
By Raven0822

24.8K 986 912

*Altered timeline*Very mature content*18 and older* A very reluctant Jamie Dorsey agrees to listen to the ide... More

Reunited at last
Hi, James
Please, just hear me out
You talk a lot don't you
I trust you
Making up and whispered confessions
Moving day
It's an emergency
Broken together
Happy birthday!
Deuxième partie
Taking a break
Queen of broken hearts
Fake it till you make it
Rip off the band-aid
Checking in
Movie night
We need to talk
New Asgard
A week in Paris
Hey there, doll
Bold of you to assume

Go get your girl

608 37 7
By Raven0822

Natasha's POV

Since Jamie had decided to extend her trip out even further to include working a job and since Maria wouldn’t let him back after his initial request was up because Dr Raynor had ratted about his depression, Bucky had been hanging around the Tower to help alleviate his boredom and so he didn't have to be alone in their apartment surrounded by all of her things. It really wasn't helping though. If anything, it was making it worse. Everywhere he went Natasha knew he saw Jamie in some way in a remembered time from when they'd hung out or trained here. That or someone would casually bring her up in conversation because she was as much a part of their lives as she was his. So after two weeks of watching this, Natasha had had enough. Seeing the poor lovesick man pining for one of her closest friends while hiding said feelings as best he could from their other mutual friend was killing her to the level of annoyance only Tony could inspire in her. Also she was a sucker for romance.

When Jamie and Bucky were on the outs it quickly became apparent to her that the younger woman was feeling more than friendship for the metal armed man. It's why Natasha had insisted Jamie talk to him before she left for her vacation. Otherwise she knew things would only spiral even more in Jamie's absence. She hated to admit it, but it had taken her a little longer to come to the same conclusion in regards to Barnes' feelings towards Jamie. It's why when she happened to see Jamie's name linked with Richelieu's, Natasha had clicked on the article more out of concern rather than curiosity. She expected to see something regarding the work she'd just done for him and his company, instead Natasha saw what looked like Richelieu kissing Jamie's neck while he had his arm wrapped around her.

The cozy scene the paparazzi pictures painted was one of a new couple out for an evening stroll with an adorable giant black puppy. Within seconds she had called Jamie despite the time difference to find out what the hell was going on and if she knew that her face was all over the society gossip rags from Paris to the world over that cared about the billionaire's love life. Natasha had been relieved to find out that it wasn't what it looked like. The gossip articles almost never printed correct information, but when Jamie and Bucky were still on the outs she had mentioned that Richelieu was interested in being more than friends. It wouldn't be the first time a woman had used another man to get over someone else.

It wasn't really Jamie's style though, but sometimes you do desperate things when your heart gets bruised and broken. After talking for a few more minutes Natasha let her friend go back to sleep and sought out Bucky to warn him about the articles floating around. As a man, he was bound to do something stupid if he assumed that the woman he was in love with was off galavanting all over France with some rich asshole who didn't actually have a chance with her if he would only pull his head out of his ass.

Finding him in his usual spot in the living room she rolled her eyes at the sight before her. As per his new routine Bucky was slumped down on the couch with Alpine draped across his chest. Biting back the sarcastic comment that comes to mind Natasha crosses the open room to plop down next to him. Reaching over she scratches a sleeping Ally between her ears causing the feline to begin to purr while she stretches out before settling back down on her owner's chest with a big yawn. "I need to talk to you about something important regarding Jamie and something that's just been published on several websites."

At the mention of her name Bucky simultaneously perks up while trying to appear unphased. "Oh, has her pictures for Richelieu been published already? I figured she'd need a few more days to sort and edit them first." She shakes her head no.

"It's not about that. However it does involve Richelieu." Holding up her phone she says, "I'm going to show you something and you aren't going to freak out. You're going to listen to what I have to say because I've already talked to her and gotten the real story." With that warning in place, Natasha pulls up the first link that she'd initially read. Handing over her phone she sits there watching as he skims the article talking about the Frenchman's past love life.

She watches as he keeps scrolling down in annoyed disinterest until his eyes catch on the pictures of Richelieu and Jamie strolling down the street looking for all the world a couple in love. Abruptly sitting up, he displaces a very unhappy Alpine who yowls in annoyance before strolling away to find another spot to take her nap in with a flick of her fluffy tail. "What is this?" Looking up at her expectantly he growls his question again. "What the fuck is this? She said–"

Holding up a hand Natasha speaks in a calm, even tone. "It's not what it looks like, Barnes. She's not dating him. I called her a few minutes ago to confirm. It's just two friends out for a walk and a bad angle. He was warning her of the paperazzi." She explains the picture in question while he scoffs in disbelief. He continues to scroll through the rest of the article detailing the new romance between the billionaire and award winning photographer along with pictures of the two of them from this week.

