Web Warriors: Part 2. Legacy...

By nightcrow92

1.1K 74 48

Arash and Peter go back to New York after the events of Persia and Arash have to deal with the consequences o... More

Prologue: Far From Trials
P. FFT: Chapter 1
P. FFT: Chapter 2
P. FFT: Chapter 3
P. FFT: Chapter 4
P. FFT: Chapter 5
P. FFT: Chapter 6
P. FFT: Chapter 7
P. FFT: Chapter 9
P. FFT: Chapter 10
Part 1. Absolute Carnage
1. AC: Chapter 1
1. AC: Chapter 2
1. AC: Chapter 3
1. AC: Chapter 4
1. AC: Chapter 5
1. AC: Chapter 6
1. AC: Chapter 7
1. AC: Chapter 8
1. AC: Chapter 9
1. AC: Chapter 10
1. AC: Chapter 11
1. AC: Chapter 12
1. AC: Chapter 13
1. AC: Chapter 14
1. AC: Chapter 15
Web Interlude: Doing Too Much
Warrior Interlude: Visiting Hours
Part 2: Legacy Incarnate
2. LI: Chapter 1
2. LI: Chapter 2
2. LI - Chapter 3
2. LI - Chapter 4
2. LI - Chapter 5
2. LI - Chapter 6

P. FFT: Chapter 8

33 4 1
By nightcrow92

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P. FFTChapter 8

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 Arash was sitting in the mansion with Peter in front of him, the brown-haired boy was holding a pen over his palm facing up and the Prince has his hands lifted on the sides and over the pen with an intense look.

"Are you sure about doing this?" – Asked Peter

"I did it before, I'm telling you I can still do it" – assured Arash

"I believe in you, but maybe you need to like train it before showing me? After all you told me you did it kinda by accident" – pointed out Peter

"I just wanna show you that I still have them, I'm not sure I wanna train to develop them ever further or whatever" – said Arash

"But weren't you trying to trigger them before?" – Asked Peter

"That was to make sure if I still have them and I do, but they aren't as strong as before, which means...maybe we are all safe from me" – said Arash

"Safe from you? Cat...The Dahaka is gone, nobody is in danger around you" – assured Peter moving to grab the hand of the other boy

"I know he is gone, but some of my powers are still part of me and maybe some of his are still part of me as well, that is what I wanted to know, if he is still part of me or this is all me and we are all safe" – explained Arash – "look, the throne wasn't gonna be mine forever and now my powers are gone too, I'm here because I want to figure out what's next for me, but I can't do that if I'm worrying about having the powers of an evil spirit inside of me" – he added

"Ok, but if they are not the powers of an evil spirit and is all you...how about you still find a way to work with them while also figuring out your next move as a normal person?" – Suggested Peter

"Is this your way to make me tag along with you Eddie and Felicia in your fighting crimes ways even if I want to have a normal life?" – Asked Arash arching an eyebrow

"I mean if you still have powers how much of a normal life can you have? You will have to live a double life like everybody else" – said Peter

"Right, because a double life is the best way of living" – said Arash

"So, you don't wanna use your powers anymore if you have them?" – Asked Peter

"I...actually...don't know" – said Arash sighing – "I mean, they did give my life excitement...however...with all this legal issue...having a double life doesn't sound fun anymore and I think that I left it behind after I said to everybody that I was Vizier and the whole thing" – he explained

"I get it, don't worry, I guess I should have known about that part where that could not be safe for you and that you kinda grown the whole superhero thing during The Snap or something" – explained Peter with a sigh

"Maybe I did, but I'll be glad to be the second guy in the chair with Ned for you, Eddie and Felicia, there are some parts that I still miss from it" – said Arash – "you know if you really want another teammate, I think Farah could add some spice to your New Avengers team" – he added

"Web Warriors" – corrected Peter

"That's the name of your team?" – Asked Arash

"I use webs, I teach Felicia how to use them too and Eddie uses his own...gooey thing as well so I thought the name fit" – explained Peter – "and is not only my team, I was hoping they become OUR team, after all it all started with you and I" – he added with a sad puppy look at made the Prince suck on his bottom lip

"Tiger..." – started to say Arash

"Boys" – called Farah walking to the living room the boys where with Simon tagging along – "time to face the music" – she announced

"Sure...let's go" – said Arash nervously and also a bit sad after the conversation he had with his boyfriend

Both boys stood up from the couch and walked with the woman to the car that will take them to the court, Happy was gonna be the one that will drive them there this time at Tony's orders, Peter took the royal boy's hand to ease him and Arash just smiled at him kindly for the gesture and leaned to rest his head on the other boy's shoulder while they made their way to the court.

