In The Name of Love / Xavier...

By sebs_loves

489K 12.7K 2.4K

What if Hecate Addams, a girl that was twinned with Wednesday at birth but was seemingly the total opposite o... More

Goodbye For Now


4K 115 48
By sebs_loves

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Now was one of the only times Hecate would will herself to wear entirely black clothing and hold a black umbrella. Her eyeshadow was even dark and her lipstick was a plum colour. She stood straight, a sad expression on her face as she leant against Xavier.

The mayor had died.

"God is our refuge, and our strength-" the woman vicar read out whilst a boy beside her held a black umbrella over hers and his own head. Behind the vicar was a portrait of Mayor Walker, not smiling nor frowning.

Hecate took a split second to glance at Wednesday, wondering on whether she was feeling any sort of emotion like sadness or even slight grief. But alas, she knew Wednesday loved funerals. Not for the right reason, although there was no right reason to love a funeral.

The blonde then switched her gaze to the only two people that sat near the casket that was decorated with red, white and blue flowers; Lucas Walker and his mother, both of whom were holding a bunch of white lilies whilst they wept silently.

Whilst the rain continued to pour onto them with an unmerciful intent, Hecate let her eyes wonder to the casket. She didn't believe the mayor deserved such a fate as this one. With a sad sigh, she felt a pair of warm lips - the only warm thing she could feel against the cold nip in the air - press against her head.

Hecate looked up to Xavier, who looked down at her and she leant into his embrace even more so. After all the continuous bad things that have happened, he was the only continuous good thing she had going for her, and she'd do anything to keep it that way. She'd wrestle with Death, she'd make a deal with Death and in the end when her time is up, she'd greet Death with open arms knowing she would've saved the love of her life.

Dramatic, huh?

It wasn't long before everyone began to leave, Hecate and Xavier following the crowd. When Hecate glanced back to try and see whether or not Wednesday was following, she caught a glimpse of black running into the trees and no Wednesday was around. Sighing and shaking her head, Hecate walked forwards once more.

She couldn't get into too many more adventures with Wednesday otherwise she'd probably get thrown out of Nevermore Academy. So, she simply walked besides Xavier with said boy keeping his arm wrapped around the blonde safely.

Hecate glanced at Enid, who was full of emotions whilst Ajax did the same thing with her, held her safely and securely into his embrace to ensure that the blonde werewolf felt loved, warm and safe.

It was cute.

"I wonder how difficult it would be for them to do the deed." Hecate suddenly said quietly, leaning her head closer to Xavier - if possible - to make sure he heard her. However, she knew her words were heard from the slight choking sound.

"Sweetheart, c'mon, don't say stuff like that after we've just attended a funeral!"

"Babe, think about it." Hecate began, using her hands to express her words more thoroughly whilst she just straight up pointed at Ajax and Enid. "If his beanie falls off-" she began laughing and tried to stop herself from doing so, wanting to explain her thoughts. "And...and Enid gets-" she inhaled sharply, trying to calm herself down, "And Enid gets...ahem, stoned...." Hecate bit her lip as a wide grin formed on her face. "Would he just..."

"Right, stop." Xavier begged, shaking his head as he cringed at the thought of his best mate doing the deed with Enid or at least, the scenario Hecate was giving. However, he did have a smile on his face as he was able to listen to a couple of his favourite things. Her voice....and her laugh.

"No, no! I need to-" Hecate chuckled a little breathlessly, but then it turned into a wheeze as the thoughts of what she was trying to say ran through her mind. "I can't!" She squeaked, laughing loudly and boisterously. A few heads turned, and Xavier could only nod at them apologetically.

"Then don't!" Xavier laughed along with her softly, urging her to keep walking towards the busses that would take them back to the academy.


Night had fallen and Hecate was staring Wednesday down. The fallout the raven haired girl and Enid had was infuriating. Hecate was now stuck in the middle.

"We need to go." Wednesday sharply said as she slung a book bag over her shoulders. Her knitted black and white squared jumper hugged her figure thanks to the crop jacket she had on.

Hecate, however, was clad in a pair of Xavier's sweatpants and a crop hoodie whilst her hair was thrown up into a messy bun.

Hecate didn't get much of a word in before her arm was grabbed and she was being dragged from the room. Wednesday's quick pace was making Hecate stumble due to her being pulled by her arm.

"Let me-" Hecate grunted and cut herself off as she ripped her arm from Wednesday's grasp. With a scoff, she continued to walk. It didn't take long to realise they were heading for the Poe statue, the one that lead down into the Nightshade Library.