"This sure as hell doesn't look like just two friends out for a walk to me. This looks like they're out on dates." He shakes his head as he hands Natasha back her phone. "This is why she's been pulling away from me. I thought–" Bucky's jaw hardens before he smooths out the pained expression on his face. "It doesn't matter what I thought. I was wrong."

"It's no different than when you two hang out and you're just friends, right?" That shuts him up. "As her friend I don't see why you're so upset about the possibility of Jamie finding happiness with someone. I mean, I'd get it you had more than friendly feelings towards her…"

"It's clear, you know. So cut the bullshit, Romanoff." He growled, a flash of frustration and irritation in his artic blue eyes as he stared blankly over at her.

"I didn't for sure, but your confirmation is much appreciated." She smirks at him with triumph written all over her face. It really was nice to always be right. "So what are you going to do about it?"

A look of defeat flashes across his face and he slumps back against the back of the couch. "Nothing."

"That's stupid." A snort of derision leaves her lips making Bucky's nostrils flare with barely restrained anger. "Just because things didn't work out with her and Steve doesn't mean you can't take your shot when I know she feels the same way about you."

Brow furrowed, he frowned harder at her. "Yes, it does. It means exactly that." He says as if that explains everything. That this was the end of the discussion.

Bucky didn't know her very well if he thought she'd just let this go. Letting go wasn't something she did well contrary to what others may think, not when it really mattered. The people she's come to see as her family these past almost fifteen years mattered to her and she wanted them to be happy. If being with Jamie made Bucky happy and vice versa then she would do what she could to make it happen. Steve would eventually find his person. Of that she was absolutely certain. He would because he was too good of a person to not find love after everything he's been through.

"Again, stupid." She says with pursed lips that slowly spread into a smirk. When he glowers at her she only grins wider. "It is and you know it." Losing the smile, she became a little more serious. "Look, Steve's my friend too and I don't want him hurting anymore than you do. He took the chance and told her how he felt. It didn't work out how he hoped. That sucks, but he's a big boy. Sure it might hurt him for a while. However I doubt he would stand in your guy's way if it meant you really cared about each other the way I think you do." Her bright green eyes shift to the left looking at something or rather someone, over his shoulder. "Right, Rogers?"

Stiffening, Bucky kept his startled pale blue eyes on hers while his best friend entered the room. How long had he been standing there he wondered. Obviously long enough for him to hear the last bit of Natasha's speech if the blank expression on Steve's face said anything. Crossing his arms over his chest, Steve stood a little ways away from him. "Is it true? Are you in love with Jamie?"

Swallowing roughly, Bucky closes his eyes for half a second before opening them to look straight into his best friend's eyes and nod his head. He couldn't lie about how he felt about her. Not anymore. "Yes."

Clenching his jaw Steve lets out a deep sigh as he uncrosses his arms and sits down on the other half of the couch across from his friends. Sharing a look with Natasha, he dips his head in thanks for opening this topic that he'd been too cowardly to do himself. "I kind of figured that out on my own." When Bucky's gaze locked questionly onto his he explains, "The day she left for Norway. The way you ran after her spoke volumes. It became even more clear when I started to look back on how you two interacted from the moment you met." It pained him to ask because he already knew the answer, but he asked anyway. "She likes you too, right?"

"I thought so, but I don't know anymore." Running a hand over the back of his neck Bucky was uncomfortable talking about Jamie with Steve. No matter how much he seemed to have accepted their feelings for each other, it still felt wrong. As if it was shoving it in his face.

"She still does." Steve says with a defeated light in his eyes. After a moment the light fades as he sits up a little bit more looking more like his friend and less like his rival. "She's not the greatest when it comes to talking about how she feels. It can be like pulling teeth with that girl." He chuckles with a shake of his head knowing that bit of information from personal experience.

"Jamie's putting space between you so as to save your friendship." She says. Needing to step in, Natasha tries to help the men see the chaos that was going through their friend's head. "With what happened between her and Steve she doesn't want to send mixed signals. But she still wants you and is fighting it because I'm assuming you've both made the decision to not act out of respect for Steve and his feelings?" When he shares a look with his friend, Bucky nods once confirming what she's said. Nat nods herself as she continues on. "It doesn't help that she only recently broke up with Thomas and almost immediately had feelings for you from the moment you met. She's more than a little confused about what to do and normally she'd talk to Steve, but she won't because she doesn't want to hurt him. Instead, she's run away from everything trying to gain perspective and finds herself in a new friendship with someone else who wants to be more than friends. Now she's trying to figure out what's going to happen when she comes home and so she's putting distance between you so she can guard her heart from getting hurt."

