Misfits (#2)

By linaawritess

959K 18.4K 33.8K

{π˜‰π˜–π˜–π˜’ π˜›π˜žπ˜– π˜–π˜ π˜›π˜π˜Œ π˜“π˜–π˜π˜Œπ˜“π˜Œπ˜šπ˜š π˜›π˜™π˜π˜“π˜–π˜Žπ˜ } The perfect picture of elegance. It's all Viole... More

author's note + cast
all my love


9.1K 211 376
By linaawritess

If his height says anything now, Azure's gonna be a giant when he's older. He's a lot shorter than me but already probably as tall as Ria, and he's only fucking eleven.

Eleven. I talk to the guy and I forget he's only lived eleven years, to our eighteen.

He walks with careless confidence and as soon as he enters the room, attention turns to him. He doesn't shy away from it and instead analyses everyone just as they're doing to him.

Apprehension becomes a thick cloud over everyone's cloud, his very presence an unnerving one. Azure's emerald eyes flit over everyone briefly, and then he grimaces, "This is the pack she chose to be friends with."


"And who the fuck are you?" Luca snaps where he's sat on the couch, an arm around Ria besides him. I don't see this going very well.

"Azure." He responds, like that's answer enough. I wait for him to elaborate but he doesn't so I clear my throat.

"Luca, Ria, Hudson, Val. Azure Amory. Violet's younger brother." I introduce tightly, still extremely uncomfortable. He can't be here. He feels like a ticking time bomb. I don't need an Amory brother in my possession, or anywhere near me.

"You're the genius?" Val asks curiously.

Azure looks down at her, scrutinising, "Yes."

"I let you in. Can you get to why you're here?" I turn to him and Azure's gaze lands on me. For the first time, I see emotion in his eyes the longer he looks at me. Hate. It takes me aback until I remember that he technically lost his sister too. Because of Dean, because of me.

"As insipid as you are, I assume you still claim to love my sister." He leans back against the table. Dressed primly in a white collared shirt, top two buttons undone.

"I do." I say through gritted teeth, "I do love your sister."

"What a shame." His eyes burn when he looks at me, "Your love means she's miles away, under his will. Do you know, it was what she was always terrified of?"

I try to snap back, but those are my innermost thoughts voiced aloud. I've blamed myself every second since Violet left. I have a feeling Azure knows exactly that when he continues.

"You can try to forget, or convince yourself it wasn't you." He looks away calmly, "Violet would never blame you, but that's because Violet's naïve to the fact that the boy that she'd claim saves her, has ruined her. She won't see it, but I will."

"So, that's it?" My voice is tight, choked, "You came here to remind me?"

"Yes." He juts a shoulder, "And to get her out."

"You think we're just sitting here like fucking ducks?" Luca speaks up, glowering at Azure like he doesn't like his presence at all.

Azure looks at him, "Seems a lot like it. What are you doing instead, fighter?"

"You shouldn't taunt a fighter." Luca drawls.

"You shouldn't underestimate a genius." Azure tilts his head and is silent for a long moment, "The fear you try to instil, in everyone - does it make you feel protected?"

Luca tenses at that, as if he's hit a sore spot. Everyone tenses at that and just like that, Azure's quietened us. I know the feeling. Azure has a way of targeting your vulnerabilities without even fucking knowing you. I hated it. Luca would loathe it.

They're two complete opposites. A fighter, rash and impulsive and brutal. A genius, sly and calculated and cruel. Even the way they stare at each other feels unnerving. I know Luca wouldn't hit a kid but I wouldn't put him past grabbing Azure by the collar and tossing him out.

Hudson speaks up now, not looking up at any of us, "You have a plan?"

Azure's quiet for just a moment. I wonder how a child can turn out like that. I wonder, until I realise how all of the Amory's grew up. Past the mask of perfection, there's alcohol, abuse and anger. Four siblings that lost their parents when they were young.

Violet and Azure were close. The only one he would confide in, his only nurturer. She's gone and he's in that manor with just his brothers and a bitch of a mother. Guilt starts to settle in my chest.

