This Is Our Sweet Blasphemy (...

By blackveilbridesisbae

12K 562 124


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

465 20 3
By blackveilbridesisbae

~Jake's POV~

Jinxx is getting on my very last nerve lately. He says I take things too personally and over think everything. Like take yesterday for example. Ashley made a comment to me about Andy and I took it as they were fighting. Ashley says he was just kidding but I don't think that's the case.

"Jake you're taking it too literal. Ashley and Andy kid around like that all the time. No biggie."

"He just called him a douchebag! I don't believe that's very endearing to say about your boyfriend." I crossed my arms.

"Yeah and last week Andy made fun of Ashley for taking too long get ready and called him Princess Purdy for that entire week. Ashley laughed about it and said that it suited him. Your point Jake?" Jinxx says and I just rolled my eyes. "You're making a big deal out of nothing."

"Well you're making nothing of a big deal!" I say exasperatedly.

"Okay let's just take a step back and everyone take some breaths and cool off before this gets too heated." CC intervenes.

"I wanna break up Jinxx." I say out of the blue.

"Well that escalated quickly." Andy mutters.

"Well fine then! I don't need you Jacob." Jinxx raises his voice, clearly hurt.

"Go find another poor bastard to-"

"Enough! Both of you!" CC intervenes again and separated me and Jinxx. I stormed off in a huff and didnt look back. I'll just find another guy that's better then Jinxx. How hard could that really be?

~Jinxx's POV~

Jake just broke up with me. I-I don't know how to feel about this. It was so sudden and extremely rash on his part. And then i just let him walk away. Why did i let him walk out of my life? Yes yes i know we're still bandmates and have to share a tour bus. Don't remind me. Well this will be painfully awkward having to see each other least until the tour's over in 6 months. Andy gives me a sympathetic hug and asks if i'm all right. I nodded but i was far from it. A normal person might throw themselves into another girl/guy or focus on hobbies/work/anything to take their minds off their break up. Some move on but stay away from dating for awhile......or forever. What am i gonna do? I don't know yet. I'm still trying to process what the Hell just happened.

"Jinxx buddy you alright?" Ashley asks.

"What just happened?" Ashley frowns and hugged me as well. A few minutes later CC asks if i'm okay and i snapped. "I swear to God the next person who asks that I'm gonna start throwing punches or something." I walked off and started thinking of what next. So what am i gonna do? Go to a bar. Cause that's the most logical-_-

At the bar i had several girls, the slutty type that Ashley always seem to pick up at bars, try and get with me but i turned them all down with a simple "I'm gay." and they all left, disgusted with me. I sighed and sipped my beer when a guy sat next to me.

"Hey pouty boy. You look like you're having the time of your life." i looked over at this boy in all black. He had long black hair and was about Jake's height.

"I can hardly contain my excitement." I mumbled and he laughs.

"I can tell. I'm Will." He smiles in a friendly manner and i nodded.


"Nice to meet you."

"You as well."

"So you look like you could use a shoulder to cry on."

"You don't really wanna hear my sob story. "

"Hit me." So I told Will how me and Jake had been fighting lately then our blowout that ended in our breaking up. "I'm sorry Jinxx. Jake sounds like a douche."

"No he's not!"

"Oh.......I see. He broke up with you. And you're taking this harder then him."

"I don't know if that last one is true or not. But yeah basically."

"I don't wanna sound too forward but you wanna get out of here?" I take it by that question, Will is gay as well.

"Yes, I'd love too Will." Okay so maybe i'm throwing myself into another relationship not even an hour after me and Jake broke up. I reached for my wallet to pay the bartender when Will took his out and paid.

"It's on me Jinxx." He smiles and we walked out to the parking lot. I took him to my car and I took him back to the bus.

"So what band you in Jinxx?"

"You ever heard of Black Veil Brides?"

"They're fucking awesome."

"Well I'm just hoping Jake isn't inside." Will takes my hand and I blushed. I walked in and Jake wasn't there but i got the weirdest looks from Andy. At one point Ashley walked behind Will and held up a picture of Jake. Oh my fucking God. Will's the spitting image of Jake. I gasped and was taken back. Ashley nods and i can't unsee that. Andy and Ashley left the bus so me and Will settled on the couch for a movie. I got a text from Ashley.

"You're not over Jake."

"Shut up."

"That's why you hooked up with that guy. Cause he reminds you of Jake."

"I said shut up Purdy."

"Deny it all you want but it's true."

"I'm not talking to you anymore."

An hour later Ashley texts me again. "You're not the only one. Look at Jake's guy." He of course looked just like me. Awww......Jake still loves me. I love him too but i'm staying with Will. Maybe this'll just be a one-night stand. Who knows.

"Penny for your thoughts Jinxx?" Will pauses the movie and looks at me.

"Nothing, just random shit Ash is bugging me about. Don't worry about it."

"I wasn't until you said that so now i think i'm gonna worry. What's really going on?"

"Ashley probably thinks that I only like you because you're the spitting image of Jake. He says I'm not over him yet and also that Jake picked a guy that looks just like me because he's not over me. But I wanna stay with you Will."

"Jinxx you love Jake and Jake loves you. The break up was rash and y'all need to get back together. Simple as that."


"I understand."

"No i'm staying right here with you Will and that's final." He nods and we started the movie up again. I'll prove that I really am into Will for him, not for his resemblance to Jake.

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