gu, and Yul.

"Where do you think you're going, Hyejin?" Park Jin asked as he moved forward.

Hyejin glanced at Sang Ho before pointing a finger on the table, "I already memorized and written the rules just like you want me to." She replied before glancing at the boys behind him, "And now that i finished the basic education, i plan to spend time with them at the pub."

Park Jin narrowed his eyes at that before he glanced at his right hand, "Is it true, Sang Ho?"

"Yes, My Lord."

"I will take my leave now, Master Park." Hyejin gave him a small smile and was about to approach Dang-gu, and Yul when Jin placed his hand in front of them.

"Not so fast." Park Jin stated, earning a confused look from Hyejin. "When i asked you to read that, i did not simply mean to memorize it. I wanted you to engrave it in your heart."

Hyejin narrowed her eyes, "I didn't know that was also a rule." She scoffed.

Park Jin smiled, "I almost forgot how sly you can be, Hyejin." He stated, "You have spent most of your life reading books like these ones, and you also spent most of your childhood at the library, thus making it impossible for you not to encounter these books atleast once."

"You almost deceived me." He added, "Which is why i do not believe that you have mastered this learning."

"So what does that supposed to mean?" She scoffed, "What do you want me to do then?"

"I will be giving you another task." He replied, "I will bring another book for you to read, and memorize. If you succeed, i will let you out of Songrim and do as you please."

"Another book?" Hyejin questioned, "What makes you think that i haven't read that book as well? You said yourself, i spent most of my childhood in the library. It's impossible for me to not encounter it still."

Park Jin smirked, "This book is different." He replied, "It's special, and i hope that book will be a piece of cake to you as well."

Hyejin arched up her brow, "What happens if i don't want to read that book?"

"Then you will stay here." He replied, "You can leave the training center, but you cannot leave Songrim."

"Uncle.." Dang-gu called, only to be ignored by him.

Hyejin widened her eyes, "That's unfair!" She exclaimed, "The others did not have to go with that!"

"Their situation was different from yours." Master Park reasoned, "They didn't know the contents in these books and you did, they memorized and engraved it in their hearts, you didn't. You simply tricked us into thinking that you are doing the same when in reality you're not."

Dang-gu, and Yul winced as they know what book was he talking about. Park Jin glanced at Sang Ho and said, "Sang Ho, get the Words Of The Heart on my chambers."

"Yes, My Lord." Sang Ho bowed before walking out of the room.

Hyejin scoffed before looking away, and crossing her arms stubbornly. A smirk was curved on the leader's lips while the boys behind him were worried for her as they know that it will probably take months, or even a year for Hyejin to read that book.

They waited for a few minutes until Sang Ho came back, and handed the book to Park Jin. The leader showed her the book, "Here you go." He said, "If you
read this book as well, i will allow you to leave Songrim whenever you wish."

Dang-gu shakes his head, "Don't do it!" He mouthed, while Sang Ho had a knowing smile on his lips as it was clear that he was amused by the whole situation.

Hyejin rolled her eyes before taking the book from him, earning a look of disbelief from Yul, and Dang-gu. "Once i finished reading this book, will you get off my back?" She questioned.

Park Jin grinned before nodding his head, "I will." He replied, "Good luck on that, Hyejin. I hope that reading that book will be another piece of cake for you."

Hyejin scoffed, "It will be." She replied, earning a smile from the leader. "And i will leave the training center as soon as i do."

Park Jin hummed, "You may start now, you have a long journey ahead of you, Hyejin." He said with a hint of teasing in his tone.

Hyejin narrowed her eyes at that, there was something in his smile and the way he spoke makes her feel like she would regret taking the book, and seeing the look on Sang Ho's face just confirmed her suspisciouns. But she knew that it was too late to give it back now, and she refused to back down.

Which is why the only thing she did was give him a scoff before walking past him and walked straight to the classroom.

"What is so different about this book anyway?" She mutters under her breath before opening it, her brows furrowed in confusion once she saw that the first page was empty.

She flipped all the pages and it was empty too, not a single trace of ink can be seen inside. "What the hell?" She cursed before running towards her table while flipping the pages of the book repeatedly, "Is he kidding me? There's nothing in here!"