"Amory Manor constitutes as a private place. Her home." Azure starts and we're all listening, "Aster Gomez photographed her from outside the manor, without her consent. Under the law, that constitutes as stalking. Aster can be convicted."

I'm about to speak up, tell him it's not that easy but I realise he probably already knows that. We all listen to him, his voice somehow domineering the room.

"You and Violet are nude in the pictures that were distributed. Blackmailing her, that constitutes as illegal distribution of porn and revenge porn. Dean can be convicted." He continues, "If we go to the police now, it's likely that Dean and Aster will be able to get out of the charges, or they'll be lessened. There are loopholes. On top of that, Dean will probably release the pictures."

"But maybe they go away. Locked up, even if it's for a year." Ria says.

Azure shakes his head, "I don't want their punishment short-lived. The only option I'll settle for is their conviction. Even if it means playing a long game."

He wants them gone. He wants retribution, for good. I can see it in his eyes and I don't exactly know what plan he has, but fuck, I'm willing to listen. A chance at ruining Dean Delaney. We're all tense and listening when he starts to explain.

And then he says, "I want to build a case against them. An inescapable one."

"A long game?" I ask.

He looks at us all, "Aster's been accused on several occasions of sexual assault and harassment. The charges fell through. Dean's the same, accused of assault twice last year but after questioning, nothing came of it."

That's not surprising, though I didn't know the exact details. They're disgusting at nature. Aster has no boundaries and he's been known to use date rape drugs at parties. Dean's heart is a cruel one. Consent means nothing to him and the very notion makes my chest squeeze. In fear, in concern. Violet's under his fucking will.

"How do you know this?" Hudson asks.

"How's dont matter." Azure waves a hand and I almost want to smile. That was a Hudson thing to say. Karma.

"So you want to send them away for assault charges, on top of stalking and pornography?" Ria speaks up, "Who's to say the charges won't fall through again and even then, you'd need to find the girls and get them to testify. We're not coercing victims to do anything, even if Violet's on the line."

"I want them away for as many years as possible. A legitimate conviction, one that will ruin them and their future." Azure explains, "So we need to build a case. I've spent weeks researching. With as many charges as that, they won't be able to sneak their way out of law. Officers can be bribed but only for minor allegations. Not ones like that, not when there's several and it can be taken to court."

"We're not coercing victims." Ria reiterates and Luca takes her hand, his thumb gently caressing her skin.

"I never said anything about coercing." Azure responds calmly, "If they were willing to accuse him then, they might be willing again. I only want to try. Dean touched my sister without her consent on several occasions. He has terrorised her, since she was a child and I could do nothing then." He looks at me now, as if knowing my history with Dean, "All of this, I'm doing for her."

"We are too." Val says softly, "We want her out. We love her too, just like you do."

Azure digests that for a moment and then nods. It starts to settle in, over everyone. This isn't a small vendetta anymore. This is the bigger leagues and Azure Amory's intent is to take us there. Sending someone to jail, concocting this plan - the gravity of it starts to sink in.

We probably wouldn't have thought of it on our own. We wouldn't have had the resources, the capability but Azure's swooped in like a predator on the hunt. A mastermind with an intent.

"You want us to help. That's why you're here, right?" I say.

"You want us to get information out of Aster." Luca infers, "Find out how many copies of the pictures there are. You need to destroy them first."

And most probably in a violent way. Like we'd already thought about.

"Each of you are known to be maniacs." Azure looks at the three of us, "Idiots, but brutal ones. We can't go ahead with any of this until we have those pictures."

"And your brothers? They don't want to get their hands dirty?" I ask, hating them. I hate her brothers, everyone that allowed her to be abused her whole life.

"My brothers were served with a restraining order against Aster Gomez last week."

I tense. Holy shit. I look to Hudson but his eyes are wide so he didn't know that either.


"You can guess." Azure coldly glares at me.

The only explanation is them beating the shit out of him. Endangered him enough for a restraining order to be approved. Something stirs beneath my skin, anger that they got to hurt him before I could. I don't fucking care if we leave a trail of blood to get Violet back. I don't care, as long as Dean and Aster pay for it.

"You didn't get your hands dirty?" I ask.