What Natasha doesn't add is the niggle of thoughts Jamie's had about going on a date with Richelieu just to see if it'll help her get over any romantic feelings for Bucky. Because it would be easier for them to abide by their agreement if her feelings for him turned to someone else. When both men stare back at her with wide eyes Nat shakes her head at them. "Women are complicated creatures, gentlemen. There's a lot that goes on in here," She taps her head with her index finger. "At any given time we're thinking about ten different scenarios and the potential outcomes. Then we try to act accordingly when things start to play out." Shifting her attention to Bucky, Natasha stares hard at him. "Do you want to be with her?"

His gaze flits towards Steve for a second before he speaks. "Yes, but–"

"No buts." She cuts him off. "If you want her, then you need to fight for her. Because while those pictures are fake I can guarantee you that Richelieu wants them to be real. He's spent the last week showing Jamie everything he has to offer and I don't just mean how much money he has. If you spend any time with Jamie you'll know that doesn't matter to her." She taps her phone in reminder of the slew of pictures he'd seen to get her point across. "He's taken her to all of the places she's ever wanted to visit while in France. Giving her his time and the experiences that she's always wanted with someone. Showing her that she can get the romance without the drama and all of the tumultuous history with him." She gestures from him to Steve.

"Nat's right." Steve says slowly drawing their attention over to him. "You can't let anyone hold you back if you really love Jamie. Does it hurt that she doesn't love me the way I had hoped? Of course, but I would never want either of you to be unhappy. I would have been angry if you went behind my back and hid a relationship, but you both have tried to set aside your feelings to spare mine." He lets out a breath as he looks directly at Bucky with a grimace. "It's not fair to ask either of you to do that. Not that you need my blessing," He huffs out a breath while trying to be happy for his best friend and the woman he loved. "But you guys have it."

Speechless, Bucky sits there staring back at Steve unsure if what just happened, happened. Interrupting what she was sure was his mind exploding, Natasha cocks her head to the side. "So what is your plan of action, Barnes?" When his pale blue eyes snap over to lock on hers, Nat smirks tauntingly. "Or are you just going to let that Frenchman steal your girl? She goes back to New Asgard on Monday, but I have it on good authority that Richelieu is making plans for her. Romantic sounding plans for the last few days he has her all to himself." That finally spurs him into action.

Standing up, she and Steve watch as Bucky begins to pace the length of the living room. After a few minutes he comes to a stop staring down at the busy streets for a second before turning on his heel. "I need a quinjet or a plane ticket. I've got to get to Jamie before she leaves France. I can't let Richelieu snake her attention because I've been so stupid."

"I think I can help with that." They all shift to see Tony leaning against the entryway with his arms crossed over his chest. "Has he finally admitted that he's in love with her?" He asks the two still seated on the couch, sparing Steve a sympathetic look.

Nodding Steve rests his weight against the arm of the couch. "So what's your plan, Stark?" If Jamie had to be with anyone, he wanted her to be with someone who actually cared about her and didn't leave him with a bad taste in his mouth. Outwardly there wasn't anything wrong with Richelieu, but deep down the guy gave off a skeezy vibe and he hadn't even met the man in person yet.

"I've got Stark Industries business in Milan." Tony tells the room. "I think my private plane can accommodate another passenger and should conveniently make a stop in Paris to refuel." Checking his watch he looks back up at Bucky when he adds, "That is, if you're ready to leave in the next hour?"

"It's more than enough time to head home and pack a bag and be back before you leave." Bucky says already mentally packing his bag while he heads for the exit. After half a second he stops and glances over at his cat who was happily sunning herself in front of the far wall of windows.

Before he could say a word, Steve nods to let him know he'd take care of her for him. "I've got enough of Alpine's supplies here to watch her while you're gone." With a smile that only held the tiniest hint of pain he said, "Go get your girl."

Natasha and Steve watch as Bucky leaves with Tony on his heels. Giving him the details of where Happy would be waiting and to what private airfield they were going where his Gulfstream was fueled and ready to go. Sitting back she tilts her head to the side as she studies her friend. Sighing Steve shakes his head, speaking quietly he says, "I don't want to talk about it, Nat."

Lifting a sculpted brow, she crosses one leg over the other. "I didn't say a word."