"Of course there is." Sang Ho stated as he moved in front of her. "There are words written on those papers."

Hyejin grimaced before flipping the pages in front of him, "There's nothing in here, Sang Ho." She gritted her teeth. "Look, do you see anything? The pages are blank!"

The side of his lips twitch in amusement, "The pages aren't blank, Hyejin." He said before looking up to meet her eyes, "You're the one who cannot see. That book was written by Master Seo Gyeong, and you can only read it once you focus your energy."

He grinned, and was about to leave the room when Hyejin grabs his arm. "Wait, i mean.. How do i even focus on my energy?" She asked in distress.

Sang Ho hummed, "You're the only one who can answer that." He replied before glancing at her hand that was on his arm.

Hyejin sighed before letting him go, "I don't know how to do it, which is why im asking you!" She whined before looking up and giving him a hopeful smile, "Seonsaengnim, i need your help.."

Sang Ho shakes his head in amusement before placing his hand behind his back, "Good luck, Hyejin." He said before walking away from her.

Hyejin's eyes widened in shock before she stood up, "Sang Ho, wait!" She called but he only ignored her, "Atleast tell me what this book is about!"

"Sang Ho!" She fell back on her chair once he closed the door. She glared at the book before kicking the table in annoyance.

She groaned before grabbing the book and flipping the pages once again in hopes that she can read atleast one letter on it, but there was nothing. And the blank pages were just making her annoyance rise to the top. She clenched her fist in disbelief before throwing the book aside, "Darn it.." She whined before she face palmed, "What did i get myself into?"


Hyejin had been staring at the same page of the book for hours now, she didn't know how long she was staring at the same page, all she knows is that she has to read it no matter what.

She tried focusing her energy just like what Sang Ho said, but she doesn't even know how to do it. She just told herself that maybe if she just stare at the same page, her energy will surge up and letters will start appearing out of nowhere.

But she wasn't getting anywhere, it eventually lead her to crumpling the book and throwing it away. Not until an idea popped in her head, her face lit up as her lips curled into a mischievous smile. She pick the book from the ground before placing it on the table. "Focus my energy, huh?" She scoffed before focusing her energy on her hand.

A ball of energy formed on top of her hand, she stood up and took a few steps back before aiming the energy on the book.

The smile on her face dropped when she saw how it didn't do any damage on the book, "What the hell?" She cursed before flipping the pages to find any damage, but saw nothing. "What is wrong with this book?"

She tilted her head in annoyance before looking around, her eyes landed on a candle and she grabbed it before going back to her chair. "Let's see if you can withstand this." She muttered before placing a page on top of the fire.

The fire started spreading across the page, and for a moment, Hyejin thought that it finally worked. But her hopes went down the hill when it slowly returned back to normal as the burnt part disappeared.

"Darn it!" She cursed before attempting to rip the page, but even ripping it didn't work.

Hyejin groaned before placing the book down, "He deceived me! He said i was the sly one but in reality, it's him!" She yelled in frustration before looking on her side where a bunch of ink were placed.

She grabbed one before pouring it on the book, and it's pages. She waited for a few seconds and was annoyed when the ink disappeared as well. She sighed heavily as she closed the book and face palmed in frustration.


Sang Ho was checking on a few paperwork the leader tasked him to do when he noticed Yul walking up the stairs on the side of his eye. He stood up before greeting him, and Yul bowed his head slightly in return.

When Sang Ho looks up, he noticed that he was carrying a tray full of food, and a drink. His forehead creased in confusion before he realized who he was bringing that food for.

Yul saw the way his face was filled with confusion, and decided to tell him why he was here. "I saw the servant preparing food for Hyejin, and i offered to bring it for her." He told him.

Sang Ho nodded his head, "Im sure the servant appreciates your help, but you should've let him do his work." He replied.

"Of course." Yul smiled, "I just wanted to cheer her up by bring this food for her, and Maidservant Kim also wanted me to give her something. She really wanted to give it to Hyejin herself but something came up at the house that kept her in there."

