The Rule Book

By facelessinfernal

305 10 2

If you ever have to use this I'm sorry, I hope this helps you survive. Follow it closely and read it carefull... More

Staying up late
Waking up in the Middle of the Night
The Bus Ride (morning)
Welcome to school
School Lunch
8th period
Tips and Tricks for School
Bus Ride (Afternoon)
New Teachers Step-by-Step Guide for [REDACTED] School.
Rules for Flight 801
House sitting
Getting a Snack at Night
Rules for Camping
Rules for Babysitting
Rules for Pet Sitting
Rules for the Arcade
Rules for the Circus
Rules for being an EMT
Rules for the park
Rules for The Trail
Rules for The Mirror
Rules for the night shift
Rules for the Garden
Rules for my doll collection
Grandma's house
The Movies
The bowling alley
The casino
The aquarium (EMPLOYEE MANUAL)

Rules for the Red Door

3 1 0
By facelessinfernal

This phenomenon is not something that I alone can define. Surviving this phenomenon should be relatively easy but that doesn't mean you won't leave traumatized. Be weary this door can appear anywhere in your house and your house only. It is a dark red door made of wood. The wood is so fresh it could splinter you easily. This door usually spawns in walls but occasionally the ground. Regardless it's in your best interest to pay very very close attention to this door should you ever have the unfortunate fate of finding it in your home.

1. The door should be closed upon discovery. If it is continue with the normal steps. If not follow the next few rules.

1.A. If the door is wide open upon discovery take whatever you can in the span of two minutes and enter the door but do not open your eyes. After a while you feel a tap on your shoulder, that is how you know it is safe to open your eyes.

1.B. In front of you there will be a cherry blossom forest and if your lucky they will be in bloom. In order to get out you must follow only the dead trees. Also I cannot stress this enough, but stay on the path provided. If the dead trees stray off the path, then I am sorry, but you always have to stay on the path.

1.C. The creature nicknamed the "hollow" will be there sleeping when you reach the end. The creatures true name is Th3-h0110w-3717 and it is confirmed to be one of many oldest living entities that I have ever recorded. Besides that, do not wake the creature immediately but instead wait for the sun to set.

1.D. When it does begin to set, wake the creature up by gently poking it in its shoulder. Apologize profusely and say that you accidentally walked in and that you will never return. The creatures face is typically stoic, but after explanation is may start to open its jaw and shriek. When this happens plug your ears, or you may have permanent hearing loss.

1.E. After it's shrieking episode the creature should turn around and start to leave. You must follow him, he is only trying to help you leave. He knows just as well as you do that you do not belong here.

1.F. The creature will being you to a purple door. Upon arriving you will seemingly pass out but wake up in your own bed. Do not fight the sleep, again he is only trying to help.

2. If the door is only cracked or slightly closed then you must burn the incense that has appeared under your sink. Line the bottom of the door with salt. Only when that salt has turned black must you replace it. At the end of the night you may gather the salt and leave it on your neighbors doorstep. (His name is Mr. Barnam)

3. At some point the door may change colors and if this occurs do not leave your house under any circumstances. Instead try to fall asleep in a room with a mirror. At this point it would be better if the door was open.

4. Ignore any bugs crawling across your legs.

5. If you see the black figure with white eyes, a bloody mouth, razor blade teeth, and rotting skin then it has come and there is nothing you can do. I am sorry.

6. The red door should be gone within a two to seven day period and will most commonly leave on a time that is an angel number such as 3:33 or 5:55.

7. If the door replaces one that you know for a fact exist (rather it replace a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, etc.) you must not enter for any reason. That is not the room you once knew and it is now even more warped then if the door were to just appear on a wall or in the floor.

8. Never leave the house if the door is there, and never let family members exit as well.

9. If there is light coming from behind the door then you must follow these next steps closely.

9.A. Prepare food. They like anything, but more particularly meat. If they do not see meat on the table they will come for the next best thing, you.

9.B. Hide under the kitchen cabinet and remain completely and utterly silent. They know your there, but as long as you make no move to make them upset then you should be ok.

9.C. Once the kitchen light shuts off then you may come out. If the light never turns off you have failed and the only way to survive is to stay under that cabinet for the rest of your life,

9.D. Those were the dinner guest and they really like the taste of human flesh. Tell your family members of this occurrence and what to do in this situation.

10. Never acknowledge the red door unless told otherwise.

11. Ignore grumbling, moaning, scratching, screaming, etc that happens behind the door. They are trying to get you to acknowledge it.

12. If someone or something is in your house that you know is not family or friend, then it's best advised that you pray.

13. Once the door is gone, never speak of it again.

Hello once again, and I hope you've had a truly wonderful experience with this door. It is one of a kind and leads to... all sort of wonderful and magical places. Now when I dealt with this door it wasn't all that friendly and I had to constantly keep changing out the salt but when that wouldn't work I had to enter the door... well anyways that's how we have info on the hollow. Honestly if you do ever have to enter the door you should say hi to the hollow for me, he's an interesting creature. We believe that he is neither a creature born In light nor dark; isn't that interesting? Anywho I have to get going but enjoy your day, night, morning, afternoon, or whatever it is you may be. As always survive don't thrive, try to stay alive.

Yours truly ~[REDACTED]

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