Waiting On You [18+]

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Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... Daha Fazla

Author's note


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"Is that her?" Andrew asked as Theo's eyes were glued to his phone, texting on it the moment he got a notification

"Yeah...she's just finished therapy - said she's having a girls night at her house with all of them and Aimee as well. They're gonna have some popcorn, order in and watch a film"

"That sounds nice. She's doing well then?" Andrew asked, happy that Naomi and Theo had sorted things out and he clearly wanted someone to talk to about all of this

"Yeah" Theo nodded, "Really fucking good and I'm so proud of her" he mumbled, "oh and thanks for that advice not too long ago"

"No problem, I could see you definitely needed it" Andrew smiled at how blunt he was with Theo but it clearly worked

"Yeah I-" Theo's sentence got interrupted by the sound of the front door slamming shut and abruptly, two bodies stumbled into the house - lips connected, hands everywhere and anywhere as drew and Theo watched wide eyed

"Mm" she moaned, as he lifted her up and sat her on the kitchen countertop

"Fuck baby, you're so wet" he moaned, slipping his hand under her skirt and rubbing his fingers against her thong which had practically become useless at this point

"Are you gonna make them aware of our presence or should I?" Drew shook his head at the sight of Elliott about to finger a girl on their kitchen countertop

Blinking at the couple as he realised he was somewhat getting a taste of his own medicine, Theo said, "Oh, this is all you" to Andrew

Getting up from the sofa as he accidentally dropped his phone on the floor, making a loud enough noise for the pair to breakaway from practically swallowing each others faces, Drew sarcastically said "Oh no! I am so sorry that we interrupt you in a bloody communal kitchen!"

Closing his mouth and quickly pulling his fingers out from under the unnamed girl's skirt, Elliot had the cheek to smile as he said, "Sorry about that Drew - just got a bit carried away" walking over to the kitchen sink to wash his hands

Flushing red with embarrassment despite her tan skin, the once again, unnamed girl, quickly scooted off of the kitchen countertop, pulling down her skirt and realised who she was in a room with

"Sorry" she apologised, as she looked between Andrew and Theo - only for her to realise who Theo was, "I'm Ivy" she introduced herself, despite Elliot refusing to

"Well, hi Ivy" Drew huffed a sigh at this just being the norm, "I'm Andrew and that's Theo" he replied- knowing that Theo had no intention of introducing himself as he brushed past everyone to get himself a protein bar

He was meant to going to the gym, but he didn't think a little catch up with Andrew would lead to, well what he just witnessed.

"Theo, as in team captain of the university football team, Theo?" She asked as Theo grunted a response, not really caring for who this girl was

It was rude, but he just didn't care. She wasn't his girl, so why should he bother talking to some random girl who almost got fingered on his kitchen countertop by Elliot of all people.

"Wow, so you're like really athletic then. Well I mean of course you are - everyone's heard about Chelsea FC" she rambled as Andrew rolled his eyes giving Theo a look as if to say, is this what it's really like to be you - this is what you deal with from girls on a daily?

Elliot simply observed the entire interaction, knowing that Theo was big on university campus, but had Ivy binned him off or what, cause he was still in the room, witnessing all of this.

"Yeah, thanks" Theo mumbled two words to her because what else was he really meant to say

"Yeah, heard quite a few other rumours about you" she smiled, shamelessly dragging her eyes over Theo's stature, letting her gaze linger over a certain area a little longer, "You know - you and your many, many skills" she raised her eyebrows at Theo narrowing his eyes at her

"Ivy?" Elliott questioned because he could tell what she was insinuating, but she was quite literally here to hook up with him - why was she so casually trying to move to Theo who had no interest in her, infront of him

"Come on, Elliott - I've always wanted to try new things" she winked as Elliot furrowed his brows at her

Looking back over at Theo she bit her lip as she said, "I've always loved the idea of twice the fun"

Raising his eyebrows in shock of what he was actually witnessing, Drew was ready to leave the room but he couldn't. He just couldn't. He couldn't help but be fascinated by how hard this girl was trying and Theo was really giving her nothing to work with.