Azure looks down to my wrist in a splint for a moment.

"Fists aren't my weapon. I'm actually useful." He clips and then turns back to the group, looking at the girls, "I'm also asking your help. The victims are more likely to open up to women, not to us."

Valencia looks to Ria. All of us know about her history, what she's been through. This is likely triggering and Luca keeps a close eye on her, whispering something in her ear that only the two of them can hear. She squeezes his hand in return.

"I don't want him to go unpunished." She says, fierce stubbornness, "For what he did to Violet, and those girls. I'm willing to try but I make no promises."

"I'll try too." Val nods.

"Thank you." Azure says and if I hear right, there's slight relief in his tone. He's thought through all of this intricately. This means a lot to him. It means a lot to us.

"So we're destroying the pictures first?" Hudson sits up, elbows on his knees.

"Not destroying." Azure says, "We need them for evidence."

"Will Violet have to testify?" I ask.

Court will probably freak her out but this is serious now. We want to send Dean away, for good. We need to be clever if we don't want him to fuck us over again. He deserves to be. He's had free reign to do whatever he wants his whole life. We can prevent it if we try. Stop another girl from getting hurt, one that could be like Violet.

"Maybe." Azure says, "But Aster's out of the country right now. He might be for a while. Means Violet might have to be at Rockley for a while."

"We have her protected."

"How?" Azure narrows his eyes.

"How's dont matter." I counter and Azure's lips turn up, only slightly. I don't think I'll ever see him truly smile.

I don't completely trust the Amory brothers. And there'll never come a day where I can get along with them, especially the older ones, without feeling deep rooted hatred. If that causes a rift for Violet, I'll feel guilty but I won't back down. I won't ever stand their presences.

We're coming to a sort of truce right now, though. Trusting each other just enough to work together and get Violet out, send Dean away. Azure's the brains behind this, whether we like it or not. He's our saviour right now, Violet's saviour.

All I fucking hope is when Dean looks back to that day, when he ripped her from me, kicked those photographs over the ground and ruined a piece of Violet - that he wishes he never did. Regret will be instilled into him once we're done, or I won't fucking rest.

"So," I ask, "Were you just born like a robot?"

"I wasn't born an idiot. Was that the same for you or did you grow into an imbecile?" He bites back and I almost wince at his tone. Sheesh.

I hold up my hands in defence, "No need to get so chilly, robot. We're on the same side now, right?"

Azure's face twists in a grimace, like he hates the fact that we are. But for someone as prideful as him, I realise his only exception is his sister. I feel like he'd ask anyone's help, so long as she's safe.

I smile and don't let him off that easy, raising an eyebrow and waiting.

Eventually, he gives in, "For now."

"Maybe you'll learn to like me." I muse, "I'm a likeable person."

"I'd rather drown in a vat of acid." He responds.

"You're gonna love me." I nod, having decided.

"I assure you, I won't."

I shake my head, "Nope. I think you will-"

"This is an entirely new level of stupidity. Even for you."

"Yada yada. You know, I think you just say a bunch of big words to distract from the fact you're a big ball of sun on the inside-"

"Okay. Shut the fuck up." Luca snaps and we both turn our heads to him, "Go home, robot. Your brothers are a pain in the ass we don't need. Do you need a ride?"

Azure looks like he's gonna laugh at that. Right. He's probably never needed a ride from anyone in his life. He's eleven but probably has cars to his name already, not that he needs them with the Bentley parked somewhere outside.

"I don't need a ride." He says and looks over everyone briefly, his eyes landing on Hudson for a moment longer. Azure tilts his head and stares, "My brothers speak of you but don't let me listen. If you don't tell me what they're hiding, I'll figure it out myself."

"There's nothing to hide." Hudson says back.

"You're good at lying. I'm better though." Azure turns around without another glance at any of us. I walk him to the door and as he opens it, I say.

"Shall I...walk you down or-"

He slams the door behind him.

Somehow, Violet's of the same blood as him and the other two pricks. Somehow, she loves them to death. I shake my head, trying to comprehend everything that just happened as I walk back into the lounge room.

"This dick knows the Amory's?" Luca asks as soon as I walk in, eyebrows pinched in confusion.