Sang Ho sighed, "You can leave it here, i will bring it to Hyejin myself." He told him.

"Pardon?" Yul furrowed his brows in confusion.

"I see the leader hasn't told you yet." Sang Ho muttered, "But he forbid anyone from seeing Hyejin until she finishes the task that was given to her, which means you, and Young Master Park are not allowed to see her while she is still learning."

Yul widened his eyes in shock, "What? Then are you forbidding Maidservant Kim from seeing her too?"

"She has to ask Lord Park for permission first before seeing her." Sang Ho replied, "If you had gone to him first before going here, i would've allowed you to talk to her."

Yul sighed before nodding his head slowly, "I understand." He said before placing the tray down on the empty space on his desk, he took a small bag of the biscuits that Kim Doju gave him, "Please give this to her as well."

Sang Ho took the bag from him ang placed it on the tray, "Is that all, Young Master Yul?" He asked, and Yul answered him by shaking his head.

Sang Ho carried the tray, and bowed his slightly at Yul before walking past him. While Yul watches as he disappear from his sight, and sighed before walking downstairs.

When Sang Ho reached the classroom Hyejin was in, he slid the door open with his free hand before stepping inside. His brows raised in amusement once his eyes landed on the girl that was sitting on the chair while her hands are on her face.

He moved forward before clearing his throat, "Hyejin." He called.

The girl exhaled before she lowered her hands and look at him, "Sang Ho." She said his name in monotone before her eyes landed on the tray he was carrying. The sight of the food lightened her mood a bit, but she was still pissed off everytime she thinks how Master Park deceived her.

The mage smiled before placing the tray in front of her. Hyejin sat properly before taking the lid off the bowl, her eyes lit up once she realized that it was her favorite noodles. She held the chopsticks before she started eating.

"Why are you the one who brought the food today?" Hyejin asked before taking a sip of water on the cup.

"Young Master Yul was the one who brought it." He replied before he sat on the chair across her.

"Yul was here?" Hyejin asked, "Then why are you.."

"No one is allowed to visit you while you're still learning how to read that book." Sang Ho replied, "Unless the leader allows it."

Hyejin widened her eyes, "He didn't said anything about that!" She scoffed before she swallowed another noodle, "I should've known that he was planning something like that when he gave me that book."

She winced, "What kind of book is that anyway?" She questioned, "I tried everything, and nothing worked."

The side of Sang Ho's lips curled in amusement as his eyes landed on the book, he grabbed the book before opening it. "Not everyone in here got to touch or even see this book, Hyejin." He stated, "This book is special to Songrim as it was written by Master Seo Gyeong himself."

"What is that book even about?" Hyejin questioned.

"It's a poem." Sang Ho told her.

"A poem?" Hyejin scoffed, "Why would he write a poem that no one can read?"

"You're the one who can't read it." Sang Ho countered.

Hyejin rolled her eyes before she finished the bowl of noodles, "How do i read a book that the writer doesn't want everyone to read?" She said, "Why don't you just tell me the easiest way to read this book? Do you really want to see your student suffering, seonsaengnim?"

Sang Ho arched up his brow in amusement, "Jang Hyejin, are you trying to use me to read that book?" He replied, earning a pout from the girl.

"Is it really that obvious?" Hyejin muttered, "This place is starting to suffocate me, i really want to get out."

"Then you should try harder." Sang Ho told her.

"Believe me, i did." Hyejin replied, "That book.. Is just something else, i bet Master Seo Gyeong spelled that to be indestructible."

Sang Ho tilted his head on his side before he noticed a few stains of ink scattered on the table, his forehead creased as he wondered how did that got there. "Hyejin, did you try to pour ink on the book?" He asked, and the smile that curled on his lips answered his question. He sighed in disbelief, "The leader would be furious if he hears that."

"Oh i bet he already expected it." Hyejin grinned, "He knew that the book is indestructible, he wouldn't give it to me if he didn't. Master Park knew how short tempered i am, and he still entrusted me with that book."

Sang Ho grimaced, "I wonder what else did you do with it." He muttered.