Tapping his arm aggressively which made Theo furrow his eyebrows at him, Elliott excitedly whispered to him, "Bro! I think she wants to go to Paris"

Theo paused for a moment, his gaze flickering from the girl who was trying to give him a sultry look but it just wasn't working for him, to Drew who was shaking his head, trying to hold in his laughter as he thought, 'Paris? What the fuck was Paris?'

It wasn't even a second later that he caught onto what Elliott meant - how he got the saying so wrong but after a moment he understood, 'Ohhh Paris as in she wanted to see the Eiffel tower' if you knew what that meant

Grimacing at the thought of him and Elliott sharing a girl, and especially the fact that he even brought up a girl who wasn't Naomi, Theo immediately shook his head as he said "No", "Not for me - she's all yours" walking back over to the sofa, waiting for Crawford to text back about meeting him at the gym to work out together

Brushing off the clear decline of her proposal, Ivy decided to speak first, "Um, can I grab a water?" Attempting to break the awkward silence of the room

"Yeah" Elliott nodded, "in the fridge" he jutted his chin at the door she already had her hand on, ready to pull the handle, as he began to text Theo - who was quite literally across the room - why did he say no to the proposal.

Hearing the fridge door shut as she expressed some kind of interest in their fridge decor, Elliott looked up from his phone to find Ivy admiring the various photos stuck to the fridge

"Oh my gosh how cute!" She smiled, pointing out a singular picture, "Is this you guys in first year halls?" She asked - singling out a picture of the whole group from Halloween in first year

"Yeah" Elliott piped up- "all of us and the girls" he remembered fondly at the memory of Naomi's face dropping the moment she realised her and Theo were matching with their costumes made him laugh

Walking over to the fridge, as he looked at the very picture Ivy was talking about, he pointed out everyone one by one, "That's Eliza, Jess, Harriet, Liv, Tiana and-" he went to say Naomi's name but somehow Ivy beat him to it

"Naomi, right?" Ivy asked, which surprised everyone in the room

One person in particular

Theo's ears immediately perked up at the sound of Naomi's name being mentioned and Drew quickly side eyed him being cautious of Theo's next movements

He knew that Elliott was the last to know about Theo and Naomi, and it was for good reason to. He wouldn't ever say this - but he definitely had a small inkling that Elliott had a crush on Naomi, he didn't know whether he still had this crush, but it definitely started from first year.

Elliott was someone who acted first, instead of thinking. The moment he found out about Naomi and Theo he would one hundred percent get angry. Not because of the crush, but because of his individual relationships with the couple. He saw Theo as somewhat an older brother, a role model - definitely one with girls. And then there was Naomi, she was like an unattainable girl, he knew she'd never go there within sleeping with him, but if he could have her as a friend he'd take that.

So, if Elliott suddenly found out to people he thought he knew dearly were keeping something so big from him, even if it wasn't his business- Elliot would not be remotely happy.

"Yeah, how did you know?!" Elliot asked excitedly, as he looked at Ivy because how did he not know Ivy and Naomi knew each other

"Oh, she's on my course. Fashion marketing and branding. She's realllyy smart" Ivy shook her head in admiration of the grades Naomi was getting compared to the rest of those on the course, "I've never spoken to her, but of course I know her when everyone's talking about her" Ivy said as all the boys waited for her to continue because they had no clue what she was talking about

"You know..." she trailed off as all the boys gave her a blank stare, still having no clue what she was talking about, "The really big time offer she got with sinful lingerie! You know, the one where she has the opportunity to work for their New York office and study at the fashion institute of New York. Like, I mean I personally-"

The moment Theo heard what just came out of Ivy's mouth - her voice became a distant memory and all he could hear was ringing.

He couldn't think straight.