He gives her a look as he waves his hand in the general direction of her face. "Your face can be very expressive when you want it to be."

Chuckling because she had to give him that one, Natasha just waits for him to open up to her. Patience was an assassin's greatest skill and she had it in spades. She just had to sit there and wait for him to crack. It surprisingly took longer than she thought it would. Honestly she thought he would give up within minutes, but she had to hand it to Steve for holding out as long as he did. He impressed her when nearly half an hour passed and still he kept silent.

Only when Ally made her way over to seek his attention another half hour later did he finally open his mouth. "I almost wish I hadn't said anything to anyone and had just gone back to live my life in the past." Coming over to sit next to him, Natasha pets Alpine who was purring contentedly between them.

"We both know you would have been happy for a while. But it wasn't the life you were meant to have, Steve." She was sympathetic to his side of things, he was one of her closest friends after all. They had gone through hell and back for five years before their mission where she sacrificed herself to bring everyone back went into play. It was because of him that she herself was back and for that she'd always be grateful to him. It's why she was going to be by his side helping him through however long it took for him to move on from loving Jamie for the last almost six years. "I know how much it took for you to let Peggy go. And it's been rough to watch you love someone who isn't your person." She lets out a humorless laugh. "You've got shit luck in the love department, Rogers. But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you give up." Avoiding her gaze, he doesn't say anything.

When Alpine rolls over onto her back they each cautiously scratch her tummy. It was a hit or a miss with the feline on whether or not she actually wanted them to do it. When she doesn't bat at them with her claws Natasha lets Steve take over. He peeks his gaze up to gauge her reaction to what he has to say next. "I'm thinking of taking some time off. I know everyone just got back and things are heating up, but I need to get my head straight. Otherwise I won't be focused and people could get hurt or worse."

"That might be a good thing. Would you stay here or travel?" She inquired as to what he was thinking. If he stayed he'd be forced to watch Bucky and Jamie's relationship progress through the honeymoon phase and she didn't think he could stomach that.

"Undecided. I do know that Jamie and I need to talk first. Clear the air and all that." He shrugs his broad shoulders. "I don't want things to get any more awkward than they already will be when she comes back."

"You know, a phone call will work just as well. Jamie will be fine." She says watching him pick up Ally to cuddle her, needing the comfort more than he was willing to admit. "What you need to do is focus on yourself and what you need so you can heal. Stop worrying about everyone else and how they feel for once." She insisted when Steve goes to open his mouth to argue with her. "I know it'll be hard for you to do, but it's okay to be a little selfish once in a while. You've earned it."

Changing the subject he sets Alpine down and attempts to brush off the long white hairs stuck to his shirt. "Do you mind keeping an eye on her while I go for a run? I need to think."

"Of course." She smiles picking her up. "And Rogers," Natasha waits until he looks her in the eyes before speaking. "I'm always here to talk to, about whatever you need. No judgments."

"I know. Thanks, Nat." Walking over he bends down to kiss the top of her head. "You know, if I ever had a sister I'd want her to be just like you."

Preening just a little at that she smiles up at him. "It's because I'm awesome, right?" She might joke but Steve didn't know how much that sentiment really meant to her.

They hadn't had the best start at the beginning of their partnership back in 2012. However when Hydra had been exposed in 2014 and then with the two years when they'd been on the run on top of the last five years when they were pretty much all the other had, they'd grown so much closer. Their relationship now was on par with how she felt about Clint and Jamie. They were her family in every sense of the word as much as Yelena was.

"Oh absolutely. That and you won't hesitate to kick my ass when I'm being dumb." He laughs as he heads for the hall that leads to their apartments. "I'll be back soon. I'm just gonna do a few laps around the park."

"Take your time. Me and Ally will be just fine." She shoos him away when he hesitates in the entryway. "Isn't that right?" Natasha coos as she settles further back on the couch letting Alpine play with the string on her zipper hoodie. Thanking her again, Steve takes off leaving her to pat herself on the back. In one afternoon she'd managed to help two of her friends or as much as she was able to help Steve with his dilemma. He would take some more time, but at least the air was cleared between him and Buck. And with Barnes on his way to Paris she could cross Jamie off her list as well. Now she just needed to convince Yelena to come to New York and work with her like the old days and then she'd be golden.

-Author's note-

I hadn't intended to get this chapter out at all while focusing my time and attention on Lark's edits, but I got inspired before bed last night. Hope you've enjoyed reading this chapter. Sorry for all the updates. I got over excited to publish without triple checking. Should be all good now.


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