"I did a lot of things!" Hyejin told him with a mischievous look in her eyes that made him look down in disbelief, "Don't look at me like you did not expect that too."

"I did." Sang Ho said.

Hyejin chuckled before taking the small white bag on the tray, she opened it and smiled once she saw that it was a honey biscuit. "Did Yul bought this for me?" She asked as she grabs one and ate it.

Sang Ho arched up his brow at the sudden mention of the boy, "It was Maidservant Kim who bought that." He told her.

"Kim Doju?" Hyejin repeated, "Was she here too?"

"No, she gave it to Young Master Yul." Sang Ho replied. Hyejin nodded her head as a response before she continued eating the honey biscuits.

When Hyejin finished the small bag of honey biscuits, Sang Ho decided that it was time for him to leave, "You should continue where you left of." He told her.

Hyejin raised her brows, "You're leaving?" She questioned, the sudden thought of him leaving made her pout.

Sang Ho didn't answer her, he stood up and took the tray. He was about to head outside when Hyejin grabbed his hanbok, that made him turn back to her. "Are you really just going to leave me here?" She asked.

The mage rose up a brow, "Do you want me to stay?" He asked.

Hyejin looks up, she grinned once an idea popped up on her head. "What if i do?" She asked, "Will you stay?"

Sang Ho narrowed his eyes before looking away, "No." He replied as he tried to remove Hyejin's grip on his hanbok but failed when the girl refused to let him go.

"But Master, your student really needs your help." Hyejin reasoned.


The girl fluttered her eyes, "Please?"

Sang Ho tilted his head on his side before looking away from her, "I really have to go." He said as he tried to remove her grip on his hanbok, his eyes widened once Hyejin pulled him closer.

Even the girl was shocked as she didn't mean to pull him that hard. If someone enters the room and saw how close they were, they would think that something was going on between them.

Her heart started raising as she could feel Sang Ho's breath on her on her face. She gulped, she wanted to move away but something was pulling her close to him. But when she realized what she was doing, she snapped out of her thoughts and quickly moved away from him.

And just a few seconds after that, the door opened, making them snap their head towards the door. Sang Ho regained her composure before bowing his head in respect, "My Lord." He greeted.

Master Park gave him a small nod as an acknowledgement before turning his gaze towards Hyejin, his brows raised once he noticed how red her cheeks were. "Are you alright, Hyejin?" He asked as he took a step closer to her.

The girl looks up before she covered her cheeks with her hands, "Im fine, My Lord." She replied in a high pitch tone of voice. "W-what's with the sudden visit?"

"I was just checking on you." He replied, "I talked to Maidservant Kim earlier, and she was worried about you."

Hyejin nodded her head, "That's understandable, seeing as she haven't seen me for days." She muttered, "I heard that no one is allowed to visit me, may i ask why?"

"I see, Sang Ho already told you." Master Park smiled, "I did said that no one was allowed to visit you, but i also said that if they consult me first, then i will allow them. Though that choice is only given to selected people, as i cannot allow you to have any distractions while you are still learning."

"Does your selected people includes Dang-gu, and Yul?" Hyejin asked.

The only reply she received from him was a smile before he decided to change the subject, "How was your first day?"

Hyejin shrugged, "Does it look pleasant to you, My Lord?" She asked.

Master Park looks around, his eyes lingered on the black ink scattered on the table before turning his gaze back to Hyejin. "You should have patience." He told her, "It won't come to you soon, reading that book will require a lot of focus, which clearly you don't have."

The girl crossed her arms stubbornly, "Of course i don't." She sassed, "Is that the only thing i need in order to read this book?"

Park Jin nodded his head, "It can take you weeks, or even months to be able to read it. Which is why you need to be patient, and don't try to destroy the book, it won't work." He told her.

"I had to try." Hyejin scoffed.

Park Jin smiled in amusement, "Instead of coming up with tricks, you should focus more on training yourself. Destroying the book will give you nothing, the only thing you need to do is focus your energy." He said and took a quick glance at Sang Ho before walking out of the room.

The mage took that as a hint that the leader wanted to talk to him which is why he followed after him quickly, leaving Hyejin to drown in her thoughts that was full of him again.

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