Naomi, his Naomi had a big time offer and he didn't know.

She didn't tell him?

Theo thoughts were rushing a mile a minute and he didn't even take care to notice Andrew, as he warned him in a low, controlled voice to stay calm.

But fuck staying in control.

Theo wanted answers and he wanted them now.

"Wait, what?" Theo called out across the room, immediately getting Ivy's attention of him actually talking to her

"Yeah, didn't you guys hear? Her boss loves her. The self made millionaire Mariam Palace. Yeah, she really wants Naomi to go" Ivy smiled in admiration because she wished she was getting opportunities like that

"How long-" Theo swallowed harshly, not even knowing if he wanted the answer to this question, but he had to ask - he had to know "how long have you known about this?"

Unbeknownst to Theo all whilst he was getting as much information as he could out of Ivy who had no clue what she was revealing to Theo - Elliott watched him carefully as he realised Theo was beginning to be a little too interested in Naomi's life.

Like, yeah - Elliott was shocked about not knowing, but he was fucking proud of Naomi bagging that offer and yet Theo just looked...Angry?

"Theo?" Elliott questioned as the guy he'd lived with for two years didn't even give him the courtesy of even a side eye glance as he uttered, "Just Shut up man"

Scoffing at how Theo just spoke to him whilst Ivy rambled on about the course announcing it two weeks ago, Elliott gave Theo a chance to take back what he just said to him as he quickly questioned, "Wait, what?"

Theo didn't even pay attention to Elliott's beginning of a meltdown because he simply couldn't. He just couldn't not when he was finding out this information from Ivy.

Ivy - as in the girl who just outrightly - with no embarrassment just asked for him and Elliott to tag team her and not his very own girlfriend.

"Hold on..." Elliott trailed off - watching Theo become angrier by the second as he stressfully ran his hand through his disheveled hair and shook his head in denial

"Elliott" Drew shook his head, trying to stop Elliott from making this worse than it needed to be.

Theo was stressed and he didn't need Elliott blowing up in his face as as well.

"You like Naomi?" Elliott paid no mind to Drew as he spoke the three words into the room just as Ivy finished talking. The room immediately shifted

The once somewhat stable atmosphere where no one wanted to say the obvious was finally out there. Elliott had gone and said what no one needed in the open.

Not even caring anymore because his thoughts were consumed by the girl he cared about not even telling him as he got up Theo cursed. "Fuck! Of course I do - she's my girlfriend" Theo muttered going to grab his shoes to go and see Naomi

"Hold on, what?" Elliott rushed after him as Ivy stared at Drew wondering what the hell was going on and not realising she had just caused a massive fire that wasn't going out anytime soon

"What?" Theo snapped as he noticed Elliott following after him as he got into his bedroom, lacing up his dunks

"Your girlfriend?" Elliott questioned lowly, trying to get Theo to slowly realise what he had just revealed to him like it was normal

"Shit" Theo cursed, closing his eyes, realising what he'd just done. He tried to salvage it, by explaining to Elliott, "Yeah we've-"

Shaking his head because he just couldn't. He couldn't believe this. He couldn't believe that this is how he was finding out, Elliott said - "No. No. No, why wouldn't Naomi tell me?" He asked as Theo stood up from his bed, going to touch his shoulder to calm him - but Elliott backed away with a look of betrayal on his face as he quickly asked, "Why wouldn't you of all people, tell me?"

"Why wouldn't either of you tell me!" He whined as he couldn't help but get upset about this

Rolling his eyes because he just couldn't deal with another childish meltdown over his and Naomi's relationship, Theo pushed past him, going downstairs to leave the house as he spoke on his way past him, "Because it was none of your business" Theo said refusing to have another person stick their nose in his business

"Man, I'm talking to you!" Elliott raised his voice for the first time ever as he rushed after Theo, refusing to just let him leave this conversation

He couldn't just reveal that and then go. He wasn't allowing that to happen. He wanted to know why the fuck two of his bestfriend's were official and he had no clue they even liked each other

He thought they told eachother everything- especially him and Naomi.