I sigh and sink onto the couch, "I've given up trying."

Honestly, if anyone's gonna figure all that shit out it'll be Azure. A part of me hopes he does figure it out. I'm sick of being in the dark with Hudson but I've surrendered to the fact that unless Hudson Tempest wants you to know, you won't know.

Hudson gets up now, slinging his leather jacket over his long sleeved black tee. He picks up his bike keys from the counter and starts to head out.

"Where are you going?" Ria asks.

He turns over his shoulder to smile bitterly, "Taking your advice."

Her eyebrows scrunch, "What advice?"

I smile when I realise, thinking back to our previous conversation. Hud's getting laid.

"Walk Lola tonight." He says as he walks past, and leaves the apartment without another word. I lean over to where our pup lays out on the carpet and rub her stomach. I haven't walked her recently, since I've shut myself out.

"So we're doing this?" Luca raises an eyebrow at me.

When we find Aster, we get information out of him. We destroy any copies of the pictures so Dean loses his blackmail, and then we throw him into fucking jail. Not juvie, like he had done to us. Jail. Tried as an adult. Permanently on his criminal record, probably on a sex offenders list like he deserves to be.

Yes, we're ruining Dean Delaney.

For trapping her in there. For forcing her to go through this alone. For Violet.


In this horrid place, I have one advantage: I've always been good at evading. Sneaking myself out of situations and making myself invisible. I've managed to dodge Dean, as much as I possibly can.

His dorm room's on the other side of the campus so the only time I run into him is in the mess hall, which I actively avoid as much as I can. So whilst I haven't been in Dean's company, Rockley's become a tolerable place.

A lot of it's beautiful. Intricate architecture, large buildings for sciences, the arts, everything I can really think of. I haven't explored a lot of it, which isn't helpful since it's my first day of classes today. September.

I've never had a clear career path in mind. All I ever wanted to do was ballet and once I gave that up, my ambitions ceased. Majoring in Business & Managerial Economics isn't what I necessarily want, nor does it sound fun. But I had to pick and given my family, business seemed like the right route.

With that, everyone has to to take basic core classes in science and math. A writing intensive course too. Doesn't sound too bad. Academia has always been a place I thrived. Maybe school can take my mind off the fact I'm trapped in here.

I look at myself in the mirror, smoothing my hands down the blue plaid skirt. The navy blue blazer hugs my frame, tie hanging in the middle and my light hair's swooped up into a ponytail. I hate it. But I guess it's another thing I'm just going to have to accept. At least my legs look good in this skirt.

Leia mewls around my feet and I crouch down, rubbing behind her ears. She's all I got. Daphne doesn't mind her so I keep her hidden in here.

I go over to my bag, sat on my bed. I still have the small note from the bouquet of violets Everest had sent a while ago.

Sans toi, je ne suis rien. So call me back. Or text. Anything, sweetheart.

I run my fingers over it for a moment. I'd called him and now, I call him everyday. He calls me for stupid little things constantly, like whether he should eat mint choc chip or cookie dough ice cream tonight and that 'it's a life or death decision, Violet Fawn'. And speaks with all seriousness. Like he needed my input for that.

We're apart but together, in everything we do.

I slip my phone into my bag and make my way out of the room, students filtering out of Lenora Hall in their deep blue uniforms. I weave amongst them and sort of follow the crowd as we reach campus grounds. My first class is econ, which I'm pretty sure is somewhere near Richmond block, which...I have no clue where to look for.

"Morning, moody."

I almost jump out of my skin, turning to be met with Roman. He's in his uniform, tie loose and offers a lazy smile.

"Do you just lurk in the corner and wait for me to leave my building?" I snap, flustered from the fright. He's so weird. Everything about him.

"Most of us have classes right now. I'm sorry to admit that my schedule doesn't revolve around you." He responds in that thick accent, every word a slow drawl that girls probably die over. He looks over my uniform, eyes lingering on my legs for a second longer than I'm comfortable with.

"So stay on schedule and get to your class." I walk away from him. A moment passes and I snap, "Why are you walking this way?"