"Ok, everybody, we are here" – announced Happy – "and before we get out of the car, I just want you to know that we are all rooting for you and no matter the result, we will all help you and be there for you boy" – he said to the Prince

"Thanks Happy" – said Arash with a tiny smile

Happy, Farah, Simon and Peter were the first to come out of the car to help Arash out because there was already a lot of press out of the car, Farah, Simon and Happy served as body guards to help the raven-haired boy out while his boyfriend grabbed his hand to support him, suddenly Eddie and Felicia made their way through the crow to help as well and when Arash noticed he smiled at them and the group made their way inside the court house through the sea of press.

"Glad you could make it through, that looks crazy" – said Foggy looking at the press that stayed out of the court house but still trying to take pictures

"We would have helped but...you know..." – said Jennifer with an awkward smile

"Don't worry, I made it through and I don't think you guys could help much anyway, no offense" – said Arash

"No offense taken Mr. Mohammadi" – said Matt – "let's go to the courtroom, your uncle is already there with his assistant and your therapist" – he added walking with Foggy and Jennifer leading the way of the group

"The moment of truth" – said Arash following them with Peter still attached to him by hand and his friends walking on his side

When everybody arrived the court room all eyes were on the Prince and in the first time of his life in the public eye he felt nervous under everybody's gaze, but he shook it off he let go his boyfriend's hand who nod at him and he walked to his sit along with Matt, Foggy and Jennifer walking with him sitting on his side while Peter, Eddie, Felicia, Simon, Farah and Foggy sat on the public close to the King, Nasreen and Dr. Amar who send different looks and signals of support to Arash.

On the other table sat the Secretary Thaddeus Ross with Anne Marie Hoag and their own team of lawyers that were basically 2 people he didn't know and when he asked his lawyers they didn't knew them either, it wasn't long before Judge Earley appeared and everybody stood up.

"All rise for Judge Earley" – called out the policeman in the trial

"Good day everybody" – greeted Judge Earley – "please sit down" – she ordered and everybody did – "now, I carefully read and inspected all the evidence for the case, Mr. Mohammadi had gone through a psychology evaluation, a blood test and a lie detector test, all to prove his innocence against the accusations against him and that he is now powerless which will leave him out of the rules he signed of the Sokovia Accords" – she stated – "regarding the situation of Mr. Mohammadi's powers, after seeing the result on the tests made to him specially the blood test, it seems like Mr. Mohammadi doesn't suit the profile to be judge using the Sokovia Accords against him" – she said making the Prince smile and his lawyer let out the air they were holding

"Your honor..." – started to say the lawyer on the side of the prosecutors

"However..." – interrupted/started to say Judge Earley – "according to the lie detector and psychological test that Mr. Mohammadi was part of...it seems that the situations you were accused of were real, but also there is a third party involved that can't speak for themselves because instead of being brought to justice they died somehow indirectly because of the use of your powers through other kind of means" – she explained

"Your honor, Mr. Mohammadi powers were used by another enhanced individual apparently a magical user" – explained Matt

"That is what I understand Mr. Murdock" – said Judge Earley

"Your honor, there has been many cases like this one with every other hero like Mr. Mohammadi, let us remember the cases of Stane, Vanko and Killian cases that Mr. Stark had to take into his own hands" – explained Foggy to the woman

"Also, there are other cases like Dreykov who was taken care by the late Miss Romanoff, Cross who was taken care by Mr. Lang-" – started to say Jennifer