Spinning on his heels at the sound of Elliott raising his voice as he watched Charlie run down the stairs after the pair of them - confused at the yelling, Theo tried to make this situation less of a situation - "Elliott calm down" Theo spoke, warning him not to make this a big thing

"Calm down?!" Elliott echoed, refusing to lower his voice as he was pissed off now, "You don't get to fucking tell me to calm down!" He began to step towards Theo and get into his face with every word

"why should I? Huh?" He teased as he could tell Theo was getting angry but he didn't care, he was angrier "Why should I be calm when you're clearly taking advantage of her?"

And he struck a nerve

Theo didn't even take a moment to think before he pushed Elliott out of his face and away from him, with force

"How the fuck am I? You don't know shit about us!" Theo scoffed at how Elliott was really trying to make him seem like the bad guy here

"Great, just great" Drew sighed as what was once just Charlie stood on the stairs watching in confusion had turned into the entire house of boys - Jack, Daniel, Cap Morgan, Charlie - the lot of them

"Woah, woah. WOAH! Elliott calm down and Theo you need to breathe" Drew spoke, stepping between the pair as Elliott began to make a move on Theo - ready to push him back

Exhaling heavily through his nostrils as Drew held him back, Elliott looked around to see the boys just staring at him. Not Theo, but him. "What? Why the fuck is no one else shocked?" He confronted them, "Huh? You all remember what happened with Seb and how Theo treated Naomi in first year - why are you not fucking pissed off!" Elliott yelled at them as he got nothing

Nothing from each and every one of them

They just looked...Nervous?

Why did they all look -

"You all knew?" He noticed their faces. "You all knew?" He repeated lowly for clarification. That he was the last one. That they'd all been keeping this secret from him.

"How long?" He swallowed as Theo too glanced up at the boys

"How fucking long have you all known!" Elliott shouted at them because he wasn't just going to sit back and let them treat him like the child, he wanted answers and he wanted them now

None of the boys answered Elliot. They just stared. They stared and waited for Elliott to just calm down.

Looking over at Theo, he decided to ask, "Fine, if no one will tell me how long they've known - when did it start? When did you and-" he paused not even being about to actually say that Naomi and Theo were together despite him teasing the two of them in the past about liking each other - that was a joke - purely a joke, he didn't think it would happen

"Since the last day of first year, I guess" Theo bowed his head at the fact that it'd almost been a year. A whole year that they were hiding this.

"And do you have anything to say? Anything, like oh mate I'm sorry that I'm fucking the girl i tormented majority of first year, and that you - Elliott - felt so torn between you guys, hated it!" Elliott mocked Theo's voice as he was trying to get him to see where he was coming from

All those months

All that time he felt so torn between Theo and Naomi during their arguments. During their stages of refusing to even to be in the same room as each other - Elliott had to deal with it.

He had to deal with being both of their friends.

Being on both sides

Hear both be angry at the other

"What was that?" Elliott mocked, knowing Theo had nothing to say, "Oh nothing because you're a fucking liar and a coward" he cursed as looked down on Theo, "You're fucking her, for what? Fun?" He said with malice intent

"Nah" Theo shook his head, not even letting this guy get to him because he wasn't worth it

He just wanted to talk to his girlfriend

"Ivy even fucking said it, you have a track record-" Elliott began to throw insults at Theo because he just couldn't understand why they all just allowed this to happen

How they just let Naomi and Theo get together when Theo was clearly gonna break her heart

Shaking his head because this boy was due to get a punch to the face, Theo warned him, "Elliott I beg, just shut the fuck up. I can't deal with your dramatics right now. I'm leaving and I'm gonna go and see my girlfriend" he huffed, shrugging Drew's hold on him off and walked out of the front door and was on a mission to one place

To Naomi.

He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

Okumaya devam et

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