The two girls raised one hand and snapped their fingers in sync twice, which was then followed by gears clicking and the statue moving backwards. Swiftly, the two sauntered down into the library, Hecate at a stand still once they reached the bottom.

Wednesday scoured the shelves, looking for something particular.

"Uncle Fester?" Wednesday called out, and Hecate's eyes widened with joy. Uncle Fester was the favourite to all the Addams siblings. He was kooky, goofy and a little bit spooky.

"Who's Uncle Fester?" Xavier asked, appearing from no where. Hecate tilted her head - much like a dog would - in curiosity.

"A family member. Although, i'm not sure why he'd be here." She answered truthfully, turning her head to look at Wednesday. Obviously, the latter had forgotten to mention a little detail once she had returned from the Mayor's funeral.

"What are you doing here?" Wednesday sharply asked, and Hecate frowned.

"He's a Nightshade? He's allowed-"

"Sh." Wednesday told the girl, obviously knowing Xavier was a Nightshade and was allowed to be down here, but that wasn't what she meant by her question. She wanted to know why he was down here. What he was down here for.

"Since i'm an actual Nightshade, like Catie said, i don't have to explain myself." Xavier had a slight venomous tone to his voice when speaking to Wednesday, nothing like what he spoke to Hecate like. "What's your excuse for creeping around in the middle of the night?"


"On what?" Hecate asked in confusion, and just by that question a little spark of hate fueled the ever growing fire inside Xavier's stomach towards Wednesday. Again, Wednesday had dragged Hecate somewhere she either didn't know she'd end up or didn't want to be. And that annoyed him.

"On the monster?" Xavier asked, clenching his fists tightly as he watched Hecate frown. She hated the mere mention of the creature ever since the night of Rowan's death. And yet....she continued to help Wednesday because Wednesday was family. "I'll save you some time. There's nothing in here matching that thing."

"Isn't that convenient." Wednesday scoffed with annoyance, turning and about to walk away. Hecate was unsure on what to do. Go with Wednesday? Stay with Xavier? Hunt around for Uncle Fester?

"You know what your problem is?" Xavier spat out, gaining Wednesday's attention once more. The raven haired girl let her lip curl in disgust as she swiftly turned and took a couple striding steps forwards.

"I would love to hear your piercing insight." Enid's words were still fresh in Wednesday's mind, especially after her encounter with Enid just hours before leaving for the Nightshade Library.

Xavier simply shook his head, crossed his arms and glanced towards his girlfriend who simply stood there, shifting her weight nervously as her gaze constantly flickered between himself and Wednesday. Almost expecting something to happen.

"You don't know who your real friends are." His tone was softer, not wanting to pick a fight with Wednesday when Hecate was in the room. "I've been on your side since day one."

"Because of Hecate." Wednesday quickly said, tilting her head and glaring. "When you saved her life, would you have done the same for me if she hadn't of pushed me aside?" Xavier rolled his eyes.

"I would've." He answered, sighing and shaking his head afterwards. "I believed your theories when nobody else did."

"Because of Hecate!" Wednesday stressed more, showing beliefs that Xavier only did those things because of Hecate Addams.

"Yeah, well what do i get in return? Just nothing but suspicion and lies." Xavier continued to talk, and Wednesday huffed a little.

"Fine. You want honesty? Here it is." Wednesday snapped and Hecate opened her mouth to say something but immediately shut it. "Everytime the monster's attacked," she took a step forwards, "you've been right there." Xavier scoffed at Wednesday's words. He couldn't believe her. "Starting with Rowan at the Harvest Festival. Then on Outreach Day, you arrived at the meeting house just minutes after the monster had disappeared, yet you say you didn't see it"

"I didn't realise proximity was a crime." Xavier snapped, walking passed the two girls. Hecate wanted to reach out to him, but didn't.

"Then there's your drawing obsession." Wednesday was quick to add, drawing Xavier's attention back to her. "You have drawn the monster dozens of times, yet you've never seen it. Or so you claim. You even drew where it lived. Then, when Eugene went to investigate, you tried to kill him so he wouldn't spill your secret."

"You think i would hurt Eugene?" Xavier spat in disgust at Wednesday's proposal of what happened as he took a step or two forwards.

"Let's not forget your oh-so-convenient appearance after Tyler had been attacked at the Gates mansion."

"I was with my girlfriend, too. You know, your sister?" Xavier said, his gaze hardened.

"If i am the monster," Xavier said taking more steps and got closer to the two girls. "Then why haven't i killed you? Why haven't i killed Catie?"