"Because my class is this way. These questions are getting more trivial as they come." His lips lift in amusement.

"Most people would call you a freak." I pick up my pace, striding fast without looking at him, "Get some friends or something."

"Know where you're heading?" He asks.

"Yes." I lie. Just keep walking and you'll get somewhere, Vy.

"Business and managerial econ is on the other side of campus." He adds, "So no. You don't."

I spin around and don't realise how close he was behind me. I almost face plant but I step back just in time, gazing up at him with determination. He's a lot taller than me but I keep my chin high, "I don't want your help, even if it means I'm lost in this stupid campus. You're a genius so you should be able to read me."

"And what am I supposed to read?"

"I don't like you." I deadpan and then list, "I never have. I don't want you here. Go away."

He's silent, staring down at me. Roman cocks his head just slightly and I spot the cigarette perched behind his ear when he pulls it down, placing it between his lips now. He's looking me over again and then says, "You're gonna have a tough time in this place."

"Because of you?"

"Nope." His lips lift, "Because you look good enough to fucking eat in that uniform. A general statement. But you're going to get attention and princesses don't like it when you steal their prince."

"If their princes can't keep their eyes to themselves, they should divorce." I scowl, disgusted at that and turn away again, heading in the other direction, "I don't want attention. They won't notice me."

"Trust me. They'll notice. I have no intention of wanting to fuck you. But I also have eyes and a brain that's getting confused." He muses, like it's some funny little joke.

I turn around again and plaster on a small smile, stepping close to him, "Yeah?"

His dark eyes drag over me, smoke escaping from his lips and juts a shoulder.

I step closer and stamp on his foot as hard as I can muster, hoping my Prada loafers do their job. He grunts loudly and when he's about to slip away, I slam my foot down again on the same spot. He breaks away, cursing through gritted teeth and angrily tossing his cigarette to the ground.

I slip away whilst he's folded over, jogging down the twisted pathway. A small smile pulls at my lips once I'm a while away, a small sense of pride.

I'd lost my fight in the weeks since I came here. But nobody can break me. If they want to fight, I won't cower. Everest had told me once that I'm not breakable. That I'm strong. I keep the words in my head and keep walking.

It takes me a while but I eventually reach the right building and when I check my phone, I'm almost fifteen minutes late to the lecture already. Once I find the right lecture hall, I rush inside but the doors automatically slam shut behind me. And like the horrendously awkward bit of a movie, heads all around the large hall turn towards me. I shrink back.

I don't know whether to move. Or to stay here. I think I'm a little petrified under everyone's gaze. A part of me wants to run back out but logistically, that'd probably bring a lot more attention. I don't want to look like an idio-

"And that is exactly why lacking punctuality isn't tolerated." The bald professor at the front states, his words echoing. I can hear snickering and chattering.

I force my brain to stop freaking out on me and sneak myself into the back row, taking a seat.

Once I'm securely in my seat and the teacher starts talking again, I let myself die inside. I rest my forehead on the long desk in front of me, glad that there's a couple seats distance between me and the next person. I hate this place. I'm so conscious, of everything at all times and the anxiety peeves at my insides.

Once I've allowed myself the moment of wanting-to-die, I try to listen in on the professor and the notes he's making on the board-

My phone starts ringing.

No. Fuck.

I scramble into my bag, pushing past my notebooks and trying to delve down to find it. I stretch my fingers, panic surging and I hear the auditorium quieten, everyone turning again.

I end the call from Everest and slam my phone down on the desk, lifting my face and hurriedly uttering, "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"Care to speak coherently?" The professor chides and small laughs sound out across the hall. My anxiety surges and I stuff my sweaty hands between my legs. Eyes, eyes, eyes everywhere. I speak in mumbles when I'm nervous; Sage has always taught me to do otherwise or people won't take me seriously. I'm not Sage.

I try hard to speak up again but my throat feels cloggged-

The doors swing open and I turn my head, like everyone else. Roman stuffs his hands in his pockets, stood at the top of the doors. Are you actually kidding me? Is he some sort of moronic genie?

I wasn't rubbing a lamp, universe. Kill me now.

He's effortlessly confident when he dips his head as if faking a bow, "Hey, Prof."