"Someone that was prosecuted and had to face the consequences of his actions during the chase of Mr. Barnes" – said the lawyer of the prosecutors

"Mr. Barnes has been granted with pardon by the government and is doing therapy because of it for what I understand" – said Matt

"And before I was rudely interrupted" – said Jennifer a bit annoyed – "we can also compare the case of Mr. Mohammadi to cases like those of Ultron or Thanos against the Avengers since part of them where part in helping the Prince in what happened and we can have their testimonials of the case" – she explained

"As if their testimonials aren't going to be full of bullshit" – said Ross annoyed

"Mr. Ross, watch your language in my court room" – warned Judge Earley

"We can put their testimonials through a lie detector test just like Mr. Mohammadi if it's needed to assure the veracity of their statements" – said Foggy

"There is also another case we can compare Mr. Mohammadi with..." – started to say Matt – "in case we forgot about it, even if Mr. Mohammadi signed the Accords and is at service of several governments, what happened to him was in his home country in which he was King at the moment and was taken care of there as well" – he explained – "and we can be compared the situation to what happened with King T'Challa the case of Erik "Killmonger" Stevens, he was facing an overthrown that was taken care by himself on his home country under his own legislation" – he added

"Objection!" – called the prosecutors lawyer – "excuse me your honor, but are Mr. Mohammadi lawyers trying to prove that heroes are granted pardon when they "take care of issues" and kill who ever they think is dangerous?" – He asked

"Objection! Your honor he is clearly misleading our statement" – said Foggy – "we are just trying to let you know that even if there was a third party involved that Mr. Mohammadi took care of it was to defend his people, country and I even dare to say the world, he almost died two times doing that may I remember the court" – he explained

"Objection! Your honor he is using Mr. Mohammadi status as a hero to gain sympathy from the court and that is if he is or is not a hero that saved the world two times or more and almost died, this is about the abuse of his powers against innocent people and someone that can possibly loose control of them at the moment" – said the prosecutors lawyer – "we can let another situation like the one in Westview happen again" – he added

"Ok, I heard enough" – said Judge Earley taking off her glasses – "I understand both sides of the story and after all the evidence and testimonies of today, I came to a conclusion on the case" – she stated – "First of all let me clarify that I understand that Mr. Mohammadi doesn't belong anymore in the category of enhanced individuals and the Sokovia Accords don't apply to him anymore, but they did during the date of the reports" – she said – "also, I understand that he was in his home country during the time this happened as well, where he was also at the date of the reports the ruler of said country and finally I understand the situation he was in with the comparation with other cases his lawyers named" – she added

"I don't feel so confident with all she said" – said Arash in a whisper nervously

"It's gonna be fine" – said Jennifer grabbing the boy's hand for support

"I declare the case of Mr. Mohammadi..." – started to say Judge Earley







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A/N: UUUUHHHH!! Sorry! I couldn't resist leaving this in a cliffhanger, I know the prologue is kinda long, I usually take less chapters but this was a whole ass arc...however I didn't thought it would fit as a "Part 1" so bear with me a little.

I was avoiding doing too much dialogue during the trial part because I was nervous to mess it up, but I think it came out all right, I mean after watching "She-Hulk" and a bunch of chapters of "Law & Order: SUV" I did the best I could with it, but at least I gave you a cute number first with Peter and Arash to make up for it if it sucked lol

As usual my country is against me doing updates, first yesterday we had a power issues and today it was an internet issue...things are getting better for me in my life except my country still sucks...but anyway, please leave Comments and Votes so I know that you guys are out there and thanks to anyone reading this, I will see you guys next Wednesday (hopefully) for the last chapter of the Prologue to see in what note we start kicking Arash new story ✨🏹🕷⚫🐱‍👤

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So, I also have two other books called "Phillip Jones: Hellstrom" based on a character brother of Jessica Jones but it follows an original storyline and "TECHsupport" based on the show "Cloak & Dagger", both are not part of this universe of the main ones, but they are pretty cool one is my take on doing something less PG and the other is basically a teen superhero drama just like the show that is based from, I will appreciate if you guys support those books so...yeah just please give them some love, k' bye 🤗

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