"Because for some reason i cannot fathom or indulge, you seem to be completely infaturated with Hecate and so won't harm me or her to save her the pain of it." Wednesday answered, acting as though she knew it all but rather, insulted Hecate in a way. As though saying she couldn't imagine why anyone would want to date the golden haired girl.

"I love her, but you?" Xavier shook his head as he began walking backwards, hatred burning in his green eyes. "What's to like about you?"

"Xavier-" Hecate began, taking a step forwards but Wednesday outstretched her hand and forced Hecate to stop walking.

"Don't. He's not good for you."

"Not good for me?" Hecate scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. "He's the only thing good for me!"

"What do you know? You are young, gullible, naive, stupid and too soft to know otherwise. Just listen to me, i'm only looking out for you." Wednesday sharply said, staring at Hecate whilst she watched tears form in the sea blue eyes.

And Xavier was gone. He didn't hear the vicious, emotionally damaging words that came from Wednesday Addams' mouth. He didn't see the girl he loved slowly breaking each time Wednesday spoke of her.

How did they get to this? When Wednesday first arrived she'd threatened Ajax because of what Ajax had said about her and Hecate, but now? Now, Wednesday was almost belittling Hecate. Making her feel small and worthless.

A sudden thud caught the girl's attention.

"You know, he seems a little protective of sunflower there." A man with a blad head and dark circles around his eyes, clad from neck to tow in black clothing, said.

"That's Xavier." Hecate said quietly, enough for the man to  hear.

"How long have you been lurking?" Wednesday asked and Uncle Fester sighed.

"Long enough to feel the tension between those two." Uncle Fester allowed lightning to cackle between his finger tips. "Yowza!"

"What tension? There's no-"

"Sexual tension, my dear." Uncle Fester said, patting Hecate's head as she simply blankly stared at her. "You both a filled with it, but your both also afraid of exploring that in fear of what the other would think."

"How do you-"

"You just need to cut it. Perhaps an executioner's axe?"

"Why are talking about this!?" Hecate squeaked, feeling uncomfortable with the topic on hand. There was sudden tapping though, and Uncle Fester turned his head with a small smile towards the direction of the noise.

"I'd recognize the patter of those fingertips anywhere." Then, the apendage that had been more than helpful to the two Addams girls appeared on top of a chester drawer cabinet. "Hello, Thing!" However, Thing stomped his thumb in anger. "You can't still be mad about the Kalamazoo job. It wasn't my fault!" Then the fingers to the lost hand wrapped themselves around Fester's throat. "You said you could crack that safe in thirty seconds. Five minutes later...we were still standing there!" He continued to struggle against Thing. "You're all thumbs!"

"Enough." Wednesday bellowed slightly, stopping the fight between her Uncle and Thing. Fester turned, revealing Thing to be on his shoulder with a finger in his mouth, pulling on it. "Let him go." Thing did as told and Wednesday looked back at her Uncle. "Show us the diary."

"So, what is the monster?" Hecate questioned, wondering if anyone knew the answer.

"It's called a Hyde."

"As in-"

"Jerkyll and Hyde? Yes." Fester replied, answering Hecate's question before she could even ask it. Fester showed them to a portrait and said "here we are". The portrait was of a being that had hair covering them from head to toe, shades to cover where their eyes are meant to be and a fedora hat perched on their head. "Iggy was Faulkner's right hand. Trained a generation of Nightshades. And behind Iggy Itt..." trailing off, Fester reached a hand forwards and pulled back the portrait, revealing a safe.

Thing climbed his way up the desk and to the safe, which made Fester raise a non-existant brow.

"Do i have time for a snooze, or can you crack this one quickly?" Thing stopped briefly before continued to the safe. He stood himself up on the bottom of his wrist where his arm should be and cracked his knuckles and began. He tried a combination, it didn't work so he began another. "This is turning into a replay of Kalamazoo."

"Hush, Uncle Fester, have some faith in Thing." Hecate softly said, placing a hand on her Uncle's upper arm briefly whilst she watched Thing with fascination. She never understood how one could crack a safe code without knowing the code.

A snap resounded, and Hecate grinned, knowing Thing had cracked it from that sound.

The only thing inside the safe was a book, an old diary. Wednesday grabbed it, examined it and then beamed at Fester the best she could before shutting the safe.



heyy how was chapter thirty four? Please comment and vote xoxo
~ I know i do skip out bits of the episodes, but i only really do parts that i think would have an impact on Hecate and her plot, if that makes sense?
~ we're getting closer to the end.....

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