Everyone laughs and I'm trying to figure out what was funny about that. I'm glaring at Roman. Everyone else seems ecstatic he's here, his name a whisper on their lips.

"Get out, Mr Beckett." The professor's whole demeanour turns into one of irritation and now everyone's eyes are on Roman, all of them laughing as if it's nothing new.

"Just wanna learn about investments, sir. I only learn from the best." Roman starts to walk towards me.

Shit, shit. No.

I sink so fast in my seat that I bump my knee, wincing. I try to lower but soon, Roman's dropped into the seat besides me, an arm around the back of my chair.

I freeze. Everyone's still watching. I'm gonna throw my shoe at his stupid face next time and hope it bruises badly. And he dies somehow because of it.

I look down at the small space on the floor, wondering if I could crawl down there and hide. It's big enough.

"Don't try it." He leans towards my ear.

"Move your face away from mine or I'll stab you with my pen." I keep my eyes on the professor, speaking quietly but hoping he hears my malice.

I get up and move into the seat next to me so there's a space between us. He doesn't move, only allowing his lips to quirk up and the professor only bothers scolding him for a couple minutes.

I'm good at ignoring people. Especially people I don't like. At all.

I pull out a notebook and start making notes as he rattles on, entirely ignoring the presence besides me as the class goes on. I want to focus on anything but the creep I can't shake off.

Until a ginger boy in the row in front of us leans back, his eyes leering as they look me over. I cringe at his small smile, lowering my head to continue writing.

"Hey, Roman." He whispers, "She yours, man?"

My head snaps up, disgusted for what feels like the fiftieth time but Roman speaks up before I can, kicking his legs up on the desk, "Make it known, Cal."

What the actual fuck? Cal looks dejected but doesn't argue, nodding his head like some obedient puppy.

"Are you delusional?" I snap my head to Roman and then look at the guy, "You're not gonna make anything known. Keep your mouth shut, Cal."

Cal looks confused. I don't care so I raise an eyebrow, waving him away with my pen. He swallows and looks away. I return to my notes, wishing all of the male species dropped dead. Until I realise there's Everest, and my brothers, and I don't want them dead so only the annoying prickish males. Yeah.

Roman's eyes are on me and I glance at him momentarily. A young face, a strong jaw and trimmed black hair that's only longer on the top, sharply faded on the sides and feathering out over his forehead. I'm not sure if it's a British thing but he looks like something out of a movie, cunning and sharp.

Ria looks like something out of a movie too so maybe all British people are just hot. Maybe it's the accent. I don't know and I don't care to think about it any longer.

"Your next lecture's the same as mine." He drawls, cracking his knuckles whilst I write.

"So I'm cursed." I mutter. He takes one of my pens to fidget with. I snatch it back.

"You're a brat." He muses, tilting his head, "I didn't expect you to have fight in you."

"Did you take a look at me and assume I'm some hopeless damsel in distress?" I look at him.

"You were on Dean's arm, so I assumed you another brainless idiot." He says plainly.

I didn't choose to be there. I don't let Dean touch me and yet, I'm stuck. His words remind me and so I return to my notes, trying again not to think about it. Possession. Dean's tossed me around, used me as his pawn like I'm nothing. I'll be reminded of it everyday that I'm here.

Roman clears his throat after my extended silence, "I didn't mean that."

"I don't want your pity." I respond, more harshly than I'd intended, "I don't want anything from you so when I walk into the next lecture, you're going to walk away from me. Sit with anyone else, since everyone seems to like your attention and leave me out of your little game. I don't want it."

I don't speak after that and I don't bother to look at him to see his reaction. He was probably amused again but at least, he takes the hint and doesn't speak to me for the rest of the lecture. When it ends, I lift my bag on my arm and slip past him before he can speak and when I enter the next class, I spot him in the back row with his group of pretentious friends.

I don't glance at him again and he doesn't glance at me as I sit myself as far away from him as possible. Even then, I hear whispers of his name and mine together. I ignore it, busying myself with the work. Trying to keep my chin held high whilst I'm so far away from home.


i wanna know who your fav characters are guys.


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